Reviews for Too Sexy For My Shirt
MiMiMargot chapter 78 . 9/15/2019
So, it is over now!
I mean, I read it all, all the 78 chapters in four days, and you can hardly blame me for being a bit dizzy now! I don't usually read a lot from computer screen or mobilphone, because it gives me headache and such, but this story was just so good that I ignored all that, and kept on reading no matter what.

I think that in my previous (70 or so) reviews, I have already said it all, but let me complement you a bit more.

I love the way you write. You're writing really felt like I was listening to Matt and Mello telling their story, it felt real, it felt authentic. You managed to write steamy scenes as well as tender once, you mastered humour, drama and tragedy. And you managed to keep a story of this magnitude together, so that even if it was originally written during a long time, it didn't feel like that when I read it. It was good from beginning to the end, and stayed high quality through out.

My favourite parts were the beginning, when Matt and Mello weren't together yet, and the part when Matt got into the motorcycle accident and was in hospital (great heartache there!). Also the ending was beautiful.

Overall, I think you have created something incredible here, and you should totally be very proud of yourself. And even if it is as you said, that M&M fandom is diminsihing, I could not care less. I will always be here, reading your fics about them, for they are just so goddamn awesome!
MiMiMargot chapter 77 . 9/15/2019
Such a sweet chapter.
I love the shop where Matt worksI would totally be a customer there. Also, I know I have said this many times, but Matt’s dad is just awesome. I love that Man.

Only one chapter to go! I cannot believe I have read through these 77 chapters in four days. That was intense! I plan to read the final one today as well, or maybe I will save it for tomorrow.

Anyways, I can only thank you for writing this all and taking me through this incredible journey.
MiMiMargot chapter 76 . 9/15/2019
So, Jeremy was a dickhead, just as I thought. But Luckily, not a dangerous dickhead. I’m glad He’s out of the picture now.

I still can’t understand why he thought Mello was ugly with the scar. It just makes him look that much more like a total badass. Jeremy is an idiot.
MiMiMargot chapter 75 . 9/15/2019
Only three more chapters to go!
Good thing it is Sunday, so I'll have time to read them all today.
I love to read Matt and Mello like this, living together, having that beautiful, in love, sex... And you write is so well.
That Jeremy is bugging me, though. But I guess we'll soon find out why.
MiMiMargot chapter 74 . 9/15/2019
Chocolate solves everything!
That's gonna be my new motto. You know, suffering from depression, I have become to believe that my meds, chocolate and half a bottle of wine can really solve anything. (Too bad I have to cook actual food for my kids, though).
Anyways, good job with this chapter! I love it, that Matt is gonna work in a chocolate shop, haha! And I'm happy things are kinda normal in their lives now. There sure was a looooong while with drama and suffering (not that I don't love that). But hey, that Jeremy guy is still suspicious.
MiMiMargot chapter 73 . 9/15/2019
As I thought! The money's gone, and M&M face new challenges.
I'm not too worried though. Matt's gonna get a job (probably form the gay bar, hah!), and Mello too as soon as he can walk (because let's face it, his scar just makes him look like a total badass and hot as hell). And then they'll live happily ever after, right? :D
MiMiMargot chapter 72 . 9/15/2019
These boys do cry a lot. ;D
Yeah, that steamy scene was so steamy I almost self combusted here. Well done!

The part where Mello's credit card was refused, I silently nodded to myself. I had been wondering about that, actually. Al his money is dirty money from the mafia, anyways, so I'm guessing he's not that rich any more. And his appartment? Is he gonna lose that too...?

Not that many chapters to go, damn.
MiMiMargot chapter 71 . 9/15/2019
Ah, finally! I've been waiting for this for the past 70 chapters, hahah! But seriously, about damn time these two had eachoter properly. Loved the way you described their passion.
MiMiMargot chapter 70 . 9/15/2019
Holy fuck! The ending of this chapter! I’m so happy I’m crying here. Damn!
MiMiMargot chapter 69 . 9/15/2019
Yes! I was so emotional reading the part where Mello stood up from the wheelchair! Aaah, happiness
MiMiMargot chapter 68 . 9/15/2019
I’m so happy they are back home! Finally! And cherries :D
MiMiMargot chapter 66 . 9/15/2019
So, it was a bit premature from me to say that Mello’s parents died. It occured to me right after I had sent the review, that actually We didn’t see his father dying. Oh well! I’m always happy when a fic manages to surprise me.

This chapter was so good, and I have waited it for such a long time. Finally M&M are reunited!
MiMiMargot chapter 65 . 9/15/2019
I loved how you described Mello’s feelings when his parents died. It was honest, raw and heart wrenching. I’m happy they are gone, though. I hope Mello and Matt can finally start a happy life together.
MiMiMargot chapter 64 . 9/15/2019
More twists than in a pretzel!
You do know how to keep us hooked. Can’t wait to read the next chapter.
MiMiMargot chapter 61 . 9/15/2019
Jesus Christ! That phone sex scene... :O I can’t wait for Matt and Mello to do that for real. You are the Matt&Mello smut queen, you know that? But I am so in love with this fic because this isn’t only about that. There’s an actual plot here and everything is so well written.

You are a Star, girl!
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