Hey there everyone!
I'm truly sorry it took me so long to post a new chapter, I hope you'll like it anyway. Reviews are always welcome! :)
Lots of Love, SnowWhiteSummer
Teeth chattering violently Masato could only stand and watch while Ren kept rummaging through cupboards, seemingly randomly grabbing things from shelves and finally assorting his findings in the middle of the wooden floor.
With a faint scratching sound the warm light of a match illuminated Ren's smiling face ," We're lucky, Masa-chan!".
Lightning several candles he motioned Masato to join him on the floor, enfolding a single cotton blanket in front of him,"Come on, we need to warm you up."
Masato stumbled closer, still not trusting his voice to work properly when he was instantly wrapped into the warm cotton, his shivering fingers practically clawing at the cloth, turning white with the effort just to hold on. Despite shaking badly he was sweating profusely, his damp clothes not standing a chance to even start drying. His head was throbbing painfully, his breath came in short, hot pants.
Masato's eyes burned when a sudden brightness enveloped the room and lifting his gaze he saw Ren kneeling in front of some kind of oven, clearly exhausted but relived nevertheless. Oppressing his coughing Ren caught Masato's gaze, beckoning him closer ,"Come here. You'll feel better once you'll warm up, Masa-chan", his voice was soft and caring.
Rain still kept dripping from the tips of his dishevelled hair, slowly drying mud stuck to his face, flushed from exhaustion, probably from running a slight temperature as well Ren kept smiling at Masato.
To Masato's fever-ridden mind he looked downright beautiful.
His knees still unsteady, his body stiff with cold and sore muscles he heaved himself up, stumbling in the process, shaking dangerously.
"Watch out, Masa-," the sudden impact of Masato's body on his cutting him short, Ren wrapped his arms around the other instinctively, cushioning the fall, cradling Masato's weak frame on top of him, his own back hitting the floor rather painfully.
"Actually I just wanted to get you over here because of the oven, but I guess cuddling will do the job as well," emitting a low chuckle, Ren lifted his right hand, combing carefully through the others hair ,"Masato?".
Receiving only a grumble Ren watched cautiously as Masato tried to heave his tired body up, failing miserably at the attempt, crushing down on Ren's chest instead.
His head was pounding viciously, every single part of his body was aching, the pain gnawing at his bones, heat overcoming him in rushing waves, while bloodcurling shivers kept running up and down his spine.
Panting he raised his gaze, eyes glassy, tears creeping in the corners, mud and dirt smeared all over his face in ugly patches, mingling with the remnants of rain and sweat all over his body.
"Ren… I…", giving up on speaking Masato rested his forehead against Ren's, breathing heavily against the others lips, brushing them with his own ever so slightly, before curling up again, his head resting on Ren's frantically heaving chest, ear pressed to his hammering heart.
Eyes wide and thoughts rushing through his head, Ren carefully stroked back several strands sticking to Masato's face, combing through the other's sticky hair, slowly regaining his composure.
"Just sleep, Masato", he hushed, his other hand tracing calming patterns on Masato's back, slowly easing the tension out of sore muscles and stiff bones, "Just sleep. You really need it…"
On top of him Masato relaxed slowly under the touch, his breathing evening out, his fever-ridden body settling down, relishing in the closeness and warmth of Ren's own damp and dirt-covered one.
Sighing Ren adjusted the blanket above Masato, shuffling slightly, trying to find the most comfortable position on the hard wooden floor beneath him, Masato's soft skin below his fingers and his calm breathing against his neck making the pain worth it.
He felt his own head buzzing rather painfully, his aching body disapproving of the creaking board he was lying on, his chest hurting with held-back coughs and Masato's weight.
Outside the rain kept pouring down mercilessly on the small cottage, the sound of heavy raindrops attacking the roof one by one while the wind was rattling on the windows, demonstrating its full force, trying to tear apart whatever dared to stand in its way and yet Ren couldn't help to feel at ease, safe and immune to the on-going chaos outside and steadily sleep settled in his bones, enveloping him like a warm and comforting blanket.
Slowly cracking his eyes open Ren was greeted with soft moonlight illuminating their shelter.
The candles having long burned down, the moon was shining brightly, basking everything in its milky shine.
Sensing the slight movements Masato stirred above him, sleepily opening his eyes and meeting Ren's gaze. Still dizzy from sleep and fever Masato starred, before frowning at Ren and finally, hit by realization, scrambled back hastily, cheeks bright red, eyes fixed on the blanket now lying next to him on the floor. Chuckling lowly Ren watched the other's reaction with amusement, sitting up as well.
"I guess at least your fever went down," the cool touch of Ren's hand on his forehead sent Masatos's head snapping up, his shocked expression only met by a soft smile. "You shouldn't be throwing that blanket around though, you-," drawing back his hand Ren's voice broke with his own dry coughing, tears sprinning to his eyes unwillingly.
Starring at the scene in front of him Masato felt his heart ache, concern tugging forcefully at every edge. Irritated he shook his head, blaming the fever for his thoughts, regretting the action instantly.
Head spinning rather unpleasantly Masato scooped up the blanket in front of him and crawled over to Ren, joining the other at his place in front of the oven, gently lowering the soft cotton over both of their bodies wordlessly.
"We only have one blanket and it's cold and.. yeah…," Masato explained himself shortly avoiding the Ren's gaze, but nevertheless practically feeling the other's surprised stare on his side.
Sitting so close to Ren Masato slowly felt Ren's body heat emanating, slowly reaching for his own body, grazing his skin, his scent wavering closer, enveloping Masato softly, tickling his nose playfully.
He didn't mind though, with all this dampness and dirt all over him Ren's closeness felt oddly comforting and calming. Unconsciously leaning closer Masato froze when Ren's slightly hoarse voice broke the silence surrounding them.
"You know," he started hesitantly, small coughs shaking his frame, "I always mean it when I compliment you, but you… You don't believe me, do you…?".
Resting his head on Masato's shoulder later could feel Ren's breath caressing his neck gently, causing somehow pleasant shivers to run down his spine, the feel of it surprisingly pleasant while Masato's head was spinning with confusion and ignored thoughts, his heart unwillingly swelling with warm fuzziness, its hammering seemingly aiming to break his ribcage any second.
"Ren… I… Could you…," he started, but broke off mid-sentence.
Turning his head slightly Masato realized Ren was sleeping calmly, his chest heaving steadily with every breath he was taking.
Smiling softly at the peaceful sight, Masato sighed and wrapped the blanket tighter around their bodies, unconsciously huddling closer to Ren, his whirling thoughts losing the battle against sleep soon after, settling down to soft breathing and the continuous pattering of the rain outside.