I Never Thought

CHAPTER 1: From a Distance

He watched lustily as the attractive queen walked towards the barriers of the junkyard. With his eyes, he drank in every curve, every ruffled patch of her otherwise-perfectly-groomed, striking-coloured fur. He watched as her tail flicked back and forth in time with the sway of her hips, both of which were unconsciously sensuous movements. He was captivated; enchanted; completely enthralled. And when she turned around for the slightest instant, he saw her eyes and his heart almost stopped. Her eyes were like emeralds. They glittered with laughter and a hint of mischief.

He had known her all his life; but it was only at the last Jellicle Ball when he had truly noticed her. They had danced together – for the first time in all the balls they had attended, they had danced together. She was lighter than he had expected. He had thought she would be fairly light, but she was even more so – she was as light as the clichéd feather.

Ever since that ball, he had been watching her from a distance. He always made sure he remained well-hidden so as not to startle her or raise anyone's suspicions, but it was beginning to grow increasingly harder. He knew he should leave her alone – afterall, she was mated – but he didn't know for how long he would be able to hold out.

Of course, he wasn't exactly available himself. The ball at which he had finally noticed her was the same one at which he had mated. He did love his mate, but his heart now belonged elsewhere – to a queen who was unaware she had plucked his heart straight from his chest.

It wasn't as if his mate had been acting exactly as a mate should of late, anyway. His supposed mate had been hanging around Mistoffelees an awful lot. Just like she used to. It was obvious that the two were still very much in love. Why did she mate with me?

He shook his head in an attempt to rid his mind of such thoughts and turned his attention back to her. He watched intently as she seemingly-glided through the gap in the bushes.

He couldn't bear it any longer. He had to tell her. He knew she'd laugh in his face, but he had to tell her.

Standing, he glanced around to ensure no-one was watching before following the attractive queen – the queen who had stolen his heart.

There she was. She was just standing in the clearing, looking as stunning as ever.

He gently touched her should, and he was suddenly faced by twinkling emeralds. Those eyes…

"What is it?" she enquired with a smile that could melt any tom.

"I…" He cleared his throat. "I have to tell you something…"


"I…I love you," he whispered, suddenly feeling very foolish.

Her gaze softened. "I wondered when you'd tell me, Plato."