Reviews for The Yukata Incident
Steorra Empire chapter 1 . 5/8/2018
yup still love this
duchessme chapter 1 . 5/5/2018
That was intense.. LOL
Love how it was written. Imagination running wild while reading.
Kyo07 chapter 1 . 10/30/2017
The instructions on the ramen packet seemed easy enough to follow and M-21 double-checked what he had to do while the water boiled, scrupulously watching Rai through his hair as he sipped his tea.

Once the ramen was ready, M-21 poured the pot’s contents into a bowl, cleaned the pot and put it on the dishrack. It only took a second of digging around to find the chopsticks, and after that, M-21 started to make his way back to his bedroom, not wanting to bump into anyone else.

Except he did, into a short white-haired kid (‘Regis’) who halted in his tracks at the sight of him. “M-21-” 'Regis’ cut himself off, staring at the bowl in his hands.

He studied the boy’s reaction, not saying anything. Was he breaking some sort of rule?

'Regis’ didn’t say anything for a few seconds, his expression flickering between a variety of emotions that M-21 couldn’t keep track of them all. “A-ah, you’re…taking that to your room…?” 'Regis’ asked, in a far too measured tone.

He was, but given that reaction… “I’m not supposed to…?”

“Uh - well,” 'Regis’ stammered, obviously flustered as he glanced away. “It’s not-” 'Regis’ breathed in, visibly collecting himself. “The houseowner prefers that we don’t create a mess,” he explained.

Ah. M-21 peered at his bowl. That shouldn’t be a problem. “Who’s the houseowner?” The faster he found out who held power in the house, the easier it would be for him.

“Wh - Ah.” 'Regis’ gaped at him for a brief second before his expression smoothened out again. “Frankenstein,” he said before blinking and then glancing at M-21, uncertainty in his eyes. “The blond man…?”

M-21 nodded to show he knew who 'Regis’ was talking about. So doctor Frankenstein was the houseowner; it wasn’t that much of a surprise, considering.

'Regis’ stood there in the hallway, obviously uncomfortable by the way his gaze couldn’t settle and how he shifted his weight (and there was something in the way that he moved that M-21 couldn’t quite place, not with the little that M-21 had seen of it and there was something about his looks…). There was a small slump of his shoulders before 'Regis’ straightened himself again, gazing at him. “I’m Regis.”

Huh. M-21 hid his frown. Not all the names on his phone were fake? “You know mine,” he replied evenly, side-stepping the issue if he had gone by another in case Regis had known him by that name. And he would need to find out if he had and what it was.

“Y-yeah.” Regis’ expression flickered again, before he gave M-21 a small nod and started to walk towards the living room.

M-21 watched him leave before turning to return to his room.

* * *

Finishing off the ramen didn’t take long, and M-21 wasn’t sure if he had been expecting something -a flash of memory, some sort of familiarity, his stomach telling him this was his preference- but there nothing.

He didn’t think he’d created a mess, but he cleaned up around the bowl anyway. He stared down at it for a few seconds before deciding to take the bowl down straight away - if doctor Frankenstein didn’t like mess and checked on his room…

M-21 wouldn’t press that, not after being explicitly told about that rule, but maybe he could push at other boundaries. He glanced at the suit at the foot of the bed before heading towards the cupboard, hoping to find something else to wear. There didn’t seem to be, more of the same suit lining it.

No waistcoats? M-21 frowned at that. His tastes in clothes had changed? Had he really changed that much (he must have, to consider these people family)?

Closing the cupboard, M-21 eyed the suit at the foot of the bed before walking over to it. If that was the only - huh. There was a black wallet sitting on top on the suit, almost the same colour as the jacket - it would explain why he hadn’t noticed it straight away (though, with what he had been - M-21 shut that thought away with a grit of teeth before the wave of pain crashed over him again).

He picked it up, flipping it open. There were notes stuffed in there and he couldn’t help but stare as he counted it up. Where had he gotten all this money from? Had he stolen it? He couldn’t have - he wouldn’t have left his wallet lying in the open like that.

There were cards inside as well, and he pulled a black one out. “Kim Chin-Mae,” he read, sounding the name out. The next card had a picture of him on it, the same name there in raised characters. So this was the fake name he was using here.

M-21 slipped the cards back into place and tucked the wallet into his trouser pockets. It might come in useful later.

After making sure it wasn’t in danger of accidently falling out, M-21 picked up the jacket, slinging it over his shoulder. The mobile caught his eye again, and M-21 pocketed that as well. That seemed to be everything…

M-21 picked up his bowl, the set of keys, and headed downstairs again.

The living room was a lot more crowded than it had been when M-21 had left it. Everyone barring Takeo and Tao were there, seated around the table.

“Are you going out?” doctor Frankenstein asked him, and he nodded.

“Yes, doctor Frankenstein.”

Regis hissed at that, his eyes going wide, and M-21 finally placed what his red eyes meant. Noblesse. He was sharing a house with a - multiple vampires? Were 'Seira’ and 'Rai’ also noblesse?

“A-ah, haha,” doctor Frankenstein chuckled, his voice sounding strained. Had he done something wrong again? “Frankenstein. Just Frankenstein will do.”

Oh. Why would…? He wouldn’t question it. “All right… Frankenstein.”

Frankenstein tilted his head at him. “Do you have your phone with you?”

So they could phone him back when he wandered too far. Of course. “Yes, I do.”

“All right,” Frankenstein said, and then turned back to whatever he was drinking.

…He wasn’t going to ask where he was going…?

Regis was still staring at him, but M-21 turned away and started to clean his bowl. No-one said anything while the water ran but it didn’t make M-21’s skin itch as it could have - no-one had been talking when he’d entered the room either.

Once he was done, the bowl clacking on the dishrack, M-21 turned back to the group, and gave a short bow. Their responses were what he expected them to be (Regis reacting, Frankenstein watching, while 'Rai’ and 'Seira’ seemed to be indifferent), and he scooped his jacket up and slipped it on before leaving the house.

* * *

M-21 had no idea where he was going. After one block had turned into two and there hadn’t been a call telling him to return, two had turned into three, and M-21 eventually just kept going. There weren’t that many people around, so he didn’t have to suddenly change direction to avoid them.

The jacket felt strange on him, almost constrictive, and M-21 was constantly having to move his head so that his hair stopped falling into his face. Why had he let his hair grow so long? It would be distracting in a fight (that couldn’t be the reason why he had been so injured, could it?), but it was another small clue that it really had been several months since he had first arrived in South Korea.

When M-21 found himself nearly walking into a metal gate, he stopped his musing, wincing at just how much his mind had wandered again. He looked up at the building whose grounds he had been attempting to enter, and then stared in puzzlement, wondering why he had just tried to enter a school.

He shook his head at that, stepped away, and started walking down the road again.

* * *

There still wasn’t anything familiar to M-21 -none of the shops, scents or people- but he kept walking, still half-expecting the phone call, ordering him back. But maybe he was being watched, his reactions being monitored.

And there was nothing he could do about that, only keep going.

His heart was starting to hurt though, his stomach beginning to turn while his headache throbbed.

M-21 took in a breath, his legs starting to feel shaky for some reason. Was there something here? Something engraved so deeply in his memory that it still affected him when he didn’t have it?

His breath caught in his throat as the only one answer for what could affect him so much came to him. M-24. Was he near where - His heart lurched, and M-21 could barely stop himself from bending over and clutching his chest. But he had to know - he couldn’t run away, not from this. Biting his lip, M-21 started following where his heart was telling him not to go.

It eventually led him to a dilapidated building, and M-21 just gazed up at it, feeling the sick dread in his stomach. He vaguely recalled the address -it was the front of a Union building that had fallen out of use years ago- but it didn’t make any sense to him. Why had M-24 come here? Or had he come here? Maybe he’d been brought - ordered to.

Ordered to come here to die.

Everything was screaming at him to leave, to run in the opposite direction, but he forced his legs forward, ignoring the buzzing in his head. He was struggling to breathe again, but he kept going, trying to find something, anything about M-24’s fate.

The place was a mess, debris strewn everywhere, slabs of concrete laying haphazardly in piles or against the wall. Some of the lights were still miraculously working, and M-21 used them to navigate his path. There was less guesswork involved here, only an essentially straight corridor for him to travel down.

Finally, M-21 saw a lone bulb illuminating an elevator at the end of the corridor, and he slowed to a stop at the sight of it, feeling like he wanted to be sick. That was it. There was something about the elevator.

M-21 pushed himself forward, his legs shaking with every step. The elevator still looked like it was in working order, the buttons lit up. If he remembered correctly (which was ironic, given the situation. He couldn’t help but snort at that) the eighth basement floor was where the experiments had happened. It seemed to be the mostly likely place to go. But when M-21 pushed the button, nothing happened. He frowned, trying again.

Still nothing.

M-21 stared at the door for a few seconds, considering his options. He could backtrack, try to find the stairs, he could force the door open, or he could slice his way in; finding the stairs would waste time, forcing the door open would be easy enough, but slicing the door with his claws would be a lot faster.

It would depend on if he wanted to risk exposing himself, in case the cameras were also still working.

But it had been years since the building had been used (unless that was a front itself) and M-21 didn’t want to take his leisurely time, not when it involved his comrade.

Transforming his nails to claws was second nature to M-21 -

but he froze when the back of his hands suddenly itched, and he whipped his hands up to see what had happened. His hands were covered in silver fur -the same shade as his own hair- and his claws weren’t black, but white, far shorter than what M-21 was used to, only double the length of his human nails. They were stockier though, looking less likely to snap under pressure.

W-what? How had his physical transformation changed so much? He should have guessed he’d gotten stronger, what with the increase in his regeneration, but that didn’t explain the change. Unless it changed the more he improved (But how had he improved? That should have been impossible!)?

M-21 shook his head. He could deliberate later - right then, the door had to be sliced to pieces. Preparing himself, M-21 slashed the door, surprised at how little resistance the metal put up, giving as if he’d attacked a tin can. He stepped back at the pieces fell with a clang, echoing around him like a gunshot.

He only hesitated for a second, listening for anything moving, but there wasn’t anything to hear. Vaguely sure that the coast was clear, M-21 leaped down the shaft, barely feeling the impact when he landed. His body really was stronger than he last remembered.

M-21 gagged as soon as he landed though, the stench of blood permeated the air as if it was made of it. What - what had happened here?

He glanced around, trying to collect his thoughts. The elevator roof had been torn apart, like something had blasted its way through from the outside in. Just like he had done. The doors… They were open, but they didn’t fit like they should, deep indents in either side of where the doors parted.

There was a massive pile of rubble in front of M-21 that reached from the floor to the ceiling, one wall caved in beside it.

M-21 stared at that, knowing that was where - why. Why had - M-21 was trembling as he took a step forward, barely able to lift his feet, his breath coming in short gasps.

Had he been here when M-24 died? Or had he only found out later? His mind was awhirl with so many questions and he just couldn’t think.


A wracked sob ripped its way out M-21’s throat as he fell to his knees, and he made no attempt to stop his stream of tears.
noblesseM-21fanficMemoriesfrankensteinRegis K. Landegre
2 notes
See darkicedragon's whole Tumblr
YokaiAngel chapter 1 . 6/27/2017
Beautiful~ ;)
wolfsbaneroots chapter 1 . 11/20/2016
I've never thought Rai (as a submissive) would experience such a wild sex because I only thought the only person could dominate him was Frankenstein. But then I read this half-werewolf creature lemon fanfiction. And. And. And-
Fucckkk I'm so screwed. Please make another wild lemon with Rai as the submissive! I like him with M-21 too now shit xD
Steorra Empire chapter 1 . 12/11/2015
asdfghjkl /dies of blood loss from massive nosebleeding
eftela chapter 1 . 3/2/2015
gdi! more! that was so good! write more!
Guest chapter 1 . 12/29/2014
.god. GOD! I Love it! SP, youjust made my day. Although I've been following Noblesse for a long time, I've never thought about reading fanfiction about it, just once or twice maybe. But now... My favorite pairings (though it was always in my imagination) were FrankensteinRai and more recently MuzakaRai, (but it seems it'll stay a bromance :-(
And now... Well M-21 just became a new companion to my dear Rai (not that he'll ever be mine...) I think it joined my newly made RaelRegis ship xD

Anyway I just love you fic and am going to check your others, if you have any.

Happy New Year (in advance)
normalhuman chapter 1 . 12/10/2014
oh my god... I... can't ... I am laughing so hard. I love the style of your writting, it's nicely written and even I with my poor english can understand every word. I love this story, and the end was so, sooo awesome xD You got the personalities, at least from my point of view. Keep up the good work ;D . And also: Good job Good job.
Senran chapter 1 . 11/29/2014
Lovelovelovelove LOVE it. Thank you for this, there really isn't enough Noblesse fanfiction around.
Fu chapter 1 . 7/5/2014
I love you. You're a genius. Please marry me(?)
zayabeldraga chapter 1 . 6/7/2014
my nose... the gloryyyyyyyyy
Nitinha56 chapter 1 . 5/18/2014
You did great on the lemon xDDD
I really enjoyed reading it
Zephy.rose chapter 1 . 5/15/2014
I am not quite sure if your still around and writeing but damnnnnnn dude i may just have to pounce on my boyfirend after reading your story.
thanks for writeing it
Serpentariuss chapter 1 . 11/28/2013
Uh... This is my first Noblesse story I've ever read. I didn't even know where to search before (or didn't even try). And to be honest I could never imagine Rai doing something like this. He's too intimidating for his own good. But I really like this story though. And now I don't know what to do with my life anymore... ;; Lol.
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