![]() Author has written 12 stories for Death Note. So, I'm not quite sure what to put here, so I guess I'll just do my best with what comes to mind. Name: MoonlightM4gic now :) Gender: Female Age: 23 Birthday: November 20, 1991 Description: Brown hair, green eyes, 5'7" tall. Deviant Art Page: http:/// YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/MsMattJeevas/ Profile Pic: I chose that picture because I was born on a full moon, ain't that cool! :D Fav color: Pink/Blue/Purple/Red (They're all equal depending on the shade) Fav movie: Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Star Wars, Chronicles of Narnia, Howl's Moving Castle, Underworld, The Game, etc, etc, I like too many movies. Fav book: Harry Potter, Twilight series(books not the movies), etc etc (I have too many books that I love, the proof: I have almost $4000 worth of books on my shelf) Fav manga: Death Note (of course), Fruits Basket is also good, and Vampire Knight, and Gentleman's Alliance Cross, and Loveless (See told you I love too many books) Fav anime: Escaflowne (the only one I have the boxed set for :P), Death Note (of course), and Inuyasha isn't too bad either. (I don't watch too much anime, but that doesn't mean I don't like it, I do) Fav food: Pizza (I could eat it for every meal of the day, every day for a week and I wouldn't get sick of it. As long as it was Pizza Hut pizza) Fav tv show: CSI Vegas (when Grissom was still on it), House (awesome show, I never get bored watching it), Gossip Girl (soooo good!) Fav chocolate: Caramilk, Areo, Kit-kat, or nanimo bars (you can never eat just one :P) Fav candy: Gobstoppers Fav cake: Dairy Queen ice cream cake, any chocolate cake with tons of icing, or delicious cheesecake Fav Flash Game: Flash Flash Revolution (FFR) [unfortunately the site was dismantled so all that's left is the game: http:///FFR/ no more multiplayer :'( ] Death Note: I loved this series, and I think it'll probably be the only manga I do fanfictions from cause I love the LxLight and, most especially, the MattxMello pairings. Note to Readers: I hate Misa (she's stupid) I hate Matsuda (he's annoying) Mikami is freaking awesome (sakujo!) Matt is hott (and I call dibbs) Mello is sexy (and he loves chocolate like me :D) Light is the ultimate uke :P (though I sometimes allow him to be seme) L is great cause he likes sweets and I think he could be adorable if he just acted cute Near is okay (I may make some crack pairing with him at some point, but he won't be with Mello cause Mello is Matts) Any other characters are just there, I find them boring. (Sorry, don't mean to offend anyone, it's just my opinion) First Impressions: !!!WARNING!!! Contains Death Note SPOILERS!!! When I first read Death Note, I was amazed. I thought it had an excellent storyline and it drew me in. I don't usually like books when they don't have romance, but this was an exception. I loved all the thinking involved in it. I'm not going to brag, but I'm a smart person and the competitions between Light and L, and Light and Near kept me very entertained. I even hoped that Light would win in the end, and I was sad that he didn't. I was actually really surprised when it was Matsuda that shot Light. I kinda felt bad for him because he was the one who believed in Light the most and he was the one to retaliate first. (I still don't like Matsuda, but that doesn't mean I can't feel bad for his situation). I don't know when I started liking yaoi, but it was a while before I discovered the Death Note pairings. I understood how people could put Light and L together, but I couldn't envision the chemisty. That is, until I watched the Anime. That scene, in episode 25 in the rain and then on the stairs, it lit up the light bulb in my brain and it finally clicked how people could put these two together. I mean, looking at that scene, I couldn't deny the facts, those two were made for each other. Like seriously. And then the end of the series, the credits, when Light sees a ghostly L before dying, it's so romantic, like he could then die because he saw L that one last time (Oh, damn, just got an idea for another Chapter in Bits and Bites :P). Anyways, with Matt, I can honestly say that I didn't think he was that awesome or cool, or even good looking at first. But something changed my mind when I read his death scene. It came out of no where and I couldn't believe what I was reading. I couldn't believe that they just killed him, just like that. I was so shocked that a tear actually escaped from my eye, I cried that tear for the character that barely made an appearance in the story. He had made a bigger impression than I had thought, and I've liked Matt since. When I watched the Anime, I definitely cried more than one tear, even though I knew what was going to happen. I didn't like Mello at first because of his attitude, but Mello's apology made me re-think my dislike of him. He cared about Matt, and for that I like him. Mikami was hot from the start. He was awesome, and I laughed so hard at his intensity in killing people. I was a bit mad when it was his fault for Light losing, but you can't win em all. BTW Can anyone tell me if Teru or Mikami, is his first name? Cause that question bugs the hell out of me. Everyone calls him Mikami, but it's in Japan where they call people by their last names, but Teru doesn't sound as first nameish as Mikami, so I don't have a clue. If someone could fix this confusion of mine, that would be great. :P L... L, L, L. I don't even know what to say about him. I though he was weird. Not even a bit good looking, but he was cute sometimes. I don't know if I liked or hated the fact that he kept outsmarting Light. I do know one thing; I was freaking shocked when he died. I thought he would be in it till the end. Like, I bought the whole box set when I started reading Death Note, so I knew there was a bunch of books still. I didn't understand how they could have killed him off, it just didn't make sense. I was sad when he died because I was just warming up to him by then. It wasn't even a valiant ending, it sorta just happened, and it wasn't even Light that did it; not really. I wanted Light to be the one to kill him by finding out his name; not making the shinigami do it. I mean, talk about cheating. Seriously. Anyways, Those were some of my first impressions on Death Note. SemeUke Quiz Results You are a Romantic Seme! A true romantic, you're safest sticking with a partner who is gentle and can appreciate your mature, loving ways and protective nature. Most often found with a handful of roses and wine, you are committed to your partner and their happiness, which makes you a perfect match for the Innocent Uke, who you will dedicate yourself to and lavish with gifts and attention. Most compatible with: Innocent Uke, Clueless Uke Least compatible with: Badass Uke, Dramatic Uke |