Author has written 12 stories for Smallville, StarTrek: The Original Series, Doctor Who, Star Trek: 2009, Lord of the Rings, Hobbit, and Torchwood. I'm a geek and proud, what more can I say. I have been lurking on for years but have only recently re-found the pleasure of writing and posting. I don't think I'll ever be an epic novelist but if a few people like my writing then I'll keep going. I live in the UK so you will have to excuse any British-ism that makes it's way into my works. I love all things Sci-fi, fantasy, comic books anything really but Sherlock, Star Trek (of any variety), Doctor Who, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Grimm, Stargate and CSI are the mains things I love to read in fiction. Basically give me anything that has two strong male leads with an epic bromance happening and I love it. 14/04/15 - I have quite a few stories In progress at the moment: Lord of the Rings: Royal Affair: Only 1 chapter to go but I am so busy at the moment I haven't had time to write, will be finished shortly. Hunters: Mostly written First meeting type story Babysitting: Just needs finishing, story set just after Eldarion is born Star Trek: Fate's Dischord: My promised story, 3 chapters written but I am in the process of re-writing. I am changing this as it always included Spock Prime but I now wish to pay homage to the great Leonard Nimoy so I will not post until perfect. I'm sorry if you have to wait but I think it would be worse if I posted something I couldn't finish. A Shoreleave to Remember: Side story set after Nebula's Ashes. A completely different thing for me, this is a short romance piece between McCoy and my OC Kaz. Buffy: Bargaining: AU Wishesque story - A wish was made to save a life, what happen when Buffy wants the wish undone...will things be better or worse. To Save a Soul: The slayerettes have been captured and one will play an ultimate price. |