A/N: This is just a little fic of random stories from Lucia's past in Castle Crimea. All of these stories are completely random, and may contradict the actual story, but that's just too bad, because as of now, I'm am still waiting to play PoR, even though I've already played RD. Anyways, I don't think you really want to hear me ramble on about what I've played, and what I didn't, so I'm gonna stop now.
Just to let you know, this first little part is a small intro thing. Oh, and Elincia is six, and Lucia is eight (the age difference may wrong, but oh well...) I hope Idid okayon this one... Anyways, on with the fic!
While We Were Young
"Aah..." That was all that left the blue-haired, swordsmaster's lips as the lance pierced through her side. Despite the pain, she just continued fighting; but she could feel herself getting weaker with each passing second. The next thing she knew, she was on the ground with a new wound on her leg. This time, she didn't fight, but just lay there. Slowly, every image became a blur of color, as every sound became a cloud of noise. She could just vaguely see images in her mind. Images of a young princess, a valiant king, a noble queen, an ambitious young boy, a young fighter, a... But then, everything went black.
Chapter One: Why I Fight
"Lucia, Lucia!" exclaimed the emerald-haired princess, excitedly running into the courtyard.
"Now, now Elincia, you will have to wait until Lucia is done with her swords practice," said the king, stopping her from running into the sparing match.
"Aww..." she whined, "...fine." the princess sat down and watched her spare with her uncle Renning. In was in the midst of their match, when she turned to her father and said, "Papa, why do people fight?"
King Ramon sat next to his daughter, continuing to watch the young Lucia practice her swords-play. He sighed before answering, "Well, when you really care about something, you fight to protect it."
"Papa, what do you want to protect?" Princess Elincia seemed to have an endless amount of questions to match her vast curiosity.
"Her picked her up and placed her on his lap then continued to speak. "I want to protect you, and mama, and everyone in Crimea; not just because it's the king's job, but because I love my kingdom and everyone in it."
"I'm sorry to interrupt You Majesty," said Lucia, walking over and bowing before she continued to speak. "But if everyone only fought to protect, then our world would not have such wars, rebellions, or any sort of uprising."
"Always the logical one, aren't we Lucia," replied the King. He shot a smile her way then said, "Well, that is true; we would not have wars and rebellions if everyone fought to protect. But some people fight for them self, and for power. Thus wars are started due to peoples' greed."
Lucia nodded her head. " I see," she said, returning to her swords practice.
The naïve little princess looked up at her father with a confused look on her face. "What was Lucia talking about?"
"You don't need to worry about that right now," he said, giving her a warn smile and a pat on the head.
The sun was now setting behind the two sword fighters, dying the sky beautiful shades of colors: purple, turning to red and orange at horizon.
A/N: Nope, sorry, Geoffrey hasn't made his appearance yet. But he definately will in the next little short story. Well, the next one isn't really short cause it's gonna be split into three parts (or something like that). But anyways, thanks for reading, and if you get the chance, drop in a review :D
Next time: Elinica wants to take a trip to the woods, but it will take a lot of convincing to get Geoffrey to agree, but her other retainer may say otherwise. Chapter Two: Journey to the Woods (part one)