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![]() Author has written 6 stories for Vampire Knight, Hikaru no Go, Glee, Harry Potter, Pokémon, and Run with the Wind/風が強く吹いている. Pen Name: Hana Ran Age: 27 years old//2020 (Last profile update : 2015) About me: I love the color green. NH/HR My current Fanfics NH/HR 1) Glee: Twisted Fate (Klaine/Kum/DwightXKurt/more)= On-going (Already chapter 7!) Waltzing Away = Complete (in Nickaustin90) 2) Vampire Knight: Simply Weird (KanaZero/Oneshot)= COMPLETE Misrable Forever? (KanameXZero!)=(Not yet publish, but will be in the future!) 3) Hikaru no Go: Crusher (AkiHika!!@IsuWaya)= COMPLETE! n searching for Beta... Sequel Crusher = (writing) addition go to- http:///albums/x461/Nuuru93/HnGpic.png 4) Harry Potter Severus' Journal 5) Pokemon RBLBGB NH/HR -*-*-Random-*-*- NH/HR Please read it and think about all the unwanted children that get murdered every day. Month One Month Two Month Three Month Four Mommy, My hair is starting to grow! Month Five Month Six Month Seven Every Abortion Is Just: *Post this in your profile if you think abortion's terrible NH/HR *Life Songs* NH/HR 1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc.) Opening Credits: Troublemaker, Olly Murs? ft Florida (I'm a troublemaker eh Well, not bad. Almost as same as my new story) Waking Up: What makes You Beautiful, New Direction. (Uh... How did this get in my playlist?) First Day of School: Little things, New Direction. (Again! The heck did this get here?!) Falling In Love: Live while we young, ND cover by Hannah Trigwell (Again, another ND song...) Fight Song: Lagenda Budak Setan(Translate: Legendary Satan Kid) (It's a Malay song... Surprisingly... shocking that I still have this song) Breaking Up: Firefly, Owl City (Really?) Prom: Good Time, Owl City & Carly Rae Life is just...OK : Panic at the Disco, I write sin not tragedy Mental Breakdown: Party in USA. Driving: Word of voice, Flow. (Japanese Song) *High school flashback: Get It Right, Glee (Yep... I wish I could change the past but.. Well, better change the future instead!) Flashback: Bohemian Rhapsody, Glee Getting Back Together: Peace and Harmony, Aziz Harun (Lol Love this song) Wedding: Incomplete, BSB (...w-what?) Birth Of Child: Sweet Caroline, Glee Final Battle: Take a bow, Glee (Does this mean I will win??) Death Scene: I’m the greatest star, Glee Funeral Song: Thriller Heads Will Roll, Glee (LOL!!!!! XD) End Credits: Somebody to love, Glee NH/HR Naruto Quiz (Quizilla is no more... I found out they're dead...) NH/HR You are in incredibly intelligent young woman and have the respect as an educated one among other people. You'd prefer to read and learn from books than be concerned about the latest clothes. Whenever someone tries to start a fight or an argument you always remain calm and implore others to do the same as to you violence is pointless. You are the peace-maker, the negotiator... your love and equal attitude to everyone helps you to have friends and you can even turn your foes into friendly people. You are always polite and respectful... Go you!!! Fear the rage of the patient one...- this is true for you because you rarely get angry and when you do... woe betide those who get in your way! Rank: Chuunin due to your quick-thinking you could easily be promoted to higher ranks but because you preferred to teach at the academy you decided to remain as a Chuunin. Fighting Style: You're not very strong with Taijutsu or Ninjutsu but because you are naturally very intelligent, you are a master of Genjutsu. You are a long-distance fighter but at the beginning of the battle you would do close-combat in order to assess your opponent before you come up with a strategy. What they think of you: Naruto: She's sooo smart! I don't know how she can think up of all those things, there's no way I'd even be near halfas smart as she is. Sasuke: Hn... she is... polite. (what he means is that he respects you and he's jealous that you're smarter than he is) Sakura: She's toosmart (she's jealous because you beat her in tests.) Sai: Book Nose always has a nose in her book but then... she always has time to talk to people and admire my art. Tenten: I like her. She respects my weapons and even asked me to teach her! She's really fun and easy to talk to. Lee: The power of youth... she is very intelligent and she says Gai-sensei is the best! *tears of joy streak down his cheeks* Neji: *faint blush* She's the only one that told me calmly and clearly of my treatment to Hinata. She's very intelligent and... appealing too. Shikamaru: Hmph... troublesome girl, the only one that beat me at Go. I can't believe a girlbeat me at Go! Ino: *smiles happily* she beat Sakura in all our tests and she loves my family's flower shop. She talks to me as if I'm really clever every time we talk about plants. Oh and she beat that sexist lazy pig, Shikamaru at his own game. *giggles* he was sulking for a whole month. Chouji: *munch, munch* she's really kind and quiet *munch, munch* and she's always encouraging me not to lose weight but to stay the way I am. Kiba: She's quiet and I used to think she had an ugly body what with the way she wears all those layers but one day I sneaked in the girls changing rooms while she was getting dressed *wolf whistles* shame I didn't see everything. Hinata: *smiles softly* She's the only girl who stood up to Neji-nii-san when he used to treat me coldly. She withstood all his glares even though he had a fearsome reputation and would always abandon his company when he was openly cruel to me and join my company to show him what she thought. Shino: *chuckles* Even though its quite open the way she's wary of insects, she holds care for all living creatures including insects and would never allow one's life to be extinguished. *smiles* and whenever I'm around she tries her best to allow insects to climb up her but often fails however she is progressing. Gaara: I tried to kill her but when she remained calm, she aroused my curiosity and I released her. *smiles slightly* she doesn't look at me with thoseeyes and she likes to listen to me talk. Kankuro: *smirks* she's one cool chick. She likes my paint and once I tried to kiss her but Temari *scowls* she stopped me. Sometimes though, _ is really clever and my brain ends up hurting a bit. @_@ Temari: That _ girl is one clever shinobi, seriously she's always reading but then again when people ask her to, she stops reading and pays attention to them. Its weird how she can make you feel like the smartest person in the world just by paying attention to you. Haku: she has calm but very intriguing eyes, she knew my plight just by looking into my own eyes, it is amazing how understanding she is. Zabuza: Haku took a liking to her straight away and even I found myself thinking how regretful it would be to kill such an intelligently useful weapon. Iruka: That girl is very observant and one of the most intellectual students I've ever taught. She actually used to listen to me and pay attention. *sigh* they don't make them like they used to. Kakashi: *grins* Very respectful student and if she allowed me to, then she would be an ANBU Captain but she prefers her status as chuunin. Gai: *tears stream down his cheeks* She is enlightened by the power of youth! Asuma: She's a smart girl, that one, made one of my students sulk for ages when she beat him at his favourite game. Kurenai: Because of her intelligence, she's very good at Genjutsu, even I myself, a master at Genjutsu feel pale in compared to her techniques. Jiraiya: Since she reads so many books, I got her to read one of my own. *grins* She returned it to me the next day, already read and told me that apart from my 'explicit text' it was a rather good book. So from then on I got her to read all of my books before they're published until one day I put her in as a character and she stopped reading T_T Tsunade: _ She does my paperwork just like that! *snaps fingers dramatically* I ought to hire her properly. Orochimaru: *eyes glitter* I want her body to be mine, in more ways than one... she will be very useful to me. Kabuto: *pushes up glasses* In honesty, her observant mind impresses me, she sees things a normal person can not see and is helped by her female intuition. Itachi: She is weak compared to me but her intelligence is equal or perhaps more than mine. She is intriguing. Deidara: She's cool, un. She likes my art work and Rei-dono says she's clever un and she really is yeah! Kisame: I respect her for her intelligence and her silent respect to everyone, I like that she is impressed with my Samehada. Tobi: Tobi is a good boy! _-chan likes reading books but she always plays with Tobi! Love interests: Itachi/Neji/Sai Best friend/s: Hinata/Gaara/Tenten NH/HR The Difference Between Friends and Best Friends NH/HR FRIENDS: Never ask for anything to eat or drink. FRIENDS: Call your parents by Mr. and Mrs. and Grandpa, by Grandpa. FRIENDS: Would bail you out of jail. FRIENDS: Have never seen you cry. FRIENDS: Asks you to write down your number. FRIENDS: Borrows your stuff for a few days then gives it back. FRIENDS: Only know a few things about you. FRIENDS: Will leave you behind if that is what the crowd is doing. FRIENDS: Would knock on your front door. FRIENDS: You have to tell them not to tell anyone. FRIENDS: Are only through high-school/college. (aka: drinking buddies) FRIENDS: Will be there to take your drink away from you when they think you've had enough. Conclusion, I have one BFF in this world... Haha..
Random(2) NH/HR 1) YOUR GANGSTA NAME (first 3 letters of real name plus izzle) -Hanizzle 2) YOUR DETECTIVE NAME (fav color and fav animal) -Green Kitten 3) YOUR SOAP OPERA NAME (middle name, and current street name) - Nuuru Samudra 4) YOUR STAR WARS NAME (the first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your first name, last 3 letters of mom's maiden name) - Ranhano 5) YOUR SUPERHERO NAME (fav color, fav drink) -Green Pepsi 6) YOUR WITNESS PROTECTION NAME (mothers middle name) (Not answering) 7) YOUR GOTH NAME (black, and the name of one your pets): -Black Marnock 8) YOUR ROCK STAR NAME (fav fruit, and something that can go wrong) -Watermelon Sing 9) YOUR PIRATE NAME (fav color, pirate accessory) -Green Parrot NH/HR Random (3) - Update in 2020 NH/HR PREP You own a cell phone. You own something from Abercrombie. You own something from Pac sun. You own something from Hollister. You own something from American Eagle. You love/like going to the mall. You own an iPod/MP3 player. You love Starbucks. You have been called a brat. You hate buying things that are on sale. You have more than one house. Before: 5/11 Updated Total: 7/11 GOTHIC Black is one of your favourite colors. You have thought about death. You wear chains. You like heavy metal. You've shopped at Hot Topic. You have worn black lipstick Your hair was/is dark. You dislike preps. You’re an atheist/ Satanist/agnostic. Before: 4/9 Updated Total: 4/9 PUNK You can skateboard You’ve worn plaid. You like Converse. You hate MTV. You have/had blue, pink, red, purple, or green hair. You dislike pink. You hate/dislike preps. you wear/wore skateboarding shoes. Before: 1/8 Updated Total: 1/8 GEEK You love the computer. You like Harry Potter. You are supposed to wear glasses/contacts. You get straight A's. You love/like reading. You were/are in band. You don't care what you look like You have a curfew. You always do your homework. You never miss school unless you're sick. Before: 9/10 Updated Total: 10/10 ATHLETIC You watch/watched the Super bowl. You own track shoes or other sports related shoes. You collect your jerseys. You have a wall or shelf dedicated to your trophies / awards. You have posters or plaques of famous athletes. Your garage consists of sports equipment. You belong/belonged to a sports team. You are going/did go to a sports summer camp. You have a specific number. Before: 0/9 Updated Total: 1/9 HARDCORE//SCENE You like loud music. You love/loved the Ninja Turtles. You never walk anywhere. You wear slip-on shoes. You wear/wore Vans. (Nope) You like the band Panic! At the disco. You wear band t-shirts. People have called you a freak and meant it. You love to "hardcore" dance. Hair has been died more than 1 color. Before: 4/10 Updated Total: 5/10 GUY-ness You love hoodies. You love jeans. Dogs are better than cats. It's hilarious when people get hurt. You've played with/against boys on a team. Shopping is torture. Sad movies suck. You own/ed an Xbox. Played with Hot wheel cars as a kid. At some point in time you wanted to be a firefighter. You own/ed a DS, PS2 or Sega. You used to be obsessed with Power Rangers. You watch sports on TV. Gory movies are cool. You go to your dad for advice. You own like a trillion baseball caps. You like going to high school football games. You used to/do collect football/baseball cards. Baggy pants are cool to wear. It's kind of weird to have sleepovers with a bunch of people. Green, black, red, blue, or silver are one of your favourite colors. You love to go crazy and not care what people think. Sports are fun. Talk with food in your mouth. Sleep with your socks on at night. Before: 14/25 Updated Total: 15/25 GIRLY-ness You wear lip gloss/Chap stick. You love to shop. You wear eyeliner. You wear the color pink Go to your mom for advice. You consider cheerleading a sport. You hate wearing the color black. You like getting manicures and/or pedicures. You like wearing jewelry. Skirts are a big part of your wardrobe. Shopping is one of your favorite hobbies. You don't like the movie Star Wars. You were in gymnastics/dance It takes you around/ more one hour to shower, get dressed, and make-up. You smile a lot more than you should. You have more than 10 pairs of shoes. You care about what you look like. You like wearing dresses when you can. You like wearing body spray/perfume/cologne. You love the movies. You used to play with dolls as little kid. Like putting make-up on someone else for the joy/joke of it. Like being the star of everything. Before: 4/23 Updated Total: 8/23 NH/HR *Beyblade Random* NH/HR Number your 12 fav Beyblade 1. Kai Hiwatari 2. Minguel 3. Max 4. Rei/Ray 5. Tala 6. Bryan 7. Hiro 8. Takao/Tyson 9. Ian 10. Micheal 11. Judy 12. Kenny 1) Have you ever read a Six/Eleven fanfic before? Bryan/Judy... ...never 2) Do you think Four is hot? How hot? Rei? Well, I consider him more to adorable Can't call him cute coz that's for Max 3) What would happen if Twelve got Eight pregnant? Kenny got Hiro preg... O.M.G... The world is ending! Ewwwwww!!! Noooooo!!! Obviously Takao will be happy to have Kenny as his brother-in-law... But... Ewwww!! 4) Do you recall any fics about Nine? Ian? Nope. 5) Would Two and Six make a good couple? Minguel and Bryan... Hrm... No comment... 6) Five/Nine or Five/Ten? Tala/Ian or Tala/Micheal?? *holding self from puking* NONE!! 7) What would happen if Seven walked in on Two and Twelve having sex? Hiro walked in Minguel and Kenny having sex? Ewww... But then referring to Q3, he'll try to kill Minguel Just sayin' Lalala 8) Make up a summary of a Three/Ten Fanfic. Mex/Micheal? Hrm... Okay: He was playing with his baseball, tossing it around the air but abruptly stop when he heard a loud crash coming from the near tree. There he saw a small blond boy, bleeding while holding a turtle-bitz 9) Is there any such thing as a One/Eight fluff? Kai/Takao? Yes... Lots but I ignore them... Most of the time... 10) Suggest a title for a Seven/Twelve Hurt/Comfort fic. Hiro/Kenny... Nope... Not gonna search for that and not gonna read it 11) What kind of plot would you use if you wanted Four to de-flower One? Rei de-flower Kai? *Gasp* Kai's being cold and uptight he is but Rei try to loosen him up with the most romantic method anyone ever use which made Kai falls inlove head over heel with him all over again ;P 12) Does anyone on your friends list read Three het? Max? Maybe... 13) Does anyone on your friends list write or draw Eleven? Judy? Uh... I have no idea... 14) Would anyone on your friends list write Two/Four/Five ? Minguel/Rei/Tala... No... I hope... 15) What might ten scream at a moment of great passion? Micheal... I'm never want to answer this Q... 16) If you wrote a song-fic about Eight, what song would you choose? Takao... Hrm... Lonely (LOL) 17) If you wrote a One/Six/Twelve fic, what would the warning be? Kai/Bryan/Kenny Warning: The death of the Professor Because he was never needed in the story XD 18) What might be a good pick-up line for Ten to use on Two? Micheal use on Minguel? "Do you wanna play?" 19) How might Eleven describe a relationship between Two and Eight? Judy describe Minguel/Takao... She'll absolutely faints... 20) How emo is Seven? Hiro? Nah He's too cheerful to be Emo NH *Glee* NH Randomly list twelve of your favorite Glee characters: 1. Kurt Hummel 2. Blaine Anderson 3. Sue Sylvester 4. Noah Puckerman 5. Will Shuester 6. Mercedes Jones 7. Fin Hudson 8. Sam Evans 9. St. Jesse 10. Nick 11. Wesley 12. David 1. Have you ever read a Six/Eleven fanfic before? 2. Do you think Four is hot? How hot? 3. What would happen if Twelve got Eight pregnant? 4. Do you recall any fics about Nine? Can you recommend any? 5. Would Two and Six make a good couple ? 6. Five/Nine or Five/Ten? 7. What would happen if Seven walked in on Two and Twelve having sex? 8. Make up a summary for a Three/Ten fanfic. -After a rough break up with Jeff. Nick accidently found himself curled up infront of Sue Sylvester's house! And it turns out Sue is Jeff's step mom! (I'm insane I know) 9. Is there any such thing as a One/Eight fluff fanfic? 10. Suggest a title for a Seven/Twelve Hurt/Comfort fic. Tittle: Bromance Away 11. What kind of plot would you use if you wanted Four to de-flower One? Plot: Kurt still dating Blaine. Puck realizes he likes Kurt. Kurt currently still in Dalton. Puck wants to break the lover apart and asks Sebastian for help. Klaine breaks up and Puck gets Kurt but later he was beaten up by Blaine when he found out the truth 12. Does anyone on your friends list read Seven slash? 13. Does anyone on your friends list read Three het? 14. Does anyone on your friends list write or draw Eleven? 15. Would anyone you know write Two/Four/Five? 16. What might Ten scream at a moment of great passion? 17. If you wrote a song-fic about Eight, what song would you choose? 18. If you wrote a One/Six/Twelve fic, what would the warning be? Warning!!! You’ll be scarred for LIFE! And might tear up a bit when Blaine try to fight for his love 19. What might be a good pick-up line for Ten to use on Two? 20. When was the last time you read a fic about Five? 21. What is Six's super-secret kink? 22. Would Eleven shag Nine? Drunk or sober? 23. If Three and Seven got together, who would top? Obviously Rachel! 24. "One and Nine are in a happy relationship until Nine suddenly runs off with Four. One, broken-hearted, has a hot one-night stand with Eleven and a brief unhappy affair with Twelve, then follows the wise advice of Five and finds true love with Three." What title would you give this fic? Name three people on your friends list who might read it. Name one person who should write it. Kurt and Jesse are in a happy relationship until Jesse suddenly runs off with Puckerman. Kurt, broken-hearted, has a hot one-night stand with Wes and a brief unhappy affair with David, then follows the wise advice of Will and finds true love with Sue. OMG… The first and until the affair part was nice… But, it all crash when the end of it… Kurt/Sue?! Seriously! XD The title : The True One Who’ll read it: Nick (My sis) … and that’s all! XD 25. How would you feel if Seven/Eight was canon? Glee The First Character I Fell in Love With: Kurt Hummel The Character I Never Expected to Love as Much as I do Now: Noah Puckerman & Santana Lopez The Character Everyone Loves that I Hate: Rachel Berry The Character I Love that Everyone Hates: Sue Sylvester The Character I Want to be Like: Kurt Hummel My Three Favorite Characters: Kurt Hummel, Blaine Anderson(currently in the middle of hating n lovin') and Jake Puckerman My Three Least Favorite Characters: William Shoe-ster (blame my sis), Figgin and Krofsky My Favorite Guest Star: Mat Boomer (Cooper Anderson) My Favorite Group Performance: Loser Like me Survivor_I will survive A Couple that I want to See Sink: Kurtbastian? The Best, Most Perfect Couple out There: Klaine... (sob* sob* Why Blaine?! Why did you do it?!) GLEEK OUT Best Male/Male Duet Best Female/Female Duet Best Female/Male Duet Best Overall Solo Best Male Solo Best Female Solo Best Non-New Direction Song Best New Direction Song Best New Character Best New Direction Male Group Number Best New Direction Female Group Number Best Guest Star Best Mashup Best Overall Song Best Vocal Performance of New Directions Best Dancing Performance of New Directions Best Costumes in a Performance of New Directions Best Kiss (One Per Episode at Least) Best New Couple Best New Friendship NH *Naruto* NH Naruto Survey: How did you discover Naruto? Do you recommend Naruto to other people? Are you happy you discovered Naruto?
Which character do you think is most misunderstood? Which character is most underrated? Which character has the worst past?
Do you hate Sasuke?
Do you think all Gaara needs is just a hug and a good night's sleep?
What do you think of Kankuro's outfit? What do you think of Sasuke's outfits?
Did you originally think Yashamaru was a girl?
Another? And one more?
*Questions about Me (Miss Hana)* 1. ONE OF YOUR SCARS, HOW DID YOU GET IT? The back of my right palm… I kinda cut myself accidently… with a knife… and there was blood everywhere! But, the funny thing is I told my mum about the cut an hour after I finished cleaning all the blood stain on the floor and cover up my cut… Lol, good memories 2. WHAT IS ON THE WALLS IN YOUR ROOM? A drawn rainbow frame picture from a precious friend. 3. DO YOU SNORE, GRIND YOUR TEETH, OR TALK IN YOUR SLEEP? Based on what my siblings tell me… yes, I snore… and I hope it’s a lie… 4. WHAT TYPE OF MUSIC DO YOU LISTEN TO? Hrm… Everything, maybe? But I’m not much of a Rock fan but some are nice 5. DO YOU KNOW WHAT TIME YOU WERE BORN? Based on my parents’ story, five am 6. WHAT DO YOU WANT MORE THAN ANYTHING RIGHT NOW? …world peace? I hate fights… 7. WHAT DO YOU MISS? Singing in choir 8. WHAT IS YOUR MOST PRIZED POSSESSION(S)? My second teddy bear, Marnock. I lost my first one when I was 7 and I got my second when I was 12… but I never appreciated it then until it lost it’s right eye. Since, I never let it leave my room… 9. HOW TALL ARE YOU? Not sure… 10. DO YOU GET CLAUSTROPHOBIC? No 11. DO YOU GET SCARED IN THE DARK? No *12. THE LAST PERSON TO MAKE YOU CRY? Myself 13. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PERFUME FOR A GIRL? …One Drop perfume... maybe? 14. WHAT KIND OF HAIR/EYE COLOR DO YOU LIKE ON THE OPPOSITE GENDER? Black hair and eyes. Or brown eyes 15. WHERE CAN YOU SEE YOURSELF BEING PROPOSED TO? During class 16. COFFEE OR ENERGY DRINK? Coffee… definitely. 17. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PIZZA TOPPING? Blazing seafood 18. IF YOU CAN EAT ANYTHING RIGHT NOW, WHAT WOULD IT BE? Samyang Noodle 20. HAVE YOU EVER EATEN A GOLDFISH? No and never will! 21. WHAT WAS THE FIRST MEANINGFUL GIFT YOU'VE EVER RECEIVED? A blue sea colored clock with turtles decorated. It was a gift from my penpal from high school. She was very sweet and nice. She accepts me for who I was. 22. DO YOU LIKE ANYBODY? Yes, and I won’t tell who unless you ask... 24. FAVORITE CLOTHING BRAND? Nope 26. DO YOU HAVE A PET RIGHT NOW? No 27. WHAT KIND IS IT? 28. WOULD YOU FALL IN LOVE KNOWING THAT THE PERSON IS LEAVING? Yes. 29. WHAT IS THE BEST WAY TO TELL SOMEONE HOW MUCH THEY MEAN TO YOU? Letter 30. SAY A NUMBER FROM ONE TO A HUNDRED: Six 31. BLONDES OR BRUNETTES? Brunettes… and I don’t mind blondes 32. WHAT IS THE ONE NUMBER YOU CALL MOST OFTEN? My sis and best friend, can’t decide. 33. WHAT ANNOYS YOU MOST? People who likes to shot someone else’s hope. I won’t mind them doing it to me, but if they do it to someone I care… *growl* 34. HAVE YOU BEEN OUT OF THE USA? Yes 35. YOUR WEAKNESSES? My feelings. 36. MET ANYONE FAMOUS? No 37. FIRST JOB? A nurse, but I never enjoyed it, and a kindergarten teacher, which I adore! 38. EVER DONE A PRANK CALL? No, but I did text prank my friend a lot. Pretending that I’m a stalker Lol. 41.WHAT WERE YOU DOING BEFORE YOU FILLED THIS OUT? The living room and the kitchen, eating while watching television. 40. HAVE YOU EVER HAD SURGERY? No, I think… 42. WHAT DO YOU GET COMPLIMENTED ABOUT MOST? My voice… 43. HAVE YOU EVER HAD BRACES? No, but I’m having thought about it… 44. WHAT DO YOU WANT FOR YOUR BIRTHDAY? A car? Lol or, just a new phone. 45. HOW MANY KIDS DO YOU WANT? Three 47. DO YOU WISH ON STARS? Happiness 49. WHAT KIND OF SHAMPOO DO YOU USE? Safi. 50. DO YOU LIKE YOUR HANDWRITING? Yes, it's unique 51. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE LUNCH MEAT? …does chicken count as meat? lol 52. ANY BAD HABITS? …throw everything away when it gets in my way, which will end up making my room messy… 53 WHAT CD ARE YOU MOST EMBARRASSED TO HAVE ON YOUR SHELF? None… yet. 54. IF YOU WERE ANOTHER PERSON, WOULD YOU BE FRIENDS WITH YOU? No, I’m pretty sure we(us) would be enemies with each other because we both want to be the best and only one of us can be that. 56. DO LOOKS MATTER? Yes, including attitude. 57. HOW DO YOU RELEASE ANGER? I write it somewhere and then delete it or destroy it. Or I’ll cry and kick the wall when no one around. Or I’ll go read sad stories to let me forget my own sadness. Or! I’ll sing along with the radio when I’m in the car. 58. WHERE IS YOUR SECOND HOME? My room… 60. WHAT WAS YOUR FAVORITE TOY AS A CHILD? Does flowers and grasses count? 61. HOW MANY NUMBERS ARE IN YOUR CELL PHONE? 120 62.WERE YOU A FAN OF BARNEY AS A KID? Yes, a bit Lol 63. DO YOU USE SARCASM? Yes. 64. MASHED POTATOES OR MACARONI AND CHEESE? Mashed potatoes. 65. WHAT DO YOU LOOK FOR IN A GUY/GIRL? Guy: Work hard, kind and honest. Girl: Honesty 66. WHAT ARE YOUR NICKNAMES? Hrm… Nuuru, Hana, Nana, NH, Una, Uru, Hans, and more 67. WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE BAND/SINGER? VIXX 68. WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE TV SHOW? Youtube 69. WHAT WAS YOUR ACT SAT SCORE? Dunno them 70. WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE ICE CREAM FLAVOR? Chocolate, or durian! 71. DO YOU HAVE ALL YOUR FINGERS AND TOES? Yes… This question is weird… 72. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU WORKED OUT? …ugh… two weeks ago? 74. WHAT'S THE FASTEST YOU HAVE GONE IN A CAR? Lol, 140 km/h! 75. DO YOU WANT EVERYONE TO ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS? Maybe? 76. WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO? Youtube 77. DID YOU NOTICE THAT THERE WAS NO #73? No 78. LAST PERSON YOU TALKED TO ON THE PHONE? My family, video-call with mum, dad, sis and bro. 79. THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE IN THE OPPOSITE/SAME GENDER? His… eyes? Or attitude/passion and spirit in doing something. 80. FAVORITE THOUGHT PROVOKING SONG? None? 81. FAVORITE THING TO HATE? Hater? 82. FAVORITE MONTH OF THE YEAR? March, my month! Lol 83. FAVORITE ZODIAC SIGN? Virgo 85. WHAT IS YOUR HAIR COLOR? Black. 86. EYE COLOR? Brown and white. 89. FAVORITE FAST FOOD RESTAURANT? McDonald 90. YOU LIKE SUSHI? Yes 91. LAST THING YOU WATCHED? Game Grumps 92. FAVORITE DAY OF THE YEAR? 3rd March, my birthday and my parents’ anniversary 93. PLAY ANY MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS? Bongo. 94. REPUBLICAN OR DEMOCRAT? None. I don’t take sides… but whichever bring peace, I might consider. 95. KISSES OR HUGS? Hugs because I have no experience in kisses 96. RELATIONSHIPS OR ONE NIGHT STANDS? Relationship! 97. WHAT WAS THE LAST THING YOU BOUGHT? Necklace 98. WHAT KIND OF CAR DO YOU HAVE? Perodua Axia 99. WHAT BOOK ARE YOU READING? Programming Books 100. DESCRIBE YOUR LOVE LIFE: One sided *More about Me* Spell your name without vowels: H-n- R-n = HnRn OR N--r- H-ns = NrHns OR N-r-l H-sn- = NrlHsn (Weird...) What colour do you wear most: Green (Yup! My fav color!!!!!! Lol) Lest favourite colours: Pink (It's just... weird) What are you listening to: Glee Warblers, Animal (Mostly Glee songs) Whats is your favourite lesson: Chemistry (I don’t know why… Although I’m quite good at it) Are you outgoing: Maybe Favourite pair of shoes: none Can you dance: No… (I don't know really...) Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth: Never tried, but maybe? Can you whistle: Yep Cross your eyes: What? Walk with your toes curled: Never! Do you believe there is life on other planets: Urm... Dunno Do you believe in miracles: Yes, I do. Do you believe in magic: No…Yes? I dunno... I can't prove whether there is or there isn't magic... Love at first sight: Yep… Not gonna tell ya’ Do you believe in Santa: Nope, sorry. Do you like roller coasters: Never been in one and hope to ride one… Have you ever been on a plane: Yep, a few times already. Have you ever asked someone out: If you meant like hang out, yes. If you meant like dating, never. Have you ever been asked out by someone: Hang out : Yes. Dating: Yes (some stranger online) Have you ever been to the ocean: Yep… but I’m not fond of it anymore… Have you almost drowned in the ocean: No What radio stations do you listen to: Not listening to radio… unless I’m driving, then Red FM What is the temperature outside: Not sure… about 30 degree something? Who was the last person you took a picture of: Me… What? I’m a person too! Ever really cried your heart out: Yes Ever cried yourself to sleep: Yes… Ever cried on your friend's shoulder: Nope Ever cried over the opposite gender: Yes… Do you cry when you get an injury: No, never… I think… Do songs make you cry: Depends on the situation Are you a happy person: Maybe? How do you know when you’re happy? What is your current hair color: Black. * K * * * * * * * |