Author has written 23 stories for Shadow of the Colossus, Fire Emblem, Castlevania, Lost In Blue, Harvest Moon, Sonic the Hedgehog, Bravely Default, and Sims. Who am I? You sure you want to know? The story of my life is not for the faint of heart. Ok, I'm just being a bit overdramatic, but I probably got your attention anyway, or I just made you roll your eyes. So, you want to know who I am. Obviously, or you wouldn't be checking my profile. So, here we go. Current Poll N/A Story Updates 7/7/2020: Hard to believe, but I'm still alive. I posted my next chapter of Tell Me You Love Me and also migrated some of my works to AO3, for kicks. About Me I'd say I'm an average guy, yes, I am one of the few male fan fiction writer's in existence (from what others have told me, the main demographic for this sort of thing is women). I guess I should say I'd like to say I'm an average guy, but I guess when you look at it, I'm not all that average. I'm not into the typical sports thing, although I admit wholeheartedly to being a Washington Capitals fan (2018 Stanley Cup Champions!), despite growing up in the Midwest where hockey is virtually unknown. As far as hobbies go, writing is one of them, but you could probably guess that. More on that later. I'm also a die-hard gamer. My collection spans all the way from the Sega Genesis to the Nintendo Switch and a lot of places in between. I'm a fan of a wide-variety of franchises and series including but not limited to Sonic, Mario, The Legend of Zelda, Ace Attorney and Fire Emblem. There are others, and I mean many others. I'm also quite interested in music, listening to not playing. I couldn't play an instrument to save my life. My first love in terms of music is most stuff from the 60's. I wasn't born then. but I was raised on that kind of music, like The Beatles, The Grass Roots, Gary Puckett, and many more to name. Like my gaming collection, my interest in songs extends far beyond just that, spanning into the 70's, 80's and some of today's work, albeit very little. I see nothing wrong with also admitting to liking several female vocalists, so I'm also a fan of such artists like Celine Dion, Natasha Bedingfield, Gabrielle Aplin, and Celtic Woman. I can enjoy rock music, and I thoroughly do, but I also find beauty in a ballad and sometimes inspiration in the lyrics. Last but certainly not least, I am a Christian. That's not to say I don't struggle because I do, but it would be much worse without faith because sometimes, it's the only thing you'll have left in this world. People come and go, friendships will fade, achievement will be forgotten, and on it goes, but a strong faith will remain. About My Writing So, now we come to how I got into writing and found FanFiction. Well, once upon a time, I'd actually thought of writing my own original work, but I wanted to find a way to hone my style, but it actually began way before that. Believe it or not, my first story was an old Star Wars piece that I would incinerate if I found the draft. Seriously, looking back, it sucked, but I guess you have to start somewhere. However, I disown that piece as my first story. I then began posting the first few bits of a story on Nintendo forums, but I found it too limiting. A friend of mine suggested I come here. So, I took him up on it. It all began with one story. Fire Emblem was really my first love when it came to writing, so it began with The Twin Blades, a post-Radiant Dawn story that grew beyond even my own imagination. Over the years, it started as one story. Then it grew it what I hoped to make a 4-story saga. Again, looking back, it really was bad even today. But still, as my first story, it holds some fond memories. But I began expanding, both within Fire Emblem and outside of it. Generally, I want to write for games I really enjoyed, so if I can find something to write about, to me, there is no better complement. My style is a bit hard to nail down. I've never really had to think about how my style would actually be defined, although it has been described as 'mature.' I like to approach each project with a great deal of care. Not to say I'm the only one, but when it takes a lot out of you to put pen to paper, you know the word painstaking comes to mind. I've tried to write for a wide range of genres, some with apparently greater degrees of success. These days, it's harder and harder to write, but I'd like to think I've never truly abandoned anything, although check the section below for stories that don't stand much chance of being completed. I may or may not decide to hang it up at some point, as my original intention for writing has pretty much faded. But we'll see. I also will say this was one of the highest compliments anyone could have paid me. Recently, I stumbled across this video that really made my day as a fan fiction writer. I hope for whoever is reading this profile it means something to you too. Fan Fiction Graveyard In this section lie those stories that will probably never be completed. As I said, I'd like to think nothing I do is ever truly abandoned, but there are those that probably will be. Here's hoping this section doesn't grow. The Twin Blades Saga and Appendices What I Like to Read I like to read anything that is well-written within limits. There are some subjects that I just don't want to read about. I really like it when writers take time to work out their stories because it shows they really care about them. So, I guess it's hard to define what I like, although I will admit to being a bit of a sucker for those feel-good fluff pieces that yes, include romance. I've even been known to write a little romance myself. Call it living vicariously through fiction. Oh, and John Phoenix sucks! If you know that name, you know why. |
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