Author has written 17 stories for Escaflowne, Inuyasha, Spirited Away, Legend of Zelda, Labyrinth, Star Wars, and Tin Man. "No great genius is without an a mixture of madness." -Aristotle And a little about me... I'm a twenty-three year old college dropout who can't keep her room clean. I work more than what can possibly be considered healthy. I know what a kringle is. I can't draw to save my life - but that doesn't stop me from buying sketchbooks just because I like the paper. I am the chump who will buy the movie to watch it, buy the extended anniversary edition because it has two or three things the other does not have, and then proceed to buy the super duper double deluxe edition just to have it. My obsessions are on rotation. I try to play nice in the sandbox, but will always be a lurker, deep in my heart. I apologize in advance. I'm very glad to meet you. |
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