Author has written 41 stories for Cats, X-Men, Misc. Plays/Musicals, Big Wolf on Campus, Smallville, Lord of the Rings, X-Men: The Movie, Night World series, Pirates of the Caribbean, Joan Of Arcadia, Law and Order, Alice in Wonderland, 2010, Supernatural, and Trick 'r Treat. Hi, I'm MoonbeamDancer, welcome to my fic on the net. For those of you reading the stories I have here, please be aware that a big part of it is OLD. Particularly my CATS fanfiction, those dates back to 1998. IN OTHER WORDS: I know it's old, I know it sucks, I know the character I made is a Sue, so what, everyone has and does make one. Kindly get the hell over it and move onto another story. Feel free to enjoy any of the other fandoms I've written in, I've done quite a bit in the past little over a decade. AS OF JANUARY 23, 2013: I WILL NO LONGER BE UPDATING THIS PROFILE. FEEL FREE TO LOOK FOR ME ON LIVEJOURNAL: DREAMWIDTH: AO3: /users/MoonbeamDancer |