![]() Author has written 30 stories for Harry Potter, Pirates of the Caribbean, and Sherlock Holmes. A/N: October 18, 2011 - Pop on over to the PotC forum, The Black Pearl, and say hello! We're celebrating our two year anniversary! We're a friendly enough group, unless you touch our rum... http://www.fanfiction.ws/forum/The_Black_Pearl/67105/ The Profile: In case you didn't realize - I am a Harry Potter, a Pirates of the Caribbean, and a Sherlock Holmes fanatic. Favorite HP Book- Still PoA! Favorite PotC movie-Still CotBP! Favorite Holmes story - The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle! Favorite Authors- Rudyard Kipling, Edgar Allen Poe, Jules Verne, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, J.K. Rowling, Anne Rice, Sarah Graves, JRR Tolkien, H.P.Lovecraft, Jim Butcher Other favorite movies - Lady in the Water, Star Wars episode IV, Sense and Sensibility, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Jaws, Sleepy Hollow, Howl's Moving Castle Other Favorite Books- The Jungle Books, Watchers, Tale of the Body Thief, Ender's Game, The Historian -too many others to name! TV- Other than Elementary and Once Upon a Time, I just don't watch it. With so many good books, movies and fanfics out there, why do I need to bother? I'd rather be in my garden or playing with my dog anyway. ;) Pet Peeves- Chatspeak or texting lingo in reviews or fictions. This is a site at which to celebrate language, not butcher it. Tailgaters. Unless you're trying to read my bumperstick -which says My cabin boy can beat up your honor student. People who repeatedly interrupt you in conversation. People who are constantly late, grrr! People who will read dozens of chapters of your writing, favorite you, all your stories and put you on alert, yet not leave a single word of a review! Writers who never reply to reviews or thank their readers. If you expect reviews, make sure you at least thank the people who take the time to offer their comments! Favorite things - My dog, chocolate, coffee, red wine, my garden, and books! About me: By day, mild-mannered veterinarian. By night, fanfiction writer and reader. You can be sure to see a fascination with medical predicaments in my fics, and they may involve anything from parrots to pirates, dragons to detectives, or wyverns to wizards. If I'm not reading I'm either in the garden, the kitchen, or out walking or hiking. I love to travel and so far I've been to 37 of 50 states, hopefully soon to be 38! Stories Harry Potter The Wandless Magic Trilogy: A Witch, a Wolf and a Serpent Book One. An early bit of writing for me. No question my writing has matured, but I love this old story and have left it up. It seems to remain popular even after so many years. It's a story about a romantic triangle between Snape, Lupin, and the new medical witch, Lorien. Written more about the intriguing adult characters from HP. A Hogwarts Nytdmare Book Two.The love triangle continues, and Lorien must decide between Lupin and Snape. Voldemort and Lucius Malfoy are up to no good as usual. Romance and adventure for Snape and Lupin and Sirius Black joins the story! The Recurring Nytdmare Book Three. Harry continues to learn wandless magic, the romances continue, and exploration of some of Snape's past as a DE. Written before I took a long hiatus from ffnet and unlikely to be completed any time soon. Other writing and Real Life have gotten in the way, but we shall see... Decisions A one-shot prequel to WW&S. Brief glimpse into Snape's past as a Death Eater and a first look at a Nemorosi wizard. Dog Days of Summer Originally intended to be a romance for Sirius Black and a look at where he was between books three and four, and why he sends a tropical bird to Harry as a messenger at one point instead of an owl. Incomplete, and may remain so. I've left up the first few chapters for sentimental reasons. Flavor of the Month My one Marauders' Era fic. Light-hearted little one-shot written in response to a challenge over at The Reviews Lounge. Pirates of the Caribbean Check out this Barbossa fanart by Rum Runner at DA - aka EastCoastInvictus here on ffnet http:///art/Wicked-78238564 It's one of my all time favs! Mastery of Seas Drabble in response to challenge prompt 'reign' over at the Broken Compass forum. First drabble and shortest thing I've ever written! Thrill of the Chase Almost drabble in response to Broken Compass challenge prompt 'plunder'. An Honest Answer Drabble. Response to 'Truth'. Just who is William Turner III's father? Between Light and Shadow Drabble in Response to 'naughty and nice'. Elizabeth contemplates three very different men. The Library at Shipwreck Cove A place for drabbles, random one-shots, and writing explorations to live. Two Captains, No Ship Suppose both Jack and Barbossa were marooned on a little spit of land... Wicked Like the Troubled Sea A story written about a pre-CotBP meeting between Hector Barbossa and Cutler Beckett in reply to a wicked challenge. First to the Finish The first multichapter Barbossabeth endeavor for me. With Jack condemned to the Locker and Will estranged from her, Elizabeth begins to find herself again under the mentorship of one of the most notorious rogues of them all. Naught but a Humble Pirate A challenge I gave myself after becoming fascinated with the character of Captain Barbossa. It takes a thirteen year old boy from the West Country of England in search of answers as to why his father never returned home from the Caribbean, and follows him through the events that shape his life as he grows up and eventually turns to a life of piracy. Not an easy thing by any means, but definitely fun. Explores the influence Henry Morgan has on the young pirate. Battujusto-the technique I refer to in chapter ten of NBHP. This is the link to a beautifully done demonstration video if you are interested. Notice what some of the techniques would do to you if the combatants were moving up to speed and not pulling their punches, so to speak. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z6b5c9BIqHQ The Pirates of May Series: Memories of May Can a ruthless pirate truly fall in love, at least once? Perhaps. Follows where NBHP leaves off, but each story can be read completely independently. My first attempt at writing in first person narrative. A young doctor kidnapped by Barbossa comes to realize that she finds the captain more intriguing than she'd care to admit, and that there's a lot more to him than first meets the eye. A Single Night of May Companion piece to Memories of May that explores one intimate evening during the romance that's surprisingly blossomed. Correlates with ch. 27. Flowers of May Three-shot concerning what has happened to Madeline two years after leaving the Rogue Wave and Barbossa. Second Installment of the Pirates of May series. A Caribbean Carol Barbossa-centered fic styled after A Christmas Carol, but strictly about pirates. Helps bridge the gap between Memories, Flowers, and the PotC trilogy as we know it. Third installment of the Pirates of May series. Of Aztec Gold and Mistletoe Response to the Broken Compass prompt 'mistletoe'. Random one-shot. The cursed years are about to come to an end, thanks to help Barbossa has from a dream he's had. Pirates of May universe. The World Loves a Spice of Wickedness Reply to a writing challenge. My first attempt at smut. A steamy little 'lost chapter' from Memories of May, that's turned into a multi-chapter story. Mind that it's rated M for a reason. A Rose Among the Thorns But he that dares not grasp the thorn, should never crave the rose. And such thorns Barbossa has endured for twelve years to finally return to May. A chance to explore what happens when a man she thought was dead sweeps back into her life like a rogue wave himself, dragging her helplessly along where he goes, unable to fight the tide of emotions that begins welling back up inside her. Episode Four. A Night of Rum and Roses It's taken 12 years, 882 Aztec coins, 2 trips to the land of the dead, the release of a goddess, the Battle of the Maelstrom, a horseback dive off a cliff, a broken engagement and a lot of rum to see that she ended up in his bed again. Companion piece to chapter 24 of A Rose Among the Thorns. Romancing the Black Pearl Barbossa is desperate enough in his desire to plan a romantic evening for Madeline that he resorts to taking advice concerning how to go about doing so from a bunch of pirates. Thank goodness for Ragetti. Stand alone, but ties in with chapter 24 of A Rose Among the Thorns. Sherlock Holmes A Study in Rum My only crossover. Sherlock Holmes and Jack Sparrow, both rather clever and the best at what they do. Do pirates still exist in the 1890's? Holmes and Watson are about to find out. Fog and Moonshine Fog in the streets of London and Moonshine upon the lonely moors -a place for Sherlock Holmes drabbles, one-shots and writing explorations to live. First chapter is a lighthearted exloration of friendship after Holmes unknowingly puts his foot in his mouth at breakfast and Watson leaves in a huff. The Worst Landlady in London Mrs. Hudson is known to have told Sherlock Holmes that he is the worst tenant in London. When she finally takes a stand against his outrageous behaviours and retaliates against the charismatic and masterful detective, she sets off a chain of events that might just have him wishing he lived somewhere else. A lighthearted look at revenge, and a chance to torment the famous detective for fun. Blue Christmas The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle: A light version in verse. Originally posted at Christmas. Other Stories Check out the new Collaborative fic under A Magnificent Garden Party called Mothers of the Caribbean. Each chapter is written by a different ffnet author about a fictional backstory for the mother of a different PotC character. Mine is chapter two on Barbossa's mum. http://www.fanfiction.ws/s/4845090/1/Mothers_of_the_Caribbean Check out the new story Begun by Blood -another collaboration from the authors at A Magnificent Garden Party. http://www.fanfiction.ws/s/5340885/1/Begun_by_Blood My chapter is up! Chapter ten! :D There's another short story I have written for a fun and creative collaborative effort by a group of writers called The Reviews Lounge. It's called Rainbow Magic, and my chapter is chapter 30 on Cedric Diggory. Each chapter must be written with something to do with a rainbow theme. http://www.fanfiction.ws/s/3674165/1/Rainbow_Magic Pop on over and read it and then check out the chapters on your favorite HP characters! I, Nytd, do solemnly swear to review all the fics I read, regardless of the number of reviews, its age, or anything else. I have joined the review revolution! Welcome to the land of the wolfsbane potion and wandless magic, where fearsome pirates sail these waters on the Rogue Wave! Cheers! Nytd |