Tribute to Reviewers

I poured almost all of my being into this story the past six months and am gratified by those who took time to send me responses.

So – here's a big THANK YOU to all of you – Hannon le – particularly those who have walked with me from beginning to end, and including all anonymous reviewers. And thank you to all those who put me on your 'favorites' lists – I feel honored.

This is my humble acknowledgement of all the readers who have submitted reviews – if I have missed out any name(s), please, please, please let me know and accept my apologies. :–)


Acua / Livi: Thank you for reading and enjoying the story.

Ainu Laire: Didn't think the last two chapters wouldleave you hushed. :–) I look forward to more madness from you – perhaps in other stories.

Aislynn Crowdaughter: You were so mad at Aragorn, lol, but he was never bad. Just overwhelmed.

Alariel: Hope you continue to find strength through your story.

Alis world: Thank you for all your reviews and letting me know you enjoyed the story. Hope all is going well for you.

Alison H / Ali64: Thank you, Ali – you have faithfully sent me reviews from two sites and have been with me all through my journey. I have enjoyed your companionship.

AM: You, too, have been with me my entire journey. I always enjoy reading your reactions to the lines that you like in the story. :–)

Angel: Thanks for your reviews at both sites. :–)

AngelS: You're welcome, you're welcome, you're welcome, lol! Glad the ending pleased you.

Armyn: I appreciate your review.

becky553: Thank you for your review.

beling2: Thank you for reading and letting me know you enjoyed the story.

BitterLee: Though I had very little of your company, I appreciate it.

Black squirrel: Hey – still hoppin':–) I remember enjoying the language of your reviews – what excellent ones you wrote! Hope all is well with you.

blah blah: Hey, fellow LOTR addict. Hope you're getting enough fixes. :–)

Blaise: Thanks much for the review.

Booklover Fanatic: Thank you for reading and letting me know you enjoyed the story.

Brakensilver: Your reviews were greatly appreciated, especially the one in which you danced, lol.

Bulldogodiva: Thank you for your review.

Caunoiech: I remember your impassioned plea in Chap 14, lol!

Charlie: Haven't heard from you in a long while, but thank you for identifying the lines you liked, when you reviewed.

Ciryaquen: Your review was much appreciated.

Cloud 1-2-3: Thank you for dropping in.

crazypenguin4: Thank you for your review.

DarkStarofMirkwood: Loved all your reactions to the angst! Your company was much appreciated – thanks for staying till the end.

Dawn: Thank you very much for the interest you showed in the story and all your reviews.

Deana: You have been there from the beginning, dear girl – your spirit can never be dampened! And I think you still hold the record for the number of times you were the first reviewer for each chapter! Hugs

Deep Sorrow: Great to hear from you again at last. Thank you so much for your interest, and I hope my story did not give you deep sorrow. :–)

Elf771: Loved all your reactions to the angst! I had to smile at your own angst too, lol. Thank you for all your threats, 'curses' and support. :–)

eliza61: Your angst was always very amusing to me, lol. Thank you for your great company throughout my journey.

Elvendancer: Thank you for dropping in. Hope you're still dancin'. :–)

elvingirl3737: Nice to hear from you, thank you.

Emily: Thank you for your review.

Evergreene: I will always remember your rage at Sarambaq, lol. Will get to your stories as soon as I can.

Ezra-Asgard: You joined us late, but your company is appreciated. You think of this story as a legend … wow. My humble thanks to you.

Ferret: Thanks for stopping in to leave a review.

Gilraen Aclamense: Your review is much appreciated.

Harrowcat: Another one who hunted down this story at both sites – what a compliment. It was great having you, thank you.

Iavala: Wish I had had the pleasure of your company earlier, but thanks for leaving me a review even at the end.

Invisigoth: I shall look forward to your company again. :–)

Ithilien: I appreciate the insightful discussions I had with you.

Ithil-valon: Your kind words shall always ring in my heart, and your faith in me was a great support.

Jennifer: Thanks for stopping in to leave a review.

Jobuggy: I shall remember that you took the time to leave me a review even though you don't usually do reviews. :–)

Karriya: Your review is much appreciated.

Kelsey Estel: I am humbled by your praise; thank you. I don't think any of my later stories will be quite like this one into which I poured my passion and being. But I won't stop writing. I will also remember how you shared my delight in the elves of Ithilien. How sad that they have sailed… but perhaps I shall revive them in later stories. :–)

Kestrel of Valinor: Thanks much for the reviews you left.

Kingsfoil Grace: Thank you very much for your interest. I didn't have time then to consider posting at your site – but who knows now? ;–)

Kirsten: Thank you for your great support for much of my journey. Hug

Kirsten Z: I always had to make sure I was typing out the right name for you and Kirsten. You have been wonderfully supportive – thank you.

Kukumalu: Your name was always easy to remember. Would you like to know what your name means in the native tongue of one of the races in my country? Email me if you do. :–)

Kurafoxgirl: Loved your excitement. Thank you for the review.

Kuramasneko: Thanks much for the review.

Lalala bamba: I will remember how you said you hoped to be reviewer to be #15 for the chapter – and you were!

lembas7: Slothful! Slothful! LOL! It's a wonder you did not bring down hailstone and fire upon your head from all the Aragorn supporters who read the story. :–) Watch out for this term in my later stories – I shall do my darnedest to stick it in somewhere!

Leralonde: Sorry I gave you a headache over the last two chapters, lol. Hope it was worth it. Thank you for loving those two characters as much as I do.

Lili: Thank you for dropping in.

Lindahoyland: You stuck with me and enjoyed my tale even thought you don't like Legolas stories. It can't get much better than that. I am very touched – thank you.

Lindele: Hope I can make you cry again with other stories, lol.

Linwe: Thank you for your support.

Lola: Thanks for the review you left.

Lost- Elf: I am glad you appreciated the touch of 'hope' at the end – there is always hope. Thank you so much for your company.

Lyn: Thank you for your reviews and great observations.

Macie: For someone who found the story so late, you have given me great support – thank you.

Manderly: Thanks very much for the reviews you left.

Mari: I enjoyed your reviews immensely. Hope all is well with you.

Moe: You, too, were a strong supporter of the Kleenex industry, lol. Hope all is well with you.

Nautika: How you could bear to wait till the end (or close to the end) before reading the story, I'll never know! (Remember you said you were afraid it would be abandoned?) What resistance, lol! But thank you for sticking with me till the finish line.

Nclowe: Miss your 'predictions' – you were pretty good at them!

Neko of Doom: Hope you enjoyed the story to the end, thank you for dropping in.

Nevaratoiel: Your review was much appreciated.

OfPiratesAndElves: Glad you enjoyed the story. Thanks for the review.

Orla: Thank you for dropping in. :–)

Outofthebox: I miss your 'sticks.' You started a whole culture of 'stickiness' for the readers in those few chapters, lol.

Partheon: Aaaah, partheon… still awaiting the end of your story with bated breath. Thank you for your support.

Pellawethiel: Thank you for writing in. Still want to strangle Aragorn now? lol.

Po-Pla: Thank you much for your review. And if I issue a tissue warning next time – I guess you won't be reading the chapter at work, lol!

Rangerofthenorth: Hey, Ranger. Hope you are enjoying your Royal Bath and Glass Pool. Leave some Legolas for the rest of us. :–)

Raspberry: Hope you're not sticking your tongue out at me, Raspberry! Lol. Thanks for dropping in.

RDR: Enjoyed your reviews at both sites. Hope all is well with you. :–)

Red Squirrel: Will never forget how you went all the way to the campus – with a cold – to read a new chapter. That's commitment. :–) Thank you.

Robinscat: Will always remember how you spent half a night hunting down this story. You made me feel good. Thank you.

ROMAragorn: Mae govannen. You came late – but what an entrance – at both sites:–) No genius am I, but thank you for your kind words.

Ruth: I miss the cherries and other offerings you used to make, lol. This "cyber genie" is signing off for the moment.

Sabrina: Brina – you, too, have been a faithful companion on my journey. I treasured your company. Hannon le. And peace to you too.

Sarah: Thanks much for the review.

Sayre: Thank you for writing in.

Shaan Lien: Your reviews meant much to me. Long may your own stories inspire! So glad we can keep in touch via email. :–)

Shadowfax2931: Hey Amanda! Hope I can dedicate another birthday chapter to you in a different story. :–)

Sheikan: Good having you, thanks.

Slayer3: Long live the tissue industry as long as you are still around, lol! Glad you embraced your obsession at last.

SmilingDragonGirl: You came in halfway through my journey, but – boy! What an impact you have made. I have collected all your wet tissues :–) and will recycle them and ship them back to you for later use. Thank you so much for your company and entertaining reviews. Hugs

Snow-glory: Your company on my journey was wonderful. Thank you so much.

Soar: It has been wonderful having you on my journey – thank you. Hope to see you back in this part of the world some time in the future. And looking forward to updates from yourself.:–)

Solo23: Thank you for your review.

Star-Stallion: Your name reminds of Aragorn's Rallias, lol. It was great having you on my journey, thanks.

Stealth67: Your review was much appreciated.

Templa Otmena: I shall never forget your distinctly British exclamations! What a delight. :–)

Tinnuial: This was my path, Tinnuial – and you had a part in setting me on it. Thank you.

Tithen Min: Incredibly lazy or not – you appeared again at the end, lol. Thank you.

Viggomaniac: Aaah, what can I say? I am humbled by all your praise, but it is so sweet coming from an ardent fan of Aragorn's, and I am very grateful for your undying support. You are quite right: I poured my whole being, passion and love into this story, and what follows after will not be quite the same. But I shall keep writing to keep those two alive. I look forward to your company again.

Wantanelf: Hope you GET your elf, want-an-elf, lol. Thanks for your review.