A/N: Sooooo chapter 5 is finally here! Thank you all for waiting! If you read the non beta-ed spoiler I put up a few weeks ago, then you have an idea of what is happening in this chapter. School started last week and you know what that means?! Procrastination and a busy schedule. Being the active preforming arts person I am, my school play is coming up, Alice's Wonderland. NOT ALICE IN WONDERLAND. This one is a more darker version of Alice where she is sent to an insane asylum and wonderland is all in her head. But wonderland is a mental hospital as well, where they are all mad. WITH AN ALBINO UNICORN. Splendid, yes?! Also next month I have a singing competition for Las Vegas High Schoolers only called, Above the Belt coming up as well. Also lets just add school on top of all that. So don't be expecting a chapter for a little bit because my beta and I are fairly busy now. I apologize but please bare with us! I love you all and will try to write as much as I can! Grazie!



Megatron x Starscream

RATED M; mentions of rape; more slash in future chapters

BETA: Jane Lu

Chapter 5

-Starscream's POV-

Forgetting all previous fatigue, I jumped out of the large chair the instant Megatron collapsed and knelt by the larger mech's side, whose optics were now flickering on and off unsteadily, dimming and lighting up with an uneven pattern. Oh Primus… why hadn't I noticed his energon particularly pouring from a deep gash in his side? How did that fragger even make it all the way back from the fight scene where he received the wound? I hadn't seen the mechs slash him, but the blade had cut so deep that Megatron had left a trail of copiously-spilled lifeblood all the way here.

I sat there helplessly for what had seemed like a whole stellar cycle before finally remembering that I should call for help. Pushing my way past the doors, I hollered for a medic until a mech made his appearance. Surprisingly enough, it was Soundwave. If he was horrified at his lord's injured state, he did not show it.

"Darkmount's only resident medic: Currently stationed at Polyhex. Course of action: Contact him and have him sent over immediately." But the other's monotone voice had a slightly strained quality.

"No. By the time he arrives, Megatron would have lost too much energon to be saved," I stated firmly, "For now he needs a rough patch work to stop the flow until he can receive proper treatment. Since I had basic medical training, it shouldn't be too hard for me if you have a med kit with you."

"Starscream's offer: Much appreciated."

With that, Soundwave and I managed to lift the large unconscious gladiator and heave him into a nearby chair. The TIC then retrieved a medical kit from a nearby storage cabinet and gave it to me expectantly before exiting the room to send his message to Polyhex.

I sighed and knelt down beside Megatron, realizing how ironic this whole situation was again. Back at Vos when the royal family suffered injuries of any kind, we were treated by our professional medics and servants should no medics be present. To experience a role reversal right now was disorienting, even though I had taken classes at the medical academy in Iacon but transferred to concentrate my studies on my scientific works and flying expertise. I was now treating the wounds of another instead, a grounder nonetheless.

As I opened the kit to take out a cleaning cloth, a blowtorch, a bottle of solvent and a container of solder, an unexpected thought hit me. Why was I here tending to Megatron as if I wanted to keep him out of harm's way, considering that he had particularly kidnapped me and held me here against my will in the first place? What was I doing, when I can be flying towards freedom? For once the warlord cannot stop me; I could return to my home and be reunited with my family without hindrance.

Don't be ridiculous, I told myself. Though he prevented me from returning to Vos, Megatron was not cruel. He treated me like a gentlemech, gave me decent living quarters and fought those mechs back in the alley to save me. I could not repay him by allowing him to bleed out his life force…

Then in a flash, I was suddenly back in his dark room, feeling his heavy hands on me and his sturdy frame pressed against mine…

I dismissed the memory quickly. It had nothing to do with this; apart from that Megatron had been acceptably amiable.

I stopped in middle of pouring a little solvent on the cloth to fix my attention to his visage. There were a few minor scratches across his face, but nothing that a simple buff couldn't fix. With his optics closed, Megatron looked… almost… calm and peaceful, an expression I didn't expect a gladiator to even have. In fact, it cast an almost handsome look to his appearance for the first time.

I huffed exasperatedly. That's ridiculous, I shouldn't allow my thoughts to wander like this. I shook it off with a solid whack to my own helm and tentatively laid the solvent-soaked washcloth onto the wound. Megatron lost quite a lot of energon, so it's not a surprise that he fell into stasis. As I dabbed at the wound carefully, wiping away the dried energon and making sure it was clean, I realized it wasn't as severe as I thought. The energon Megatron lost was oddly misleading, and this discovery weakened my limbs in relief. He probably wouldn't even need a medic.

When I continued my cleaning, I saw that the energon from the wound had stained his… lower regions. I immediately wanted to leave it alone, but my now-accursed habit of never leaving work half-finished disagreed. So being careful not to stir him from stasis, I dabbed gingerly at the area with my faceplates scrunched up in distaste, wiping away until the purple stains were gone.

Thankfully Megatron was still offline to the rest of the world, though I wasn't taking any chances as I kept a sharp optic on him. That giant dolt could wake up any cycle if I wasn't careful, who would no doubt give me one of his irritable smirks upon seeing me tending to him or bring up a perverted comment about the close proximity of my servos on his codpiece. The very thought of that happening irked me to no end, so much that I accidentally jabbed at the gash harder than I intended to. Megatron shifted in his high back chair in response with a grunt of discomfort.

I froze, stopping all movement as I held my breath tensely. Then I slowly let it out when he continued to slumber after a good few decaseconds.

After I finished cleaning up, I retrieved the bottle of solder and applied a thick layer of the silver glutinous substance to the other's wound. Soon I activated the blowtorch to meld the alloys together, closing the gash at last. Unconsciously, my servo found support on his thigh as I worked, for I was now in quite an awkward position that threatened to overbalance me anytime. Wouldn't Megatron be amused if he happened to online right now, though he was on the edge of doing so as he winced from time to time. Thank Primus he's so immune to being woken up, or I would have been dealing with his unwanted arrogance by now.

There was a sudden increase in the hum of his internal systems, effectively halting me again. So I did thank the creator deity too soon.

"Hello, Starscream." Megatron greeted me simply with a small smirk.

I scowled at him in annoyance.

"Oh, don't be like that. After all, I did save you from those fools down in Kaon." The gladiator said casually, sitting up straighter in his chair.

I stubbornly remained silent as I looked away, for I didn't trust myself to say anything not scathingly nasty in return to Megatron's smug attitude. But interestingly enough, his next words were not even remotely close to that.

"What were you thinking when you ran off into Kaon in the middle of the recharge cycle? Mechs there could have done so much worse to you! Do you know what could've happened if I hadn't been around the same vicinity?!" Megatron's voice was bordering on urgent panic.

"Nothing! I could have handled it myself just fine if only I had my null-rays which you confiscated!" I snapped back, unimpressed as soon as I remembered how it could have been avoided in the first place.

"Handled it? If I recall correctly you were calling my name in distress for me to save you. That certainly did not sound like you were 'handling yourself just fine'."

"Did I really do something as ridiculous as that?! I can fight for myself perfectly fine if given the chance." My anger arose as Megatron continued to belittle me, even though most of it was true, "Your audios must have misheard, especially after you lost that much energon!"

"Energon? As if. I- Ouch! That hurt!" He hissed at me when I purposefully increased the heat of the blowtorch. It gave me a somewhat twisted satisfaction to see that I had made him drop his high-and-mighty behavior. Megatron was just an ordinary mech who felt pain like any other.

"Then SHUT UP!" I snarled, "Be thankful that I'm even treating your wounds after all that has happened."

"Well, this wouldn't have happened if you hadn't run away!" He retorted with his voice filled with irritation.

That's it! I finally lost patience as I remembered what had caused me to leave Darkmount. I backhanded the warlord across his face as I shouted,

"I wouldn't even have considered leaving if you hadn't violated me the cycle before!"

"Wha…" Megatron had been stunned by the blow, "If I hadn't what?"

With those confused words, my anger seemed to deflate, leaving me weary and exasperated. So Megatron still had no idea what he had done. Most of me wanted to yell it in his face and watch his priceless shocked expression. But what would really happen? Would the other actually force himself on me again after knowing that he had already done it once? Suddenly I didn't want to think about it, and just wanted to leave that event completely forgotten between us.

"Forget it." I muttered.

"No, you were about to say something-"

"I said forget it!"

I went back to work, but the atmosphere between us had gone awkward and tense. Megatron was now studying me intently as if to find out the reason for my strange behavior. In response, I averted my optics and concentrated on sealing the wound tightly shut.

"Your coming to my aid was much appreciated. You have my thanks." I soon had to break the uncomfortable silence when I realized I still had to adhere to my status as royalty. Thanks and acknowledgement were still given to those who put their lives in line for the Vosian royal family, even to ground pounders such as him.

Megatron chuckled lightly at that, "But not too long ago you said that you could've handled it yourself. What's with the change of spark?"

"So you respond to my duly given thanks with sarcasm?! Obviously you are a stranger to good manners, you simple-processored gladiator." I said in annoyance. And that was that. Our previous little argument was forgotten, as well as the warlord's displeasure about me leaving the fortress.

I tightened my other servo as I moved the blowtorch over a particularly tricky angle, or attempted to. I had completely forgotten that it was placed on his thigh as Megatron made a noncommittal sound and gave me an odd look. I quickly retracted my servo and bit my lip. Oh great… thanks for making this a lot more awkward, Mega-fragger.

"Whatever. Just shut up and hold still. This is going to hurt more if you move." I started to weld the last of the solder together and Megatron made a pained grimace. Lessening the intensity of the flame slightly seemed to alleviate the discomfort. The warlord didn't do so again as he patiently watched me finish.

"And I thank you for your treatment," He said smoothly enough, but there was a hint of halting stiffness to his voice, "I am glad that I came in time for you, or I would have been the one tending to you instead. It is relieving to see that you are fine."

There was something about the way Megatron spoke that brought heat to my faceplates. Not even one of my many suitors in Vos had ever extended their concern to me like this before, for they were only interested in my high social status and my future throne. Yet a grounder of all mechs had done this, one that had kidnapped me nonetheless.

I tried to reply, honestly I did. But by then I was too embarrassed to compose a coherent sentence. I settled for turning my helm away and giving a quick nod, only to feel a deep rumbling through the other's frame as he chuckled amusedly again.

"N-now let me finish fixing you up. You do have a match in five decacycles…" I trailed off without meaning to, and cursed my vocalizer for making me seem like an embarrassed fool. Hurriedly gathering up the medical tools, I crammed them into the kit and turned away to place it back in the cupboard.

"Well, I did not know you were so well-informed, Starscream." His smirk could almost be felt.

"This slagging fortress particularly has a live news feed on your every schedule." I scoffed quickly, turning around…

To find his optics staring straight at mine. I barely managed to meet that gaze for what seemed like stellar cycles, even though my knees seemed to weaken as I almost became mesmerized in it. Megatron's dark crimson optics were warm and bright in the dim lighting, and yet seemed so distant and lost in an unfathomable depth.

I snapped out of it and turned my helm away again. That staring contest had left a strange feeling in my tanks akin to a thousand scraplets crawling in them. It didn't make sense. Why should I be feeling like this around Megatron when I previously cursed him for taking away my freedom? What had changed now that I should act so awkwardly around him?

I was still confused when we eventually parted ways, but interestingly enough, I welcomed this change.

3rd Person POV

"Did you see that?!" Skywarp poked Thundercracker on the arm eagerly to coax a response out of the other, though Thundercracker merely sighed and backed away from the half-closed door.

"Yes, I saw that 'Warp. But it doesn't mean anything." Thundercracker replied nonchalantly. Skywarp whined in disappointment and started to tug on the other seeker's arm insistently.

"Come on! Star had practically fallen helm over pedes for Megatron! Look at his faceplates! He was blushing like a femme on a first date!" He poked his helm through the door again. "See! They are still staring at each other!" He squealed with excitement at that last part, though Thundercracker immediately slapped a servo over his mouth, grabbed him by the wing and dragged him away from the door. Skywarp gave a muffled whine in protest as he was bodily manhandled out of the area.

"If Megatron were to find out that you were spying on him like this, he would have our helms! What if Soundwave saw us?!" Thundercracker scolded urgently.

That knocked Skywarp out of his giddy excitement as he began to ramble nervously, "Soundwave is practically everywhere! What if he did see us?! And since he's a telepath, he probably already read our thoughts! Maybe he is going up to Megatron right now and telling him about it! What if he already did?! And what if he…!"

Thundercracker sighed and allowed Skywarp to rant as he continued to drag him away into their berthroom. This definitely was going to be a long recharge cycle…


Starscream followed Megatron through the hallways of the dark fortress, no longer scared of the larger mech due to how much time he had stayed here. They had quite a few normal conversations after the incident, yet they were still a tad bit awkward around each other, with Megatron speaking stiffly and Starscream experiencing the crawling scraplet sensation again and again. The seeker now stayed in the room right next to Megatron's equally large one instead the one on the complete opposite side of Darkmount. The move surprised the seeker. It's not like it was an immense change, but it sure did shock the prince that the gladiator wanted to keep him closer. He also didn't have to address Megatron "formally" while the rest of the 'Cons in the fortress had to call him Lord Megatron. Failure to do so would result in a light but painful punishment. Those luxuries really made the uneasy feeling in Starscream's tanks increase especially when he knew Megatron had purposefully made those changes. Usually the seeker just brushed it away carelessly.

Although many times Starscream still clashed with the warlord especially when the topic involved his personal freedom. Right now the seeker was standing resolutely in front of Megatron at the main entrance with his servos tightly clenched and a scowl on his faceplates.

"Look, Megatron. I am a seeker, and seekers need to fly. You cannot keep me holed up here any longer without me going insane, so I suggest you to allow me to take a flight alone around the vicinity. And no, I don't want any escorts even though Thundercracker and Skywarp are the only mechs I can tolerate here…"

Megatron sighed as he listened to Starscream request once again to fly on his own. So far he had denied the other, for he was still uncomfortable about leaving him alone in Darkmount.

"If you take to the skies, I cannot guarantee your safety like I do on the ground. Can I trust you to take care of yourself?" Megatron sounded firm enough, but there was a hint of concern in his voice.

Starscream sensed it too and shifted uncomfortably. He felt his cheekplates slowly heat up and lowered his helm in an attempt to hide his obviously embarrassed expression.

"I won't go that far. You can count on that." He replied meekly.

Megatron glanced the seeker in slight surprise at his rare submissive attitude. Starscream had now covered most of his faceplates with one palm with his optics averted to the side. It was oddly… endearing and cute at the same time to see the normally defiant and fiery mech now backing down.

The warlord had to force his thoughts back with some difficulty. Did he just consider Starscream as… that? If so, he seriously had to rethink his life. But the way Starscream continued to look away abashedly was eroding away at his refusal. A flight around Darkmount should be safe as long as he stayed in the air, and Megatron didn't exactly want a moody seeker on his servos. He had detained the other long enough.

"Fine, but only for a few cycles. I will be watching you, so stay in my sight." The warlord sighed heavily.

Starscream's relief was clear as he bowed slightly in thanks. He took a few running steps through the doors, leapt into the air and transformed to blast off upwards in his jet mode. Megatron followed slowly out a little distance away on the ground, starting to ponder on the reason why he was always so lenient towards the Vosian prince unlike any other. It was strange; he had never treated any mech like this or ever felt such concern for another before. For his entire life Megatron had to fight for his own, and his rare attempts to help another mech were always met with betrayal and scorn. Such soft feelings were foreign to a gladiator like him.

The warlord's proximity sensors suddenly alerted him of another presence approaching steadily. He relaxed as soon as he recognized his third-in-command's energy signature.

"Soundwave, do you have anything to report?" Megatron asked.

"Negative." The monotone mech replied, "Reason for my presence: To share a few of my observations about Starscream."

"Go ahead." The warlord said distractedly as he watched Starscream fly in complicated loops. It was hypnotizing to watch all the graceful maneuvers he executed in the freedom of the sky.

"My first inquiry: Lord Megatron, what do you feel when you are around with Prince Starscream?"

Megatron literally snapped his helm around to look at the other incredulously. Since Soundwave was not known for emotions, it was jarring to have this question thrown at him, or by any mech, for the matter.

"Not to sound rude, but what does this have to do with Starscream?"

"Everything." Soundwave intoned simply.

Megatron sighed and pinched his nasal ridge wearily, "I'm not real big on emotions as you should have known by now. No, I do not feel anything significant when with the seeker. I shouldn't be, since I was never programmed to feel that much in the first place. You know I was once a miner before I became a gladiator. Even if I had felt such, I… could not explain or… comprehend their meaning."

Soundwave nodded understandably, "Nevertheless, I believe you do hold some feelings towards him, those bordering on affection and tenderness… and even love if you allow them to progress further."

Megatron's optics widened at the statement. What was this? Soundwave actually lecturing him on emotions? Even though the other mech was one of his oldest and closest followers, Soundwave did not know him inside and out. Certainly he had mistaken, especially when Megatron had always believed such feelings as unnecessary.

"Don't be absurd. We've only known each other for a few orbital cycles. Besides, I cannot afford to have such an attachment; it is a dangerous for a gladiator to do so." The warlord returned hastily.

"But you do not deny the fact that you tried to protect him with the best of your abilities. Conclusion: Actions still speak louder than words." Was there smugness in Soundwave's monotone voice?

Megatron huffed in defeat, "So what? I am still the one who took Starscream away from his home. He is the crown Prince of Vos, and I a pit fighter in Kaon. Quite a match, you must admit."

But his sarcasm was only there to hide the unexpected pang in his spark as he looked up at the sky. Starscream had transformed back to bipedal mode by then and was now soaring elegantly along. He suddenly allowed himself to freefall, twisting and turning gracefully all the way down. The warlord couldn't help but admire every angle of his slender frame until the seeker fired up his thrusters to shoot upwards again. There was an utterly content smile on Starscream's faceplates.

"Yes indeed, I can imagine it. Starscream the future ruler of Vos finally going soft on me the miner-turned-gladiator. What use are those 'feelings' if he does not share them at all? And considering our caste difference, I highly doubt it would happen." Megatron said bitterly. For some reason seeing the prince so carefree in the air had brought out his usually hidden misgivings.

"You still concern yourself over his wellbeing?" Soundwave inquired.

"Heh. You can say that." The warlord said dismissively.

"Conclusion: You have the desire to court him."

This was getting more and more uncomfortable, and if the other had been any mech but Soundwave Megatron would have dismissed him hurriedly. But what Soundwave said made sense. He wanted Starscream closer to him, and he would have to start somewhere. Still, a part of him felt heavy apprehension about what lay ahead of him. Megatron hadn't exactly courted another mech properly before; he usually just took what he wanted and left them alone. He had planned to do this to Starscream also, however somewhere along the way he had lost that desire.

In the end Megatron simply sighed and nodded in acknowledgement.

"Starscream: Has potential of aiding you greatly. Then you would have to do something to win him over, Lord Megatron. That will be all. Soundwave: Returning to oversee transportation of weapons supply." The other mech replied, turning around to head back to the fortress.

By now Megatron had already started to consider his best course of action as he watched his TIC disappear inside of Darkmount. So he should try to court Starscream? As unlikely as it seemed, part of him was somewhat looking forward toward it. Then again, how would he know if Starscream wanted to be approached, let alone be won over? Megatron had to start somewhere, preferably by granting the seeker something he liked. As if on cue, Soundwave suddenly contacted him via comlink.

:::An addendum: There are rumors that Vosian Prince longs to learn about the worlds beyond Cybertron.:::

:::Thank you, Soundwave.::: Megatron kept his reply short, for an idea was already forming in his mind at this new piece of information. But how much would it contribute to winning Starscream over? Would he suspect-

Megatron cut off his line of thought quickly. When had he started to doubt so much and feel so much confusion? So it was true that emotions are petty things, to gladiators, that is. If he had harbored such feelings for the majority of his life, Megatron was sure that he wouldn't have survived this long.

The hum of approaching engines was heard close above, and an upward glance revealed Starscream descending to land lightly on the ground. He looked considerably relaxed and confident as he strode back to where Megatron was.

And he greeted the seeker with a wry smile. Seeing Starscream at ease like this once again buoyed his mood greatly. Perhaps things might even work out between them, now that he knew what to give to the little Prince.

A/N: Damn that ending sucked… Also I am thinking about making a Erwin x Levi fanfic from Shingeki no Kyojin. A modern AU, but it is the zombie apocalypse to substitute for Titans xD also Zombie apocalypse fics are the best :) And no I do not exactly ship Eren and Levi as much as most of the fandom :/ Its just the age gap and stuff, but some of the fan art is adorable! Hehehe so give me your thoughts as well.