A/N OK so this is my attempt at what a relationship between Kurt and Logan would look like if they got together. This is based off of Dalton, by CP Coulter. R&R. :)

All characters belong to Ryan Murphy and CP Coulter

Logan and Kurt Story

Chapter 1


Logan looked stunned. "I…" he looked around him, as though looking for the answer. He licked his lips, looking anxious for a moment, and then suddenly he grabbed Kurt and kissed him. Kurt, to stunned to move just stayed frozen in place. Logan released him slowly. Kurt backed into the wall without any prompting from the taller boy.

"Please. Just consider it. Think about it, Blaine never shows any signs that he wants to be more then friends." He moved his hand up to Kurt's cheek and placed it there gently. "I want you Kurt. I want to be with you." He inched closer with each sentence. "I love you Kurt Hummel."

Kurt stood with his back against the wall, with Logan over him, hand on his cheek. He was still trying to think through what had just happened. He thought about what Logan said about Blaine, and realized it was true. Blaine had only shown him friendship and nothing else. And there was Logan, who loved him and obviously wanted him. He just didn't know what to do

Blaine Anderson stood about twenty feet away, keeping quite. He watched in horror as Logan kissed a shocked looking Kurt. He saw Kurt back into the wall, and he heard what Logan said to Kurt. With each word it felt like a knife was cutting through him, but the last sentence made him feel like his heart was ripped out of his chest and torn to pieces right there and then.

Blaine watched in horror as the boy he was in love with and the boy who had abused him made out behind the theater. He had to stop himself from running up behind the two and punching out Logan. He turned and started to walk towards the theater.

"Hey!" Chorused the twins. "Have you found Alice yet?"

"Go and see for yourself." Blaine halfheartedly pointed the direction he had come from, and he kept walking looking so depressed the twins couldn't help but be worried. They both hurried around the corner and instantly recoiled at the sight of Kurt and Logan kissing each other. They looked at each other in wide eyed horror. Evan took his phone out of his pocket and took a picture. He wrote: EMERGENCY! IT'S A DISASTER, attached the picture, and sent it to all of Windsor house, before he was dragged away by his twin.

Wes and David's phone went off simultaneously. As soon as they saw the picture and text messages from the tweedles they both hurried off to find them.

"This has to be some kind of joke or something." David said to Wes as they burst into the green room. All of Windsor house was gathered on one side of the room, except for Kurt, and Logan wasn't present either. The warblers from the other houses just looked confused. Blaine was sitting in the middle of the throng of Windsor boys.

"What have I done?" They heard Blaine say softly his head in his hands.

"It's not the end of the world man." Wes said, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"How? The boy I'm madly in love with is probably still out behind the theater making out with my ex as we speak." Blaine whispered, his voice cracking on the words "in love with".

Nobody could think of anything to say in response. Wes just kept his hand on Blaine's shoulder.

Logan had his hands on either side of Kurt's face, keeping him close to him. Kurt had his arms around Logan's waist. He could feel Logan's body pressed against him. He thought he heard muffled footsteps from somewhere close by, but he was too wrapped up in what he was doing to care about them. Kurt felt warmth flow through his body. He felt like someone lit a fire inside him to keep him warm. He felt good again. His heart was beating irregularly.

Logan could feel Kurt's body pressed up against him. The warmth coming from him, felt good. His heart nearly exploded with pleasure when Kurt kissed him back. He felt nothing but love for him. He wondered what Blaine's reaction to their relationship would be. He might be supportive, but he might also try to break them up. He didn't dwell on this, because he had other things to preoccupy him at the moment.

As they entered the greenroom the whole place went silent. Kurt went to join the other Windsors on the left side of the room and Logan joined the others on the right. Kurt made his way straight to Blaine and sat down next to him grabbing his hand, and lacing his fingers through the other boy's, and smiling at him. Blaine couldn't help but smile back. Everyone was staring at Kurt with anger in their eyes but Blaine. Kurt barely seemed to notice. All of the Strauts were just staring at him with amazement in their eyes, except for Logan who was looking at him with a loving smile.

Harvey and Medel walked in and could feel the tension between the two sides of the room, and that the only ones not looking as if they could kill someone with their eyes alone, were Kurt and Logan.

"What is with you two?" Medel asked smiling at them. They did not return the smile. She looked around and looked for anything out of the ordinary. Kurt and Blaine were holding hands like always, but Blaine looked distressed and Kurt looked dreamy. "OK guys. Let's warm up." She raised her hands and they all rose.

The bus ride home was completely silent except for the sound of phones ringing with text messages.

Tweedles: Are you OK Rabbit?

WRabbit: No…..

MHare: Blaine I uh. I'm so sorry….

MHatter: I really wish I could change it for you bro.

WRabbit: You and me both.

Doormouse: Where is Alice? I can't see him.

Wkinght: I don't know. I can't see him either.

Tweedles: Neither can we.

WRabbit: He's up here. Sitting by himself… but I should be sitting next to him.

Tweedles, WRabbit, Wknight, and the rest: THANK GOD HE'S SITTING ALONE!

Kurt sat alone in his room, thinking of Logan. Suddenly the door burst open. Reed came storming through.


"Reed calm down! What are you so mad about?"

"Are you kidding me?" He walked up to Kurt and pointed a finger in his face, "Making out with Logan Wright?"

Kurt flushed bright red. "How do you know about that?" He asked trying his hardest not to yell.

Reed whipped out his phone and showed him a photo of him and Logan kissing. "That's how I know." He put his phone back in his pocket. "Ugh!" He stomped out of the room in a huff.

What was that about? Kurt thought that his friends would be happy for him and Logan, but all of the Windsor boys were obviously mad at him. Except Blaine, he seemed indifferent to the whole situation. He decided to go and talk to him. He went out into the hallway and was met by all of the Windsor boy's stares. He crossed the hallway and entered the other boy's room.

"Blaine?" He asked, with no response. He walked into the room farther and found the boy sitting on the couch his head in his hands. "Blaine?" He asked again. This caused him to look up from his hands.

"Oh. Hey Kurt," He said moving over and making room for him on the couch. "I didn't hear you come in."

Kurt took the spot made for him on the couch. "Why is everyone so mad at me?" Kurt asked looking at Blaine with hurt eyes. "Everyone in Windsor has talked to me about being with Logan and I don't understand what's so wrong with him."

"Kurt. Just do whatever makes you happy and those guys will have to support you whether they like it or not." He said, forcing a smile.

"Thank you Blaine. You're the only one that was nice about this." He smiled and grabbed Blaine up into a hug. Blaine hugged him back feeling better knowing that they could still be close to each other.

"Anytime you need me." Blaine said as they separated. He watched as Kurt dashed out of the room and into the hall. He sighed. He couldn't believe that he had just let the love of his life run off to his ex.

"Logan?" Kurt asked peering into the other boy's room.

"Come on in Kurt." He heard him say. As soon as Kurt was through the door Logan was there smiling down at him. Before he could say anything, Logan pulled Kurt into his arms. "Hey beautiful." He said into his ear. This caused Kurt to flush bright crimson, and Logan to just laugh. "Did the Windsor boys give you a hard time?" Logan asked, Kurt still in his arms.

Kurt laughed a little. "Everyone but Blaine." He said looking up at him. Logan had a thoughtful expression on his face for a few moments, but when he looked back at the boy in his arms, it turned into a smile. He leaned closer to him, just wanting to be near him. Kurt brought his mouth up to met Logan's again. As soon as there lips touched the strange warmth he had felt earlier came back, and it felt just as good as before.

"Goodnight Alice." Logan said, leaning in and kissing him softly on the lips. They had just come back from Straut house and were in front of Windsor. Logan had insisted on walking him over.

Kurt laughed a little and hugged Logan tightly. "Goodnight." He released him and he started to walk back to his house. Kurt sighed happily as he walked through the large double doors of Windsor. He braced himself for the looks and glares he was going to receive. He reached the common room where everyone was gathered in a small group on the far side of the room. As he walked into the room somebody shushed the crowd and they all turned to look at Kurt. He didn't look back at them, knowing that if he did he would get evil looks. He noticed that in the middle of it all was Blaine, who didn't look up at Kurt when he entered the room. Kurt just strode by not even glancing at them.

He was almost to the stairs when- "Kurt?" Someone called his name. He turned around. All of them were looking at him.

"What?" He asked.

"Can we talk to you?" Ethan said tentatively.