AN: This will be an alternate world where Sasuke, Itachi and Sakura will remain their usual selves (for the most part) but play out different roles in a very different Konoha. It will be extremely mature, as Sakura is basically Sasuke's sex slave and and plot will focus on the dynamics between these three characters. Updating will be inconsistent and expect a lot of lemons. Do not read if you do not want even a taste of BDSM. If you don't know what that means, leave now.

Sakura watched the leaf as if cascaded down from the tree and landed in the river. The water rippled out, and she smiled as the breeze hit her skin. The weather was perfect and everyone in Konoha was out enjoying the nice day. She felt her hair lift off her shoulders in the wind and smiled. It stretched down to her mid back now and she was pleased by how much it had grown.

During her training days, she had cut it short, but the day after her sixteenth birthday, she had decided she would start focusing more on her outward appearance. Her mother had discouraged her from advancing her ninja training, and focusing on making a good marriage. As much as she missed her days as a ninja with her friends, she knew it was for the best.


Hearing Ino, Sakura run from the bridge and towards her friends.

"The prince is in town right now, come on, hurry!" she said.

Sakura felt a spark of excitement at catching a glimpse of Konoha's handsome Uchiha prince. The young Sasuke was everyone's pride and joy and Sakura could not help but be fascinated by him. His attractiveness was incomprehensible and she melted every time she caught sight of his pale skin and black hair.

This Uchiha clan had long since controlled Konoha, their jutsu beyond any other clan's power. The two sons of the current Lord Hokage were said to be prodigies of the Uchiha clan, and would likely become legendary ninja. Darting through the crowd behind Ino, Sakura peeked through and saw the young Uchiha at his brother's side.

The Hokage was at the edge of the balcony from the Hokage's tower, apparently about to make an address to the public.

"It is with great pleasure that I announce to you today that my eldest son, Itachi, has agreed to wed Princess Asuka of the Hidden Moon Village. This marriage will give Konoha control of this foreign land and create a strong union, ensuring our safety and prosperity," he said.

The crowd cheered and celebrated, but Sakura could not help but notice the distant look on the eldest prince's face. Clearly the marriage was just a political move. He probably had not even met her.

"Furthermore," he continued, "My youngest son, Sasuke, has just turned sixteen and I will be choosing his first mistress to live within the estate."

Sakura's eyes widened. She remembered the whispers when this had been done for Itachi when he was younger and the strange tone the village had of it. No one spoke against it though when their daughters were taken to be the royal prince's concubines. They were not harmed, and released after some time of duty, but despite their promise of prominent marriages, everyone in the village knew they had been nothing more than his sex slave, and they were disgraced. However, they were well cared for, only their pride to be worried over.

Sakura heard Ino gasp at the news and rolled her eyes. The shame would not matter to many. And she couldn't deny, reputation aside, there was nothing that would be bad about the arrangement, but she had way too much pride to ever partake in such a thing.

Looking over at the younger Uchiha, sakura froze when their eyes met. Unable to look away, she felt a shiver run down her spine at the look he was giving her.

That's how she figured it out.

That she was the first one chosen.

# # #

The ceremony that took her to the Uchiha head family's estate was an elaborate one. When the ANBU black op's squad came to her home, her mother had fainted. She had tried to politely refuse, but they ignored her. Sakura felt a deep sinking feeling as they came into her home and took her to her room. She knew she could do nothing, and any more protests would have her detained for treason.

She stood in shock as she was dressed and veiled, the public meant to be shielded of her identity until she was released from her stay there. Feeling panic stricken, Sakura realized they were blindfolding her too.

The whispers from the villagers unnerved her, and she wondered what lied in wait for her when she arrived at the estate. She would spend the next year or so of her life locked away like a prisoner, unable to see her family, and treated like a slave. Feeling the tears running down her skin, Sakura prayed the prince was not like his elder brother. She didn't know how much of it was true, but the rumors that had circulated after the release of his mistresses were too similar for them to all be untrue.

# # #

Sasuke finished tying the wraps around his arm and proceeded to fasten his black headband into place. All of his attention was focused on one thing—his sparring session with Itachi.

For years he had been trying to catch his elder brother. It was his greatest desire.

As he headed towards the meeting hall, he heard several of the servants whispering and wondered what was going on. Finding Itachi and his father there waiting for him, Sasuke glared at his brother.

"Why are you dressed for our match?" Sasuke asked.

Itachi simply glanced at their father.

"The girl is being brought here today, Sasuke. You are to meet her in just a few minutes. Itachi was supposed to tell you," he said.

Itachi smirked at Sasuke. "It must have slipped my mind."

Sasuke felt like someone had kicked him in the stomach.

"Father," Sasuke started, but suddenly shut his mouth when he realized he didn't know what to say. He had already fought the notion of having a mistress altogether and failed.

He would simply have to deal with it.

# # #

When she arrived in hall of the Uchiha's estate, Sakura found the Hokage waiting for her, his sons flanking him at each side. She was dressed in a silk kimono, her hair down around her shoulders, and her face veiled. She was shaking with nervousness, and did not know what was expected of her. The Hokage was patiently waiting for her to near him, watching her every move while his sons seemed to be looking at anything but her.

Every muscle in her body was about to rip from tension as her mind screamed at her to risk everything and run. She didn't want to be there, she didn't want to go through with this, and she didn't want to be trapped there!

Coming to a stop, Sakura kept her eyes on the floor.

"Sakura Haruno."

His voice was kinder than she thought it would be, and she dared look up at him.

"Lord Hokage," she said quietly.

Slowly, he smirked at her. "I hear you put up quite a fight with the ANBU before you came today."

Sakura noticed Prince Sasuke take note of this detail.

"Forgive my ignorance, Lord Hokage. I desire nothing more than to serve you and your family," she said.

"Good," he said. "While you are here, you are only required to answer to Sasuke, and will address him as your master. You may do as he says and enjoy any comforts he allows. Now, take her to be dressed, and then deliver her to Sasuke's quarters."

# # #

Sakura was left alone with a female servant who wasted no time in stripping her of her kimono. Trying to keep herself from crying, Sakura said nothing as she went about her work, doing her hair and make-up. Finally, she dressed Sakura in revealing red silk lingerie, and she felt fear rise within her.

This was happening way too fast.

Then the door to the dressing room opened and Sakura's head snapped onto the newcomer.

"Itachi," she breathed without thinking, her hands flying up to cover herself.

As if savoring her embarrassment, she closed the door slowly, his eyes never leaving her.

For years she heard stories of his accolades and prestige, and had never spoken to him herself. Now, here he was, entering her dressing room unannounced. Was this what she would be expected to get used to from these men?

"Forgive me," he said, "for not introducing myself before. I am Itachi Uchiha, Sasuke's elder brother."

Sakura nodded, baffled why he felt the need to tell her who he was.

He stepped further into the room, his expression unreadable, but his eyes never left hers. He was gauging her, every moment, and she felt unnerved by it.

"I find it most interesting that you resisted being brought here," he said.

Sakura blushed and looked away. "I was simply alarmed, Itachi-sama. I do apologize."

Itachi's eyes narrowed. "I find it most intriguing actually. Why did you? Most girls in the village would give anything to be chosen."

Sakura swallowed hard.

"I find this role disreputable," she whispered, hoping he wouldn't hear her.

But he did.

"Humph," he smirked. "Well, there is reason for that, I suppose. I'm afraid I might have to confirm your beliefs tonight, sakura, for this is my little brother that I must prepare you for. You must understand. Sasuke is not like me, and it will take some persuasion to get him to fully take advantage of having you at his disposal, but it is my utmost desire to give him an objective other than myself. So I ask in advance… forgive me for what I may put you through."

Sakura almost felt betrayed by his words, for at first, she thought she was going to find an ally in him.

"Unless you wish for me to do so for you, please remove your clothing," he said.

Staring in shock, Sakura sputtered, "What? Why?"

"Sasuke is not like me, Sakura," he said, his voice even and so calm that it almost annoyed her at how relaxed he was in such a high tension situation. "It requires a far more direct approach to get his attention."

Sakura was frozen. She didn't know what he was trying to say, but she was unable to move. Seeing a slight smirk on his face, he moved towards her.

"I was hoping you would refuse," he said.

As his hand pulled at the knot at her hip, the silk slip fell down to the floor, leaving her in the red panties. His eyes dragged up her body painfully almost, making her heart beat erratically, though he never touched her.

Then, with subtle ease, he released the ties of the halter top, exposing her breasts to him.

Sakura couldn't even breathe as his eyes ran over her. The cool air hit her hard and she wanted nothing more than for him to finish whatever it was he was doing. Then, from his pocket, he pulled out a silver chain.

"Do you know what this is, Sakura?" he asked.

Sakura stared at it and shook her head.

"Good," he said. "Try not to scream when I put it on you."

Sakura barely had time to register what he was doing before she felt a searing pain rip through her chest. Feeling the cold chain pressed against her belly, she opened her eyes and saw the ends of the chain clamped to her nipples.

"What is this?" she breathed, reaching for them.

Feeling Itachi abruptly grab her wrist, Sakura met his eyes with an insane look.

"Do not remove them," he said. "Now come with me."

Feeling like she was weighted down, Sakura could not help but feel terrified of what was waiting for her. When she reached the door, Itachi opened it for her and gestured for her to step in.

Hearing it snap with a resounding thud, she sucked in her breath.

# # #

Sasuke's eyes snapped open.

He was lying on his bed with one knee bent trying to figure out a way to get Itachi to spar with him when he heard his dork slam shut. His room had an entryway, and therefore could not see who had entered without knocking first. His bed was centered against the back wall, while there were bay windows reaching out on the far wall that led to a balcony, but they were currently covered with dark curtains, his room lit by the lamp beside his bed.

"Who's there?" Sasuke asked, annoyed. The girl wasn't supposed to be brought to him until later, which he still hadn't decided what to do about.

Hearing nothing, Sasuke tsched before he sat up and crossed his room and turned the corner.

The second he laid eyes on the girl, he stopped immediately. His eyes widened as he took in her appearance, particularly her exposed breasts, swollen from the clamps dangling from her nipples.

Sasuke Uchiha was rarely taken aback, but that had certainly done it.

"Forgive me, Sasuke-sama, for entering unannounced," she said, struggling for the words.

Forcing himself to close his mouth, Sasuke turned his back to her and returned to his room. "It doesn't matter. Come in."

Peering over his shoulder at her, Sasuke noticed she was still staring at the ground, her cheeks flaring red. She was visibly shaking and possibly even more uncomfortable than he was. Annoyed, Sasuke closed his eyes and tried to figure out what to do.

"Sakura," he said, turning back towards her, "right?"

She nodded slightly.

Sasuke couldn't help but notice how beautiful her long pink hair was. He had noticed her some time ago by her unusual color, but he knew nothing of her. It was typical her name fit the hair, but he liked it despite the obviousness.

"How old are you?" Sasuke asked.

Unable to keep his eyes off of her, Sasuke admired her full breasts.

"Sixteen, Sasuke-sama," she said.

"Then you are the same age as me," he said, stepping closer to her. "Let me make a few things clear right now, Sakura. I did not want you here in the first place, and I did not choose you, though I cannot say I am disappointed in who was given to me. Despite that, you will not be given the amount of attention you would expect to receive from me because I have other matters to focus on. You are free to go about the estate as you wish, and into the village with me, when I chose to take you. I have requested that you be given your own quarters, but was denied. I do not relish the idea of sharing the same bed as you every night, and therefore you will sleep on the couch."

Sakura nodded and he could see that her spirits were lifting every moment at her realization that his feelings were much akin to her own on the matter. However, just being in her presence with her so provocatively dressed, Sasuke could feel his pants become a discomfort to him.

Surprised by his reaction to her mere presence, Sasuke turned his attention to her.

"Why will you not look at me?" he asked.

Immediately, she looked up at him in surprise. "I did not mean to offend you."

"Tell me, what was your initial reaction to learning what they wanted you to do?" he asked.

Sakura bit her lip as she watched him. "That I was glad it was you and not your elder brother."

Something about the way she confessed such a damning detail to him sparked some sort of bond between them. Being weary of his elder brother was one thing they shared in common. Unable to resist, Sasuke reached out towards her and let his finger shift the chain hanging from her breasts.

Her entire body shuddered as he made such a small movement, and her expression become one of pain and passion.


Sasuke watched as her breasts bounced from his motion. Then, unable to resist the urge, he tugged on the chain, and a cry of pleasure escaped her lips as he dragged her forward towards him. He couldn't resist the feeling. He wanted to, because he didn't want to be distracted by this girl, but being before him as she was, he simply could not let her go untouched.

"Do you want me to remove them, Sakura?" Sasuke asked her.

She was only a few inches before him now, and nodded desperately.

Complying, Sasuke let his hand glide over her left breast and slowly plucked the clamp from her nipple.

"Ahh!" she cried, her head jerking back.

His eyes were drawn to the redness of her nipple and wishing to ease her pain, Sasuke took her breast in his hand and lowered his lips to suck her hard, swollen pebble into his mouth.

Her cries were like a drug being shot into his veins and only encouraged him to remove the other clamp and push her back against the window. He could feel her anxiety as he lifted her by her hips, putting her breasts just at his lips.

When his lips couldn't attend her wounded breasts, his hand was fondling her nipples, giving her the pleasure the harness had deceptively derived.