Reviews for MarshMello
trish chapter 5 . 8/17/2013
omg you are so evil and i love your stories 3 this one is definitely my favorite i couldn’t stop giggling xD
it's perfect
EveningBlack chapter 5 . 8/4/2013
This is the other fic I'm always thinking about xD good god I love this so much, just had to read it again
mxmsupporter chapter 5 . 7/11/2013
I'm pretty sure I've reviewed it before, but fuck it! This fic is just too great not to do it again!
It was so... Disturbing? XD You know, I was feeling like Matt when Mello teased him. Did I say that I love it when the writer teases me? Yep, but I'll say it once more! I laughed my ass off when reading, their thoughts were so damn funny! I could give you the list of my favourite ones, but I'm too lazy to do it ;p. The game itself was amazing, the final chapter wrapping everything into sth epic! Even though through the 4 chapters it was mainly concentrated on taking each other, the last one showed (surprisingly, because that was the only chapter that actually HAD sex in it) the deep relationship they shared. Damn, it was a great fluff, not reeking of cliche as many fluffs do.
What can I say, really. This is a definition of sth funny, fluffy, sexy and teasing all together! Thank you very much! *bowing*
And I bet you don't have this feeling like I do... The feeling that makes me write sth and when I finish, I don't have the ability to be even a little proud of it. Sadly. You make awesome things, you should be proud of yourself! :)
Ace Phantomhive chapter 5 . 6/13/2013
omg during their whole game i had to grin to myself like an idiot lol XD
and the way Matt bought Mello all those present each year and even gave up his fav. console to buy Mello that gift, it's just too sweet 33333
EveningBlack chapter 5 . 6/13/2013
I was expecting Matt to win, but I was only HALF EXPECTING HIM TO TOP JESUS that was so frickin surprising. XD
DeathlyWonders chapter 5 . 5/1/2013
This was incredible! And once again, I'm up way late because I can't stop reading! Lol I don't mind THAT much though... ;)
Lori5555 chapter 3 . 4/2/2013
oh i'm so happy while reading your storys. I LOVE your storys
mxmsupporter chapter 5 . 4/1/2013
Yay! They were beggining to be so fucking frustrating with only teasing! I love it that you made Matt the only person that Mello could happily loose to . The fic was so funny that i laughed out loud once ;).
And, as your mad fangirl (:D), please uploaad TSFMS, Lithium and Negative soon. Cant wait to read them more! 3
TwistedShell chapter 5 . 3/27/2013
Sweet and sexy. Such a good read!
UnknownPromise chapter 1 . 11/23/2012
I think I've never told you before that this is one of my all-time-favorites, too xD
The way you describe the feelings, and that the just don't want to be the first one to confess, although they know very well about the feelings of the other, is just awesome!
It's like you can feel the tension...
Shame on me, for not saying anything ealier. I freak out everytime, thinking my english isn't good enough, haha :)
Keep up the good work! Please? :)
Cupcakes4WammyKids chapter 5 . 11/17/2012
That's so sweet! I really like that they are playing this game, it's a very good idea, espacially because most of the situations were described by both of them and that makes it even more interesing!
I love it! :)
Cupcakes4WammyKids chapter 2 . 11/17/2012
what a great idea for a story! I like the way they misunderstand each other completely in everything they do, it's so gorgeous! :)
MissxxManiac chapter 3 . 7/23/2012
I've always loved this story and actually planned to review on every chapter, but since I just noticed something (while re-reading it for the uptheenth time), so I have to start with the 3rd chapter:
There is a slight logical flaw in this chapter *gasp*: in the first chapter, it's Valentines Day, and the next evening, it's normal to be hot 'cause they're "in june" ?
I wouldn't know how to fix that without leaving the underwear part out completely (please don't do that !), but I wanted to tell you before I forget.
Great chapter otherwise ! ;)
I Nommed the Nom Nom chapter 5 . 5/9/2012
Holy mother usually can't stand fanfiction written in characters' point of view,but I seriously loved yours!And I loved the game they played(I actually played 'Wicked Game' at one point).It was hard for me to read the lemon because of 2 things:I haven't read lemons in like..forever and it was hard for me to imagine Matt favourite parts were the ones when Mello cooked for Matt and when Mello discovered the eleven you! P.S:I think I went on a marathon of reading your lovely MxM fics.
spontaneous-rainbow chapter 1 . 2/7/2011
Yaoi-san- Hiee! I got marshmellos! YAY!

Minty-chan- I can't help but imagine that MarshMellos are little Mello-shaped, chocolate-flavoured marshmallows xD
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