I wouldn't say I'm obsessed with vampires, just they are so fascinating and I more then anything want them to be real! I wait up nights sometimes to see if one will show up. One never has but it never stopped me from waiting. Its not like my family cares about me enough to stop me anyway. They really couldn't careless about what I do. (I even took up smoking to see if anyone would try to stop me and no one ever said a thing! I'm fifteen! You'd think at the very least I'd get a stern talking to.) But it's not just my family that ignores me, everyone at school thinks I'm a lying-gaming-vampire-freak! Ever since I dared to say my natural hair color is my natural hair color. I don't know why everyone decided to hate me after that but who cares. (I guess I can't really blame them my hair is kind of weird; brown with red zigzag high lights isn't the most common thing in the world.)

I don't care what they think anyway the only one's opinion I care about is Mihael's my only friend. A "vampire" I met on the internet. I've never seen a picture of him, heard his voice, and didn't even know his real name (on this site you are assigned a "vampire name" mines Mail I kind of like it.) but he is my best friend.

I had to leave the house because I was gonna kill that cat if I stayed. Two hours, two fucking hours I was playing that game and that fucking cat, Spooky, bumps the off button! I hadn't even gotten to save it yet! So, to take my mind off of the whole ordeal I decided to get a book, which I needed anyway especially after the disappointment that was Interview With A Vampire.

Maybe it was because I was reading, that I didn't notice him, sitting right next to me until Mr. Mikami asked him introduced himself to the class. "Um Mello, is it? Why don't you introduce yourself to the class?"

I turned my head to the left noticing a blond boy completely dressed in black accept a red jacket with white (I think fake) fur trim, he had ice colored eyes, and a nice face, his head was resting in his hand and was looking at Mr. Mikami with a bored expression. Looks like he is just automatically gonna fit in with everyone because of that face, to bad he looks like a total asshole. He took a deep breath before replying "Fuck off." I like him.

"Young man that language is completely unacceptable! But since it is your first day I won't send you to on campus suspension."

"Teh whatever." he muttered and turned his head to look at me and I noticed the left half of his face had a scar on it, like it had been burnt. I almost gasped but caught myself before I could. "Hi." he whispered while smirking. I gave him a confused look before going right back to my book. I'm not going to make friends I don't care how bad ass they seem there is always something. I could feel his eyes burning a hole in the side of my face. I finally got fed up and snapped my head to look at him and he didn't even try to pretend he wasn't looking at me. At that second I was happy my seat was at the very back of the room because now I couldn't tare my gaze from him.

It took all my strength to whisper "What do you want?" he shook his head "Then stop staring at me, asshole." he turned his head to look at the front of the room, but now I couldn't stop looking at him from the corner of my eye. I re-adjusted my goggles to go on my eyes thinking it would help... it didn't.

Finally 5,4,3,2,1 lunch! The bell rang and everyone took out there lunch. Since it was a cloudy day (like every other winter day) that meant I had the roof all to myself. I got up from my desk and casually walked down the hall to the stairs and up to the roof. I took out my pack of cigarettes and sparked up. Damn I thought I was gonna go crazy in there! No cigarettes and that guy was distracting me the whole time.

"Those things can kill you." I heard a velvety voice say. I turned to see the new guy.

"A lot of other things will get to me before these cigarettes do." I replied and sucked in the nicotine.

"Like what?"

"Ya' know like the normal everyday death stuff? Like being attacked by mutant-zombie-aliens or thirsty vampires."

"Vampires, that's an interesting way to die."

I leaned against the wall and slid down until I was sitting on the ground. "Yup."

"Do you like vampires?"

"I think the better question is, is that any of your business and why are you bothering me?"

"You make a good point Matt, but that's two questions." He smirked at me. Wait this is the first time anyone has said my name all day, how does he know it?

"I think you should go." I stated.


"Because if you to try and be friends with me you'll end up with none." I bent my head down so my bangs covered my face.

"Why is that?"

"Well first of all everyone will see us together and reject you for being friends with me and I'll reject you because I don't want friends." I put the cigarette back to my mouth.

"Well I never said I wanted any friends."

"Well good, because at this rate you'll end up without them."

The rest of the day went by and I found out the new guy's name was Mello. On the walk home I felt strange like I was being followed but I know I wasn't because whenever I turned to look, no one was there. When I got to the tunnel I usually went through to make my walk home shorter, I almost was afraid but I sucked in a deep breath and walked through.


"Shit!" I almost jumped out of my socks when I heard someone call my name, I turned around quickly. "What the hell are you doing here, Mello?" I demanded.

"I'm walking home." he said nonchalantly.

I glared at him in the dim light. "Well where were you? I didn't see or hear anyone behind me until now."

"Yeah, but I know you sensed me right? That's why you are so nervous." he walked closer to me and I noticed how tall he was.

"W-ell are you gonna tell me how you were invisible until now?"

"No. I want you to go crazy thinking about it." he stopped in front of me and smirked.

My glare hardened "What do you want from me?" he chuckled and walked pass me.

"Nothing at the moment, but I will be seeing you around, neighbor." What is he talking about? The only house that is available on my block is... the one right next door to my house. Mother fucking shit burgers! Of course this a-hole lives next to me, he is going to drive me fucking insane! I was ready to fall after that little bit of information.

Mail says: We got a new kid at school today and HE WON'T LEAVE ME ALONE!

Mihael says: What did he do?

Mail says: He is like following me and shit.

Mihael says: Hmmm did he say anything?

Mail says: Just a bunch of weird stuff. Anyway how goes the hunt?

Mihael says: The hunt for a mate is not easy...Alas I think you are the only one worthy.

Mail says: I'm no good! I'm not a vampire.

Mihael says: That sort of thing doesn't matter to much...as long as you don't mind bite marks.

Mail says: Yummy *sarcasm*

Mihael says: You'd get use to them. :)=

Mail says: Not sure about that. Well how is everything else?

Mihael says: I had to move. A neighbor saw my father gnawing on his mate, so it couldn't be helped.

Mail says: That sucks. Where did you move to?

Mihael says: Can't tell you.

Mail says: You want me to be your "mate" but you won't tell me where you are. *shakes head*

Mihael says: You'll find out soon enough.

Mail says: What do you mean?

Mihael says: I want you to go crazy thinking about it.

Mihael has signed out

What did he mean by that? I closed the page on my laptop. Why did that sound familiar? Hmm well he said I'd find out sooner or later. Its not like I really believe he is a vampire or anything its just fun to pretend. I kind of like how he talks to me though, even if he hits on me most of the time. Its not like I didn't tell him I was a guy or anything! I pulled out a cigarette and lighted it. I sucked it in. Yum I'm in flavor country. I thought sarcastically. I wish I could quit I don't even like how cigarettes taste. I looked out of my window to see that Mello was staring at me from his window in the next house. I glared at him and closed my blinds.

A/N: Yay for new stories! Review thank you please?

Disclaimer: I don't own Death Note or Raise Against.