A/N: I'm back. This is merely a teaser to the story so it's really short. I got a lot of inspiration for this story from reading a lot books. It's what I pretty much did all summer besides work (yay). I think when I counted them all out it ended up being over 30. It was SICK. So anyways, this is a sample to the full story. Optimus, Peyton, Sam and all the other Autobots and contacts are coming back for round two with a whole bunch of crap being thrown at them from Sam's developing powers to straightening out some relationship issues, not to mention Megatron is on the run and Barricade is AWOL. So I'm posting this now before finals begin, then I want to finish Twin Times the Fun and then my focus will be on this and some original stuff that I'm working on. So here you go. This is the first installment for The Ties of Bind: Of Sparks and Hearts.
If you are new and just happen to stumble upon this and want to read it I highly suggest reading The Ties that Bind first. You really won't know what's happening if you don't.
Disclaimer: I do not own Transformers. All OCs are mine. All mine. (lol)
Awhile ago, I had never really given much thought as to how I would die. I don't think many of us do. I think most of us hope to die of old age. We hope to live a long, full life, long enough to see our grandchildren, stick around for a few birthdays and pass away surrounded by our loved ones. But I never dwelled on how I would die. I never thought about the circumstances that would lead to my death. But no matter how little or how much I thought of it, how I was going to die now was the last thing I could have imagined.
I was vaguely aware of my name being called, both panicked and shocked. I was focused on the blood that was coating my hand. There was a stabbing pain in my chest due to the slug that ripped through my body like butter. There had been two gunshots. One that hit me and another that took out the one that shot me. I think Will might have been responsible for the second shot, but I was pretty sure it was safe to assume that the damage had already been done.
I looked up into the startled face of my guardian. I mentally cursed. He was going to blame himself, I knew it. But it wasn't his fault. I would have loved to tell him this, but I only managed to open my mouth before everything spun out of control and I was falling.
Oh, God, don't let me fall.
Jason ran for me, catching me under the arms. I was bleeding on him. He had only been holding me for a second and my blood had already seeped into his shirt. It must've been really bad. He laid me on my back. Honestly, I didn't like the vulnerable position.
"Ratchet!" he yelled.
Though my haze, I hear Ratchet transforming and soon enough a familiar MHG was hovering over me. Jason had removed his jacket and was pressing it to my chest, calling out orders to the personal standing around. Ratchet called for my guardian. I automatically reach for him. If I was going to die I was going to be selfish and I wanted him to hold my hand.
He knelt over me, in his human form, his wide blue eyes distraught and agonized as he stared down at me. Even as Ratchet and Jason fought a failing battle to save me and even as the darkness swarmed my vision, I could only focus on him. His guilt was hurting me more then the bullet had. I didn't want him to feel responsible, but I was a fool for think he'd feel otherwise.
"T-Two minutes," I said breathlessly. "I have less than two minutes."
"The bullet severed an artery," Jason confirmed. "I can't stop the bleeding."
My guardian's fierce eyes turned on Jason in desperation. "You have to. I'm not going to let…"
"No," I gasped. "Can't fix it. I'm not going to…" Did I really need to finish that sentence?
He shook his head in denial. "No."
I was hit by another stab of pain that seemed to resonate through my entire body to the tips of my fingers to the ends of my toes. "D-Don't leave me, o-okay?" I asked him. "I don't want to go alone."
He kept shaking his head in a mixture of disbelief and horror. When Ratchet and Jason moved away, he yelled at them to get back, his voice verging on hysterical, something I never thought I'd hear in his voice. They looked on helplessly and I think that's when he unwilling accepted that what was happening couldn't be stopped.
My hand flopped onto my chest. I managed to find the strength to raise it to his face, letting my fingers touch his strong jaw, but I cringed at the streaks of red that I left behind. I settled that at least he would be the last good thing I touched. My hand fell, limp and lifeless, like it already knew that I was dead while my mind struggled to keep up. I felt the blackness close in and my eyes began to lose their focus.
"Don't," he begged.
"I-I can't…"
"I love…"
A/N: Told you it was short. The whole story will not be in 1st POV. I just wanted it to be more real for the reader. So I hoped you enjoyed all 726 words of this, not including my author notes. Like I said, this is just a little teaser for what I have planned. I am going to be mean to EVERYONE. Will this have a happy ending? You'll just have to see won't you?
Please Review!