![]() Author has written 53 stories for Cats, Warriors, Phantom of the Opera, Harry Potter, Les Misérables, and Seussical. Yo!! Its MacavityManiac! And, this is my profile. Enjoy, and be prepared for a LOT of Macavity! Name - MacavityManiac Species - Jellicle Gender - Queen Mate - Macavity Nicknames - Mana, Miss Maniac, Psyco (by Munkustrap), Maccy Age - 15 Country - USA Other Favorites - Wicked, Hairspray, Warriors, Funny Girl, Little Shop Of Horrors, Pirates of the Caribbean, Twilight Likes - CATS (duh!!), Warriors, my two kitties, Macavity, sugar, reading, writing, Macavity, sugar, painting, Swedish Fish, scetching, drawing, Macavity, sugar, sugar, sugar, SUGAR!! And MMMAAACCCAAAVVVIIITTTYYY!! ( get the point?) Dislikes - CATS haters ( what's wrong with you people!?), Macavity haters (Grrrrrrrrrrrrr!!), math, homework, Kingdom Hearts (sorry Volixia669), Munkustrap ( he hates Macavity, I hate him. That's a warning to all Macavity haters. You hate him, I hate you!!) I'm a weird and freaky girl who would rather sit and read, write, or draw than ride a roller coaster. If I have sugar, I get very hyper and random!! KITTY!! LIP GLOSS!! CHOCOLATE!! Macavity : Uh.. is it possible for you to not go insane? MacavityManiac : NOO!! NEVER!! (starts to dance around singing Macvaity's song) Macavity, Macavity! There's no one like Macavity! Macavity : (makes cute face) (I'm not going to call it a 'puppy dog' face. that would insult cats everywhere) Please? MacavityManiac : AWWWW!! SO CUTE!! (rabidfangirltacklehugs him, and starts kissing his face) Macavity : (gives readers a murderous look) Whoever gave her sugar. I. Will. Kill. You. (looks at MacavityManiac) Although, I kinda like this. You fanfiction writers need to give me more fangirls like this. (points at MacavityManic, than hugs her) MacavityManiac : (almost faints when Macavity hugs her) Hehehe. (looks annoyed at readers) Well, go on. Keep reading! "Macavity will rule the world!!" - me when I went totally insane the other day when my friend Olivia said that I couldn't hire Macavity to desroy her. I yelled this to the entire soccer field, including my crush. Arn't I smart? "I'm a flying goth kitty!!" - me the other day when i, once again, went insane. i was swinging very high at the time, so the flying part is understandable, and so is the goth part since i recently went goth. and the kitty part, well, thats just me. "I'm SO drunk!" - me at a sleep over where i drank like two of those big soda bottles. "Pie!!" - my very random friend. "I am Moses!" - my other very random friend when he was walking around the playground holding a huge stone and a log. this ended with me and my other friend chasing him with pointy sticks, him throwing the rock on the climbing structure, and my friend doing presure point to him. fun huh? "She'll cut off your head, until you're dead! She doesn't really wanna be your friend!" - my very VERY random friend singing a song when we were doing a very random pirates of the caribbean rpg at recess. she was her oc disco dog. 0.o "Be a lady!" - my stepmom when she was taking a pic of me and my bffs outside a school dance and my friend said shit when she dropped her phone. "Shnarf Shnarf!!!" - me when me and Miss-Misto were in NYC last weekend and she was pinning my hair inside my cats wig for our Amer'cas got Talent audition and she stuck a bobby pin into my head. a few minutes later, her mom walked in and Miss-Misto was like 'this is the sound Mana makes when i stick a bobby pin in her head' and she stuck another bobby pin in meh head and I said that again. that has been my saying/moto for the past week "It's like a gusher! Only bloody." - my friend Will yesterday when i almost sliced my thumb off in wood shop. "PENGUN!!!" - my friend Meg the other day. She said this in a very kung-fu way If you have ever suppressed the urge to yell "MACAVITY!!" in a quiet room, copy this into your profile. Random favorites food - chicken parmagiana soda - root beer or cream soda other drink - arizona sweetened iced tea or mcdonalds sweet iced tea book - phantom of the opera by gaston leroux and the warriors series by erin hunter movie - phantom of the opera (2004) and cats smell - vinegar animal - cat name - destiny best friends on fanfiction.net - Mistofan10, RumTumTugress, Miss-Misto, Volixia669, Weaslygirl88, Ravyn's Wing caffine is my friend. sugar is my BEST friend. if you have caffine and/or sugar when you have writer's block and the writer's block goes away instantly, copy and paste this into your profile 11/25/10 - I got into a production of CATS!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!! My jazz teacher is choreographing it and she saw me and Miss-Misto trick-or-treating in our cats costumes and told us about it. It's a highschool production at a school in the next town and i went to watch the audition and she let me audition for the ensamble!!!!! I got in and i might get a solo, either singing or dancing!!! I'M SO EXCITED!!!! AND I JUST CAN'T HIDE IT!!!! I also might get to do the makeup and make some of the costumes!!! I'M IN HEAVEN!!!!! If you wake up or stay up till midnight just so you can sing Music of the Night, copy this into your profile If you think that Christine from Phantom of the Opera needs brain surgery, copy this into your profile If you've ever wished you could jump into a movie/book and smack a character for being so incredibly stupid, copy this into your profile. If you've ever wanted to give a movie or show character a flyingtacklehug, copy and paste this into your profile. (*cough* Macavity *cough*) If you are so obsessed with Musical Theatre that you randomly start quoting it, copy this into your profile. If you have music in your soul, post this in your profile! If you have ever seen a movie (or show) so many times that you can quote it word for word, and you do at random moments, copy and paste this in your profile. (*cough* CATS *cough*) If you are bored and like to write stuff, copy and paste this onto your profile. If you are obsessed with ANYTHING and it scares some of your friends copy and paste this onto your profile. If it amazes you how many times you think about a movie or musical copy and paste this on your profile. 92 percent of teens and young adults would die if Abercrombie and Fitch said it was uncool to breathe. If you are part of the 8 percent who would be laughing your butt off, copy this into your profile. If you are completely obsessed with one of the Jellicles, copy and paste this so that the obsessed can band together to go kidnap those Jellicles. (*cough* Macavity *cough*) If you got three wishes and would use one of those wishes to become a Jellicle, copy and paste this. Pick your 10 favorite characters from CATS (or anything else) 1. Macavity 2.Demeter 3.Tugger 4.Jemima 5.Rumpleteazer 6.Bombalurina 7.Etcetera 8.Pouncival 9.Victoria 10.Mistoffelees (1) and (5) are hiding something from the others. What is their secret? That Rumpleteazer is Macavity's daughter (2) has found out that (4) and (3) are mates. What do they think? Demeter finds out that Tugger and Jemima are mates? Of course, she doesn't care. She hates Tugger. (5) is out on a walk when something stops them. What is it most likely to be? Woolworth pearls or Tugger. Write a summary for a (6)/(1) story. Hmmmmmm? Bomba gets attacked by a Pollicle, Macavity saves her and nurses her back to health at his Empire, they end up falling in love, Bomba gets the Jellicles to reaccept Macavity. Write a title for a (2)/(10) love story. Umm, ok. Golden Fireworks (2)/(8) or (8)/(5)? 8/5. I think Pounci and Teazer would be a better couple than Deme and Pounci. Dem is too serious for Pounce. Teazer and Pounce are both mischievious and funny. They would be perfect for each other. Who would be a better match for a pollicle dog, (7) or (6)? Bombalurina. She's more feirce and can probably look after herself better than Cetti. (5) is mated with (3), but (6) wants (3) to them self. (6) gets (2) and (8) to help, but everything goes wrong when (3) runs off with (9). (4) and (10) go to bring them both back, but find that (2) and (3) are the parents of (7) and (10). It comes to light that (5) was cheating on (3) with (10), and cheating on both of them with (8). What is the tribe's reaction? Oh boy. Rumpleteazer is mated with Tugger but Bombalurina wants Tugger all to herself. Bombalurina gets Demeter and Pouncival to help, but everything goes wrong when Tugger runs off with Victoria. Jemima and Mistoffelees go to bring them both back, but find out that Demeter and Tugger are the parents of Etcetera and Mistoffelees. It comes to light that Rumpleteazer was cheating on Tugger with Mistoffelees, and cheating on both of them with Pouncival. What is the tribe's reaction? Okay, they are shocked that Tugger picked Teazer, and that he runs off with Victoria. They are really shocked that Demeter and Tugger are/were mates, and that Teazer would cheat on Tugger with either Misto or Pounci. Are you happy? I'd rather be hated for who I am than be loved for who I'm not. "Don't follow in my footsteps, I tend to walk into walls." (and off cliffs!) If ya can't beat 'em, join 'em. If you think Writer's Block sucks, copy and paste this into your profile. Did you know the average American only reads 3 books a year? If you don't believe that it's even possible to read that little, copy and paste this onto your profile. If you sometimes talk to yourself copy and paste this onto your profile. "Weird is good, strange is bad, and odd is when you don't know which to call someone. Weird is the same as different, which is the same as unique, then weird is good. If you are weird and proud of it, copy this onto your profile!" If you have ever pushed on a door that said pull or vise versa copy this into your profile If you have a tendency to talk to your self, copy and paste this into your profile When life gives you lemons...make apple juice, then laugh at the idiots who spend their lives figuring out how the bloody heck you did that. If your one of the people who could perfectly understand Jack Sparrow's confusing rants and when your friends all had confounded expressions on their faces you were like, "well duh that made perfect sense", copy this into your profile. If your one of those people who can literally stay on the computer for hours on in if only you weren't forced to get off, then copy and paste this on your profile. (unless I get bored) Being unique is thinking outside the box, reading between the lines, coloring out of pictures, dancing to the tune of your own drummer, and having a heck of a better time than other people. If you're unique, copy and paste this in your profile. .eliforp ruoy otni etsap dna ypoc ,sdrawkcab siht daer ot hguone trams era uoy fI (It took me a minute to figure this out, but it is funny!) If you've been on the computer for hours on end, reading numerous fanfictions, copy this onto your profile, and add your name to this list: danyan, Avatarwolf, Computerfreak101, Tulip-Jin, Bakura’s Gaurdian Angel, Reaper-of-Lost-Souls, -Hannah-Thief14, ChaoticRainfall, kyomaki-is-love, Aaya-kun, Insane Tara, MacavityManiac If you have ever yelled at and/or slapped an inanimate object from anger, paste this on your profile. A large percent of authors do not know the difference between 'your' and 'you're'. If you do know the difference, copy and paste this to your profile. If you hate those obnoxious snobby people, PLEASE copy this into your profile If you ever forgotten what you were talking about in a conversation copy and paste this into your profile. If you have ever tripped over your own feet, copy and paste this into your profile. 92 of the teen population would be dead if Abercrombie and Fitch or Hollister decided that breathing wasn't cool!! Put this on your profile if you would be one of the 8 laughing hysterically in the background! 98 percent of teenagers do or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2 percent who hasn't, copy & paste this in your profile. If you hate homework, join the club and copy and paste this into your profile. (Unless it's acting for my Drama class!) 93 percent of American Teens would have a severe emotional breakdown is someone called them a freak. If you're part of the 7 percent who will say "What was your first clue?" Copy and paste this to your profile and add you name to this list: Sunlit Goddess of C.O.C.A., Moonlit Goddess of C.O.C.A., Evil genius of COCA, Invader Miley Phantom, Stardawn, NightOfTheTiger, Faithrose, Allan Pike, The Worst Nightmare (I'm a freak and very proud of it, thank you very much),Pinetail, Maj Enn, xxouchibitmytonguexx, Aaya-Kun, Insane Tara (INSANITY!!), MacavityManiac (love me, love Macavity!) Did you know...It’s impossible to apply mascara with your mouth closed I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid. Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? Yaeh and I awlyas thought slpeling was ipmorantt! tahts so cool! If you could read that put it in your profile If you like singing songs at random points in the day, copy and paste this into your profile. If you've ever forgotten how old you are when someone asked you, copy and paste this onto your profile. If you are insane and proud of it, copy this into your profile. "I reject your reality and substitute my own." Adam Savage, Mythbusters "Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you are a mile away from them and you have their shoes." Freida Norris "Heaven doesn't want me and hell is afraid I'll take over." "If you don't like me, there is nothing I can do. Here's a newsflash Honey, I don't live to please you." If you've ever wondered what you are like in another dimension. Copy and paste this in your profile. If you think that being unique is cooler than being cool, copy this on your profile. If you like filling your profile with 'copy this into your profile' thingys, then copy and paste this into your profile! If you've ever wondered what you are like in another dimension. Copy and paste this in your profile. If you think that being unique is cooler than being cool, copy this on your profile. If you think you have too many of these "copy and paste this into your profile" thingies, but have no intention of stopping now, copy and paste this into your profile. If you love Fanfiction.net, copy and paste this into your profile. If you think it's stupid that girls are associated with the color pink, copy and paste this into your profile. If you hate those obnoxious preppy people PLEASE copy this in your profile. (I got this from Musicgal3. Tanks Musicgal3!)Choose your 6 favourite cats, in no particular order. (Remove mine!) 1)Macavity 2)Demeter 3)Bombalurina 4)Tugger 5)Mistoffelees 6)Jemima (1) and (5) are related. How so and what have they in common (at least one)? Okay, Macavity is Misto and Victoria's dad. Macavity and Misto both have magical powers, and Victoria kinda has magical dance powers. Imagine that (2) is a thief. Some items are left lying around, but (2) they can only steal one item. Which one is it? The items are as follows: Argentine joint, a string of (fake) pearls, a wristwatch, a mini Peke statue and an old book. (2) and (3) are caught by (1) together in a deserted spot. Although they say that (3) is comforting (2), the expressions on their faces tell another story. What is the real reason for their being alone and what does (1) think the real reason is? (3) and (4) are best of friends, but have a little tiff when it comes to light that (3) is wanting to mate with (5), whom (4) likes. (5), however, is torn between the two, although (2) catches their eye. What happens next? Continuing the previous scenario, (5) loves (2) and (2) secretly admires (5). What happens when (1), (3) and (4) find out that (5) loves (2)? (6) has been chosen to go to the Heaviside Layer. Who will rejoice most and why? (Keep in mind that is it an honour for Jellicles to be chosen to go to Heaviside.) 1. Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 81, and find line 4. to snooze in." 2. Stretch your left arm out as far as you can, What can you touch? air 3. What is the last thing you watched on TV? Smoking Gun presents World's Dumbest Criminals 4. Without looking, guess what time it is: 8:29 5. Now look at the clock. What is the actual time? 8:30 6. With the exception of the computer, what can you hear? The TV 7. When did you last step outside? What were you doing? Not sure what time it was, but I was running like a madcat inside from the car, trying to escape the pouring rain. 8. Before you started this survey, what did you look at? A Macavity fanfic (hehehe) 9. What are you wearing? A slate gray tee-shirt with some black designs onthe bottom and a pink heart on one side; black jeans; and gold gladiator sandels with orange straps. I'm a freak arn't I?:) 10. Did you dream last night? Yes. I deamt that Tugger was in cat form and he came into my house, followed by some kittens. I adopt them all, and than some grown up, fluffy form of Etcetera comes in with her kitten, and I forget the rest. 11. When did you last laugh? When I was on the phone with my mom and I said that my friend Stephanie had permision to be exqueezed from school early, instead of excused. 12. What is on the walls of the room you are in? Three paintings, some light fixtures, bookshelves, another picture, three doors, and ten windows 13. Seen anything weird lately? yes. I'm watching a show about dumb criminals, and I saw a really dumb criminal peeing in someones's car. 14. What do you think of this survey? No comment. 15. What is the last movie you saw? Cats. Duh!?!?!?! 16. If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy? The rights to Cats, anything that says Macavity on it (if there was nothing that said Macavity, I would get some stuff custom made), I would dye my hair dark ginger, buy green contact lenses, and buy a life time supply of unitards, arm warmers, leg warmers, yarn, crepe wool, fabric paint, fabric dye, and face paint. 17. Tell me something about you that I don't know: I've seen the Cats video 298 times 18. If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would you do? EVERYONE MUST LOVE CATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MUAHHHAHHHHAHHHHAAHHHH!!!!!!!! 19. George Bush: Ummm, how do I put this without swearing? I'll just use Munkustrap to replace every swear. That Munkustraping idiot. He had no Munkustraping idea what the Munkustrap he was doing. Glad he's gone. 20. Imagine your first child is a girl, what do you call her? Diriatan 21. Imagine your first child is a boy, what do you call him? Macavity. No, seriously. 22. Would you ever consider living abroad? Maybe if the touring company of Cats came to wherever I was. 37 Secrets About Yourself. 1) Have you ever been asked out? No 2) Where did you get your default picture? 3) What's your middle name? 4) Your current relationship status? 5) Does your crush like you back? 6) What is your current mood? 7) What color of underwear are you wearing? 8) What color shirt are you wearing? 9) Missing something? 10) If you could go back in time and change something, what would you change? 11) If you must be an animal for one day, what? 12) Ever had a near death experience? 13) Something you do a lot? 14) The song stuck in your head? 15) Who did you copy and paste this from? 16) Name someone with the same birthday as YOU? 17) When was the last time you cried? Don't remember 18) Have you ever sung in front of a large audience? Yes. A few talent shows, school chorus, two singing competitions, a few performences at lunch at my school, a school musical, do my friends ad family count? 19) If you could have one super power what would it be? 20) What's the first thing you notice about the opposite gender? Eye color 21) What do you usually order from starbucks? 22) What's your biggest secret? I don't have one 23) Favorite color? All of them 24) Do you still watch kiddie shows? 25) What are you? 26) Do you speak any other language? 27) What's your favorite smell? 28) Describe your life in one word what would it be? 29) Have you ever kissed in the rain? 30) What are you thinking about right now? 31) What should you be doing? 32) Who was the last person that made you upset/angry? 33) Do you like working in the yard? 34) If you could have any last name in the world, what would you want? 35) Do you act differently around the person you like ? 36) What is your natural hair color? 37) Who was the last person to make you cry? Admitting you are weird means you are normal. Saying that you are normal is odd. If you admit that you are weird and like it, copy this onto your profile. If you've ever copied and pasted something onto your profile, copy and paste this onto your profile. If you've ever talked to yourself, copy and paste this into your profile. If you've ever wanted to go into a book and strangle some of the characters for being so incredibly dumb, copy and paste this into your profile. If you have ever pushed on a door that said pull or vise versa copy this into your profile. If you've been on the computer for hours on end, reading numerous fanfictions, copy this into your profile. If you are against fur coats, clothing, boots, etc, and the people who kill the animals don't use the meat, copy and paste this into your profile. If you ever wished you could talk to animals or be an animal, copy and paste this into your profile. If you spend hours reading, writing, or both, copy and paste this into your profile. If you have an unhealthy obsession with reading books and fanfiction, copy and paste this onto your profile. If you haven't died yet, copy and paste this onto your profile. If you have your own little world, copy and paste this into your profile. If you've ever talked to yourself, copy and paste this into your profile. If you think that being unique is cooler than being cool, copy this on your profile. If you are aware that so many people nowadays pretend to be someone they're not, copy this on your profile. If you are crazy and/or insane and proud of it copy and paste this onto your profile. If you get angry that not all of the copy-and-paste things have proper puncuation, copy and past this onto your profile. If there are times when you wanna annoy people just for the heck of it, copy this into your profile. (all the time) If you are obsessed with fanfiction copy this into your profile. If you would rather see a Broadway show than go to an amusement park, copy and paste this into your profile If you have slim to none "normal" songs on your ipod and are proud of it, copy and paste this into your profile. If you know the words or dance to any Broadway show, camp song, or theme song better than the words or dance to Soulja Boy, copy and paste this into your profile. Yaaaay kitty! This is Kitty. Copy and paste Kitty into your MY 9 NAMES (For all of these I have used my Fanfiction name. Not my real one.) 1. YOUR REAL NAME: Emma 2. YOUR GANGSTA NAME: Emmaizzle (lol) 3. YOUR DETECTIVE NAME: (favorite color and favorite animal) Black Jellicle (hehehe) 4. YOUR SOAP OPERA NAME: Mae Meadowood or Mae Colrain 5. YOUR STAR WARS NAME: Cumem (uhhh, ok?) 6. YOUR SUPERHERO NAME: Blue Cream (epic) 7. YOUR IRAQI NAME: Mmauuce (weird) 8. YOUR WITNESS PROTECTION NAME: Mae Laurence or Laurence Mae. First one. I'm not a guy. 9. YOUR GOTH NAME: Black Jet (completely epic) 10. YOUR NOBODY NAME: Ammex (i just did that to make Volixia669 happy) According to the latest figures, 43 percent of all statistics are utterly worthless. If you agree that 90 percent of politics are dumb, copy and paste this to your profile. If you talk to yourself and aren't afraid to admit it copy and paste this into your profile. If you have music in your soul copy and paste this into your profile. If you have ever accidentally stabbed yourself or someone else with a pencil copy and paste this in your profile. Type your name with your knuckles: macavitymaniac (haha! I'M AWESOME!!!) Type your name with your nose: MACAVITYMANIAC Type your name with your name with your feet: macavitymaniac (i'm still awesome!!! xD) A friend stabs you in the back A boyfriend stabs your heart Best Friends only poke each other with straws (And sisters whack each other with inflatable rubber mallets!) A good friend helps you find your prince. A best friend kidnaps him and brings him to you. A good friend will offer you a soda. A best friend will dump theirs on you. A good friend will bail you out of jail. A best friend would be in the room next to you saying, "That was awesome! Let's do it again!" A good friend has never seen you cry. A best friend won't tell anyone else that you cried...just laugh about it in private with you when you aren't down anymore. A good friend asks you to write down your number. A best friend has you on speed dial. A good friend knows a few things about you. A best friend could write a very embarrassing biography on your life story. A good friend tells you she knows how you feel. A best friend just sits down and cries. A good friend will help you learn to drive. A best friend will help you roll the car into the lake so you can collect insurance money A good friend borrows your stuff for a few days then gives it back. A best friend loses your stuff and tells you, "My bad...here's a tissue." A good friend has to ask why you're crying. A best friend already have the shovel ready to bury the loser that made you cry A good friend will say you can do better. A best friend will call him up and say "You have seven days to live This is the stupid test! 100 stupid things that people do! Bold the ones that apply to you! turns out i got 45 out of 100 and deserve everyone of them, allthough i am a very smart fan ficcer. 1. Forgot to put the lid on the blender, turned it on, and had everything fly out You Say Pink I Say Black I prefer solitude over company. Copy and paste this in your profile if you feel the same. If you have ever laughed so hard you either choked, hyperventalated, had your sides cramp, or all of the above copy and paste this on your profile. If you have your own little world, then copy this onto your profile, or else that little world will be destroyed by Fanfiction! If you ever had a spazz attack when you read a summary with your least favorite couple in it, copy and paste this into your profile. I like cheese. I have seen purple cows. If two gooses are geese, then why aren't two moose meese, or when two foots are feet, why aren't two footballs feetball? Milk tastes good. People call me crazy, but I'm just random! If you're random and proud of it, copy and paste this in your profile! If you're hyperlike being hyperand are hyper all the timeCOPY THIS INTO YOUR PROFILE! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! You love wild goose cases copy and paste this if you agree If you have ever seen a movie (or show) so many times that you can quote it word for word, and you do so at random moments, copy and paste this in your profile. If you've ever slapped yourself on the head and/or banged your head on a table for no reason, copy this onto your profile. (Anyone who knows me will agree that that would explain a lot . . .) If you could own a library with every book you have ever wanted to read and or liked/loved (and often dream about it), copy and paste this on to your profile and add yourname to the list Italiangurlinmessedupworld, the epitome of randomness, Holly Marie Fowl,Stefanlover12, -I-Luv-Tugsy, musicgal3, Misterfleas, Fantasia-the-Crazy, Mistosingsmore, NyokaDelFanfiction, MacavityManiac Forgive your enemies. It messes up their heads. If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop digging! The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds; the pessimist fears it is true. My mind works like lightning...one brilliant flash and it's gone. I love Deadlines! I like the whoosh noise they make as they go by. Curiosity killed the cat, and satisfaction brought it back. In a dog-eat-dog world the best thing to do is become a cat. WAY ahead of the game on that one. _ If the good die young then the bad die old; thus leaving us with only politicians left. Goldfish have the memory span of 3 seconds, sometimes i have to wonder if I’m a goldfish. A simple friend wonders about your romantic history A real friend could blackmail you with it. A simple friend doesn't know your parents' first names A real friend has their phone numbers in his address book. A simple friend, when visiting, acts like a guest. A real friend opens your refrigerator and helps themselves. Nerds are cool. Nerds are smart. Nerds will one day rule the universe. If you're a nerd and proud of it, copy this into your profile If you easily finish one novel a day, copy this onto your profile. (reading it not writing) If you are aware that so many people nowadays pretend to be someone they're not, copy this on your profile. If you would rather see a Broadway show than go to an amusement park, copy and paste this into your profile. Recent studies show that 92 percent of teenagers have moved onto rap. If you're part of the 8 percent that hasn't, put this in your profile. If you've ever wished you could jump into a movie/book and smack a character for being so incredibly stupid, copy this into your profile. If it amazes you how many times you think about a movie or musical, copy and paste this on your profile. If you get an "Oh My God" face when you ask somebody if they've ever heard of CATS and they say no copy and paste this onto your profile. If you've ever burst into song for no reason, copy and paste this to your profile. If you have ever zoned out for more than five consecutive seconds...copy/paste this into profile. If you are crazy and proud of it copy and paste this onto your profile. If someone has ever said something to you that had nothing to do with your current conversation, copy and paste this into your profile. If you've been on the computer for hours on end, reading numerous fanfictions, copy this into your profile. If you have ever just wanted to SLAP someone, copy this onto your profile. If you have ever missed your mouth when trying to take a sip of water, copy and paste this into your profile. If you have ever tripped up the stairs, copy and paste this into your profile. If you think your best friend is insane, copy this into your profile. (All of them; but that’s ‘normal,’ right?!) If you think you have too many of these "copy and paste this into your profile" thingies, but have no intention of stopping now, copy and paste this into your profile. If there are times when you wanna annoy people just for the heck of it, copy this into your profile. If you sometimes talk to yourself copy and paste this onto your profile. If FANFICTION (especially for CATS) is constantly on your mind, copy and paste this onto your profile. Choose your 6 favourite cats, in no particular order. (Remove mine!) 2 Demeter 3 Bombalurina 4 Macavity 5 Rumpleteazer 6 Jemima (1) and (3) have two kittens. What do they look like and what are their names? (4), (5) and (6) are all competing for (2)s affections. Who wins? (6) has to cut off a leg of one of the other 5 cats. Who do they choose and which leg do they sever? (1) and (4). Who is more likely to have a chance with (5)? (1) creeps into (5) and (3)s den to find them about to pour water over (2). (4) and (6) make a loud noise coming to see what's happening, and those three have to decide to wake (2) or help (5) and (3). What happens next? Choose a non-ALW song to describe (2) and (3)s relationship. Love Polygon time! (Technically hexagon- who cares?) (1) discovers their mate, (4), doesn't love them anymore- they love (6). (6), however, secretly fancies (2). (2) proclaims their love for (3), but (3) and (5) are happily together, except (5) keeps on dreaming of (1)... (4) is about to kill everyone on your list (don't ask why...). Who do they start with? Write Down Ten Random Characters. 1. Demeter 2.Bombalurina 3.Tugger 4.Etcetera 5.Victoria 6.Alonzo 7.Macavity 8.Pouncival 9.Mistoffelees 10.Jemima Four invites Three and Eight to dinner at their own house. What happens? Etcetera : H-hi Tuggie!! (giggle) Tuger : (grin) Hey Cettie Etcetera : (stares dreamily at Tugger) Pouncival : Hey, I'm here too you know! Tugger : Whatever pipsqueek Pouncival : Tugger, would you join me in the kitchen for a minute? Tugger : (shrug) Sure? They walk into the kitchen. Pouncival closes the door. Pouncival : (points at Tugger) Listen up 'Elvis'. Stop.Flirting. With. Cettie. Tugger : Why? (he finally gets it) Oh boy! Someone's got a cru-ush!! Imma tell Cettie! Pouncival : (picks up really big fork) Misa gonna kill you!!! (starts chasing Tugger) Tugger screams like a girl and runs out of the kitchen, with Pounce chasing him. Etcetera watches the run out of her den. Etcetera : Uhhhh...what just happened? Me : Never mind. What's for desert? You need to stay at a friend's house for a night. Whose house, One or Six? Me : Hmmm. Dem or Lonzi? Lonzi. Deffinatly. Demeter : What? Why not me?!?! We could do makevers and talk about hot Toms! Me : Well, number one, you used to date Macavity. He's mine. Number two, Lonzi is HOT!!! Alonzo : Well Thank you Me : (giggle) You're welcome. But, no offense, you're not as hot as Macavity. But you're still hot. Alonzo : (shrugs) I can live with that. So, do you want me to order pizza? Demeter : (sniffs) I can tell when I'm not wanted. Matbe I'll go back to Macavity. Me : (tackles Demy) That's it!!!! You're dead!!! (beats Demy up) Alonzo : Yay!! Queen fight!! Me : (walks away from beaten up Demy, over to Alonzo) Sleepover!! Two and Seven are making out when Ten walks in. Ten's reaction?! Jemima : OMG!!! Bomby! You and MACAVITY!!! Macavity : (pushes Bomba away) STOP KISSING ME!!! My heart belongs to Mana!(wipes off mouth) Yuck! Bomba : (shrugs) Demeter broke up with him. He's available. Macavity : NO I'M NOT!!!! I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND!!! Jemima : (looks around nervously) But, what will Mana think? Bomba : (freezes) Uh oh. Me : (walks in and realizes what's goig on) MISA KILL BOMBA!!!! (starts chasing Bomba with knives) Bomba : AHHHHHHHHH!! HELP MEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Macavity : Yes, that's right. Fight for my love. I'll choose Mana anyway. Me : (walks away from beaten up Bomba) All better (kisses Macavity) Jemima : (slightly scared) Y-you seem to like beating up people... Me : Yes. Yes I do. So unless you like my boyfriend and want a broken arm, you can leave now. Jemima : (backs away slowly) Three falls in love with Four. Eight is jealous. What happens? Pounce : NOOOOOOOO!!! Not Cettie!!! WAAHHHHH!! Cettie : Sorry Pounci. Tugger loves me. (sees Tugger kissing Cassandra) WHAT?!?!?! Tugger : Sorry Cettie. Cettie : (starts to cry) Pounce : (puts arms around Cettie) It's okay. I love you. Cettie : (sniffs) Thanks Pounci Pounce : Just a sec Cettie. (walks over to Tugger and punches him. walks back to Cettie) There we go. (kisses Cettie) Me : AWWWWW!!! Tugger : Owww. That hurt!! Me : Shadup. (punches Tugger, knocking him out) Tugger : Catnip (passes out) Four jumps you in a dark alleyway. Who rescues you, two, ten, or seven? Me : AHHH!! Cettie, what are you doing?!?! Cettie : I'm supposed to be a good little kitten, and I'm sick of it!!! (starts to beat me up) Macavity, Jemima, and Bombalurina walk into the ally and see this happening. Bomba : O. M. G!!!! Cettie, what the hell are you doing?!?!?! Cettie : (punching me) I have anger issues, okay? Macavity : (leaps foreward and throws Cettie away) Get away from my girlfriend, you brat!!!! Me : Thank you. (kisses Macavity) Jemima : (completely clueless) Wh-what just happened? Bomba : (sighs) Nothing Jemmy. Just walk away. One decides to start a cooking show. Fifteen minutes later, what happens?. Demeter : So, first you chop the carrots. (picks up knife and sees Macavity) AHHH!! MACAVITY!!!!!!! (accidentaly cuts the tip of her tail off) WHAT THE HELL?!?!!? Me and Macavity : (Lmao) Jemima : EWWW!!! BLOOD!! Tugger : Whatever. (kisses Bomba) Viki : Uhh... no comment. Lonz : What the hell!?!?! HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Cettie : YUCK! YUCK! YUCK! Pounce : What's so gross? Misto : (fixes Demy's tail with his magic) All better? Demeter : (nodds) Thanks Misto. (kisses his cheek Me : OOOOO!!! What will Munku think? hehehe Demeter : (faces me) Excuse me? Fifteen minutes later... I am beat up, Macavity is rushing me to the ER, Jemima Cettie, and Viki are barfing, Misto is trying frantically to make them stop barfing, Bomba and Demy are gossiping, Tugger is flirting (shocker), and Pounce and Lonz are waiting to comfort the barfing Queens. That was fun. Three has to marry either Eight, Four, or Nine. Who do they choose? Tugger : I'm NOT gay. No matter how much you writers like to make me gay, I'm not. Cettie, come over here Cettie : Yes Tuggie? (batts eyelashes) Tugger : (hold arms open) Marry me? Cettie : YES YES YES YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tugger : (a little scared) O-okay. (kisses Cettie) Cettie : EEEEEEP!!! (faints) Tugger : That went well Everyone is invited to Two and Seven's wedding except for Eight? How does Eight react? Pounce : WHAT THE HELL?!?!? I'm not invited to my best friend's wedding?!?!?! Cettie : Sorry Pounce, but I didn't want you to kill Tugger. Pounce : TUGGER?!?! YOU'RE MARRYING TUGGER?!?!?! Cettie : Uh oh. Uh... sorry? Pounce : WAHHHHH!!! I thought you loved meeeeee!!! Cettie : Bomba, help!! Bomba comes over and kisses Pounce. Pounce : Uh... why was I crying? Nevermind. (starts making out with Bomba) Bomba : Well, at least Mana can't beat me up for making out with Pounce. I should just enjoy this. (kisses Pounce back) I walk over and look at what's happening. Me : How did this happen? YOU are marrying Tugger, when everyone thoug Bomba would. And Bomba is now Pounce's girlfriend when everyone thought you would be!!! Did I miss something? Cettie : Uh... no? Why is Six afraid of Seven? Alonzo : Uh... because he nearly KILLED me at the Ball?!?!?! Macavity : (shrugs) And that proves what? Oh, and what's this I heard about you and my girlfriend having a sleepover? Hmmm? Alonzo : Uhhh.. what do you mean? Macavity : You know very well what I mean! Nothing happened, did it? You better not have kissed her!!!!!! Alonzo : Uh... (runs away with Macavity chasing him) Me : Yay!! Two Toms are fighting over MEEEEE!!! Bomba : So what? Happens all the time with me. Me : (punches Bomba) Don't ruin my moment! Nine arrives too late for Two and Seven's wedding? What happens and why were they late? Tugger : Really Misto? Being late for your best friend's wedding? Misto : Sorry it's just, Jemi and I were walking and I fell into a ditch, and she tried to get me out and she fell in, than this Pollicle comes along and I zapped it and IT fell in. Than Jemi kissed me and now I'm here. Cettie : How'd you get out? Misto : We climbed on the Pollicle and it was high enough that we could climb out. Tugger : Suuurrreee. So, you and Jemi? Misto : Yep. Tugger : You like her? Misto : Yep Tugger : You gonna marry her? Misto : Tugger!!!!! Cetti : Okay, how'd this get to be about you and Jemi?!?!?! This is me and Tugger's wedding! Misto : Sorry Cettie. By the way, I really don't like that collar on you. Cettie : Oh, you wanna go sparklebutt?!?!!? Misto : Bring it on cupcake!!!! 5 minutes later... Misto is beaten up very badly, Tugger and Cettie are married and Jemi is trying to revive Misto. Nine murders Two's best friend (Has to be someone on the list). What does Two do to get back? Misto murdered Demeter to get back at Bomba for pouring honey in his magic sparkle dust. Bomba : NOOOOOOOOO!!! WHY THE HELL DID YOU MURDER MY SISTER?!?!?!?!?! Misto : Haha. That'll teach you to ruin my sparkle dust! Me : Ohhhh! Munku is gonna kick your butt!!! Misto : Uh oh. Maybe I should've thought this through. Me : Yeeaahh. I wouldn't want to be you. Misto : Eeeep. Six and One are in mortal danger. Does Six save One or themselves? Alonzo and Demeter are being attacked by Pollicles, Macavity, and a very annoyed Mana. Alonzo : Don't worry Demeter!!! I'll save you!!! (scoops up Demeter and carries her away) Me : Well, what do you expect? They were together at the Ball. Eight and Three go camping. But they forget food. What do they do? Pounci : I'm soooo hungry!! (looks at Tugger and takes out a fork and knife) Tugger : (slightly freaked out) P-pounce? W-what are you d-doing? Pounci : (grins sinisterly) 1 hour later... Pounci is full and Tugger is no where to be found. No, Pounci didnt eat him. Though he hates him, he is not a cannibal. Pounci was going to eat the bark off the tree behind Tugger an Tugger, thinking Pounci was going to eat hm, ran away. Five is in a car accident and is critically injured. What does Nine do? Misto : How's my favorite sister doin'? Viki : cough. Well, I have a broken arm, two broken legs, and serious head trauma. But, other than that, I'm great. Misto : (completely clueless) Awesome!!! So, here's an update. Dem and Lonz are kinda together, Pounce and Bomba are still together, me and Jemi are dating, and Cettie and Tugger are still married. Viki : Yeah, Cettie and Tugger won't last. Jemima comes in. Jemima : Hi Viki! And, how's my boyfriend? Misto : Great! (starts making out with Jemi) Viki : Ohhh gross!!!! Spare me, please!!! Me : Now you know how we all feel when you kiss Plato. Viki : (sticks tounge out) Me : hehehe The quiz is over. By the way, how did Two and Seven end up? Viki was sooooooooo wrong. Tugger and Cetti are still happily married. Pounci : Booo!! Me, Tugger and Cettie : SHUT UP!!!! NOBODY ASKED YOU!!! Pounci : Okay, okay. At least I have Bomba. (he and Bomba start making out) The rest of us : EWWWWWWWWW!!! 5 econds later... Pounci and Bomba are still making out, Tugger and Cettie are making out, Demeter and Alonzo are making out, Misto and Jemi are making out, me and Macavity are making out, and Viki is still stuck with many broken limbs and severe head trauma Viki : Why am I the only one who doesn't have someone on this list? Me : (stops kissing Macavity for a few seconds) Cause I don't like you. Viki : sniff 95% of teens would panic if Edward Cullen was on a 250 foot building about to jump. Copy this if you are one of the 5% who brought popcorn, a chair, and shouted "DO A FLIP!" (die die die!!!!! hehehehe!!!!) 95 percent of teens would cry if they saw the Jonas Brothers at the top of a skyscraper about to jump. Copy and paste this EVERYWHERE if you are in the 5 that would shout "Jump idiots!!" (except Nick. He's hot!!) CATS ROCK MY SOCKS! If you think cats (The Musical) is awesome, copy this to your profile. If you agree, copy this and put it in your profile. Fill in character #5 first- makes it easier No character should be listed twice You must answer the question, even if you are disgusted. Delete the previous person's answers, fill in your own, and copy into your profile Name of book/movie: CATS 1. female character: Demeter 2. another female character: Bombalurina 3. Character with gender opposite yours: Alonzo 4. Another character with gender opposite yours: Tugger 5. favorite character: Macavity 6. male character: Munkustrap 7. character with your gender: Cassandra 8. another male character: Mistoffelees 9. another character with your gender: Rumpleteazer 10. any other character: Mungojerrie Now answer these questions: 1. Have you read a 5/10 fic before? No. Thank God. My Maccy is NOT gay. you think 3 is hot? How Hot? Hell yeah!!!!! 3.What would happen if 6 got 1 pregnant? Uhhhh...that would totally happen and it wouldn't really be weird. you recall any good fics about nine? A few 5.Would 7 and 2 make a good couple? No no no HELL NO!!!!!!!!!!!! 6. 4/8 or 4/9? Tugger and Teazer. Desite myfanfic about them, I don't support MistoxTugger. 7.What would happen if 7 discovered 3 and 8 in a secret relationship? Oh dear. She would try to kill Lonzi, until he revealed it wasll a prank. 8.Make summary of at least 20 words for a 6/2 fic. Demeter gets killed by a Pollicle and Bomba goes to comfort Munku. As they talk, they realize that when she's not flirting and when he's not being as dull as a block of wood, they have a lot in common. Then Munku kisses her!! DUN DUN DUUUN! there such a thing as a 4/10 romance story? No way in hell. 10. Suggest a title for a 1/5 hurt/comfort fic. Every Time We Touch 11.What kind of plot would you use if 4 wanted 1? Hmmmmm. Dem and Munku broke up, Tugger falls for her, and asks Munku how to impress her. OHH OHH!! Possible future fanfic people!!! 12. Does anyone on your friends list read 7 and 9 slash? Not as far as I know. Hopefully not. 13.If you wrote a songfic for number ten, what song would you use? All Night Long (I can totally see him singing that at the Ball!) What's Your Warriors Name? What's Your Villain Name? (Take the first half of your favorite character's name and the last half of your least favorite character). Jaywing What's Your Kittypet Name? (Take your favorite warriors name and mix the letters up). Miostara (mix of Mothwing, Firestar, and Sandstorm) What's Your Suicidal Warriors Name? (Your favorite forest animal plus dark). Darkdeer 4) What's Your Half-Clan Name? (Take something to do with one clan and add something to do with the other clan). Darkwater (ShadowClan and RiverClan) 5) What's Your Rogue Name? (First Random object you think of). Blondie (even I don't know) The warrior name the website gave me. Rainmask What would be your warrior name? Cloudberry What would be your kits' name? Thrushkit/paw/song, Swiftkit/paw/dawn, Poppykit/paw/breeze, Brackenkit/paw/flower, and Featherkit/paw/stream What would be you deputy's name? Iceleaf What would be you mate's name? Sunwhisker What clan would you be in? ShadowClan Sister's name? Rosethorn Brother's name? Jaggedstrike 1. How did you get one of your scars? My Akita biting my face when I was 2, falling down a hill on rollar blades and having a stick go throught my knee and falling off the side of a boat, getting my arm caught on the cleat. 2. What is on the walls in your room? butterfly wallpaper, a sign that says Emma, a painting of a silver tabby, a seal point siamese, and a tuxedo cat, two cat calenders, two painted tiles with fairies on them 3. Do you snore, grind your teeth, or talk in your sleep? talk and snore 4. What type of music do you listen to? Broadway, jazz, opera, classical, "Oldies" 5. Do you know what time you were born? No. 6. What do you want more than anything right now? For my sore throat to go away before my voice lesson, which is in 17 minutes 7. What do you miss? My bestestest guy friend, Noah. I only have one class with him, and that's on day 1's :( 8. What is your most prized possession(s)? my pets, and all of my stuff 10. Do you get claustrophobic? Never. 11. Do you get scared of the dark? After watching Crime programs or horror movies 12. The last person that made you cry? Me 13. What is your favourite perfume for a girl? Something that smells warm, like cinnamon or some sort of spice 14. What kind of hair/eye colour do you like on the same and opposite sex? Eye color 15. Where can you see yourself being proposed to? At a showing of Cats 16. Coffee or energy drink? Coffee!!!!!!!!!!!! 17. What is your favourite pizza topping? sausage 18. If you could eat anything right now, what would it be? Some pot roast that is in my fridge with some cider vinegar 21. What was the first meaningful gift you ever received? How am I supposed to know? 22. Do you like anybody? Yes 23. Are you double jointed? Somewhat 24. Favourite clothing brand? Guess 26. Do you have a pet? Yes 27. What kind is it? Two cats. 28. Would you fall in love knowing that the person was leaving? Yes 29. What is the best way to tell someone how much they mean to you? singing it or texting it 30. Write a number from one to a hundred: 71 31. Blonds or brunettes? Brunettes 32. What is the one number you call most often? Probably my best friend's. 33. What annoys you most? My parents 34. Have you been out of the USA? Yes 35. Your weaknesses? Animal abuse 36. Met anyone famous? Yes. Idina Menzel, Joey Macentire, Karen Allen, Seth Glier and Ryan Hommel, and Natalie McMasters 37. First job? None. 38. Ever made a prank call? No. 40. What were you doing before you filled this out? Watching Say Yes to the Dress 41. Have you ever had surgery? Not that I can remember. 42. What do you get complimented about most? My intelligence and my skin 43. Have you ever had braces? Never. 44. What do you want for your birthday? Money. Or Sephora gift cards 45. How many kids do you want? One or two. 46. Were you named after someone? Yes. One of my grandmas and my great grandma 47. Do you wish on stars? All the time 49. What kind of shampoo do you use? It varies. 50. Do you like your handwriting? Yes. But everyone thinks it's too small 51. What is your favourite lunch meat? Ham 52. Any bad habits? biting my nails 53. What CD are you most embarrassed to have on your shelf? A disney karaoke i used to use 54. If you were another person, would you be friends with you? Uhh... not sure 56. Do looks matter? Yes. Very much so. 57. How do you release anger? Screaming and singing 58. Where is your second home? Thousands of kilometres away. 60. What was your favourite toy as a child? A little plastic TinkerBell 61. How many numbers do you have on your cell phone? A lot 62. Were you a fan of Barney as a kid? No. 63. Do you use sarcasm? Yup. 64. Mashed potatoes or Macaroni cheese? Mashed Potatoes. 65. What do you look for in a guy/girl? Sense of Humor, Kindness, Sensitivity 66. What are your nicknames? Em, Mana, Miss Maniac, Emmie, Emmel, Memma 68. What's your favourite television show? America's Got Talent, Golden Girls, and Grey's Anatomy, Law and Order SVU 69. What was your actual SAT score? We don't have SAT tests, for goodness sake. 70. What's your favourite ice-cream flavour? Hunk Chunka PB Fudge 71. Do you have all your fingers and toes? Yes. 72. When was the last time you worked out? Yesterday. 73. Did you notice there was no question 64? There is a question 64, but there's no question 39. 74. What's the fastest you've gone in a car? 85, I think. 75. Do you want everyone to answer these questions? Yes 76. What are you listening to? A TLC advertisement 77. Last thing you drank? Crystal Light Fruit Punch 78. Last person you talked to on the phone? My dad 79. What's the first thing you noticed in the opposite and same sex? Eye Color 80. Favourite thought-provoking song? I can Wait and Breakaway 81. Favourite thing to hate? People who hate Cats 82. Favourite month of the year? October 83. Favourite zodiac sign? Virgo. 85. What is your hair colour? dark gold-brown with auburn highlights 86. Eye colour? Brown. Lighter in the middle, near my pupil, and striated and ringed with darker. 89. Favourite fast food restaurant? McDonalds 90. Do you like sushi? Yes. 91. Last thing you watched? Say Yes to the Dress 92. Favourite day of the year? Halloween 93. Play any musical instruments? Violin and Piano 94. Republican or Democrat? I. Don't. Care. 95. Kisses or hugs? kisses 96. Relationships or one night stands? Relationships. 97. What was the last thing you bought? lunch at school 98. What kind of car do you have? I'm too young to drive. 99. What book are you reading? Still Life with Crows. It's amazing, read it! 100. Describe your love life: What is this strange thing you speak of? It does not exist. List 10 CATS characters 1. Macavity 2. Munkustrap 3. Cassandra 4. Mistoffelees 5. Plato 6. Bombalurina 7. Admetus 8. Victoria 9. Electra 10. Jemima 10) 7 kidnaps 2 and demands something from 5 for 2's release. What is it? Uhh. I actually have no clue. Maybe Victoria? 11) You get to meet either 1 or 6. Who do you chose? OMG!!! SUCH A BIG DECISSION!!! NOT!!! Of course I'd choose Maccy!! No offense to Boma but I'm in love with Maccy and Bomba annoys me sometimes. 12) 10 challenges 4 to a chariot race. Why? Uh, to flirt with him? It's a known fact that Jem and Misto have a crush on eachother! 13) Everyone gangs up on 3. What happens? There's a riot and Cass ends up in the ER cause I joined the riot and I HATE her!!! 16) 10 gathers everyone around to tell them a fairy tale. How does it go? It's about a magical fairy who has such a pretty singing voice that everyone loves her. Than she falls in love with a wizard but he's in love with a snowflake fairy and than she cries. For three days. Than she gets her friend to help. Her friends are a hyper unicorn made of sugar, an angry girl elf who hates most everyone, and a piece of cheese. She wins the wizard's heart and everyone is happy, except for the snowflake fairy who got incinerated by the angry hyper unicorn's fire breath. 18) 5 and 9 get roaring drunk and end up at your house. What happens? Plato and Lec get roaring drunk and end up at my house? Well, first I hide my spare key another place other than in the door. Second I party with them. Except I get drunk on soda. 19) 3,8,6 and 4 all go to the zoo for 8's birthday party. How does it go? What presents do they get 8? Cassandra, Victoria, Bomba, and Misto all go to the zoo for Victoria's birthday party. Cassandra gets her a new collar studded with blue crystals to match her eyes, Bomba gets her the first copy of Bomba's new book, How to Get Your Tom, and Misto gets her a magical CD that plays Viki's favorite music to dance to. 20) Everyone gets together and starts protesting something outside of your house. What are they protesting? What do you do? They are protesting my love for Macavity. Everyone but Maccy's protesting. I use Maccy's magic to make them all do the Macaraina and I make Munkustrap obay every order that I give him. 24) 5 is trapped in a cave. 10 comes to rescue them. What happens? Plato is trapped and Jemima comes to rescue him. They get lost trying to get out, end up falling in love after Jemima jumps off a cliff with Plato and figures out she can fly. Than they turn into turtles because the cave gave Plato magic powers and he has no idea how the hell to use them. 25) 3 starts a day camp. What happens? Cassandra starts a day camp. Hmmm. She forces all the kitten to do chores while she flirts with all the Toms who come. 26) 4,6, and 7 are doing the Hokey-Pokey. 8 walks in. What happens? Misto, Bomba, and Admetus are doing the Hokey-Pokey. Victoria walks in and startes to laugh. She keeps laughing and laughing. They try to stop her from laughing, but she doesn't. She ends up dieing from a laughing fit. 27) 1 starts to write a story where 9 and 10 are going out. What is 2's reaction? Macavity starts to write a story where Jemima and Electra are going out. Munkustrap's reaction is to get me. I slap Macavity silly until he snaps out of it. He admits he hasen't slept in days and drank way to much coffee with way too much sugar. Everyone forgives him. 28) 7 makes an apple pie. Is it any good? Admetus makes an apple pie. It is very good and he starts randomly spazzing out. My OC's Name - Zera Gender - Queen Parents - Munkustrap and Demeter Siblings - none Age - young kitten about Jemima's age Appearence - She resembles both of her parents. She is a black and gold tabby with very small white paws. Her legs have black stripes going to the left and gold stripes going to the right. her arms have black stripes going to the right and gold stripes going to the left. She has black and gold stripes criss-crossing in a sort of 'X' pattern on her chest and a thin black stripe across her waist. Her face is cream with black and gold stripes coming in from her headfur. Her eyebrows are sort of low with two wings off the far end. Her eyes are two different colors. Her right eye is hazel and her left eye is bright blue. Her eyes are shadowed in warm chestnut brown and lined heavily in black. Her lips are a bright scarlet-red and lined thinly in black. Her headfur is mostly gold, with some stripes of black. The design is iddentical to her fathers. It is slightly fluffy and quite spikey like her mothers. Personality - She can be very paranoid, quite like her mother, when there's a warning about Macavity. Which she usually gives. She also has an urge to protect other cats in the Tribe, especially the elderly ones and the kittens. Especially her friends. She flirts a little, but in very descreet ways, not at all like her aunt. She has a pretty nice singing voice, but is not the most graceful dancer. Nicknames - Ze and Zer Mate - none yet Name - Rae Gender - Queen Age - Kitten Parents - Electra and Mistoffelees Siblings - Shia and Zeus Appearence - The base color of her fur is pure white, but it is mostly covered with chestnut hatching. It goes over most of her body and turnes to almost solid chestnut on her arm warmers and leg warmers. Her face is light chestnut with spikey whiskers, like her mother. She has a small black stripe on her chin, that goes halfway to her mouth. Her eyes are gold with very dark lashes. Her eyebrows are quite high and have small wings all along them. Her eyes are shadowed with light gold, almost matching her skin tone. Her lips are a rosy pink-red and are lined thinly in black. Her headfur is completely black and short and silky like her fathers. Personality - She is very friendly and outgoing. She can be prone to unnecisary hyperness and when she's hyper, she will sneeze pink dust. Her powers ,much like her fathers, are not that easy to controll and she does occasionally zap people by accident. She uses her powers to flirt with the Tomkits. They enjoy watching her practice. She dances very well, and has a decent singing voice. Nicknames - none Mate - none yet |