![]() Author has written 4 stories for Transformers. NAME: Eden LOCATION: Utah, USA OCCUPATION: Business Tech Student INTERESTS: writing stories, Photography, Computers, watching movies, playing video/computer games, some roleplaying (as long as the story line is interesting), FAVORITE VIDEO GAMES: Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core, Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy VII Dirge of Cerberus, Final Fantasy VIII, Final Fantasy X and X-2, Final Fantasy XIII, True Crimes Streets of L.A, Halo, Halo 2, Zelda series, Devil May Cry 1, 2, 3 and 4, Transformers, Hitman Silent Assassin, Hitman Blood Money, Hitman Contracts, Mario Brothers Smash Brawl, Resident Evil series, Fatal Frame. FAVORITE MOVIES: Transformers (all three, even though I haven't seen the third yet), Final Fantasy VII Advent Children, Underworld series, Lord of the Rings, Labyrinth, Star Wars all episodes, Back to the Future, Harry Potter (I am a Harry Potter fan so what?), Doom, Resident Evil series, Fantastic Four, X-Men series, Hellboy 1 and 2, Hitman, Kiss the Girls and Along Came A Spider (I really like James Patterson's Alex Cross), All Nightmare on Elm Street movies (even though some can be a little corny), Friday the Thirteenth (all of them), Nightmare Before Christmas. FAVORITE BOOKS: Maximum Ride series, Howl's Movie Castle, Castle in the Air and House of Many Doors (all done by Diana Wynn Jones), The Riley Jenson Guardian Series (by Keri Arthur), House of Night series, Vampire Academy Series, Harry Potter series, Twilight series, The Host (also by Stephanie Meyers), Transformers comic books, Naruto manga, Bleach manga, Chobits manga, Fruits Basket manga, Inuyasha manga, The Darkest Powers series (The Summoning, The Awakening, The Reckoning by Kelley Armstrong). Anyway, you get the point. I like to read. Top Five Favorite Transformers: Top Five Least Favorite Transformers: Completed Stories: SOS Save Earth/retitled to SOS Earth-resubmitted: A what if story that Autobots never reached Earth on time before the Decepticons got to the All Spark. What would have happened if they had not come at all? Answer; The Earth becomes a dark, enslaved world ruled by the Cons. Completed. Rated M Character Pairings: Starscream/Annabelle L./Ironhide, Sam W./Mikaela B./Bumblebee, Optimus P./Elita 1, Maggie M./Glenn W. http:///hphotos-ak-snc7/381241_2295100983614_1431753773_31877171_1156456488_n.jpg Maze Prank Scares: Sam gets a wild idea for a hilarious prank to pull on his friends and the Autobots. Wild discretion advised for hilarity and insaneness. Stories in Progress: Just Kill Me: Going too far in a punishment Megatron does the one thing that is highly forbidden to the laws of Cybertron and against Primus’ name. But who can save Starscream from him and from the madness that’s bound to follow. –slash, bot-rape, slash. In progress. Rated M Special Note: Hello, everyone. I was formly known as edenblack18 on but unfortunately, I haven't been on for a while and I forgot my password and everything. So I resigned up and decided to start over. |