Today, we get high seas adventure! It's the only possible way for Owain to get into all possible trouble! Let us watch as the bumbling but brave young man causes his personal brand of silly shortly after having to sit through a few days in town!

Should be a grand ol' time!

Ruler of the Seas

All the court was silent, a rare treat for any long-time visitor. Not a word was spoken, a glance exchanged, or so much as a whistle of wind heard.

Owain felt suffocated under the silence, eyes on the ground as his mother and his liege waged a mental war. It was a situation dying for a glorious orchestra, but he just knew pulling out his kazoo would not be well received.

Yet for all his desire for drama even he didn't fancy getting his hide tanned in public. Least of all if it gave something for these two to bond over. But the wait was so… tense! And boring!

So boring in fact he started reminiscing on how he got the Shepherds into this city to start with.

-Yesterday, Outside Lothlen-

"Man, that's pretty."

Owain couldn't help but puff up a bit at his father's observation. They were out of Wyvern Valley now, standing atop a long slope that led to the greatest port in Valm. Gleaming stone structures ringed by walls that shone blue in the early morning sun, all the way to the water. A gleaming palace of marble, blue lacquer, gold, and gems rose from the center of it all like a beacon, the highest spire shining with the light of a great torch.

"How in the world did you get employed here?" Lissa had to ask, unable to mask her disbelief. "This looks fancier than anything we have back home! Hell, that palace looks like Ylisstol's times three!"

Owain puffed and prepared to give the glorious accounting of his bravery in the face of danger, his efforts to save innocent lives, and the spectacular way he defeated the villains behind it all!

"We fought off a bunch of rough-neck sailors trying to muscle in on a group of merchants." Gerome informed Lissa blankly, shattering Owain's plans. "Owain provided an… adequate distraction while I took down most of them. Then a few insulted his acting and he took out the rest. Apparently one of the ruling lady's captains saw us intervene as they were calling in a patrol."

Owain cleared his throat and tried to salvage his chance. "We were then taken before the noble lady and her husband with bowed heads, and our reward for the deed of saving her people was to enter her service in pursuit of justice and safety for all the innocent citizens of this land!"

He struck a pose for emphasis, Lissa chuckling at him. "I see… well, how are we going to get into the city without fighting? I assume the guards know who you are, but the garrisons had plenty of time to replenish while we made our way here."

Owain noted Ricken scowling, the mage astride his horse. Their pace had been limited by the poor beast's stamina, but it was still amazing they'd gotten from the village in Wyvern Valley to Lothlen in only a couple days. It was more a credit to Valm's ability to move troops than anything on their end.

"Preferably we'd just walk in the gates." Owain answered, looking back to his mother. "But you're all… very famous. And last I checked there's bounties out for all the Shepherds. Really, it just adds to your towering reputations and makes me want to burst into song!"

Donnel shook his head. "Please don't. I just know you inherited my singing voice and I don't fancy having to replace windows. Seriously though, either y'all got a plan?"

Vaike rolled his shoulder, looking just the slightest bit disgusted by all the wealth on display. "If ya ain't, we can always go with Plan Beat Their Asses and Run for It."

Gerome scowled at his father but said nothing. Owain jumped in to offer his idea. "Well, we could go for refuge in audacity, that'd be sure to be a winning part of the play. Just waltz on up, confuse them, and walk inside while they try to figure things out."

"That only works in plays." Ricken muttered, not liking that idea one bit. "It's worse than Vaike's plan."

Vaike glared at his old friend. "I never said it was a good plan, did I?"

"We perhaps don't have much choice." Lissa mused, receiving incredulous stares all around. "I mean, even if we wear our cloaks, we'll be identified quickly regardless. Even then, Gerome and Owain haven't been employed by Lady Montmorency long enough to know any sneaky ways in. We can't just fly in, can we?"

Owain opened his mouth to answer, only to close it. "Uh… actually, Gerome, don't you have permission to use the aviary?"

Gerome shook his head. "It'd only be clear to land for me and Minerva, and what would we do with Ricken's horse?"

Owain drooped as his plan was shot down, missing Lissa and Donnel share a significant look. Donnel shook his head and waved, his consent given. Lissa smiled and patted her son's back. "Then let's walk in the door!"

Owain shot back up and stared at her, Lissa grinning back with a radiant smile. "Uh… what?"

"Yes, excuse me, but you're insane." Ricken spat, not liking how cheery she was acting. "How do you plan to get inside the walls without getting taken hostage on the spot?"

Lissa put a hand on her hip and tapped her staff against the ground. "You're talking like they'll know who to grab."

A shimmer in the air revealed the brief image of a perfect Lissa-replica before it faded.

"Hey!" Vaike barked, startling Owain and Gerome. "What'd we say about using those damn things?!"

Lissa held out a hand and Vaike backed off with a growl. "I know you guys don't want me using the illusions, but what other choice do we have? With the garrison in place, getting to Montmorency is the only way we get our soldiers into the city without a fight. Besides, we only need a few moments. Once we're inside, the crowds can hide us."

Ricken and Vaike looked quite skeptical, but when they glanced at the city one more time they knew it was the only option. Ricken started rummaging through his saddlebags. "Just because we have to do it doesn't mean I like it. Naga help me, if one of you gets grabbed, I'm not coming back for you."

"I pity the fools who think they can grab Lissa." Vaike muttered, Armads going to rest on Minverva's saddle. Gerome didn't so much as look at him as Vaike exchanged the legendary axe with a simple one of steel. The berserker heaved a mental sigh.

Owain, who'd been psyching himself up, struck another pose. "Then let us be on with the mission, valiant Ylisseans! Gerome shall meet us before the palace gates whilst I guide you through the vibrant streets of Lothlen! It shall be an infiltration for the ages!"

The Shepherds sighed at his antics and Gerome took to the air. While he flew off to the palace, everyone else prepared themselves to run as the walls of the city-port loomed ever closer. There was, of course, a crowd of people waiting to be let in. It made them stick out a little less, though Ricken riding atop his very much black horse alongside Lissa's falicorn still made them a sight to see.

Oddly enough, the Valmese guards at the gate didn't so much as glance at them. It appeared they were too absorbed in processing the line to really look at what was going on further back.

"Well this is just peachy." Donnel grunted as they shuffled forward. "I don' wanna sound mean, but these guys'd be fired back home for this kind of daydreamin."

Lissa shrugged, trying to look on the bright side. "Well, maybe they won't even notice we're here? I mean, if Owain's employed by the ruling lady, they could see him and just wave him through."

"I'll eat my hat if this works." Ricken muttered, pulling the brim over his eyes. "It's so damned stupid."

Vaike grunted, a glare making a few curious onlookers turn away. "To be fair, now that I think about it, we get by on stupid just fine. I know I'd be dead ten times over if some of our stupid plans didn't work."

Lissa giggled. "Yeah, remember the 'Kellam Catapult'? I haven't seen Sully that mad since."

"Or Robin's 'Death from Above'." Ricken cracked, getting a snort from Vaike. "What do we call this if it works?"

Lissa had an answer on her lips when Owain strode forth. "Official business my good guards, we must go to speak with Lady Montmorency, her guests have arrived!"

Donnel groaned as Owain's dramatic call drew every eye it could, the guards gaping at the sight of them. "We'll call it 'Owain Nearly Kills Everyone'. MOVE!"

His shout sent the civilians, and more than a few guards, scrambling out of the way. Ricken dug in his spurs and his horse galloped forward, the mage grabbing Owain by the neck of his shirt and hauling him into the saddle. Lissa was right behind him, Donnel and Vaike running after them in a make-shift rearguard.

A pair of knights tried to form a wall of steel at the gates, but the confused scramble of civilians kept them from closing together. Lissa and Ricken shot through the gap, Donnel following through with a great leap while Vaike grabbed one of the knights. He hauled the knight off the ground and threw them at the gatehouse entrance, flattening a squad of Valmese under their ally's bulk.

The crowds within screamed and scrambled out of the way, the mounted Shepherds blazing a trail. Vaike and Donnel ran after them with all speed, shoving people aside. The confusion was so complete, and the streets so crowded, that the Valmese troops trying to pursue them were utterly stymied by the swamp of humanity.

They took almost a dozen twists, turns, and alleys before finally coming to a stop. When they did, Ricken yanked Owain out of the saddle and threw him to the ground. "You overblown, dramatic, attention-whore! I could see your screwball plan working, those guards never so much as glanced at us! All you had to do was flash some kind of official seal and we were in! But no, you had to go and blow our cover BECAUSE YOU THOUGHT SOMEWHERE IN YOUR DEMENTED LITTLE BRAIN WE NEEDED ATTENTION!"

Ricken spat and looked away from the time-traveler. "I don't even want to look at you, that was so stupid! Donnel, Lissa, I don't care he's your son, he damn near ruined everything!"

Vaike marched up to the cowering Owain and kicked him in the stomach, making him hunch over and groan. "You're lucky that's all you'll get for that! Naga dammit kid, I thought you had a brain!"

Owain coughed hoarsely, not wanting to look up. He'd realized his mistake the moment the words left his mouth, but the burden of seeing his parents looking at him… Naga, he couldn't bear to see them looking at him in anger or disappointment.

"I'm just tryin' to figure out what possessed you to do that." Donnel sighed, the disappointment Owain feared clear in his eyes. "You're dramatic and a bit of a blowhard, but you have a good head on your shoulders. Well, most a the time, from what we've seen these last few days."

Lissa dismounted and went to her son, kneeling when he kept his eyes on her boots. "Owain? Look at me sweetie."

She cupped his cheeks and forced him to look at her, concern chief in her voice. "Owain, why did you do that? We all agreed with your plan, and it was working too. What… possessed you?"

Owain's face was set in a mask of shame, arms folded over the spot where Vaike had kicked him. "I… I…I…"

Lissa sighed and pulled her hands back, only to slap both his cheeks hard. The shock made Owain stop trying to gasp out an answer, she glared at him now. "Owain Tyrius Spatz de Ylisse, listen to your mother. I don't want to be mad at you without reason or understanding why you've done something, but I can't understand if you don't explain. And I can tell, just by looking at you, that you think explaining will make me stop loving you, but I won't."

She softened her glare and stroked his hair. "You could be the reincarnation of Medeus and I'd still love you, Owain. Anri himself could come back from the dead and claim you needed to die to save the world, and I'd blast him to kingdom come! You can tell me anything Owain, and I promise no matter what, I will still love you. You're my son for Naga's sake, how could I not?"

Owain sniffled and choked again, this time on emotion. "…Ma… I'm… I'm so sorry… I just… I don't want…"

He took a deep breath and looked down again, refusing to meet her eyes while being so weak. "I don't want to forget you…"

So few words, but they spoke volumes to his mother. Lissa sighed and pulled him in for a tight embrace, holding him close as he tried to process the confession. "…Donny, shed the armor and go find us some disguises. We still have a mission to complete."

She looked back and glared at Ricken. "Lose the hat and go with him. So help me, we will see this through. We owe too many too much."

Ricken sighed and dismounted, following Donnel to get out of their armor and blend in with the citizens. All that remained was Vaike, and he looked distinctly uncomfortable. "Hey, uh, you sure I shouldn't go with them?"

"You're too recognizable." Lissa sighed, stroking Owain's back now. "And we need to have a talk about Gerome. Owain, sweetie, are you ok for now?"

Owain swallowed thickly and nodded against her shoulder. Lissa let him go slowly, her best smile on display before she stood and looked at Vaike. "You haven't spoken to Gerome all that much since we left."

"He doesn't want to talk at all." Vaike drawled, the slight tap of his finger showing how much the silence bothered him. "I've gotten more out of 'Nerva than I've gotten out of him. Can't say I blame him though; he saw me while I was in one hell of a rage."

Lissa shook her head. "Vaike, that's not all there is to it and you know it. We all know he came from a time where your battle-rages look like a theater production. The problem's he's inherited your… inability to talk out your problems. Though he's gone the way of the somber lone-wolf as opposed to your boasting."

"I'm a lot better about that!" Vaike protested, though he scratched his head when Lissa glared at him. "I just… only really talk with Cherche, maybe Chrom every so often. Look, Lissa… I just don't know what to say to him. I don't want to put my foot in my mouth and make it worse!"

Lissa pointed to Owain. "Do you think I had any idea what to say to him when we found out who they are? Vaike, we're both parents here, and even all grown-up, they're our kids. Somewhere under that forsaken mask is the same Gerome that tries to wrestle wyvern hatchlings like his old man before him. You just gotta keep trying, it's how we've gotten this far in the first place!"

Owain didn't know how to feel at being made an example of, but Vaike answered for him. "I know, alright! It's just… damn it, Lissa, I've never been good at talking about anything serious, at least when it comes to… emotion! How the hell does my bumbling ass try and connect with someone who walked out of the abyss?!"

"You try!" Lissa answered, silencing his frustration. "I'm not saying you'll succeed, but damn it Vaike, this is not something we can let go! You've seen how bad off the girls were, then you saw all the kids before we left for Valm! For all the strength they have, they still need us! It won't be forever, it may not even be much, but we are their parents and we need to support them! Even if they don't want us to! EVEN IF THEY HATE US FOR IT!"

Vaike rocked back on his heels, hands up in surrender. Owain stared at his mother in shock, barely able to remember a time when she raised her voice… when he wasn't scared stiff, anyway. Vaike though, seemed to get the message. "…Alright, Lissa, I'll try. I don't think anything'll come of it until Cher can back me up, but I'll do what I can."

Lissa sighed and brushed her bangs out of her eyes. "No, I should apologize, I didn't mean to lose my cool like that. It's just… I don't like seeing my friends unhappy, I never have, and you know it. This has been a stressful few days and that mess at the gate was the final straw."

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. It came out slowly, so when she spoke, she sounded far more composed. "But we still have work to do. Owain, can I trust you to lead us to the palace?"

Owain stood and gave a shaky grin. "Y-yeah, 'course Ma. I promise, I won't do something like that ever again!"

"I hope not." Lissa stated simply, giving him a half-lidded stare. "Because I may love you enough to forgive most anything. But, do something that moronic again and you won't sit straight for a month."

Owain audibly gulped, already feeling his poor backside twitch with phantom pain. "…I'll do my best!"

"All that passion and she scares him stiff." Vaike grumbled, irate. "Here I thought she was a decent mother, but the true colors come out!"

Lissa turned her gaze to him and Vaike wisely shut up.

She smirked and clapped her hands clean of the matter. "Now let's get these poor animals disguised. They may not have gotten a good look at Ricken's horse, but even a complete moron can spot a falicorn in a crowd. Owain, start finding us a route."

Owain scrambled to the nearest corner and whipped out the map he'd been given when he was first taken on by Lady Montmorency. He wasn't quite sure where they were, but a glance around showed plenty to work with. Stowing the map briefly, he channeled his inner alley cat and bound up the side of the nearest building to take a seat on the roof. "Ah, that's where we are!"

Thankfully the palace was such a fantastic landmark that finding it could easily tell someone their orientation in the city. With it facing northeast, that placed them in the merchant's quarter. Plenty of wagons and carriages going about. So long as they kept the falicorn's wings hidden, it'd be little issue to reach the noble district ringing the palace and onto the palace proper. They… just had one problem.

Owain scrunched his nose and leapt back down to the alley, Lissa looked on him proudly. "Looks like my little monkey got some use out of climbing all over the halls."

Owain blushed and chuckled. "Uh, yeah I guess… Um, look we have a bit of an issue. Getting to the noble district isn't going to be hard, there's plenty of horses and carriages in this quarter to hide us. But the checkpoint Valm set up right outside the district, they're… a lot more thorough about their checks."

"So I have to cause chaos for sure." Lissa mused, soothing her mount as Vaike bound the wings to its body. "Well that's grand. You find us the fastest way there? I like to think the garrison's smart enough to know why we're here, so it'd be best if we get there before the guards double."

Owain nodded and held out the map to her. "We're not that far from the noble's district as is, but I didn't think a straight shot was the best idea. Instead, we'll head down the main thoroughfare for a bit, then take a right and a left before going to the checkpoint. They'll be concentrating their forces on the closest spot to where we entered, so the others should be undermanned."

Lissa took the map and looked it over before smiling. "…Good job, Owain. Vaike, take a look at this! We'll explain the plan when Ricken and Donnel get back."

She tossed it to Vaike and patted the falicorn's flank. "Though I hope they're back soon, the poor beast can't be like this for long. The sooner we get to what passes for a stable, the better."

They went silent after that, waiting patiently for the rest of the group. Before long though, Ricken and Donnel returned with an appropriate bounty of common rags to disguise their… less common clothes. There were even enough to mostly disguise the horse and falicorn as regular pack animals loaded down with rags to keep warm.

"Alright, let's get to it." Ricken grunted after hauling himself back into the saddle. "I'm never going to feel safe while we're here, but the palace is better than the city."

He never so much as glanced at Owain, and the young man felt shame sting him again before taking the lead. "Follow me, the checkpoints are disguised like normal storefronts. Only way you know is a pair of guards standing in the street, but they have a platoon ready to jump out at a moment's notice."

He pulled the hood of his ragged cloak up and set off into the streets, the others right behind. Lissa was leading her falicorn, not wanting to add her weight to its confined shoulders, and she tapped Donnel's shoulder. "See, he can be serious."

"I just wish it was a bit more often." Donnel muttered back, unaware of Owain's sharp ears. "I mean, he's got all the skills, but he just has such lapses in judgement. I have to wonder how he made it this far…"

Lissa frowned at him. "Donnel, have some faith in our son. He's got a good head on his shoulders, it just needs some encouragement."

"I just worry." Donnel sighed. "Assuming he goes back with us, I don't think anyone's gonna trust him to go out by his lonesome. He'll need someone to keep him on track."

Owain sighed as their conversation grew too low to hear, but he kept his eyes forward. His father… wasn't wrong, and he knew that. He jumped the horse way too often, but… how could he be a legend like them if he didn't do something worthy of song? How could he ever hope to be of use to his family?

He felt something bump his arm. "Hey, Kieran, get with the directions. We've been out here all of five minutes and two patrols passed us."

Owain scowled at the nickname, referencing a hero from the Tellius sagas-something of a braggart if you believed the story. "…There, at the smokehouse. We'll take a right there, then when we reach the florist we take the left. Checkpoint's going to look like two general stores facing each other."

He heard Vaike grunt and started off again, though he took some vindication from the sound of someone kicking the berserker. He hid it well and continued onwards, deftly guiding the group through the streets. Owain may have been a goof most days, but myriad adventures in the castle and city of Denaris during his youth made navigating a breeze.

Once they were nearly at the checkpoint, Ricken spoke. "Alright, you were spot on, I'll give you that. Now try and figure out a way past it that doesn't involve pandemonium."

"Enough, Ricken." Lissa scolded, just loud enough for the mage to hear. "We already have a plan, just stick with it. Owain, those are the gates, right?"

Owain nodded, the walls of marble further ahead broken by a large gate of oak. "The moment the platoon's distracted, we all have to make a run for it. Gerome's bound to be either here or the one opposite us, but I can get us in regardless."

"And the reason we needed to know that?" Donnel whispered as the group trudged towards the pair of guards, the Valmese closed in for the inspection.

Owain smirked and reached into his pocket to pull out a small silver seal. "It'd just make it easier if we both vouched, but no matter. Owain Dark will see you in regardless."

He ignored their rolled eyes and put the seal behind his back, disguising the motion as a bow to the guards. "Good morning, gentlemen! I and my fellows are merely passing through to another part of the city, no need for such arms."

One of the guards regarded him with clear disgust. "Walk the outer districts beggar, none of you lot are allowed in the district without business. And last I checked, beggars ain't ever got business with the blue bloods."

Owain straightened and gave a blinding grin. "Why we in fact do have business! We're here to take all that scrap-wood out of the training yard!"

"With only two horses?" The other guard asked, incredulous. "Besides, we took care of that yesterday, so you lot can walk off now or we'll make you."

Owain kept grinning, but turned the hand behind his back until his thumb was facing down. He hoped his mother was paying attention.

"Hey, it's the Ylisseans!"

Steel thundered on the stone of the street and Owain tried his best to suppress a thrill of alarm. There was no way they'd been made that fast, the guards had their attention solely on him and the rest of the platoon would've been in the buildings to either side.

So why did the guards look really scary?

He felt a hand on his shoulder and glanced back to see his father staring at him from under the hood of his own tattered cloak. "We need to run, ready?"

Owain barely opened his mouth to respond before the guards were blown away by a harsh gust of wind. Lissa leapt into the saddle of her falicorn and spurred the beast, her and Ricken galloping off while Donnel and Vaike gave immediate chase. Owain was barely a step behind them, catching up to his father as the roar of steel met his ears. "How did they know?!"

"The damn wing poked out!" Donnel shouted, gesturing to the falicorn who indeed had freed its wing. "Just grab my arm and don't let go alright?!"

Owain did just that. The moment he did, everything in his vision warped for a split second before dozens of himself and the others were running around in all different directions. He could hear the shouts of confusion, but held strong to Donnel's arm, the only solid thing grounding him to their destination.

Once there, and before more guards armored in ceremonial blue tabards, he was practically shoved in front of everyone, Vaike shouting: "Oi, he works here and we're here to see the lady! Get us in before those schmucks grab us!"

The guards looked as confused as Owain felt, but he was able to flash his seal and they were swiftly through the gates. The great oak doors closed behind them with a great boom, everyone releasing great signs of relief.

"You're late."

Owain recovered enough to look up and glare at Gerome, the rider showing only a faint frown. "Yes, well, forgive me for dealing with competent guards. Besides, we're here and that's all that matters. Where's Lady Montmorency?"

"In her rooms, at present." Gerome grunted, paying the others no mind. "Court has yet to begin. Hurry and stable what's needed, we must give our report."

Owain grumbled something and started stomping towards the stables, hoping this would go well.


And up until this point, things had! The guards hadn't questioned the guests, he'd gotten Gerome to agree on how they'd word their report and they'd gotten inside! Now though, his parents had proven themselves truly grand hypocrites!

Owain was practically sweating through his shirt as the silence stretched ever on, stuck between two women of enormous influence who could call their wrath down upon him at any moment. It was all he could do not to pull out his kazoo, if only so the damned tension would break!

"…My terms?" Montmorency eventually asked, allowing the court to breath. "Why, my terms are quite simple, Duchess Spatz. Valm promised us a fleet with which to defend our trade ships and finally end the pirate coalition based in the Leana island chain to the southeast. However, Walhart has brazenly broken his vow by sending that fleet against your country, and even worse, lost all of it."

She tapped her scepter of gold against the marble platform her throne rested on. "Since Walhart has made his priorities clear, I offer you the same deal. Your fleet is still intact despite the truly mad plan which sank Valm. Should you offer the security of our trade fleets and removal of those pirates, my allegiance is easy enough to grant."

Lissa looked unprepared for that offer. "…Truly? That is all? Removing the pirates and guarding your trade fleets will grant us your allegiance? And what of the use of Lothlen's ports? Or her sister port to the south, Loraine?"

"It comes with my promise." Montmorency answered, voice smooth and confident. "Valm uses the ports because I say so, Walhart can think otherwise all he wants. With a word, I can have all his overseas trade halted. I don't know about you, but there are few in this world so loyal to one man that they'd follow him without pay or suitable reward."

She smirked and leaned her head against her hand. "Nor would they follow someone who can't feed them. You really should abandon any plans that don't involve me or Sigmus, we're all you require to cripple Valm."

"I disagree, My Lady." Ricken answered, making Montmorency turn her attention him. "While you are indeed vital to the war effort, Walhart still controls Chon'sin and the north. Your ports are the largest and most important, but they are not the sole means of trade in this land."

"The good man has studied us well." Guiche mused from his throne, ignoring his wife's sidelong glare. "But you know that our good graces is key to making Valm lose much of its grip, yes? It's through us the kingdoms of Tellius and Elibe trade with Valm at large, not Chon'sin. Without that gold, the empire is much weaker."

"It's not defeated or crippled." Ricken countered. "Weakened, yes, but only after some time. I do not believe Walhart to be so short-sighted that he has not set aside emergency funds to pay his soldiers until trade can be restored."

Montmorency took back the course of the conversation. "And yet he sent the entire naval ability of Valm against you, and used grass-green troops at that. Either he's badly underestimating Ylisse and its famous Orders, or he's got something else in mind. Something that would be a lot less intimidating if you had our ports."

Lissa stared at her counterpart for a long breath before nodding. "I cannot grant you the ships until I have word from my brother or our Grandmaster. However, I can see to your pirate problem in short order."

Montmorency gave a shallow nod of her own. "Then we shall discuss the particulars of this arrangement later. For now, you are my guests in this place. You will be led to the guest quarters and are expected to stay there. I don't tolerate spies, least of all poor ones."

She tapped her scepter against the marble twice, quick and sharp. On cue, three maids approached the Ylissians and ushered them from the court, the great doors closing with a boom when they were gone. Silence stretched for a time before Montmorency looked to her kneeling underlings. "Owain, Gerome. You are Ylisseans?"

Owain didn't want to answer, but Gerome spoke. "…We left our home country many years ago, milady. We hold no loyalty to it or its Exalt."

"Then you shall be our eyes." Guiche declared, taking his cue from his wife. "The fame of the duchess is matched only by that of her brother and Grandmaster Robin. Her reputation is backed by the might of her husband and the wealth of her country, we believe she will keep her word."

Montmorency frowned and straightened in her throne. "She has also brought along the head of their newest Order and the famed Butcher as well. As my husband said, you are to be our eyes. Observe their actions and their prowess before reporting back to us. We shall provide the ships they require, the information gained will be well worth it."

"You are dismissed." Guiche sighed, waiting until the pair was gone before looking to his wife. "They made it."

Montmorency echoed his sigh. "Indeed they did, that's almost enough reason to burn that horrid banner right now. However…"

She grinned and tapped her lip. "If we can get some use out of them, we profit no matter the outcome. Let them deal with those pirates, it'll be one less thorn in our side."

Guiche shook his head with a smile. "As ever, you are cunning my love… Though I must ask you…"

He settled back into his seat and crossed his arms. "Duchess Lissa is known even here as a living saint. What will we do if she somehow befriends the pirates instead of destroying them?"

"Then we get to meet that supposed 'Pirate King' face to face." Montmorency snapped. "And if I'm lucky, we can have their head on our flagship's bow!"

Guiche sighed and held his tongue, court resuming with another tap of Montmorency's scepter. The pirates had been raiding their fleets since the time of Montmorency's grandmother, but ever since the 'Pirate King', as they were boastfully known, came into power the number of raids had actually dropped. Fewer fatalities too, even if the number of goods stolen grew. It was painfully clear the pirates had an informant.

The question was who.


"Well, that makes our lives easier."

The Shepherds had barely settled into the guest rooms when Lissa spoke, all eyes going to her. "We need more information, obviously, but taking out pirates sounds right up our alley. Get our guard into the city and onto the ships, then off we go!"

"Speaking of them, we need permission for them to enter." Donnel reminded her, Lissa flushing at her lapse in memory. "And these aren't marines, Lissa. Branden especially will get seasick, and none of those we brought have experience fighting on boats."

Ricken grunted in agreement. "Severa's plan on the sea may have been brilliant in saving our troops, but no one from our side got to learn how to fight on boats either. We should've known leaving security to the trade guilds was a bad idea."

"They wouldn't give us those deals if we didn't." Lissa answered with a glare. "And Sumia didn't want us to try and nationalize them over security. It was the only way to get the inspection policies put in place too."

Ricken scowled back. "It doesn't change our current situation! Pirates by their very nature are experienced in fighting on ships, our guard isn't. I know they need to come along, but we will lose people, maybe even as many as we did when we met the Valmese."

Vaike huffed and sat in one of the luxurious chairs. "…Damn this thing's soft. Uh, anyway, we got enough magic still with us to just blow up their ships right? So we really shouldn't have to worry about fighting a whole lot of them."

"You're assuming we have enough tomes to do that." Ricken countered. "We burned plenty fighting off the Valmese and the raiders. Unless they're sailing skippers, we'd need to concentrate on them one at a time to sink anything. And even then, we wouldn't be able to sink many."

Lissa took a seat in one of the room's other luxurious chairs. "…Wow this is soft, I don't think my comfy chair back home is this soft. R-Regardless, we'll meet them as best we can. If just this chair is any indication, Montmorency must have a vast portion of Valm's economy in her grip. We need her support, especially if it'll get the other Dynasts on our side."

"True, having access to her trade ports makes any greedy bastard want to be our friend." Ricken mused, eyeing the other incredibly luxurious parts of the room. The curtains looked made of silk for heaven's sake!

Donnel took the last chair he could see, scooting closer to Lissa so he could hold her hand. "… Ok wow, yeah that's a soft chair. Uh…the money would help make us look better to any… ambivalent Valmese too. We get the income; we can increase our guys 'n gals pay. Word 'a mouth should do the rest."

"Here and now folks." Vaike grunted, playing with his pauldrons. "Focus on that. My guys can handle any terrain or rocking ship, so don't worry about us. I want to know if Ricken's bunch can handle fighting on foot?"

Ricken waved off the concern. "I trained them in that too, you don't need to worry. In the end, this is all going to come down to weather. If the seas are rough, we won't have a hope against them unless something drastic happens."

He looked to Lissa as he said that. She shook her head at him. "I hope it doesn't come to that, but we'll do what we can. Remember everyone, we're here to get Montmorency and Guiche on our side. While their reach is immense, Valm is large and we'll need them just to even the fight."

Donnel settled into the chair. "…All we can do now is wait. They'll be in court for hours, all we can hope is that whatever information we get won't get us killed."

They settled in for the wait, hoping against hope it wouldn't be too long.

-Several Hours Later, Evening-

It ended up being quite long.

The sun was slowly sinking below the horizon when the door to the chambers echoed with several knocks. Lissa, who was in the midst of robbing Ricken blind of his monthly bonus with a game of cards, went to answer. "Hello?"

"Ma, it's me!" Owain called from the other side of the door, Lissa opening it to find her son looking as formal as he could. Formal robes, ceremonial sword, the whole kit 'n kaboodle. "Lady Montmorency's asked for you and Pa."

"About time." Donnel groaned, the noise rousing him from a nap. "Vaike's been bored senseless an' yer Ma's been cleanin' house."

Ricken growled and folded, surrendering the game. "I know she's cheating, somehow. No one gets that lucky, not even Gregor."

Lissa stuck her tongue out at him before regarding Owain curiously. "…You look so handsome, Owain."

Owain blushed and scratched his cheek, not wanting to mess up his hair. "Well… we're going to meet the lady in a very important place, so I had to get dressed up. Shall we get going?"

"We've been waiting long enough." Donnel agreed as he stood beside Lissa, scrutinizing his son. "…And yeah, you look good. Wish it was this easy to make the younger brother get dressed."

Lissa tried to cover a snort but didn't quite succeed. "Donny be nice, he even combed his hair! Come on, let's get this meeting going!"

Owain mumbled something and moved aside to let them out, a glance thrown into the room. "Gerome's going to be your guard, so you know. He's on his way."

That perked Vaike up, but Owain closed the door before anything could be said. The family set off down the halls, Owain guiding them through luxurious, and at times obnoxious, decorations. Lissa couldn't help herself: "They like to flaunt, don't they?"

Owain almost swallowed his tongue in surprise. "Oh, uh, yeah! They're all about keeping up appearances, showing who's boss and all. First week's pay was almost fifty gold!"

Donnel let out a low whistle. "First week's pay? Shoot son, that's two month's wage back home. They really got that much to throw around?"

"At least five vaults' worth." Owain answered, sounding more than a little unsure. "Truthfully I don't think anyone save the lady and the lord know exactly how much there is to the treasury. They seem to like to have total control of the money."

Lissa shook her head. "Sounds like someone we know. How much farther?"

"Just beyond the throne room." Owain mumbled, voice dropping to a whisper. "They're in the midst of a ceremony, so we'll need to be quiet."

Lissa and Donnel shared a look but followed Owain silently. He guided them to a simple door in the luxurious hall, at great odds with all the splendor around it. Pressing against it, the door opened silently and Owain ushered his parents inside.

It was dim beyond the doorway, Owain swiftly took his parents inside to their seats. There, they could peer over a railing and into a much brighter room beyond. It was one filled with stonework and cloths in every shade of blue. Sapphires, lapis lazuli, aquamarine, and opals decorated the serpentine stonework, everything worked into either great sea-beasts or ocean waves. Even better, it was all stone of the ocean cliffs. Limestone, sandstone, granite, marble, all of it shimmering under the lights of golden chandeliers.

And there, at the head of it all, was Montmorency and Guiche, dressed in robes of blue and black. They kneeled to either side of a great bowl, gilded with scenes of ships and sea-beasts alike, and prayed before it. Within the bowl flowed, of all things, water in a menagerie of colors. All of it surrounding a single, stone serpent rearing from the bowl.

"Gods above, she's the Grand Serpent." Lissa gasped under her breath, Owain looked to her in confusion. "It's the highest cleric in the faith of Tiamat, the only Old God still worshipped aside from Artezza. To think, we never thought they'd be based here…"

Donnel grimaced at the news. "To be fair, Tiamat's worship is strongest on Jugdral's coast. Wouldn't surprise me if the previous Serpents choose this place on purpose."

Lissa agreed and settled into her seat. They'd apparently arrived right at the end, for the ruling couple stood from their prayers and left the ornate chapel, only to walk through a door hidden in the shadows of the hall. Montmorency nodded to the Ylisseans. "Duchess Lissa, Duke Donnel, thank you for coming so quickly."

Guiche bowed slightly to them. "We apologize for making you wait so long, but I'm sure you know our positions keep us busy even when we play host to important guests."

Lissa crossed her arms and sat back, the picture of business. "We're quite aware, it's no issue. Now, what can you tell us about this pirate problem, Your Eminence?"

Montmorency couldn't hide a twitch of surprise at Lissa's knowledge. "You know who I am then, beyond my station as ruler?"

Lissa held out her hand, stalling Donnel's answer while never breaking eye-contact with Montmorency. "Of course, I know who you are, Your Eminence. I know who every religious leader in every known kingdom is, or at the very least their title. Fanatics of two faiths stole my father, my mother, my sister, and nearly my brother and my husband from me. I make it my business to know who you are."

Montmorency's brow flew up at the declaration, a spark of respect dancing in her eyes. "…I see, then we shan't explain our roles or why the chapel lies here. You are here for business, not a sermon."

She nodded to Guiche and he cut to the wick. "The pirates you seek to destroy have only a dozen ships between them, they release or sink whatever they capture after plundering it. However, those twelve vessels are some of the finest sea-going creations of our carpenters."

"And how did your great creations come to be in the hands of pirates?" Donnel queried, frowning as Ricken's earlier words about skippers came to mind. "Surely they were well protected."

Montmorency sighed deeply; her words bitter. "My predecessor was… too trusting in the hearts of men. Her oldest friend, a man of seemingly gentle temperament and brave actions, was given command of the vessels when they were completed. Then… they turned upon the very fleet they were to escort."

Guiche went to his wife and took her hand, offering his comfort as he took over. "The fleet was sunk and all the riches it held plundered. My wife's predecessor was eternally disgraced, and she died of grief at her old friend's betrayal. The pirates have been a headache ever since."

Donnel steepled his finger and sighed. "…I see. Golly gosh, small wonder y'all would jump at the first chance to put them dastards down. Ya know where their base is?"

"Were it that simple, we'd have ended them years ago!" Montmorency snapped, Guiche squeezing her hand. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "…They never stay on any island longer than a week. Leane has dozens of them, but they always appear whenever we send out a particularly lucrative fleet. As such, we believe that they have an informant amongst their number."

Lissa narrowed her eyes. "We're here to remove the pirates, not play at espionage. Can you name any crew numbers? Important figures?"

"The most important member is their so called 'king'." Guiche hissed, anger burning the last word. "Beyond that, the vessels are so tainted by the blood of those they were meant to protect, no crew of ours would dare man them should they be captured. Such is the power of superstition. Feed them to Tiamat, but the 'king' we want alive."

Donnel shared a glance with his wife before nodding. "Very well, we shall sink all the vessels they choose to send against us. However, they will not come without bait, and our guards are not sailors."

"You'll have a fleet under your care." Montmorency sighed, anger draining from her. "It sails for Plegia, to trade Valm's pelts and gems for spices and gold. We've been trade partners with them for many years, but this war will make this the last fleet to sail there until it is done. We have a single chance to bring these pirates to justice. I pray you don't squander it."

Lissa stood and bowed to Montmorency. "I never go back on my word, Your Eminence. We have promised you the destruction of these pirates, and you shall have it. They have slain innocents in their greed, there is no other reason needed."

The spark of respect returned to Montmorency's gaze. "Then you shall set out the morning after tomorrow. Should you require anything else, please speak to my husband. My day is filled nearly to the brim, but he'll be available."

She curtsied as best she could in her robes. "For tonight, I must leave. Guiche, see to any of their questions, I must see to getting their guard inside the walls without a fight."

Guiche nodded and his wife strode through the door they'd entered from. With her gone, Guiche seemed to shrink in on himself. "I apologize for all that. My wife is bound and determined to see the pirates dead, she's been praying every day."

"I'd be surprised if the leading cleric of Tiamat didn't." Lissa observed, suspicion in her tone. "…Why apologize for her wanting a threat to her people gone?"

Guiche shrunk a little further. "It's… not a threat to her people, anymore. It's been all about profit and appearances for almost a year now. And honestly, that pirate king?"

"You're looking at him."

Donnel blinked owlishly, not ready to hear that. "…You? But the pirates are attacking your trade fleets, killing your citizens!"

"They went rogue shortly after Valm took over." Guiche sighed, looking somehow even smaller. "Ever since the time of her grandmother, the pirates were a problem. However, shortly after my wife was crowned, I took it upon myself to take down the pirates. I tracked them for weeks until I finally found and struck their base. I captured the majority and executed both the traitor and their officers. But… when I returned home, waiting for a time to tell her, news of a trade fleet returning arrived."

His presence shrunk to that of a mouse. "My wife…she was… an indolent heir, to put it mildly. And her indolence continued even after she took the throne. The news of the trade fleet only made her worse, and I could see this city falling apart. So… I freed the pirates, took command of them, and kept them informed of the fleets so long as they didn't kill anyone. The news of that first raid… came with the news of her grandmother's death. It lit something in Montmorency. She turned around."

He clasped his hands together, pleading with them almost. "You must understand, her apathy was making our people suffer! All our trade income was going to lavish parties, luxuries that sit there and did nothing, inane trips for heaven's sake! Even the guilds were short on money and our sailors were close to mutiny just to survive! We needed the pirates, it's the only thing that got her moving!"

He fell to his knees. "And whilst under my command, not one person was slain! Only the plunder was taken, not even the masts were touched! Please, I understand you must destroy them now, but talk some sense into my wife! I have seen some of her old self return just today, shirking tasks that she once took to with gusto! I refuse to see that strong, beautiful woman I love turn into a slug!"

Lissa and Donnel looked to each other, the latter hauling Guiche to his feet. "Now-now, none of that. I wanna know how the pirates even know when the fleets leave considering they're 'rogue' now. 'Longside that, why you haven't tried talkin' this out with yer wife?"

Guiche grit his teeth, frustration clear. "They stole our shipping schedule when I was meeting with the ship captains. It was then they went rogue. We plan all our trade fleets at least six months in advance, so they had all they needed. Our surrender to Valm seven months ago was the end of their affiliation with me, and they've returned to their murderous ways."

He brushed his bangs out of his eyes. "As for why I haven't spoken to my wife, that's just it, I have. We've had long talks about her behavior and responsibilities, but having something threaten that trade she used to make her life easy is the only thing that's worked! I'm at my wit's end, and I fear that should she return to her old ways, she'll anger our patron! I fear that she'll think Valm more profitable in the long run and turn on you!"

Lissa turned to Owain and pointed to the door. "Inform Vaike and Ricken of this, now!"

Guiche called out to stop him: "Wait, Owain, please don't have them think ill of her! She has turned for the better, I promise! She's fallen into the habit now, and she smiles so genuinely when the people thank her! We go on picnics in the courtyard now!"

Owain really didn't know what to do here, but Lissa gave him a look that he knew all too well. He bowed to them and hurried away.

"We're not going to hurt her." Lissa stated, Guiche almost sagged with relief. "Though I want to know something before I say anything further. What, exactly, is in that bowl over there?"

She pointed into the other room, the bowl on the altar still as a calm lake.

Guiche straightened a bit, looking closer to the ruler he technically was. "That bowl holds water from every ocean, sea, lake, and river in the known world. It's the closest thing any of Tiamat's faith can get to speaking with her. Wherever the faith has followers, there's a pilgrimage every ten years to gather water from sources old and new. They then travel here to refill the bowl."

Lissa hummed and looked to the bowl, noting the water in it had turned from the earlier menagerie into a calm blue. "…I see. I will attempt to speak to your wife, Lord Guiche. I will do what I can, but know that even if she has changed for the better since the pirates rose, old vices are hard to break. Ultimately, it will be up to her, though I wonder… did you marry her for love?"

Guiche grew ever more into his public persona, real anger in his eyes. "I came from nothing and she chose me. I was not but a deckhand and lowly acolyte, but she saw me as a friend. I have supported her through everything, even as she sank into excess, and I betrayed her trust to see her reach her potential! All while protecting those I rose from! Never question my love for her if you wish to be my ally!"

Lissa chuckled and shook her head. "Forgive me, I had to be sure. If it's as you say, then I have something to work with. Also, out of curiosity, has your wife been feeling unwell at all the past couple months?"

Guiche looked a bit unsure. "Um… she's been waking up every so often feeling nauseous, sometimes in a cold sweat, but nothing regular. She's been having intense dreams during those fits though, so I believe she's been having nightmares."

Lissa nodded. "Alright, that's something to work with. I'll attempt to speak with your wife tomorrow, mayhaps find a moment for tea. It always worked with Mari whenever I went to visit her, so I hope it'll work here. I trust you can help my husband get our guard and your fleet in order?"

Guiche nodded and Lissa bid him farewell, Donnel staring after her before looking to Guiche. "…We married some real characters, didn't we?"

"I'll drink to that." Guiche agreed with a morose tone. "Feel up to raiding the wine cellar with me?"

Donnel chuckled and rolled his shoulder. "Let's get that permission out to our guard, then I'll carry your sorry rear outta the cellar."


To say he was in an awkward position would be an immense understatement.

Owain had run by, given them a sitrep on what the meeting with the ruling couple had wrought, and Ricken had run off with him in order to find Montmorency and get the permission for the guard. So here Vaike was, sitting across a little table from Gerome with nothing to say.

What could he say? Gerome had made it very clear over the few days he'd been with them that he wanted nothing to do with his father. Even trying to approach him was an exercise in futility unless Minerva was there.

Really, the only thing they had in common at this point was that old lizard… and perhaps…

"Don't speak her name."

Vaike blinked, Gerome took off the mask he wore to glare at his father. Vaike though, couldn't help but notice he had Cherche's eyes. "A beast does not deserve to speak the name of the dead."

Vaike shook his head. "Kid… I didn't choose to go into the rage you saw me in. I've always gotten a rush whenever I fight, been that way since I could throw a punch. Never knew what to do with myself, and I thank heaven to this day I saw Lady Emmeryn when I was little."

He crossed his arms and looked out a window near them, the moon lighting the sky. "Thanks to her, I got the drive to at least use the rush for something good. It ain't pretty, it ain't something I'm proud of, and by Naga it ain't something I ever wanted you to see. That's my demons, not yours."

Gerome kept glaring at him, but Vaike was on a roll at this point. "I ain't trying to win your sympathy or anything, you obviously don't have any for me. But I can only hope you'll have a better life than me when this is all over."

"What makes you think it ever ends?" Gerome growled, making Vaike look at him. "Even if this war ends, there will always be others. Maybe not in my lifetime, but the dreams will never go away, the faces of those who trusted me… and those who I failed. You have no right to speak of this ending. Or of better lives."

Vaike shook his head. "…Ya know, Cynthia misses you."

He suppressed a smirk when Gerome recoiled in shock, spotting the slightest hint of pink on his son's cheeks. "She doesn't show it, but she forgets I have good ears. I've walked by her tent after night patrol hearing her sobbing over you… and based on that reaction you miss her too."

He leaned back and chuckled. "Much as you may want to deny it, and I certainly don't blame ya for it, you and I share something besides hair and a jaw. We have a bad habit of fallin' for women way over our stations. And we'd sure as hell do anything needed to see them happy. Right?"

Gerome looked away, perpetual scowl lessening. "…You never said she was with you."

"Well she's back at the main base." Vaike grunted. "But yeah, she's been with us just shy of four years now. Was going by Catria for a time, which confuses the shit out of me. I mean come on, at least do Caeda."

Gerome snorted, unable to stop himself. "She almost did… I had to convince her otherwise, the connection was too droll."

"So, you're the voice of reason, eh?" Vaike chuckled again, glad to get something normal out of Gerome. "Well, that we don't have in common. I may have a decent idea once in a blue moon, but Cher's my guiding light. Well… truth be told, I'm not one for advice most days, but this one I think you can agree with."

He smiled and his hand went to his shoulder, brushing the seal marring his skin under the armor. "…Keep your light safe and happy. No matter what it takes."

Gerome regarded him for a time, silent, before putting his mask back on and standing. "You no longer require a guard. Owain informed you of what will be happening, you will not see me again unless my liege wills it."

Vaike frowned but shrugged. "Kid… it's ultimately your life to live. I could cry, beg, hell I could threaten but it'd do no good. I understand that you want nothing to do with me, and that you want nothing to do with your mother. You buried us and said goodbye once, you don't want to do it again."

Gerome let out a long breath. "…Goodnight, Sir Orso."

And he was gone.

Vaike stayed where he was, staring at the door for a time before looking back to the window. "Well, Cher… maybe there's some of our little boy in there still."

"I only hope he'll realize he doesn't have to skulk in the dark forever."

-Next Evening-

The past day had gone about as well as could be asked for. Montmorency and Guiche were able to get the Ylissean guard into the city without trouble, Lissa and Ricken filling Branden in on everything that had happened while they were parted. The paladin was less than enthused to learn everyone would be on a boat the next day, but discipline kicked in and he went off to get the guard ready. Ricken went off to assist him alongside Vaike while Donnel acted as liaison between Lissa and them.

Which was why Lissa was currently in perhaps the gaudiest tearoom she'd ever seen. Everything screamed elegance and luxury, much like the rest of the palace, but is also all… clashed. At least Maribelle's overly fancy tearoom went together!

"I apologize for making you wait, Duchess Spatz." Montmorency called as she entered the room with an entourage of servants behind her. She was all dressed for the day still, though her shoulders drooped with exhaustion. "One of the lesser barons on the border of my land was… insistent that we simply tell you and yours to leave."

Lissa took no offense. "I expect as much, Valm is sure to have its supporters amongst your court. Heaven knows I've dealt with my fair share of irascible nobles. Now then, please don't mind me, relax."

Montmorency went to the sole other chair at the table, her servants swiftly presenting a tea pot and cups. Once they were served, the servants were dismissed and the two ladies spent a few moments in silence, sipping their drinks.

"Lady Montmorency," Lissa began after gathering her thoughts. "May I ask you a few questions?"

Montmorency set her cup down and folded her hands in her lap. "Certainly. For all the pomp yesterday, I must say that speaking with you is… quite relaxing. Whatever you need to know, I'll endeavor to tell."

Lissa set her cup down as well. "Lady Montmorency, this is going to sound strange but… as a healer, I've noticed you flush at odd times over the course of the day, alongside other symptoms. Have you bled in the past few months?"

Montmorency appeared stricken, but Lissa held her ground. Eventually the lady seemed to deflate a bit. "…I suppose there was no use hiding from a healer of your sterling reputation. No, I have not bled in three months. I conferred with my healers two weeks ago, and it is as you suspect."

Her hands covered her stomach and she looked…almost frightened. "Lady Lissa… may I call you that?"

Lissa nodded, all smiles. "Of course. Let me guess… you don't feel ready to be a mother?"

"Not in the least." Montmorency confessed. "I… I haven't even told Guiche yet. This is not the world I want to bring a child into, Lady Lissa, and I… I did not have the greatest of role models when I was young, Guiche was my light then as he is today. I just fear that I won't be able to be any kind of mother, let alone a bad one… no child should have to suffer that, yet I may have no choice…"

She sniffed, trying to compose herself, and Lissa offered her thoughts. "Well… I'm a mother myself, to a rambunctious, loud, wonder of a boy. I never thought I was ever going to be a mother, let alone be ready to be one. I don't think there's anyone on this earth ready to be a parent."

Lissa smiled as wide as she could and reached across the table to pat Montmorency's shoulder. "It's something we have to learn. All we can do is give them our love and support. My best advice, really, is to be there for them. Do that, and the rest will fall into place, I promise."

Montmorency took in the words and smiled back at Lissa. "…How do you do it? Two days ago I was thinking of ways to get the most out of your people, and here we speak like old friends. Honestly, it's a tad frightening."

"My sister always called it my 'super-power'." Lissa giggled, pulling back from Montmorency's shoulder out of respect. "I've always… connected with people. It's gotten harder as I've gotten older, but I sure can understand a fellow mother's worry. Just do your best, that's all you can ask of yourself."

Montmorency giggled in turn and smirked at Lissa. "Then that is what I will do. It's only right, considering my poor husband has been doing his best for so long. I owe him so much, but… I don't think I'll spring the news on him quite yet."

She got a sly look in her eye that Lissa didn't quite like. "After all, he's been doing so much to get me out of my bad habits. Talking to the cooks, balancing my expenditures, making sure I do my daily rites, letting me relieve stress is all the right ways…"

She crossed her arms and sneered at Lissa. "Helping the pirates attack our trade fleets so I don't get lazy again."

Lissa's face must've said it all because Montmorency burst into laughter. Lissa was able to school her expression into a more neutral mask, but she could tell the jig was up. "And… you're not trying to flay him alive?"

"I wanted to when I first found out." Montmorency admitted when she calmed herself, a self-mocking smile on her lips. "But oh, as he confessed his reasons to you, I simply couldn't find it in myself to do so! And even then, I'd had my suspicions. During the time he says they were under him; we had a conspicuous lack of casualties."

Her hands came to rest on her belly. "He… he did it both for me and our people. I… I was as he said, an indolent slug. The only reason I kept my figure was because I was too vain to ever let food and drink make me into a butterball. But… my grandmother, my predecessor… when she died of grief, I finally had a reason to act. It was like… something clicked in me."

Lissa chose her next words carefully. "Then… what will you do?"

"In my eyes, Guiche has done no crime." Montmorency said, decision clear. "If anything, he should be hailed as a hero. Last night, I went through all our finances for the last two years, looking for the time from when Guiche took over and I got off my ass. And… lo and behold, when he was commanding the pirates and I was working, our realm prospered as never before."

She looked to Lissa. "As such, my plans have changed to a degree. You still need to defeat those pirates in order to have me throw my lot in with you, but should you have my allegiance, I shan't change it. My own husband has done more for this realm and its people than Valm ever will, and even Ylisse has given us two fine young men. For all their eccentricities, they've been enormous help this past year."

Lissa smiled and held out her hand. "Then I look forward to returning here to Lothlen triumphant. I really would like a more scenic tour of this place, it's so beautiful."

Montmorency took the hand and they shook on it. "I'll give you the grand tour myself. Best of luck to you, Lady Lissa, and may Tiamat grant you favorable currents."

"To you as well, and may Naga guide your path." Lissa returned, relieved beyond words. "I look forward to that tour. Also, if you ever feel for any reason you cannot guarantee your child's safety here, come see me in Ylisse. Trust me, I've delivered a lot of babies."

Montmorency laughed long and loud at the offer, the pair descending into more inane chatter for the rest of their time together. When it all came to an end and they had to part ways, Lissa couldn't help but feel she'd made a friend.

One she'd need to introduce to Maribelle as soon as possible.

-Next Morning, Docks-

There upon the waters of Lothlen's bay floated one of its famous trade fleets, dozens of vessels loaded down with all manner of valuable goods. Many of them were civilian craft, with a few here and there bearing the marks of repurposed military vessels. But all were manned by experienced crews who would guide them to their destination so long as nothing too strange happened.

And then there were the two largest ships. These were clearly war vessels, their decks teeming with soldiers, but not in Valm's crimson and silver. No, these ships housed the Ylisseans, and it was their task to see the trade fleet past the islands of Leane and the pirates based there. If the fleet could make it through, they were free and the Ylisseans had their ally.

Lissa stood at the bow of the largest ship, the crew granted to them tending to matters around her. None of their own soldiers knew the first thing about sailing, so it was better to let them get their sea-legs while the real sailors took care of things.

"To think we'll be back on the sea so soon after we landed in Valm." Branden muttered as he strode up to stand behind Lissa, at a respectful distance of course. "Milady, are we sure we'll know what the pirate vessels look like? And even then, how are we to defeat a dozen attackers with only two battle-ready vessels of our own?"

Lissa looked back at him with a neutral face. "That is something I'm afraid I can't quite share. Just know that Ricken and his men will take care of as many of them as they can. Our job is simply to run down the flagship and board it. Pirates are simply bandits of the sea, their leaders are bound to be on the biggest and most impressive ship they have. Just like a tent."

Branden sighed and worked his jaw. "Milady… I hope that it will be over quickly. I believe the rush of battle will be able to suppress my illness for a short time, but beyond that, the sway of the boats will render me a liability."

"Good thing I thought ahead on that." Lissa answered, usual grin returning. "Lord Guiche has given both boats a supply of medicine that will keep you and anyone else from getting seasick. However, there's only so much of it, so I want strict guard on it. If someone's nauseous they can be sick overboard. The only time anyone takes anything is once the pirates are sighted."

Branden nodded. "Understood, but how do we know these pirates will even attack?"

"It's the last trade fleet for who knows how long." Lissa said with a roll of her eyes. "If they don't attack this, they'll probably fall into infighting or merc-work. They've had nothing but easy scores in the past, they have no reason to think this one will be any different."

Branden looked to respond, but the sails unfurling caught his attention. "…It appears we are setting out. Milady, please try not to drive the crew too far up the wall. We don't need them trying to jump ship after you rob them blind at cards."

"And what makes you think I would do that?" Lissa asked far too innocently. Branden sighed and saluted before marching away, Lissa chuckling after him as she looked back to the sea. They were about a week out from the islands, so they'd have to find a way to fill the time.

Familiar arms wrapped around her waist and Donnel set his head on her shoulder. "Hey… so we're heading out."

"I can tell, ya dork." Lissa giggled, covering his hand with hers. "It'll be a long week, won't it?"

Donnel hummed, the sound tickling her neck. "Well… I don't think it'll be too long. Find ways to entertain ourselves an' all that. We did it on the trip to Valm, right? Besides… I saw Owain fly in with Gerome earlier, landed on one of the smaller ships."

Lissa's smile said it all. "Well… let's go get them."

Donnel mirrored her smile and a few boats over Owain felt himself shiver in fear. He had a bad feeling about this voyage.

-Three Days Later-

"Argh, we've got a mighty fine prize this day!"

Ricken groaned as he watched what had to be one of the silliest ideas his friends had ever come up with. Card games and other mundane past times had done little to staunch the boredom of most of the guard. Many of them were taking the time to learn from the veteran sailors, if only so they could step in during an emergency. But even that couldn't occupy everyone's time.

And thus, this travesty.

On the open part of the deck, a crowd of the guard and some sailors were hooting and hollering as their nominal leaders took part in a ramshackle play. Vaike was playing the main antagonist, a pirate by the name of 'Ironjaw' who'd brazenly kidnapped the 'totally innocent' (Lissa's words) Princess Rebecca. Donnel was playing the protagonist (and Rebecca's love interest) Dalton, who was chasing after them with assistance from his old friend Eliwood. The last character was played by Owain, with Gerome forced to act as one of Ironjaw's lackeys alongside a few of the guard.

"No, please, let me go!" Lissa wailed dramatically, hanging limply under Vaike's arm like the damsel in distress she was. "Oh no, whatever shall I do? Save me, oh brave Dalton!"

Donnel looked less than enthused by this. Really most of the play had been Lissa laying on her flirty side for all to see with Vaike jumping in to stop the embarrassment. Owain leapt at the chance and here they were, the boy's poor father trying to act. "Uh… let her go you… knave!"

"He means to say release thy lovely maiden you scurvy-ridden dog!" Owain roared to the cheers of the crowd, the young man taking to acting like a fish to water. "Worry not, dear princess! Your heroic savior and his dashing sidekick shall rescue forthwith!"

Lissa swooned. "Oh, thank you my gallant knights! Please, save me from this terrible man's rough hold and terrible stench! My nose burns in agony!"

"I do not stink!" Vaike shouted, briefly breaking character. "I mean, watch yer mouth missy! I'll be getting a pretty price off yer head whether you talk or not!"

That was the cue for the mooks to get in there and wooden weapons were drawn. Donnel went after Vaike, for the plot (such as it was) demanded he do so. Owain, the far more enthusiastic actor, went after Gerome and the other mooks. "Come then servants of darkness, I, the great Eliwood, shall be your opponent this day!"

The guard members roared a battle cry that sounded vaguely like 'Steak!' before charging Owain in such a sloppy manner Vaike felt vaguely insulted. He'd trained them when they were recruits, and here they were abandoning it all for a cheap play!

"How dare you cry when it is I who should be crying!" Lissa lamented as Donnel attacked Vaike with the most rudimentary of strikes. "Oh your foul stench, I am sullied beyond marriage now!"

Vaike growled as he missed Donnel with a telegraphed strike. "I don't stink dammit! We all bathed yesterday for Naga's sake!"

Donnel tried to get him back in character. "Now, villain, release the princess at once and I may spare your hide!"

However, it came out very wooden and it was clear the audience favored Owain, who was smacking about the guard members with flamboyant strikes and witty repartee. Or at least as witty as Owain could make it on short notice, he was mostly throwing out references.

Gerome though, he went at Owain with intent to injure. It was his fault they'd been spotted by Ricken and dragged into this shortly after the fleet set off, so it was time for some payback!

He just couldn't hit Owain! It was like the actor knew when Gerome was coming, turning a flourish or bow into a dodge that set the crowd roaring in delight. Vaike had even put down Lissa and started bickering with her over why she kept bringing up smell with him. Donnel, glad to have the attention off him, watched the boys fight.

"What ho, knave!" Owain taunted as Gerome tried to smack him again. "You are a more cunning adversary than your common filth!"

Gerome growled and charged again. "Stay still already!"

"And what hero lets a villain injure him?" Owain mocked as he spun away from the strike. "Come then, you son of a pirate, let's dance!"

Gerome grit his teeth and they squared off, their audience cheering for the real final duel.

Donnel wandered over to Ricken's side. "Well, at least it'll keep everyone entertained for a couple days."

"I'm just praying they don't want an encore." Ricken groaned in answer. "What even brought this on to start with?"

Donnel shrugged. "I don't know to be honest. Lissa was just doing all she could to try and be sappy, Vaike tried to stop her, and Owain showed up. Before I knew what was going on, we had an audience."

Ricken glared in Lissa's direction. "He gets it from her."

"And Gerome gets his serious attitude from Cherche." Donnel countered without missing a beat. "There's nothing wrong with it, we just weren't expecting it. An' even then, we're four days more from the islands. No big deal."

Per usual, none of the Shepherds had learned their lesson about tempting fate.

A sharp whistle pierced the air followed shortly by a massive 'BANG!'. A rush of wind blew across the ship, sending the unprepared stumbling, only Ricken and Donnel were able to keep their feet. Ricken whipped his head in the direction of the noise and shouted: "Battle stations, now!"

Across from them, one of the trade vessels was sinking and burning, the entire vessel torn amid ships. The sailors were already abandoning ship and the other vessels were sailing to pick up the survivors, but Ricken was more focused on their rude guests.

Namely a dozen ships sailing towards them in a v-formation. Magic circles stood prominent at the bow of the leading ship, and he could see more lighting up on the others.

"Shit, they got mages!" Lissa screamed when she got her wits together and spotted the sight. "Branden, signal every trade vessel to turn hard away from the incoming fleet! And someone get me the lookout, I want their hide for missing those ships!"

Branden roared out of the crowd and grabbed a nearby torch, lighting it and throwing it into the signal flare as he ran past. Everyone was scrambling, no one had expected the pirate fleet to sail out to meet them a full four days before reaching the islands.

Ricken growled as the pirates sent multiple blasts of flame and lightning flying, the signal flare giving the other ships enough time to move out of the way. Montmorency had been clever to make all the trading vessels small and maneuverable, but it'd only save them for so long.

"Rick, I sure hope you're not thinking what I think you are!" Donnel shouted as he tried to direct their guard. "Give us five minutes and we'll be ready to meet them!"

Ricken's growl grew more pronounced as the other pirate ships started to add to the magical bombardment, two more vessels blown to pieces. "They sure don't seem in the mood for plunder this time Donnel! Making it real clear it's us or them!"

"Don't matter pipsqueak!" Vaike hollered as he leapt onto the deck, ready for battle. "We can take 'em no issue, just let the other ships get away while we run down that flagship!"

More spells rained around them, some slamming into the hull while others lit up the sea into pillars of steam and dead fish. Ricken clenched his fists and made his decision. "Vaike! I apologize for having to leave the fun to you, but it's either I do this, or we sink before we can fight back!"

Vaike shouted something at him, but the world went silent to Ricken. He pulled Forseti from his belt, the tome glowing as he called on its full power. Then, he started to add his own.

Wind ripped from Ricken in a howling gale, sending those nearest him flying back and the sails of the ship shaking. Before the crew and guard, Ricken changed, his hat flying off as his flesh turned clear and his hair disappeared. All that remained was a hurricane in the vague shape of a man, his clothes hiding whatever had happened to the rest of him. Then, all at once, the shape burst, and the hurricane roared from the boat in a wild funnel of tearing claws and pounding hammers.

Lissa arrived on deck, tomes in hand, right as the mini hurricane shot off. Like everyone else, all she could do was watch as the great storm roared across the sea, aimed squarely at the pirate fleet. Magic flew out to try and intercept it, but the lightning and fire were snuffed as easily as candles. Then the storm took a hard turn, streaking out to the flank of the fleet…

Then it turned once more and slammed head long into the port of the backmost ship.

The entire fleet heard the warship take the blow, hull cracking under the impact. The scream of tearing metal and ripping cloth filled the air for a moment before the entire ship was rent in two with a massive snap. A great warship destroyed in seconds as the storm pushed through and slammed into the next ship. Within moments, six of the warships were gone.

The other six tried to turn around as the storm slaughtered their fellows, but that which was once Ricken would not let them. With a final, great roar, the storm slammed into the sea. Sucking up the waters into its gluttonous jaw, the maelstrom flew into another of the ships, pressing hard against it and practically lifting it out of the water. Before the entire fleet, the next two ships were lifted and shredded against each other, then hurled into their fellows as they were swallowed by the gale, like a great serpent swallowing its prey.

Where once a fleet of twelve mighty warships sailed forth, slinging magic like no tomorrow, now only the flagship remained. All the rest were nothing more than flotsam, swallowed by a man turned storm. It was… awe-inspiring.

A thin waterspout shot from the waves and flew straight for the ship Ricken had been on, slamming into his clothes and coalescing into the Dark Knight. Ricken fell to his knees as he reformed, vomiting water and coughing harshly. Lissa was beside him in an instant. "You fucking moron! If you'd waited a few more seconds, we could've taken them on with everyone!"

Ricken hacked up another splash of sea water. "We… didn't have that time, Lissa. The barrage… was too strong…"

Lissa scoffed and helped him to his feet. "You listen here buster-"

The clang of steel rang out and Lissa found herself pushed to the deck, Donnel standing over her and facing another figure. Her husband snarled at them: "How did you get here?!"

Lissa hauled Ricken to his feet and stared at the intruder, a woman. She was soaked to the bone, but only her eyes were clear, both pink tinged with red. The rest of her was covered in soaked black cloth.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" The woman teased in a familiar but distorted voice. "I suggest… you keep an eye on the water next time."

She turned on her heel and dove overboard, the guard rushing after her. But their necks were opened as more figures leaped up with blades drawn. Then they disappeared before blood could stain the deck.

"Stay away from the railings!" Donnel roared as more poor souls were slain by the assailants. "They've latched onto the hull, form up!"

Branden was able to grab one of the pirates as they tried to hamstring one of his men, only for the attacker to burst into a familiar rancid smoke. "Lord Donnel, they're Risen!"

"Fuck me!" Vaike roared as he pushed a whole three of them off the bow, his charge saving several of his reavers. "This just got a lot more complicated!"

The crew and guard formed up in the center of the ship, weapons bared. All around them, Risen assailants leapt from the sea onto the ship, swinging about the masts and moorings with all the agility of monkeys in a forest. They came at the wall of steel in twos, threes, and fours. Every time they were repelled, but few killing blows were scored while the Risen aimed for any weak point they could find.

It was a war of attrition, and not one the Ylisseans could win.

"Blow… them off… the ship!" Ricken gasped, his hold on consciousness fading. "Donnel… can take them… then!"

Lissa growled as she blasted three of the Risen into dust. Owain cleaved one in two when it tried to leap onto Lissa from the mast. Gerome had been able to take to the sky in the mess and he was streaking about above them, sending any that leapt at him back to the grave. He was their lone support in this, but the Risen kept coming.

"Aw, it's so sad to see you like this Donny." The woman mocked as she launched over the railing, blade flashing out only to get caught by Donnel. "Struggling against a bunch of sea-rats like an injured seagull."

Donnel pushed her away and struck, only for her to dance away and dash in again. They traded blows for several moments, Donnel unable to keep up with her acrobatic dodges in the tight confines of the circle they'd formed. The woman laughed and seemed to dance about him, toying with him while occasionally darting in and killing a distracted member of the guard.

"How do you know me!" Donnel demanded after turning her aside once more, only to see one of the cavaliers fall to her blade. "Tell me or find out why I got this far!"

The woman giggled and shook her head. "Oh Donny… you'd remember, if only you could tell me about the swans."

Donnel looked very confused, but Lissa had seen enough of her men falling while she stood by. "ENOUGH!"

Light bloomed from her, strong enough to become a physical force that sent every attacker flying from the ship. The woman retreated from the wave of light, backflipping across the deck and straight back into the water. But then something heavy landed on her and pushed her into the drink, heavy steel gauntlets closing around her throat.

Donnel grunted as he followed her into the water, energy sparking in his eyes. But before he ended her, he had to know who she was! Who turned the pirates into Risen, who ambushed them and stole so many Ylissean lives!

One of his hands yanked back, pulling the cloth away from her head.

And pale pink locks flowed out, suspended in the water before his unbelieving eyes.

"Hello Donny…" Olivia cooed, eyes glowing fully red now. "I hope you remember the swans…"

Donnel did not know why he could hear this… doppelganger speak, nor why the Risen he held was in the form of his friend. But what he did know was that he could not tolerate her continued existence.

Olivia's dead eyes crinkled as she smiled, hands coming up to meet his. With a swift grip, his hands were crushed, and his breath exploded from him in a cloud of bubbles. And like that, she was gone.

Donnel felt pure anger pulse through him, pain giving way to the truest rage. Even as the rest of the Risen closed in on him like a school of sharks and his lungs begged for breath, the energy in Donnel's eyes sparked viciously.

And for an instant, he was energy itself.

Every Risen turned to ash as murderous energy burned them from the outside in, the water bubbling violently as it was vaporized from the sheer heat of his anger. In the same instant, he was himself again and swimming forcibly back to the surface, breaching the surf with a massive gulp of air. A moment later, someone dove in after him and he had Owain dragging him along, Gerome and Minerva only a few feet away.

"Pa, you ok!" Owain panted as he got Donnel into Minerva's saddle. "Shit, ya just jumped off the ship like a damned madman!"

Donnel shook his head, the pain in his hands starting to get to him. "I… I dunno, Owain. I just… needed to get that bitch… but… I didn't…"

"Well you killed all the attackers." Gerome grunted as he helped Owain up. "One of the trade ships confirmed it, those were the pirate vessels. Looks like the Grimleal got to them first."

Donnel sighed and slumped into the saddle. "…How many we lose?"

"I don't know." Owain grunted, clearly upset. "I… I couldn't do anything besides protect Ma, there just wasn't enough room and they were jumping all over the place!"

Gerome coaxed Minerva into the air, his grim air deeper than usual. "…I saw Sir Branden lose his hand, protecting one of the crew. There's dozens dead from what I can tell… I hope this alliance of yours ends up being worth it. You paid dearly for it."

Donnel said nothing, even as he was taken back to the ship's deck and Lissa started to heal his hands while berating him for being the biggest damn fool she'd ever seen.

He hoped it was worth it too.

Because by Naga they needed answers.

Ch. End

Alright well that took an eternity to get out! It's the first post of the new year, even though it took me until February to get it done, so I hope this lives up to expectations! I made it extra long just because it's the first post of the new year!

As I'm very tired after finishing this, I'll get right to the review responses!

Yoheer: I'm glad to hear from ya and glad to hear you liked it! Hope this one lives up to expectations and continues to be enjoyable!

Branded King: Here's the next one as promised! Hope you enjoy, and so you know I did finish this before January was done. School just prevented me from sending it to kiwi in a timely manner -_-;

That's all I got folks, I'm off to take a nap! Hope everyone enjoys and we'll see you next time!
