Sakura Haruno was pissed, no correction, beyond pissed. Slamming her locker door with as much force as she could she made her way to her next class. Other students strayed out of her path; they knew not to mess with her when she was acting like she was going to kill someone – which she probably was.

Entering the room she had aimed for she strode over to her desk and placed her stuff gently on the top of the desk. Her version of gently was to slam it down.

"Ouch. Someone's pissed, what's eating you?"

Sakura turned her head to her only legit friend throughout the entire school system which she dreadfully attended, Ten Ten.

"My fucking parents got me a tutor just 'cause I'm failing a few of my classes."

Ten Ten raised a brow, "Okay all of them. Whatever."

The brunette shook her head, "Isn't that a good thing? I thought that you wanted to get out of here more than anybody? As she spoke she made intense hand and face gestures.

"Yes I do. But they picked the worst person to tutor me."

"And who would that be exactly?"

Sakura cringed as she spoke the name of the person she probably hated the most, "Sasuke Uchiha."

Ten Ten blinked, "What the fucking flying monkeys?"

Sakura rolled her eyes at her friends term, "My exact words. I have a playboy as a tutor, and as we both know he's been itching to get into my pants for like the past two years."

"Well duh! You are the only girl here to have ever turned him down for sex. You hurt his ego cherry-baby."

Sakura snorted, "I thought we agreed not to used those nicknames anymore… panda-baby."

Ten Ten proceeded to flip off her pink haired friend before going to her own seat as the bell rang signalling for class to start. Instantly Sakura pulled out her phone and began to text said panda.

To: Panda

From: Cherry

It's not that I'm uber pissed about the whole tutor thing but c'mon. Sasuke?

I'd rather die than go anywhere, and I mean anywhere, near him.

With my luck he'll rape me during the first session.

nasty images…


Ten Ten held in a giggle, it was known that Sakura used to have a thing for Sasuke in elementary school so seeing her even virtually cringe at the thought of having sex with the guy was amusing.

To: Cherry

From: Panda

Chill out baby-cakes, I'm sure it won't be that bad. Maybe.

Besides, you have like eleven years of karate under you big knockers, use that to defend your ass.

BTW the fact you just had images of you and Sasuke-KUN doing that kind of nasty makes you a complete hypocrite.

Say it with me.


Twitching Sakura threw a glance at her counterpart and began to type a very long rant back.

To: Panda

From: Cherry

First of all, FUCK YOU.

It's not my fault that I have hormones, everybody does. And you shouldn't even talk to me about it 'cause you fucked him six months ago. Yeahh, remember that? I do. It was on my birthday.


So therefore we are both hypocrites. Mostly you though considering you promised me you would never have sex with him. Then you did. AWESOMESAUCE.

KUN? What the freaking black and orange zebras?

I'm speechless. And disappointed in you.

I thought that suffix would never be used beside his name again.

What if Neji-san found out? .O


After a few minutes Sakura put her phone away knowing that she would get no reply to that until after class when Ten Ten had the time to write a four text reply. So when her phone flashed blue, signalling a text, she was rather confused.

To: Sakura

From: Sasuke

I see that you are my newest student. I'd just like to say that within a week you will definitely be screaming my name.

You turned me down once, but you won't do it again.

I'll see you after classes for our first session.

Be prepared for anything babe, 'cause anything and everything will happen.

Sakura had the urge to snap her phone in half, that asshole had some nerve texting her that. Biting her lip she began to reply – much to her own dismay.

To: Sasuke

From: Sakura

Okay listen her pal. I'm never having sex with you. EVER.

You were lucky last time you tried to get it from me that I didn't kick you were your Uchiha pride resigns.


Call me babe again and I may just kill you. Got that?

Oh, and lastly…how the bloody fucking hell did you get my number?

Sakura knew that as soon as he got that he would be pissed. Too bad for her that his reaction was quite different.

To: Sakura

From: Sasuke

I'll call you babe whenever I please. So deal with it.

Also, you will be having sex with me sooner or later. You are the only girl who hasn't which simply can't be so.

Even you friend Ten Ten fucked me.

Also, my Uchiha pride does not only reside in my penis dear. It resides in many other places.

I have my ways of getting the information I want. And what I want.

To: Sasuke

From: Sakura

Don't you ever mention that fact to me again. I know that you and Ten Ten did it, and frankly I'm still pissed about it.

And just 'cause she fucked you doesn't mean that I will.

Alright then… I'll just damage every place in which that pride of yours resides. It'll be fun. ^-^

You stole my personal file from the office didn't you?

To: Sakura

From: Sasuke

I will mention whatever I like, but, if it angers you that much than I won't. Around you at least.

I'm glad to know that I can get a happy face out of you with violence. It'll help me in the future.

And yes I did. However, it wasn't stealing so much as trading it for a make-out session.

Now shut up and meet me at my car when classes are over.

I'll be waiting.

Twitching Sakura threw her phone into her pocket, that jerk was seriously pushing her buttons more than he should be.

As soon as the bell rang she flew out of the room and to her locker, her last class was a free period so she decided the best thing to do to calm down before she killed somebody, although the thought was a wonderful idea to her at the moment, was to have a smoke.

Throwing her messenger bag over her shoulder she grabbed everything she needed for her tutoring session. Cringe. Sighing she stormed outside to the smoking section of the school.

Leaning against the old and dirty brick walls she lit her first cigarette in possibly four months. The smoke hurt the back of her throat a little as she took a long drag.

Exhaling she ran a hand through her long locks and looked at her nails, her black nail polish had to be redone.

"Someone hates me. I swear."

Throwing the butt onto the ground she flopped onto the ground and tucked her knees up to her chest. It was then that her phone buzzed.

To: Cherry

From: Panda

You, my freakily colored haired friend have crossed a line.

Yes, I fucked him. But I was just sick of being a \/.

Also, I will use that suffix whenever the hell I please now just to piss you off. Why? Because I am emotionally scarred that you treated me so harshly over a text message about something that, and I remind you, a day AFTER your birthday. AFTER.

Remember now?

I hope so. You seriously have to calm your shit when we talk about Sasuke. Sure he's a jerk but you're a bitch. It works out wonderfully.

Also, Neji knows that I fucked him. Hell, he said I could. Wanna know why? He rejected me for Anna, that American exchange student.

So, I don't really care if he knows. He made a mistake getting with her.

Why? He's gonna get AIDS. :D

Lastly, how about you just don't text me until after your session with said playboy?

You never know what will happen in that empty ass house of his.

He is quite the charmer.

black and orange zebras? Really? That just isn't possible nor necessary.


Sakura didn't bother replying as the final bell went off. Her stomach dropped as she stood on shaky legs. Grabbing her bag she stormed her way over to the student parking lot and to her tutoring session from hell.

Kami have mercy on her pink headed soul.

Sasuke was already there and with that stupid smirk on his face. Twitching she stopped a few feet before him.

"I never thought I'd see the day when you would actually need my help."

She growled, "And I never thought I'd see the day when I was more tempted to punch you in the face. Guess we both got surprises today."

Sasuke chuckled deeply before opening the passenger-side door to his jet black Camero, "Feisty Haruno? Makes this more fun. Get in."

She had a very large urge to throw her bag at him but decided against it as there were too many witnesses. Stepping into the car and slamming the door gracefully she crossed her arms after buckling herself in.

"Oh lighten up doll."

"Call me doll again and I will make you crash into a tree." She muttered as she cast him a sideways glare out of her green orbs.

"It's doll or babe. And I wouldn't do that, wreck this and you have to pay me."


Sasuke said nothing as he started the car and exited the parking lot, making his way back to his home.

The drive was quiet as Sakura played with her hair, she was getting extremely nervous. Suddenly her phone buzzed and she bent over to get it out of her bag, opening it she frowned and had the largest urge to facepalm.

To: Sakura-chan

From: Tou-san and Kaa-san

We hope your tutoring session goes well today. Please be a good girl and behave for Sasuke, he is you only hope at passing.

We will be out until early in the morning as we were both called into work, so we will be missing supper. Take all the time you need with Sasuke.

Have a wonderful evening blossom.


Tou-san and Kaa-san.

*kissy face*

A vein in Sakura's larger forehead popped as she slammed her phone shut. Everyone was against her today. Even Kami, who had decided to make it a red light.

Throwing her phone back into her bag she looked up at where Sasuke was only to have her lips meet his.





Time had literally stopped as she tried to make sense of what was going on. Sadly, she couldn't. All she could make out was that he was a good kisser.

She didn't just think that. Nope, she did. Damnit.

As soon as Sasuke pulled back she sat up and turned her head away to hide her angry flushed pink cheeks; that had been her first kiss.

Sasuke gave a satisfied smirk before speeding all the way back to his home; he couldn't wait for the next few hours. Simply because the only tutoring he'd be doing was the sex kind.

As soon as he pulled into his driveway Sakura knew she was doomed. Stepping out of the car and closing the door behind her she made her way behind him to the already open front door.

Her bag fell from her hands – his home was gorgeous. And huge.

Sasuke closed the door behind her and with a click it was locked. His eyes never left Sakura, the challenge was on.

"Sakura, please stop ogling my house and get out whatever books you need."

He knew that would get her to turn around and – he loved being right. Sakura turned on her hell and pointed a finger at him, "Excuse me? How about you get some manners you arrogant son of a -"

Sasuke's hands shot out and grabbed her by her shoulders pulling her to him as he once again placed his lips against hers in a searing hot kiss.

Her hands instantly flew up to his chest as an attempt to push him away. Only he was much stronger than he looked and he managed to push her against the closest wall.

Her mind was fuzzy as she went to kick him in his earlier texted "pride" but he blocked her attempt and pushed a knee in-between both of her legs making rub against her covered core.

Gasping her hands clutched at his shirt as his tongue invaded her mouth and enticed her tongue to tangle with his own.

She knew she was screwed from the moment she had stepped foot in the house but she hadn't expected him to be so upfront about wanting to fuck her.

But did it ever feel good.


She was hooked all over again.

Pulling back Sasuke pressed his lips to her neck, he had seen how her eyes were cloudy and her cheeks were hot – he had her right where he wanted her.

That was when her phone rang.

Sakura's trance disappeared as she found the strength to push him away as she lunged for her bag to get to phone, hopefully she could ask to be saved.

Too bad luck wasn't on her side.

Sasuke had lunged as well and currently had her pinned to the floor as he threw the bag farther away from her.

"Sakura, Sakura, Sa-ku-ra. When will you learn that you can't break a man's concentration?" He clicked his tongue as he nuzzled her neck.

"You asshole! Get off of me, now!"

She looked into his onyx orbs as he smirked after lifting his head, "But babe, I don't really want to."

Inside she was screaming.

Hey guys, just some information for all of you wonderful people out there. (Yes I am sucking up).

My other story, Love is Another Form of Art, has been deleted but not permanently. I plan on rewriting all of the chapters and adding much needed detail and such to them. I, personally, was not happy with them and wish to improve upon my idea. Therefore I will be writing this until that time. And any other story idea I can for that matter.

I hope you have enjoyed this first chapter of, Tutoring Trouble.


