Written for a prompt on the Glee kink meme. Basically, Blaine is consumed with dirty thoughts about Kurt, and writes them down. In a notebook. Which shall eventually find its way into the hands of one Kurt Hummel.

Prolouge (Sorta)
*Just explains why Blaine began writing down his toughts, and it is yet to be explicit*

Blaine Anderson was many things. Innocent, was not one of them. He was charming, intelligent, and dapper as hell, but as much as he tried to keep his thoughts pure, he couldn't. He just fucking couldn't, and it was all because of one Kurt Hummel.

Kurt was, in his opinion, the sexiest being to walk the planet, with his immaculent hair, soft skin, and delicious pink lips. (He also had the best ass Blaine had ever seen, Beyonce can kiss it.) Blaine could hardly look at him without feeling aroused. This borderline obsession he had with the adorable countertenor would be cause for concern under normal circumstances, and his relationship was not a typical one. Kurt had been so vunerable when they first met, and after the Karofsky inncident, the last thing Blaine wanted was to get too physical too fast, and scare him away. He cared about Kurt too much to do anything that might cause the younger boy stress. That seemed unavoidable if he kept treating him the way he currently was. In an effort to keep himself from dragging his beloved into a ramdom closet and screwing him until he couldn't walk, he had been avoiding him like the plauge. This wasn't helping his dirty thoughts at all though, as everytime he graciously declined one of Kurt's many invitations to hang out, Kurt would pout, and he'd start thinking about how he'd love to sink his teeth into that sweet lower lip, which led to thoughts about how Kurt's lips would taste, which led to thoughts about how the rest of Kurt would taste...and then he was forced to make a hasty escape before Kurt noticed his "little problem". (Not that it was in any way little, thank you very much.) Then after he took care of that, and couldn't help but angst over the hurt expression he would sometimes see displayed on Kurt's beautiful face as he ran from him. So,
deciding that blowing Kurt off (in both the pervy and clean meaning of those three words) wouldn't help his situation, he came up with a third option. One that he was testing out right this very moment, while in Spanish class.

Instead of taking notes, like he knew he should be, he was busy filling in the notebook he had bought specifically for his current purpose.(It was an exsact replica of his Spanish notebook, there was no way in hell he was going to allow himself to get caught in the act.) He smirked at the decorative title page he had made on the first page: "What I would like to do to Kurt Hummel, (and Eventually Will)", and began writing.