Title: New Kid On The Block
Romance, AU
Disclaimer: I do not own Glee.

Summary: They're together now, but with Blaine in Ohio and Kurt back in France, it leaves both boys wondering when they'll see each other again. Will they be able to handle the distance, or will it prove to be too much?

Notes: Thanks to all of you who have stuck with me through Welcome New Kid. And if you're just joining with this story, I suggest you read the first one, or you probably wont understand much of this one! Thanks for all of the support that you guys have brought to me! And I'm ecstatic to start the sequel!

New Kid On The Block

Blaine rubbed his eyes from sleep as he sat up in his bed. He squinted at the sun and resisted the urge to bury his face back in the pillow and go to sleep. His alarm clock was flashing nine-thirty and he jolted, realizing that he and Kurt were going to be late for classes. He swung his legs over the edge of the bed, his feet causing the floor to creak by the pressure. He was about to stand up when he heard his name being called from…downstairs?

"Blaine! Is that you? Come down for breakfast, okay sweetie?"

Blaine paused for a moment before really taking in where he was. Instead of the white walls of Dalton, he was in the navy blue of his own room. He frowned when he remembered that this was the first day of summer vacation. His boyfriend wouldn't be cuddling next to him or in the next bed. He wouldn't be spending the day with him. He remembered that his boyfriend was back in France. Over four thousand miles away.

"I'll be right down, mom!" he called, his stomach clenching uncomfortably as he padded to the bathroom to brush his teeth, already missing the numerous bottles of moisturizers sitting on the counter. Or the lingering scent of Kurt's shampoo from the early morning showers he always took. He missed the tight hug that he would get in the morning, the breathless giggle Kurt would give him.

Blaine sighed softly to himself as he finished brushing his teeth and made his way downstairs to the kitchen. "Mom?" he called out, opening the fridge and pouring himself some orange juice. He felt as though he hadn't been in the house for years. He wasn't used to the stainless steel appliances or the black and white tiled floor. The only familiarity he could find was the white cabinets similar to the ones at Dalton. Even the gray walls seemed to be from another planet.

"On the front porch, hon!" his mother called.

Blaine trudged his way towards the front porch, following the scent of cinnamon and the fresh breeze from outside. He smiled to his mother as he walked onto the white front porch, sitting down at the little breakfast table that they used for summer mornings. "Good morning." He smiled as best as he could.

Eva Anderson was a kind woman, with long black hair that fell in curls down her back. She had tanned skin with deep brown eyes. Blaine smiled at his mother and got up to give her a hug before returning to his seat. She smiled up at him happily, noticing the sadness in her sons eyes.

"Good morning dear. What's wrong?" she murmured softly, making him a plate of food and placing it in front of him.

Blaine looked up at his mom and sighed softly. "You remember Kurt?"

"That boy you were dating?" he asked cheerfully as she cut into her French toast. Blaine winced at the irony of the breakfast before nodding his head and placing his chin on his hand.

"Yes, him."

"Oh sweetie! Did you two break up again?" she asked, taking his free hand from across the table.

"No mom, not that…" Blaine sighed, looking across the table at her once more before glancing across the street at the moving truck, pedestrians walking, and the occasional cat running across the street. "He had to go back to France this summer…and I miss seeing him every day."

Eva frowned and squeezed her sons hand. "But it's only for a few months, right?"

"Yes. Until September. But…his father isn't the best. And he doesn't have a mother. I just….I'm really worried about him. Kurt…he thrives on physical contact, and he gets none of that back home." He sighed, taking a bit of his toast. "Mom, his dad doesn't even hug him." He sighed.

Eva frowned even more, her brows furrowing together. What kind of person didn't want to hug their child? "Is it because he's gay?" she asked softly.

"Partly…I just….I don't even know, mom. Kurt's amazing and he just….got the short end of the stick." Blaine bit at his lip and stared down at the floor.

"I'm sorry sweetie." Eva spoke, rubbing circles on her son's hand before pulling away. "You can always talk to him online, can't you?"

"Of course." Blaine spoke before slumping back in his seat. "It's just…I really love him…and the thought that he's all alone…it kills me." He frowns.

Eva stared at her son, placing her hand over her heart at the absolute look of devastation on her sons face. She had heard many stories about this boy from Blaine, and she could tell that he was an absolute gem. But at the same time, she had never met the boy. So she only had Blaine's words to go by, but she could tell that her son really loved this foreign boy. She felt pity for him.

She was used to her own husband, Alex, always traveling for long periods of time. She could relate to her son more than Blaine even knew.

"I'm sorry mom…it just really hit me this morning. I don't want to damper our breakfast together."

"It's fine Blaine." She smiled softly, searching her mind for a new topic to discuss.

"The Johnson's finally sold their house?" Blaine questioned a few moments later. Eva followed his gaze across the street and nodded her head. She stared around the neighborhood that they lived in, as though it was straight out of a movie.

"Yes, the moving van got here a few hours ago." She sighed before they fell into silence once more. Blaine smiled sadly once more as he chewed his breakfast, watching the couples walking down the sidewalk, the children happily playing on the first day of summer.

"Do you know when dad will be home?" he asked, finding another topic to bring up.

Eva smiled happily then, nodding her head. "He should be home this weekend."

The two shared a smile and Blaine felt a small rush of guilt through him when he saw the time. "I forgot, I have a Skype date with Kurt." He spoke suddenly.

Eva nodded her head. "Go ahead, I've got to run to the market anyways." She smiled.

"Thanks mom, I love you." Blaine smiled before running inside the house and up to his room, powering on his laptop and waiting for the screen to load. The first thing he saw was the photo of him and Kurt from the fair and he felt his heart clench as he waited for Skype to start up. He glanced around his room once more, missing everything that he had grown used to in his year at Dalton.

Finally his screen pinged with a new incoming message and he smiled happily to himself as he clicked accept, Kurt's face showing up a few moments later. Kurt beamed at him through the screen and gave a little wave.

"Hey love." Blaine smiled sadly, resisting the urge to just press his lips to the screen and hope that Kurt would feel it.

Kurt smiled back at him sadly and chewed at his lip. "Hi Blainey." He spoke softly. "How is everything in back of Westerville?"

Blaine swallowed at the little flub of words before shrugging his shoulders. "It would be a million times better if you were with me right now." He sighed, staring at his boyfriend sadly through the screen. Kurt smiled at him back, running his fingers through his bangs before sitting up happily.

"Have you ever seen the Eiffel Tower?" he asked suddenly, and Blaine furrowed his brows, much like his mother.

"I've seen a few pictures and in movies and stuff." He shrugged.

Kurt grinned then, grabbing his laptop and carrying it with him through his room. Blaine noticed how large the room was, almost like a suite in a hotel. He watched as Kurt pushed open two French doors before turning the laptop around to reveal the tower itself, looking close enough to touch. Blaine stared at it for a long moment, a smile on his face as he looked at the people on the street, the traffic, the shops.

He realized then that even though he would love to be in Ohio with his boyfriend, France seemed to be where Kurt belonged, where he would fit in. The screen shifted and Blaine was staring at Kurt once more, a smile on the younger boys face. "Pretty cool, huh?" he asked.

Blaine smiled back and nodded. "It's awesome to have it outside your window."

"You should see everything at night." He smiled sadly, setting the laptop on the table on the balcony and sitting on one of the chairs. Blaine could still slightly make out the tower behind him. "You should come someday." Kurt spoke.

Blaine smiled and shrugged his shoulders. "Maybe someday." He spoke, although he knew it was a slim chance of every happening, he had money, but not enough for Paris.

Blaine heard the distinct male voice spewing French and he frowned as Kurt sighed. "Papa is calling me. I should go." He spoke, staring at the screen longingly.

Blaine frowned and blew a kiss to the screen. "I love you, Kurt." He spoke.

Kurt smiled then, blowing a kiss back. "I love you too, Blainey." He murmured before waving goodbye and the screen went blank with a last yell of French.

Blaine stared at the blank screen for a few moments before shutting his laptop and turning away.
