![]() Author has written 30 stories for Fire Emblem, Legend of Heroes, Familiar of Zero, Valkyria Chronicles, RWBY, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, League of Legends, Heroes of Might and Magic, Monster Hunter, and X-overs. Hello World! I'm a new writer on this site but have been apart of the reading masses since 2010 so I'm glad I finally got the ability to sign up for the site! Just so everyone knows I'm not a hugely concentrated writer unless my muse decides to take over and even then I'm a big fan of general OP characters within a developed world that reacts to them as well as a lover of music, anime, video games, etc. I'm also a hopeless romantic that loves certain pairings to the point I'm incapable of seeing those two with anyone else (It's great to be NaruHina) Image for Adult Nowi: Just type in Nagi Fire Emblem and you'll find it pretty fast (Should be first result in images) Just change the clothing and hair color and you have her! I'll probably give this profile a better restructuring later but, I'll give you my paring for my fav series OTP AvatarxCordelia Fire Emblem NarutoxHinata Naruto IchiHime Bleach (It's cute) SomaxErina Shokugeki no Soma YuxYukikio and MinatoxMitsuru (I seem to like Redheds and dark hair huh?) Etc... "I am THE romantic trash!"-Me in a conversation with my beta. That's all for now see you on the site! For the few that wander here, I present the character sheets of my Fire Emblem story! These are for anyone who's confused and where everyone stands, so I hope this makes life a little easier! Robin Marcellus Volk das Felds (Formal Name) Current Titles: Grandmaster of the Ylissean Military, Grandmaster of the Alliance, Chief Advisor to the Exalt, Duke of Felds, Chosen of the High Gods, Lucky Bastard (By jealous nobles.) Nicknames: Daddy (Severa), Dad (Morgan), Brave Wolf/Dork (Cordelia), Uncle (The other children), He Who Makes Insane Plans (Shepherds), Brother (Chrom), Bubbles (Gaius). Patron Deity: Fenrir, High God of Lightning Personality: Calm and collected with a vast reserve of snark. Unable to handle emotional situations without being flustered unless exhausted or hopped up on adrenaline. Cunning to his enemies and kind to his allies, prefers to end violence long before it begins. Family: Cordelia (Wife), Severa and Morgan (Daughters), Chrom (Adoptive Brother), Sumia (Adoptive Sister), Lucina (Goddaughter), Lissa (Adoptive Sister), Donnel (Adoptive Brother), Shepherds (All close enough to be family), Validar (Biological Father), Xayah (Biological Mother), Aversa (Biological Sister), Diane (Mother-in-law), Rodrick (Father-in-law). (Was informally adopted into Chrom’s family after receiving ducal title.) Profession and Skills: Genius strategist and tactician, masterful swordsman and spellcaster, trained in various skills and arts via Outrealms from riding to lockpicking. Chosen of Fenrir, able to conjure wolf familiars on command and control far more powerful lightning than other mages. Talented musician with a fondness for horns, his favorite being the trumpet. He practices with Cordelia whenever there’s free time. Current Duke of the Ylissean province of Felds, oversees organization and distribution of Ylissean military. Acts as political advisor to Exalt Chrom and Queen Sumia, records his thoughts and analyses in a large tome that has been published in several volumes to teach a new generation of tacticians and strategists. Favorite Food: Bear meat grilled with a slight sear and served with a side of collared greens. Hair: Purple, styled short with a small wave in the front. Eyes: Multi-colored, described as opals. Favored clothes: Tactician’s cloak over a simple shirt and tan pants tucked into boots. Armor is composed of golden plate that covers everything save his joints, his cloak adding a cowl to denote his rank. Known as the most likely to run away from seaweed after an undisclosed incident. Plegian by blood, Ylissean by choice. Shows no enmity to homeland, despite the war. Cordelia Tenera Volk das Felds (Formal Name) Current Titles: Commander of the Ylissean Pegasus Knights, Commander of Allied Airforce, Chief Advisor to the Queen, Duchess of Felds, Chosen of the High Gods, Ms. Perfect (Derisive). Nicknames: Mom (Severa and Morgan), Angel and Cordy (Robin), Aunt (Other Children), Sister (Sumia), She Who Works Too Hard (Shepherds). Patron Deity: Agni, High Goddess of Fire Personality: Goal oriented and serious when on duty, friendly and kind when off duty. Tends to put duty before herself, but always comes back to her friends and family. Still a romantic despite years of marriage to Robin, she reads fairytale romances to her younger daughters. Is distasteful of violence, but is ferociously efficient in battle, becoming nearly a berserker should her family be threatened. Likes to bake and play the harp in her free time, Robin joining her with his trumpet. Tends to be self-deprecating and overly humble until her husband starts paying compliments. Proceeds to preen like a peacock. Family: Robin (Husband) Severa and Morgan (Daughters) Lucina (Goddaughter) Chrom (Adoptive Brother), Sumia (Adoptive Sister), Lissa (Adoptive Sister), Donnel (Adoptive Brother), Shepherds (Brothers and Sisters), Validar (Father-in-law), Xayah (Mother-in-law), Diane (Biological Mother), Rodrick (Biological Father), Aversa (Sister-in-law). (Informally adopted into Exalted family upon receiving ducal title.) Profession and Skills: Stands as leader of the Ylissean Pegasus Knights and Chief Advisor to Queen Sumia. Handles the logistical side of the dukedom while Robin deals with politics, a perfect team. Works to train and mentor recruits and helps oversee the new Ylissean Wyvern Knights. Her training regimens are studied throughout the kingdom as examples of diligence and duty. Skilled in almost any facet she puts her mind to, Cordelia is particularly able at lance combat. Mounted or on foot, her skill with a lance can slay thirty-odd foes by her lonesome. Fire magic became a part of her arsenal after being chosen by Agni, her preferred spells being columns of flame and vaporizing beams. Also acts as the Shepherds emergency first aid provider after she was unable to help Robin after he sustained a deep wound. Supremely talented in music, but prefers the harp and singing over other forms. Favorite Food: Cherry Pie and Grilled Fish with lemon zest. Hair: Crimson, styled long and straight with a few strands curling up at the tips. Moonstone clips in the shape of wings frame her head, a grift from Robin. Eyes: Ruby Favored Clothes: Originally insecure about her modest bust, she now prefers modest dresses in casual settings with ribbons for extra flair. In war, she wears the golden armor and robe style of a Falcon Knight, with the cloth dyed red and silver as a personal touch. Considered most likely to start squealing while reading a book, only to pretend she was organizing a shelf. Severa Prisma Volk das Felds (Formal Name) Current Titles: Grandmaster of the Alliance (Shared with Robin), Chief Advisor to Exalt-Elect Lucina, Heiress of Felds. Nicknames: Sev (Just about everyone), Love (Lucina), Sevy (Nowi) She Who Can’t Take a Break (Shepherds). Patron Deity: N/A, technically Naga. Personality: Acerbic and bitter to those who first meet her, Severa is a kind and considerate young woman who’s far more bark than bite. Cares for family more than anything else, despite getting embarrassed and bullish when praised. Realistic and pragmatic, she will say the truth if needed, but tends to worry over it and other small things. Never touch her family or lover, you will die. Hopeless romantic at heart. Family: Robin (Biological Father), Cordelia (Biological Mother), Morgan (Biological Sister), Chrom (Father-in-law), Sumia (Mother-in-law), Cynthia (Sister-in-law), Lucina (Wife), Owain (Brother-in-law), Lissa (Mother-in-law), Donnel (Father-in-law), Frederick (Uncle Fred), Nowi (Aunty), Shepherds (Uncles and Aunts), Aversa (Aunt), Validar (Paternal Grandfather), Xayah (Paternal Grandmother), Diane (Maternal Grandmother), Rodrick (Maternal Grandfather) (Technically married to Lucina under their aliases Katarina and Marth). Profession and Skills: Worked as the tactician for the time-walkers and voice of reason after traveling through time, though emotion has gotten the better of her. Currently works as Robin’s second in command, helping organize the Allied forces and drafting battle plans. Despite looking similar to Cordelia in her teenage years, Severa tended towards blades and tactics growing up. Eventually blossomed into a genius tactical coordinator that is soon to surpass Robin, if not in strategy. Expert swordswoman and spellcaster, she’s also skilled in several fields like her parents, but prefers fire magic over lightning, as shown with her personal tome Ragnorok. While not particularly talented at music beyond singing, Severa has a creative mind and greatly enjoys listening to the music her family makes. Has developed a hobby of creating sheet music of tunes she hears and even composes, though she’s too embarrassed to share. Favorite Food: Cinnamon Rolls and Beef Stew, reminds her of warm nights by the fire in her childhood. Hair: Purple and tied into two twintails that reach her lower back. Eyes: Heterochromatic, a rare condition in Ylisse. Right eye is like Robin’s while the left matches Cordelia’s. Favored Clothes: Rarely if ever seen without her tactician’s cloak, as it was one of the last gifts her parents gave. Beyond that, wears a leather jacket and dark shirt, the colors dyed to purple and red in order to match her family colors, along with dark pants tucked into boots. Armor matches Robin’s but with a pleated skirt for ease of movement. Most likely to wake up in the middle of the night and start drafting plans. Robin often joins her. Morgan Arcadia Volk das Felds (Formal Name) Current Titles: Captain of the Ylissean Pegasus Knights, Captain of the Allied Airforce, Heiress of Felds, Royal Messenger. Nicknames: Morg (Most everyone), Cherry Head (Friends Teasing), She Who Enjoys Stunt Shows (Shepherds). Patron Deity: N/A, technically Naga. Personality: Chipper and optimistic, Morgan won’t let anything get her down. Most of the time, that is, she still dwells on things long past like the rest of her family. Kind to strangers and friends alike, her ability to make peace and friends wherever she goes led her to become a royal messenger. A bit of an idealist, she balances Severa’s more acerbic and realist viewpoint with her positivity. Never stand between her and peaches if you wish to live. Tends to worry constantly over Severa and her friends, making her something of an annoyance until she calms down. Hopeless romantic like her sister. Family: Robin (Biological Father), Cordelia (Biological Mother), Severa (Biological Sister), Chrom (Father-in-law), Sumia (Mother-in-law), Cynthia (Sister-in-law), Lucina (Sister-in-law), Owain (Husband), Lissa (Mother-in-law), Donnel (Father-in-law), Frederick (Godfather), Nowi (Godmother), Shepherds (Uncles and Aunts), Aversa (Aunt), Validar (Paternal Grandfather), Xayah (Paternal Grandmother), Diane (Maternal Grandmother), Rodrick (Maternal Grandfather). Profession and Skills: Serves as a captain under her mother and Aunt Cherche, leading a squad of knights in scouting runs. Currently acting as member of the Shepherds. Morgan is the best flier in the Shepherds, with Gerome and Cynthia coming in close seconds with their respective mothers right behind. Her lance skill and magic abilities are great enough to make her a Dark Flier, to the point Morgan penned her own tome named Immolate. She, like the rest of her family and the Shepherds at large, is skilled in many weapons disciplines, but it is the piano that holds her attention the most. She’d begun practicing on an old grand that her childhood home came with and swiftly showed her proficiency at it, even volunteering to play the pieces Severa composed. Favorite Food: Cinnamon Rolls and Bear Meat. Robin was ecstatic to learn that tidbit. Hair: Crimson, kept short and messy with Cordelia’s hair clips amongst the locks. Eyes: Heterochromatic as well and a perfect mirror to Severa’s. Favored Clothes: Generally, prefers simple blouses and skirts, but is known to splurge on fancy gowns when she goes shopping with Severa. It’s a small guilty secret that the pair have far more ballgowns than they know what to do with. Armor is standard Dark Flier attire, though Morgan has added purple highlights to the hip shields and put on a light breastplate, sacrificing some mobility in the saddle for extra protection. Most likely to get caught in a snare trap, even when it’s clearly marked. Noted to try and play it off only to have her skirt fall in her face. Chrom Dur Falk de Ylisse (Formal Name) Current Titles: Exalt of Ylisse, Patriarch of the Church of Naga, Slayer of Madmen, Supreme Leader of the Alliance, Commander of the Shepherds, Chosen of the High Gods. Nicknames: Love (Sumia), Brother (Robin), Smasher of Pottery (Shepherds), Brick Head (Lissa), Dad (Cynthia), Father (Lucina), Uncle (Other Children), Blue (Gaius). Patron Deity: Svarog, High God of Metal Personality: Serious and goal oriented in public, Chrom is known to be a huge dork among his friends and families. His determination to protect and serve his people is legendary and has won him the respect of everyone in Ylisse and beyond, stories reaching as far as the lands beyond Valm. His kindness came from an early life under a fanatic father and sickly mother, where he’d take care of and play with the servants often. This and his sister Emmeryn’s influence shaped his view that blood defines nothing, only action does. Idealistic and stubborn, but listens to reason more often than not. Family: Sumia (Wife), Lucina and Cynthia (Daughters), Lissa (Biological Sister), Emmeryn (Biological Sister), Robin (Adoptive Brother), Cordelia (Adoptive Sister), Donnel (Brother-in-law), Severa (Goddaughter), Morgan (Niece), Owain (Nephew), Shepherds (Brothers and Sisters), Sirius (Biological Father), Alfia (Biological Mother), Selena (Mother-in-law), Patrick (Father-in-law). Skills and Profession: Current reigning Exalt of Ylisse and the Supreme Commander of the Alliance, Chrom is known as a leader of men and women with enough charisma that only the greediest and blackest of hearts would not follow him to hell itself. Runs Ylisse politically and militarily, but he shares political duties with Sumia while leaving the economics to her when its outside his field of knowledge. In battle, he is a peerless swordsman and spear-fighter, preferring to fight on foot. Despite this, he is an expert rider and can command a charge whether his soldiers be of foot or hoof. Strong enough to smash holes into stone walls with his personal blade Falchion, Chrom is also inordinately resilient, taking blows that would cripple lesser men and continuing to fight. Enjoys sparring more than anything, but also enjoys wrestling with his daughters. Favorite Food: Roasted Meat and Seared Corn, has to be force fed green veggies. Hair: Short, dark blue Eyes: Deep blue Favored Clothes: Casual clothes include a simple tunic and pants, though his original gear is a more formal version. Wears robes and a cape when in Ylisstol or on business, but prefers his plate armor over that any day of the week. Armor is bright silver and covers everything, despite his insistence that his brand stand prominently. Most likely to break something when waving his arm, to the point there is a ‘Chrom Broke Something’ fund kept in his rooms. Sumia Alisa Falk de Ylisse (Formal Name) Current Titles: Queen of Ylisse, Supreme Commander of the Ylissean Airforce, Commander of the Alliance Airforce, Reformer, Chosen of the High Gods. Nicknames: My love (Chrom), Mother (Lucina), Mom (Cynthia), Sis (Lissa), Sister (Cordelia), Stumbles (Gaius), Aunt (Morgan, Severa, and Other Children), She Who Trips on Air (Shepherds). Patron Deity: Artezza, High God of Ice Personality: Sweet as sugar and easy to talk to, Sumia has slowly grown to become a great Queen. She is knowledgeable, wise, and more than a little perceptive after learning under Duchess Miranda of Surperious. In private, she is a hopeless romantic and dork that loves erotic literature and fairy tales, the latter of which she reads to her daughters. Enjoys joking and talking with her family and friends more than anything else. Still does flower fortunes, but not as often after marrying Chrom. Still tends to trip every so often, though she has become far surer of foot after marrying Chrom. Tends to offset Chrom’s stubborn determination with a kind hand and listening ear. Family: Chrom (Husband), Lucina and Cynthia (Daughters), Lissa (Sister-in-law), Emmeryn (Sister-in-law), Robin (Adoptive Brother), Cordelia (Adoptive Sister), Donnel (Brother-in-law), Severa (Goddaughter), Morgan (Niece), Owain (Nephew), Shepherds (Brothers and Sisters), Sirius (Father-in-law), Alfia (Mother-in-law), Selena (Biological Mother), Patrick (Biological Father). Skills and Profession: Reigning Queen of Ylisse, she oversees the kingdom’s economy and social climate, the golden age that followed the Second Plegian War is almost entirely associated with her and her reforms. As Queen, she also oversees the Airforce, with Cherche and Cordelia as her direct subordinates. Experience has turned her into an able ruler and commander, but her power lies in her ability to command ice magic. Long thought lost, Sumia’s contract with Artezza gives her the ability to freeze thin air with the tome Glace as an intermediate. Her abilities with a lance are rivaled only by Cordelia, her sister in all but blood, and she’s no slouch on foot either. Like the other Shepherds, she is disciplined to an expert level in most common weapons, but she prefers to read and write stories over such bloody pursuits. Favorite Food: Chicken and Greens with Apples, force feeds Chrom his greens. Supposedly, some guests arrive just to watch. Hair: Mist grey, long and styled into curls at the front with a winged hairband across the top, replaced by a crown in formal settings. Eyes: Grey Favored Clothes: Casual dresses and open shoes that keep her from tripping are her preferred style, but she also enjoys the royal gowns she wears in public. For armor, she wears the style of a Falcon Knight, but with robes colored purple and pink as a personal choice. Most likely to trip in time with her daughters, causing a three-way faceplant strong enough to rattle stone. Laughs it off. Lucina Leane Falk de Ylisse (Fomal Name) Current Titles: Exalt-Elect of Ylisse, Former Exalt of future Ylisse, Heiress of Ylisstol, Morningstar, Commander of the Time-Walkers. Nicknames: Lucy (Everyone), Love (Severa), She Who Falls Asleep Training (Shepherds) Patron Deity: Naga Personality: Serious, somber, and driven. Most of the time, due to the seriousness of her quest, but is easily flustered by her family and friends. Dense and dorky when relaxed, but very forward with her opinions and feelings when not in public. Most of the time, except when it comes to being amorous with Severa. Doesn’t understand the idea of restraint when riled up. Inherited her mother’s tendency to trip on nothing, but only when deep in thought. Has only one thing she truly hates, Grima. Will do all she can to destroy the Fell Dragon. Family: Chrom (Biological Father), Sumia (Biological Mother), Cynthia (Biological Sister), Lissa (Paternal Aunt), Emmeryn (Paternal Aunt), Robin (Godfather), Cordelia (Godmother), Severa (Wife), Morgan (Sister-in-law), Frederick (Maternal Uncle), Nowi (Maternal Aunt), Owain (Cousin), Shepherds (Uncles and Aunts), Sirius (Paternal Grandfather), Alfia (Paternal Grandmother), Selena (Maternal Grandmother), Patrick (Maternal Grandfather). Nowi and Frederick were designated the maternal Aunt and Uncle by Sumia shortly after Lucina was born. Skills and Profession: Lucina is a peerless swordswoman who has led her band through an apocalypse on nothing but sheer grit and belief. Her charisma and strong determination rally those around her to fight thrice as hard and she’s able to make even the most cowardly heart steel itself. She’s no slouch with a bow or lance either, necessity driving her to become an expert with both while her time with the Shepherds has allowed her to become familiar with magic and its uses. Her title of Morningstar gives her authority second only to her parents, Robin, and the Khans. As such, she is the effective captain of the Shepherds and assumes total command of any Allied forces when those above her are unavailable. She is no tactician however, and relies on Severa for battle plans. She simply carries them out with blade and lance in hand. After building a cabin to live in prior to joining the Shepherds, Lucina has discovered a love for architecture that surpasses her terrible drawing ability. The remodeling of the Ylisstol Opera House was her personal project prior to the Valm War. Favorite Food: Chocolate Candies and Yams, not a big fan of meat besides boar. Hair: Grey and long with a circlet keeping all but her bangs out of her face. Eyes: Deep blue with the Exalt’s Brand in her left eye turning it turquoise. Favored Clothes: Generally seen in work shirts and simple pants, Lucina does wear light dresses and ballgowns when the occasion demands, though her favorite is a white dress with a purple ribbon tied across the waist. Armor is like Chrom’s, but dark blue in color and slightly lighter to accommodate being a bit shorter. Shield is styled after her old mask. Most prone to not get a joke until several hours later, where she bursts into laughter. Cynthia Hedfan Falk de Ylisse (Formal Name) Current Titles: Time-Walker, First Princess of Ylisse, Heiress of Ylisstol, Captain of the Ylissean Pegasus Knights, Captain of the Allied Airforce. Nicknames: Cynthy (Most everyone), Peg-pony Princess (Chrom, when embarrassed), Lotus-Blossom (Sumia), She Who Forgets (Shepherds). Patron Deity: N/A technically Naga Personality: Chipper where her sister is dour and optimistic where her sister is sour, Cynthia is the sun to Lucina’s moon. Wearing her heart on her sleeve, Cynthia always looks on the bright side of things, even when she puts on a professional tone and mask while doing her duties. Tends to charge into battle out of a desire to be a hero but has slowly reigned the desire in while retaining her innocent charm. Smarter than most give her credit for, Cynthia is still a bit of a ditz and forgets things often enough that her direct subordinate keeps notes to remind her. Also trips on nothing like her mother and sister. Family: Chrom (Biological Father), Sumia (Biological Mother), Lucina (Biological Sister), Lissa (Paternal Aunt), Emmeryn (Paternal Aunt), Robin (Paternal Uncle), Cordelia (Paternal Aunt), Severa (Sister-in-law), Morgan (Sister-in-law), Gaius (Godfather), Maribelle (Godmother), Frederick (Maternal Uncle), Nowi (Maternal Aunt), Owain (Cousin), Shepherds (Uncles and Aunts), Sirius (Paternal Grandfather), Alfia (Paternal Grandmother), Selena (Maternal Grandmother), Patrick (Maternal Grandfather). Skills and Profession: A lance fighting master, Cynthia commands her Pegasus with incredible grace and speed. While not quite as adept at fine handling as Morgan, Cynthia is the fastest flier in terms of raw speed, almost innately aware of where the wind will flow in order to fly fastest. Her training looks like stunt shows, but is actually an intuitive exercise to understand the local air patterns. Like the other children, necessity forced her to learn many weapons, with the axe being her next best weapon followed by emergency healing. She’s not as skilled with offensive magic as some of the other children, but she’s eager to learn. Her eager nature and down to earth attitude is her greatest strength, drawing allies of all stripes to her side with little effort beyond being herself. This shows when she leads her squad, the members following every command with exuberance. Given a few years to learn how to control and harness that energy, she could easily ascend to take command of the Pegasus Knights when Cordelia reties. Hobbies include woodworking and sculpting, as she remembers the stories contained in the many murals and statues that had been destroyed in the past. Favorite Food: Yeast Rolls and Chicken Potpie. Hair: Dark blue tied in two short pigtails Eyes: Grey-blue Favored Clothes: Loves dresses, especially sundresses and her old uniform. Rarely if ever wears pants considers them constrictive. Armor is the standard Falcon Knight, but the robes are dyed blue and grey as an homage to her family. Most prone to fall for obvious scams, not trusted with money because of an incident involving several crates of peaches. Lissa Luxanna Spatz de Ylisse (Formal Name) Current Titles: 2nd Princess of Ylisse (Lucina is immediate Heiress), Duchess of Clarissa, Saint of Ylisse, Chief Medical Officer of the Alliance, The Last Resort, Chosen of the High Gods. Nicknames: Dear (Maribelle), Honey (Donnel), Liz (Sumia), Lissy (Emmeryn), Sister (Chrom), Aunt (Children), Princess (Gaius), She Who Pranks (Shepherds). Patron Deity: Horakthry, High God and Creator of Light. Personality: A prankster at heart, Lissa lives to laugh and be laughed with, joy following her everywhere she walks. Her love of life and its bounties are so contagious, even the hardest hearts are softened after bare minutes of speaking to her. Her charisma and genuine care won over the suspicious people of Clarissa in just short of a week, even if she’s far more tomboy than princess. Despite this, her time as Duchess of Clarissa has allowed her to mature and become an official Sage. She’s known to walk amongst the people with her family often during breaks, emulating her dear sister and honoring her memory by being the best she can be. Family: Donnel (Husband), Owain (Son), Chrom (Biological Brother), Emmeryn (Biological Sister), Sumia (Sister-in-law), Robin (Adoptive Brother), Cordelia (Adoptive Sister), Lucina and Cynthia (Nieces), Morgan (Daughter-in-law), Severa (Niece), Maribelle (Sister-Figure), Gaius (Brother-Figure), Brady (Godson), Sirius (Biological Father), Alfia (Biological Mother), Owain I (Father-in-law), Sera (Mother-in-law). Skills and Profession: As Duchess of Clarissa, Lissa runs the political and economic affairs of the province while Donnel cares for the social and military aspects. Her charm and willingness to learn has defused many sticky situations and brought unprecedented prosperity to the province. In addition, her studies in herbs and alchemy have led to the creation of cheap and effective medications that have saved thousands of lives. On the battlefield, Lissa wields the tomes Ivaldi and the Book of Naga, the pair able to bring crushing pillars of light or searing beams into being. She even has extensive training with lances should something make it past her barrage, though she prefers axes as they’re the last thing most opponents expect upon seeing her. She also has the most medical experience in the kingdom, though her knowledge lies more in staff use and poultices than the gorier field of surgery. Experienced midwife, as she personally delivered many of the Shepherd’s children. Hobbies mostly center around setting up pranks, though listening to Cordelia and Robin practicing inspired her to take up the flute, as it’s considered a ‘delicate and ladylike’ instrument. Not the best player, but making progress. Favorite Food: Anything sweet, but snickerdoodles are her favorite. Can’t stand gamey meat. Hair: Golden blonde, originally styled in pigtails. Currently styled long with her headdress flowing in the locks. Eyes: Bright cyan. Favored Clothes: Generally seen in a blouse and skirt with boots, she prefers her Sage robes in the winter and on the march as they’re easier to clean. Gowns and formal dresses make her feel like she’s being choked, so wears a crinoline to ease the pressure at formal events. Most likely to snort and jump at news, though this tends to lead to the destruction of whatever she’s working on. Donnel keeps several cabinets of glassware set aside for this reason. Donnel Aureus Spatz de Ylisse (Formal Name, taken after marrying Lissa) Current Titles: Hero of Commoners, Pauper to Prince, Bandit’s Bane, Determination Incarnate, the Humble, Duke of Clarissa, Chosen of the High Gods. Nicknames: Donny (Everyone), Tinhead (Gaius), My Strong Oak (Lissa), Dad (Owain), Uncle (Other Children). Patron Deity: Aurora, High Goddess of Plasma* Common forms of plasma, not lightning or fire. Essentially controls births of stars and gave rise to fire and lightning. Personality: Not the sharpest tool in the shed and still awed by otherwise common things, Donnel is a villager through and through. He’s not much for fancy things, but he’s more than willing to learn for Lissa’s sake. His common viewpoint grounds the Clarissan court and gives a representative of the common people, though he prefers working in the gardens and training in his free time. Easily flustered at first, Donnel swiftly grew used to Lissa’s provocations and befriended her. This led to the growth of his feelings, but he had manners drilled into him that serve him to this day, even if it exasperates his wife more often than not. Still talks in his home accent, despite tutoring from Maribelle and Ricken. Soothes the heartache of missing his mother, despite repeated attempts to have her and the other villagers relocate to Ylisse. Walks among the people with his family to remind himself of his roots when the stress gets to him. Family: Lissa (Wife), Owain (Son), Chrom (Brother-in-law), Emmeryn (Sister-in-law), Sumia (Sister-in-law), Robin (Adoptive Brother-in-law), Cordelia (Adoptive Sister-in-law), Severa (Niece), Lucina (Niece), Cynthia (Niece), Morgan (Daughter-in-law), Shepherds (Brother and Sisters), Sirius (Father-in-law), Alfia (Mother-in-law), Sera (Biological Mother), Owain I (Biological Father). Skills and Profession: A very hands on ruler alongside Lissa, Donnel helps train the province’s soldiers and militia. He’s also often amongst the citizens and on inspections to make sure things are going right and that the people follow his wife’s edicts. This has earned him the respect of the citizens as he will right any problem before continuing on his journey, and he’s well known to help with harvests and plantings. As a born farmer in cold Ferox, Donnel knows quite well how to get the best crop out of poor soil. This has led to incredible bumper crops across Ylisse as he commits his knowledge and ideas to parchment with Ricken and Miriel’s help. On the battlefield, Donnel charges headlong into the fray with shield in one hand and sword in the other. His fearsome skill and dexterity despite his heavy armor makes him worth an entire unit of soldiers, and that’s without factoring in how he smashes enemy lines so that Lissa has a clear shot at the rear. Also, one of the better archers in the Alliance, to the point he can give Virion and Noire a challenge. Favorite Food: Roast Chicken, because it’s what let him meet Lissa. Hair: Dark purple, short. Tends to keep it under a tin pot for old times’ sake. Eyes: Dark purple Favored Clothes: Work shirt, pants, and boots. Will only wear formal robes and pants if necessary and will change out of them as soon as he can. Most prone to walking around in muddy boots and pants, to the point the custodial staff of the Clarissan castle are warned whenever he returns from the gardens or patrol. |