Author has written 5 stories for Ghost Hunt.
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A little bit about me, though, for those who are new: I am Australian; I am currently trying to attain a Graduate Diploma in Teaching and Learning; and, I am a fan of a wide assortment of media – with everything ranging from the Vampire Diaries to Naruto. If you ever want to contact me, give me a buzz via the PMing system, or through Tumblr, and I'll get back to you ASAP.
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My works:
Ghost Hunt
Vesta's Bonds
1oI: Goddess - complete
1oII: Teacher - complete
1oIII: Mirror - complete.
1oIV: Cursed - Chapter 5, to be posted. Epilogue (a very short one), finished.
1oV: The Gathering - Chapter 1 and 2 complete. Chapter 3, in progress.
I do NOT intend on posting the next chapters of Cursed until I have finished most of The Gathering. It feels a bit mean to start writing again, only to stop.
Eternus - rewrite in progress.
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Requiems of a Silhouette - based on Hinata/Sasuke Neji/Tenten in AU/our universe. Kind of romance typical (and the single mother thing was a little similar to Eternus) so I'm not sure if I'll ever post it. Kind of goes like this: millionaire lawyer hunting for his cousin. Along the way, he meets a girl that completely changes his view on the world. There's the emo tycoon trying to remember a past that he's long forgotten, and all the answers he seeks is in that of a young mother who strangely wants nothing to do with him.
The Conquerer - based on Hinata/Sasuke Neji/Tenten in AU. This would have been the alternate universe of the story above. In this one, Sasuke is a warlord sent on a path of hell. He is married to Hinata, and this is a story about his cruelty and salvation.
Unnamed Naruto story - based on Hinata/Sasuke Neji/Tenten in AU. VAMPIRE STORY. I'd give you more of a plot, but come on guys - it's a vampire story. I've given that away, I need all the surprises I can muster now...
Unnamed HP/LV slash - I wonder if I'll actually ever get to this fandom, as I'm terrible at updates and have never tried slash before. There are a few plot bunnies running around my head, so we'll see how we go.