He needs to rebuild his clan now! But she is way to stubborn now. Now he needs to make her want to help him. But will she? SasuSauku.
Sakura was walking down the street going to Hinata's Bridal party. It was about time Naruto had the balls to go and purposed to her. She had bought Hinata the perfect gift…well if she was Hinata she would love it.
As Sakura was at the door about to ring the doorbell it made her imagine if she would ever get married? When she was a stupid girl all she could think about was when Sasuke would marry her. Oh she would always look in bridal magazines and look in the mirror and say I do repeatedly. And then she would make a manly voice and say I pronounce you husband and wife. And then she would skip down the stairs saying Mrs. Sakura Uchiha.
After thinking about her childish dreams she smiled and rang the doorbell. Not in a million years would Sasuke purpose. Better yet he was probably never coming back. Honestly she would say no if he came back she was done with him. But no matter how hard she tries to forget him those memories of her fighting for his love will always remain in her shattered heart.
Hinata opened the door. "Hi Sakura-Chan! Come in." She said shyly. After all these years of being friends with Hinata she is still the shiest girl around her. Oh well Naruto hopefully will teach her to open up a little bit.
"Hinata here's your gift! You better like it or I might get angry!" Said Sakura sarcastically.
Hinata's eyes grew big and then they went back to normal size when Sakura rubbed her shoulder and said it was just a joke! And then Hinata took in a deep breath after that.
"Well come on open your gifts!" Said Ino shaking Hinata. "I bet you my gift is better then Big Forehead Girls!" Still after all these years Ino and her were always in a competition.
Hinata nodded her head to go open the gifts just so Ino would stop shaking her. She stumbled over her feet a little bit from her dizziness but it still didn't stop her from walking in to the Living room where all the gifts were.
Everybody in the room screamed open my gift first. But Hinata randomly picked up a gift so nobody' feelings would get hurt.
It was Ten Tens gift first. When she opened the present it was a new apron that said kiss the cook along with cooking supplies and the matching oven mittens. She knew Hinata cooked a lot for Naruto. So she decided to buy her all cooking stuff.
"Sooo how do you like it?" Said Ten Ten sipping on her Margarita.
"I like it a lot and Naruto will think it's cute on me!" Said Hinata with a blush. She wasn't used to getting spoiled by anyone except for Naruto.
Next gift was from Ino. Sakura was upset now because Ino was going to brag now because her gift came before hers.
"Hurry up!" Said Ino impatiently to Hinata. "Hey don't talk to her like that it's her gift she can take as long as she wants opening it!" Said Sakura sticking up for Hinata.
When Hinata finally opened up the gift it was tons and tons of jewelry that her and Ino looked at in a catalog.
"Thank you very much!" Said Hinata very happily with a cheerful smile and a blush.
"Beat that Forehead Girl!" Said Ino victoriously. " I can beat you any time I want to and right now I'm going to whoop your ass in the battle of the gifts!" Said Sakura happily. That made Ino frown a bit. Witch made Sakura grin happily.
As Hinata opened the gift and took out the clothing her faces flushed to red. It was all the kind of stuff stripers would wear.
When Hinata said nothing and just stared at it. Sakura said… "Hey what's up with your face? Don't you have sex when you're on your honeymoon? I bought you that stuff thinking maybe you would want to look good when you guys umm like do it." Said Sakura with big eyes.
Hinata sweat dropped and looked at Sakura. Thank you Sakura for the gift. Sakura smiled and said," Well if they aren't your size you could return them. After all you do have big breast." That made Hinata sweat drop.
"Well I best be going now said Sakura I don't feel like hearing Tsunade yelling at me again for being late for training. Oh and Hinata I will see you at the wedding as your Best MAID!" Said Sakura in Ino's face happily. "Well see you later guys!" Said Sakura as she shut the door.
She looked down as she walked down the street. The real reason why she left is because she was the only one not married. Ten Ten married Neji after Lee dumped her. Ino married Sai. And Now Hinata was getting married to Naruto. I mean out of all people Naruto was actually going to get married before her. But Hinata, Ten Ten, and Ino were her friends. She couldn't just mope around thinking how much her life sucks she had to support them on they're special day.
She stopped after that thought she felt like somebody was following her. She actually had been feeling this way ever since last week. She turned around to see if anyone was there she took in a deep breath. Then turned back around. She screamed when she saw Sasuke in front of her.
Sasuke covered her mouth and shook his head. He was annoyed that she screamed like that. Suddenly he felt his hand ripped from her mouth.
"You're an S ranked criminal! Why did you come back now your going to be arrested!" Said Sakura screaming at him.
" I only came for a reason." Said Sasuke looking at her annoyed.
"What's the reason?" She said taking a step back as he was walking towards her.
"I…I need to rebuild my clan." He said with a slight blush staring at her.
"You said you would do anything for me. So I came back for you so you would rebuild my clan with me." He said with no emotion in his voice as he saw her burst out laughing.
"HAHAHAHHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAHA…ha! You got to be kidding me. I told you that millions of times you had the chance and you blew it. I'll let you leave now so you won't get arrested. Because I'm nice like that.' She said walking past him.
Then he grabbed her shoulder forcefully.
"You don't have a choice!" He said with sharingan spiraling out of control. And before Sakura knew what was happening she was knocked out.
When she woke up she was in a huge room. It was so big and everything inside it was worth more than she was. She got up and looked around touching everything. Then Sasuke came walking it. She got startled and dropped a vase.
"Opps..." She said looking at the shattered peices.
Sasuke's eye started to twitch as she tried to put it back together.
"Take your clothes off." He said taking off his shirt and throwing it to the ground. The vase fell apart again.
"Excuse me! I haven't seen you since I was seventeen. And you think I'M going to take my clothes off for YOU!" Think again their buddy my clothes are staying on me and there's nothing you can do about it." She said staring at him.
(Inner Sakura) "Oh my god look at those muscles! You got to be a fool not to be able to those those. They were sent from God! I know it they have to be. Sakura take your clothes off!" "No." "YES!" "No." "YES!" "NOOOO!" Said Sakura fighting back.
Sasuke was freaked out seeing her nodding her head no and frantically saying no. He thought she was saying it to him. But he didn't care anymore he needed to rebuild his clan. Even if it meant raping her. So he took out a kunai knife. And walked over to Sakura. The he grabbed the little spaghetti straps to her dress and cut them making her dress fall down.
She then stopped fighting with her self. And slapped Sasuke across his face.
"DON'T EVER DO THAT AGAIN EVER!" she said yelling at him with fire in her eyes.
But then he picked her up. She was tossing in and turning in his arms hitting him hard...really hard.
"It's no use fighting me your way to weak." Then she stopped hitting him. She hated when people told her that. Then she was placed on the bed softly.
As he reached for the clips holding her bra together...She kicked him right in the balls as hard as she could. He rolled off the bed rolling back and forth. She kicked him way to hard. He felt like he was going to vomit.
" Next time think of who you're dealing with. She picked up Sasuke's shirt and threw it on over her self. Then opened the door she was in Orichimaru's lair. Then looked out the window she was on the top floor. So then she got Sasuke's clothes and threw them out the window since he wasn't wearing anything.
Sasuke got up and looked out the window as they were falling to the ground. His eye started to twitch. He had to walk all the way to the third floor to get to his room. And he was on the 16th floor.
She smiled at him and before she knew it Sasuke was yelling at her. They were yelling back and forth at each other. This was such a turn on for Sasuke. But she kicked him out of her room and left him to deal with all the sound nins.
Oh he was so angry now.
How was the story? Please no flaming.