Reviews for Singing in the Courtroom - A JP and CzarThwomp Duet
yandere dev and sim lover chapter 68 . 9/16
also go vote on dakoolguy's petition so john phoenix will be added to aa7
yandere dev and sim lover chapter 93 . 9/16
Actually NintendoAceAttorneyFan, those reviews are a public service because this story is plagiarized, as are JordanPhoenix's other stories


go to that story for a bunch of examples
NintendoAceAttorneyFan chapter 2 . 9/11
Not to be rude or anything... But whoever's leaving spam reviews... can you please just shut up already? It's getting annoying. You are literally filling up the review page with your spam and nonsense and self-advertisement.
Oh, and... nice chapter, JordanPhoenix! Really catchy!
Joeclone chapter 99 . 9/7
If I were Inga I’d go ahead and shoot my temple. Ga’ran would understand, she’d probably try to pin the blame on Dhurke too. I mean, she would understand, right?
turnabout phoenix chapter 1 . 9/7
this story seemed really weird and pervy , i don't know who wrote this but it seems creepy
also iv'e heard your horrible to people, why is that.
this story seemed really weird and pervy , i don't know who wrote this but it seems creepy
also iv'e heard your horrible to people, why is that.
yandere dev and sim lover chapter 16 . 9/7
his story seemed really weiRd and pervy , i don't know who wrote this but it seems creepy
also iv'e heard your horrible to people, why is that.

i don't have anything good to say about this story because you seem mean and grumpy, two things i hate..

could you explain that?
NintendoAceAttorneyFan chapter 1 . 9/7
Great chapter! The lyrics are really well-written (I couldn't help singing along with them lol).
I really enjoyed this! :)
chloemcg chapter 99 . 9/7
Hi, JordonPhoenix and Czartwhomp! I’ve missed you both a whole heap! And you did a good job with this, it would kind of make sense (in my opinion) for Dhurke and Igna to have worked together once as they speak of toppling over their enemies...which would eventually become each other.

You both did a great job!

JP, not only did I recently update my PL vs AA sequel yet again but I also updated a new AA fanfic last night. I’ve been watching some AA anime lately so that’s gotten me in an AA mood so I’m hoping to update some Ace attorney fics I’ve left for awhile. And yes, FEYT IS AWESOME AND NEEDS MORE LOVE! I’ve even re-read some of your TE was chapters! And now I’m starting to imagine Phoenix being challenged by Larry to do an art competition with the latter having to unbury his artist abilities from university to beat him.

I don’t know, I thought it would be funny.

And I agree with your head canon, especially since AA SOJ case 1 and the AA anime season 2 episode 1 suggests that Phoenix does sing and sing quite well.

CT, that’s fine. I do actually like the Disney (mickey mouse) version of Christmas Carol. And hearing about Phoenix passing the torch on to Apollo makes me think of that scene in the greatest showman where Barnum passes his hat on to Phillip in the reprise of “Greatest show“...except Phoenix is Barnum and Apollo is Phillip.

Anyways, you guys are awesome and I can’t wait to see more from you guys!
John Phoenixs Fun Writing Tips chapter 99 . 9/6

ok now that i'm done reading all those 99 chapters here is my review: it sucks who wants to read normal song lyrics except with ace attorney in them
John Phoenixs Fun Writing Tips chapter 98 . 9/6
this story seemed really weird and pervy , i don't know who wrote this but it seems creepy
also iv'e heard your horrible to people, why is that.
this story seemed really weird and pervy , i don't know who wrote this but it seems creepy
also iv'e heard your horrible to people, why is that.

i don't have anything good to say about this story because you seem mean and grumpy, two things i hate..

could you explain that?this story seemed really weird and pervy , i don't know who wrote this but it seems creepy
also iv'e heard your horrible to people, why is that.

i don't have anything good to say about this story because you seem mean and grumpy, two things i hate..

could you explain that?this story seemed really weird and pervy , i don't know who wrote this but it seems creepy
also iv'e heard your horrible to people, why is that.

i don't have anything good to say about this story because you seem mean and grumpy, two things i hate..

could you explain that?this story seemed really weird and pervy , i don't know who wrote this but it seems creepy
also iv'e heard your horrible to people, why is that.

i don't have anything good to say about this story because you seem mean and grumpy, two things i hate..

could you explain that?this story seemed really weird and pervy , i don't know who wrote this but it seems creepy
also iv'e heard your horrible to people, why is that.

i don't have anything good to say about this story because you seem mean and grumpy, two things i hate..

could you explain that?this story seemed really weird and pervy , i don't know who wrote this but it seems creepy
also iv'e heard your horrible to people, why is that.

i don't have anything good to say about this story because you seem mean and grumpy, two things i hate..

could you explain that?this story seemed really weird and pervy , i don't know who wrote this but it seems creepy
also iv'e heard your horrible to people, why is that.

i don't have anything good to say about this story because you seem mean and grumpy, two things i hate..

could you explain that?this story seemed really weird and pervy , i don't know who wrote this but it seems creepy
also iv'e heard your horrible to people, why is that.

i don't have anything good to say about this story because you seem mean and grumpy, two things i hate..

could you explain that?this story seemed really weird and pervy , i don't know who wrote this but it seems creepy
also iv'e heard your horrible to people, why is that.

i don't have anything good to say about this story because you seem mean and grumpy, two things i hate..

could you explain that?this story seemed really weird and pervy , i don't know who wrote this but it seems creepy
also iv'e heard your horrible to people, why is that.

i don't have anything good to say about this story because you seem mean and grumpy, two things i hate..

could you explain that?
i don't have anything good to say about this story because you seem mean and grumpy, two things i hate..

could you explain that?
John Phoenixs Fun Writing Tips chapter 97 . 9/6
this story seemed really weird and pervy , i don't know who wrote this but it seems creepy
also iv'e heard your horrible to people, why is that.

i don't have anything good to say about this story because you seem mean and grumpy, two things i hate..

could you explain that?this story seemed really weird and pervy , i don't know who wrote this but it seems creepy
also iv'e heard your horrible to people, why is that.

i don't have anything good to say about this story because you seem mean and grumpy, two things i hate..

could you explain that?this story seemed really weird and pervy , i don't know who wrote this but it seems creepy
also iv'e heard your horrible to people, why is that.

i don't have anything good to say about this story because you seem mean and grumpy, two things i hate..

could you explain that?this story seemed really weird and pervy , i don't know who wrote this but it seems creepy
also iv'e heard your horrible to people, why is that.

i don't have anything good to say about this story because you seem mean and grumpy, two things i hate..this story seemed really weird and pervy , i don't know who wrote this but it seems creepy
also iv'e heard your horrible to people, why is that.

i don't have anything good to say about this story because you seem mean and grumpy, two things i hatethis story seemed really weird and pervy , i don't know who wrote this but it seems creepy
also iv'e heard your horrible to people, why is that.

i don't have anything good to say about this story because you seem mean and grumpy, two things i hate..

could you explain that?this story seemed really weird and pervy , i don't know who wrote this but it seems creepy
also iv'e heard your horrible to people, why is that.

i don't have anything good to say about this story because you seem mean and grumpy, two things i hate..

could you explain that?this story seemed really weird and pervy , i don't know who wrote this but it seems creepy
also iv'e heard your horrible to people, why is that.

i don't have anything good to say about this story because you seem mean and grumpy, two things i hate..

could you explain that?this story seemed really weird and pervy , i don't know who wrote this but it seems creepy
also iv'e heard your horrible to people, why is that.

i don't have anything good to say about this story because you seem mean and grumpy, two things i hate..

could you explain that?

could you explain that?

could you explain that?
John Phoenixs Fun Writing Tips chapter 96 . 9/6
this story seemed really weird and pervy , i don't know who wrote this but it seems creepy
also iv'e heard your horrible to people, why is that.

i don't have anything good to say about this story because you seem mean and grumpy, two things i hate..

could you explain that?this story seemed really weird and pervy , i don't know who wrote this but it seems creepy
also iv'e heard your horrible to people, why is that.

i don't have anything good to say about this story because you seem mean and grumpy, two things i hate..

could you explain that?this story seemed really weird and pervy , i don't know who wrote this but it seems creepy
also iv'e heard your horrible to people, why is that.

i don't have anything good to say about this story because you seem mean and grumpy, two things i hate..

could you explain that?this story seemed really weird and pervy , i don't know who wrote this but it seems creepy
also iv'e heard your horrible to people, why is that.

i don't have anything good to say about this story because you seem mean and grumpy, two things i hate..

could you explain that?this story seemed really weird and pervy , i don't know who wrote this but it seems creepy
also iv'e heard your horrible to people, why is that.

i don't have anything good to say about this story because you seem mean and grumpy, two things i hate..

could you explain that?
John Phoenixs Fun Writing Tips chapter 95 . 9/6
this story seemed really weird and pervy , i don't know who wrote this but it seems creepy
also iv'e heard your horrible to peOple, why is that.

i don't have anything good to say about this story because you seem mean and grumpy, two things i hate..

could you explain that?
John Phoenixs Fun Writing Tips chapter 94 . 9/6
this story seemed really weird and pervy , i don't know who wrote this but it seems creepy
also iv'e heard your horrible to pEople, why is that.

i don't have anything good to say about this story because you seem mean and grumpy, two things i hate..

could you explain that?
John Phoenixs Fun Writing Tips chapter 93 . 9/6
this story seemed really weird and pervy , i don't know who wrote this but it seems creepy
also iv'e heard your horrible to People, why is that.

i don't have anything good to say about this story because you seem mean and grumpy, two things i hate..

could you explain that?
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