Author has written 16 stories for StarTrek: The Next Generation, Transformers/Beast Wars, DC Superheroes, Blakes 7, Magic Knight Rayearth/魔法騎士レイアース, Avatar: Last Airbender, Legend of Korra, and Queen Seon Duk/선덕여왕. Hi, Just to tell you a little about myself: I'm a child of the 80's, female, and way too obsessed with Transformers (especially G1, BW, & TFA)! You can often find me on the Transformers TFW2005 boards as Fairlady_Z or at the TMNT TheTechnodrome boards as Time Mistress or even the DC Boards as Helena Wayne. I love to write/read in a lot of other categories too - Zorro, TMNT, X-Men, Star Trek (especially TNG and DS9), Green Arrow, Robin Hood, The Last Unicorn, Fraggle Rock, Doctor Who, Stargate SG-1 & Atlantis, Highlander, Buffy/Angel, Rurouni Kenshin, Ranma 1/2, Ducktales (Carl Barks and Don Rosa included), Darkwing Duck, Tale Spin, Jem, ThunderCats, G.I. Joe, Silverhawks, Batman: TAS, Blake's 7, Tracker, Queen of Swords, Babylon 5, Red Dwarf, Due South, Alias, Magic Knight Rayearth, Galaxy Rangers, Avatar: The Last Airbender, to name several. Favorite types of fanfic: I normally write/read fics that take place "between the episodes," character pieces, or continuations of a series after it is over, though I do enjoy the occasional crossover or alternate universe tale. Types of fic I don't like: Slash (sorry, it's just not for me), obvious Mary Sues (well-written OCs are perfectly okay though). Thanks to everyone who has reviewed and favorited my stories so far. Your encouragement really does help keep fanfic authors like me writing! So if you like a story, please review it, even if it's just a quick "I like it." Otherwise, how do I know if you read and enjoyed it? : - ) It's simple, you review mine and there's a very high chance I'll review yours. I've been getting a lot better at that myself, because I've realized that writers tend to seek out other writers that write stories and characters similar to their own styles and taste. If you're trying to find good stories one of the best things you can do is check out the profile page and stories of those who have left you a review. Because, lets face it, when you have story archives on here as big as Transformers or Avatar: The Last Airbender finding good stuff can seem like an overwhelming task. Yes, genre and character catagories help, but I'm sure many a poor writer has posted something new only to have it burried in the archive 5 pages down within less than 48 hours, and there are days I know I just don't feel like digging for them. So sadly, many a good fanfic goes unread because the right reader simply can't find it. I know we've all been there. So all you visitors who are kind enough to read full stories, seriously consider writing a review, especially if you have fanfic in that same archive, you might just gain a new fan yourself in the process. At the very least, consider favoriting or putting the story or author on your alert list so you can find those burried archive treasures again when your in the mood for them. What you can expect from me in the future: 1. Gemini: A Sunstreaker/Sideswipe fic, the movie showed one twin on the Moonbase and one at Autobot City, how do the twins deal with this separation? UPDATE: Chapter 9 is being written! This story is NOW my main focus for as long as it takes to finally finish it in 2013! I'm sorry to everyone who has been following this story to make you wait so long and appreciate your patience. I'm tired of having this fic on hiatus, but a lot of real life stuff, writer's block, and discovery of other fandoms has interviened. But I am FINALLY getting my muse back! 2. Zuko: Crown Prince Chronicles - done in the style of my Green Arrow stories. I have several ideas for future chapters at this time. UPDATE: Chapter 38 is up! Also Broken and Branded IS NOW FINISHED AND POSTED AT LAST! The next chapter will be the promised Back to the Beach. I'm speculating this fic will be around 50 chapters total, though I may still have a few more to add after that. But focus will shift to Adventures at the North Pole for the most part and perhaps some Korra one-shots. 3. a few Queen Seondeok one-shots, I don't plan to write anything long, but as a new fan of the show, I have a few plot bunnies to get out of me. I may have at least one Bidam fic in me, we'll see. 4. TLA: Adventures at the North Pole - I've outlined this one. More post-series Gaang that will use the new comics for inspiration, but may deviate on some of the details. Now that the United Republic is on it's way to being founded, Zuko turns his attention from peace with the Earth Kingdom to a diplomatic mission with the Water Tribes. UPDATE: I will not be starting this story until after Gemini is finished! 5. an old ST: DS9 Garak story I have to retype (lost it in one of my computer upgrades, thank goodness I keep printed copies of all my old fics) UPDATE: Backburnered unitl I can get Gemini finished. I lost my only hard copy in a pile of papers somewhere and can't find it for now. 6. Green Arrow Short Stories - UPDATE: This fic is done for now. DCNu GA doesn't really excite me. BUT I love the new Arrow TV show, so I'm not saying no to the occasional drabble set in that universe if I get inspired. Lunatique has started a Avatar fic author interview series and guess who got to be the test subject! I think it came off quite well. So for anyone who wants to know more about why I write fanfic please check out her featured fic essay on Crown Prince Chronicles followed by her interview with me done in two parts at: I'm also now on livejournal at: http:// It's where I moved my recommendation list among other things. A list of which characters Zuko interacts with in each chapter/short story of Crown Prince Chronicles and my other TLA/LoK fics so far so you can find your favorite relationships easier. All shipping is CANNON COMPLIANT: Kataang - 2. The Fountain, 30. Sifus and Student, also my specutlative now AU one-shots Call Down the Heavens and More Than One Lifetime Aang - 3. Hairbending, 19. Stressed Out, 22-24. Broken & Branded, 30. Sifus and Student, also my specutlative now AU one-shots Call Down the Heavens and More Than One Lifetime Katara - 18. Sisters, 28. Memories of Jet Sokka - 16. Brothers of the Blade, 21. Iroh Meets His Match, 26. War Paint Toph - 4. Burned, 10. Colors, 17. Heart of Stone, also my one-shot A Long Night Suki - 26. War Paint, 33. Suki's Field Trip Iroh - 6. Iroh's Greatest Challenge, 7. App-inions, 11-13. Unexpected Visitors, 20. Cut Off, 21. Iroh Meets His Match, 27. Scarred, 32. Pair, 36. The Big Questions (mentions) Ozai - 8. Eight Minutes of Truth, 25. Balance of Power, 31. If Only He'd Known, 35. Nameless, 36. The Big Questions Azula - 9. Zuzu, 18. Sisters Appa - 7. App-inions Jin - 11-13. Unexpected Visitors, 36. Nameless Song - 22-24. Broken & Branded Kuei - 14. Kings' Crossing, 22-24. Broken & Branded Jet - 28. Memories of Jet Ursa - 22. Broken & Branded (Pt. 1 flashback) Mai - 7. App-inions, 11-13. Unexpected Visitors, 15. Playing With Knives, 18. Heart of Stone (mentions), 19. Stressed Out, 22-24. Broken & Branded, 26. War Paint, 29. The More Things Change, 36. The Big Questions, 37. Warm, also my specutlative now AU one-shot More Than One Lifetime Tenzin - flashbacks in my specutlative now AU one-shot More Than One Lifetime Zuko's Daughter - 35. Nameless (Zuko is not in this chapter but she is along with Ozai) Fire Nation Royal Court - 1. Tea, 5. The Dragoneye, 34. Man Behind the Curtain Korra - 3. Hairbending, also my specutlative now AU one-shot More Than One Lifetime (though she doesn't interact with Zuko in that one, just Tenzin) Ty Lee - 38. Best Friend |