![]() Author has written 20 stories for Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, and Inception. I've been valacirca since 01-05-02 until I changed it to valinorean on 12-27-11. About Me: Hi! I'm vala. I used to be valacirca here back in 2002, but due to RL circumstances, I left fandom sometime around 2003. I've rejoined fandom in 2010 over at Livejournal and since then I've written several more stories, mostly for the HP fandom. I've decided to revive this account and rename it to valinorean to coincide with my username there. I'm hoping to put up all my other fics here when I find the time. I mostly hang out over at my Livejournal. Feel free to friend me there if you want to get to know me more. New! I also caved and got myself a Tumblr and Twitter account. Feel free to say hi :) vala Fandoms: I write mostly for the Harry Potter fandom these days. I ship Harry/Draco so don't be surprised if most (if not all) stories center around those two. I also have an unhealthy love for fanon!Pansy. I also like to drabble in the Percy Jackson fandom, though it's a bit harder to write for that fandom especially since I ship a rare pair: Percy/Jason. There are very few of us who ship them, so if you're a shipper say hi! Also, I know I'm late to the party, but I have started writing for Inception as well! *\o/* New! I got sucked into the James Bond (Skyfall) fandom. I ship 00Q! I sometimes like to read Glee and Merlin and Sherlock fanfics. Old Works: So far, all LOTR related works have been discontinued and HP ones written in 2002 will undergo revision. I can't thank everyone enough who commented on my fics. Especially those who left reviews years after they've been posted. You were the reason I wanted to come back to fandom after eight years. I'm so sorry to disappoint, especially those who commented on Life to the Dying and EldaQuenta. As much as I love those stories, I've already lost track of the plot of these fics and the enthusiasm for that fandom. But not the books. Tolkien's world have always been and will always be my first and true love. As for Seasons, it's as complete as it can get. I plan on having it betaed and maybe write a short tribute for Spring. I plan on doing major revisions to Dangerous Love. Since it was written pre-Ootp, there are a lot of things that run tangent from canon. I don't plan to change much story-wise, just a few tweaks, and it will still probably be labeled as AU. However, it might take some time before I can work on that. Warnings and Disclaimers: 1) I don't own any of the (recognizable) characters in my fics. HP, LotR, PJO and Inception belong to their respective authors and various publishers. 2) Everything contains SLASH. If you don't like it, don't read. 3) Mind the warnings (esp. for rating and content). I will not be responsible for people who refuse to read the warnings. Transformative Work Statement: My transformative work statement, where I give blanket permission for my fannish works to be translated, remixed, podficced, etc., can be found at my journal. Kindly contact me before transforming any of my works. Thanks :) Translations: Draco Malfoy is a Bastard has been translated into Chinese by shirleywu. Find it here and here. |