Poll: He had a vision of Gotham City without the Batman...and it was so boring, he had a change of heart. Out of Arkham and on the rampage, the Joker wants to share the fun. Who else should join the fight in Ernestina, Eris, Aequitas? Vote Now!
Author has written 88 stories for Lord of the Rings, Silmarillion, Last Unicorn, Pirates of the Caribbean, Batman Begins/Dark Knight, Transformers, Harry Potter, Hunger Games, Hobbit, Guardians of the Galaxy, and Avengers. Lasgalendil is a public health Masters student and the proud parent of a Mastiff-mix and the world’s most adorable Aussie. She currently resides in her small shell of social isolation, desperately trying to keep up this fanficiton business without the knowledge of any of her peers. When she grows up, she’d like a pony. Authors she strongly recommends: Irish Luck 19: Harlequin and Poison Ivy origins…and the only BB/TDK romance fic (or Hunger Games fic) worth reading. Grace Dark: Joker Origin. If those words don't send chills running down your spine...her story will. When Poe and Lovecraft stop whimpering incoherently like Carmide Falcone in Batman Begins, they'll agree with me. J-Horror Girl: The Strange. The Fantastic. The Incredible. Nolan-verse Joker and Crane centric fics like you've never seen before. Unfortunately unfinished, but good writing none the less. Jennifer Lynn Weston: Read Jack to the Future. Then Read it again. If Jack Sparrow did find the Fountain of Youth, what historical events may he have witnessed? The best bloody Jack fics you will find. Period. Jasmine Scarthing: Catgirl Begins, etc. This little writer is young and inexperienced, but she's got grit and guts and determination, and she churns out material like you wouldn't believe! She's very receptive to constructive criticism, and I've seen her grow by leaps and bounds in the last 6 months. Take some time to do her a favor and help her become the best she can be! Favorite Books: The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, This is How You Lose Her, The Great Gatsby, The Road, Surrender, Watchmen, Lord of the Rings, Silmarillion, Grendel, Tom Clancy novels (Rainbow Six, anyone?), Ender's Game, Ender's Shadow, Harry Potter (especially The Deathly Hallows), The Last Unicorn, The Midnight Fox, The Giver, A Tale of Two Cities, Gooseberry Park, A Song of Ice and Fire Favorite Graphic Novels: Watchmen,Y: the Last Man, The Dark Knight Returns, Kickass, Hitgirl, Kickass 2 Favorite Movies: Up, Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Caribbean (yes, all three), The Dark Knight, Batman Begins, Red Dragon, The Bone Collector, GATTECA, Man on Fire, Die Hard (just 1) Bella, Gladiator, Kingdom of Heaven, Harry Potter (just 3 and 5), The Importance of Being Ernest, Toy Story 3, Sin City, Pathfinder, 300, DREDD Favorite TV shows: Wallander(with Kenneth Branagh), Doctor Who, Fullmetal Alchemist and FMA Brotherhood, LOST, Castle, Game of Thrones A Word on my stories: I can’t believe I’ve been on this site for ten years! I also can’t believe how terrible some of these initial fics now seem. But, for good or ill, the old ones will remain public. I contemplated taking them down, but decided on leaving them here for comparison, fond memories (and the occasional laugh/groan), and as encouragement for inexperienced writers. We were all right where you are now at one point—sometimes it’s good for us to stay humble and remember it. Stories currently on hiatus: Fugitive, Innocence, Her Sister’s Keeper, Lamb to Slaughter, Unrequited. A word on updates: Due to the nature of my continuing education, my creative time is limited. My primary goal now is to both overhaul and finalize Ernestina, Eris, Aequitas. I intend to do so in regular installments. All other “in progress” works will be updated sporadically when and wherever I can. A word on the Ernestinaverse: Blood. Betrayal. Guilt. Obsession. Love. Loss. A Broken Promise, a Restored Faith. The Joker escapes from Arkham Asylum on the day the Wayne Legacy building falls. In far off Beijing, Henri Ducard goads the Dragon against the Eagle in the growing certainty of nuclear war. Enraged at the death of her son, a disgraced detective begins a violent vendetta, leaving Gotham reeling in her wake. But is it justice? Can it ever be? As the death toll continues to rise, Bruce Wayne, Commissioner Jim Gordon, and Detective Aaron Lawless struggle to find an answer in the shadow of Rachel’s death, a daughter’s paralysis, and a partner’s brutal murder. Ernestina, Eris, Aequitas is an M rated, highly stylized, very violent, OC-centric prose rendition of a graphic novel. It draws heavily on the inspiration of Christopher Nolan, Frank Miller, and Alan Moore. The Ernestinaverse exists in and around the events of Batman Begins and The Dark Knight. Originally published in 2008, it is now, since the release of TDKR, an Alternate Future to the Nolan Trilogy. Fugitive, Her Sister’s Keeper, I am Gotham, The Brief, Wondrous Life of Manuel Delgado, and Odysseus Rises occur within the Ernestinaverse. While the events of all four Ernestinaverse fics are alluded to in each, they can be read in any order. What the hell is up with all your Hobbit/LotR parodies? Frankly, I have no idea. I've never been a fan of the parody genre until I watched An Unexpected Journey/The Desolation of Smaug, and then it just suddenly clicked. So feel free to fling flames, dung, etc. because Parody!Tauriel isn't going anywhere anytime soon, and has two words for you: Nago nín. I Heard It Through the Grapevine (of Delicious Mirkwood Wine), Fifty Shades of Green, Fifty Shades Greener, Green is the Warmest Color, and THE HITCH-HIKER'S GUIDE TO THE HOBBIT will remain up and running. Lest you think I hate Tolkien, just remember, this is the Ringer with no less than three published Sindarin fics. A Word on Reviews: If I read it, I will review it. Constructive criticism is essential for good writing. If you are kind enough to leave a review, expect a personal review reply and a thank you, as well as a review of one of your stories. Who knows? Perhaps social networking will make better writers of us all. Obligatory Copy/Paste: I, Lasgalendil, do solemnly swear to review all the fics I read, regardless of the number of reviews, its age, or anything else. I have joined the review revolution. |
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