Title: Of all the clubs in the world, why did it have to be bondage?

Author: MoonbeamDancer

Character(s)/Pairing(s): Dean/Gabriel

Theme: Table # 7 Get Your Kink On

Prompt(s): #1 Role Play

Rating: PG/PG-13

Disclaimer: Please, if I owned them, Gabriel would still be here.

Summary: Undercover sleuthing is needed, it involves Dean in leather pants.

Warnings/Author Notes: Yay for me very first SPN fic. Let me know what you think, this just popped into my head and my Gabriel muse and I found it funny, Dean not so much. Title is a play on a line from I think Casablanca. This is all done for the 30 snapshots com on LJ for Supernatural, the fics range for G to NC-17, please read responsibly. All stories are posted out of order from the table, please read the prompt number to know what it is. Some of the drabbles will be continuations of another earlier one and will state so in the author's notes.

"No way."

"Come on, Dean."

"No. Way. I feel stupid in this."

"You have to come out some time."

"I'm not coming out of this dressing room. I look terrible."

"No you don't. You look great." Gabriel peeked over the top of the door as much as he could.

Dean glared from inside the dressing room. "What?"

"Come out here. I want to get a better look at you."

Dean let out a long sigh as Gabriel let go of the door and stepped back. "No laughing?" Dean asked.

"No laughing." Gabe confirmed, before adding, "Come out please? There's only so much I can see peeking about the door."

"Okay, fine. But I hear one little giggle or snort and the whole thing's off."

"Not a peep. Come on out."

Dean opened the dressing room door and slunk out, wanting nothing more then to hide.

Leather. It just had to be leather. And leather pants at that. He stared at the floor, waiting for some sign of approval.

"Remind me again, why I'm the one who has to be all Bondage Barbie?"

"The succubus at the bondage club. You fit what she likes, better then me, remember? Don't worry, we're almost done here, besides your ass looks great in these." Gabe replied, slapping said body part. "Remind me why I'm helping you."

Dean jumped slightly at the contact. "Because Sam's on that case in Richmond, and you'd be better at blending in. What are you doing?" He asked as Gabriel fastened leather cuffs around his wrists.

"Accessories Dean-o. You need more then leather pants to look the part." the angel replied, before snapping on a spiked collar and leash. "There. All done." He grinned, wrapping the end of the leash around his hand. "Come on, we got work to do."

Dean grimaced at the leash. "Is this really necessary, I feel like a damn dog on this thing."

"Yes, it is. Let's everyone know you have a Master and that I am it."

Dean growled at that and Gabriel leaned up to kiss him.

"It's just until we find that bitch and kill her, promise. I'll make it worth your while when we get back to the motel room, no collars or leashes, but keep the pants."

"That a promise?"

"Very much, I wasn't kidding when I said they made your ass look great."