A/N: After talking with one of my reviewers, I realized that there were a few loose threads that needed to be cleaned up. So here's a little bonus for all of you - an epilogue.
Now that Zuko was off probation, Sokka showed him to a real room. "So here you go," the younger boy said, "home sweet home for now."
"Thanks," Zuko said, giving Sokka an awkward smile before dropping his bag and his swords on the bed.
"No problem," said Sokka. "Now grab your swords and come on."
"Huh?" Zuko said, surprised by the sudden change of topic. "Why do I need my swords?"
"For a rematch," Sokka said. "You weren't giving it your all when I sparred with you yesterday and we both know it."
"You're right," Zuko said. "I was afraid to try anything too aggressive while I was still on probation."
"Well, come on, then," Sokka said. "I want to see what you can do when you're really trying your hardest. Or are you afraid of losing again?"
"No," Zuko said. "Just make sure to tell the others what we're doing before we start. I don't want to lose what trust I've gained from them nor do I want them attacking me because they think that you're in trouble."
"Okay," Sokka said before turning and leaving the room. Zuko grabbed his swords and followed the younger boy out to the terrace. When he got out there, he found that a small audience had gathered—Teo, Haru, The Duke, Aang, and Toph.
"Did you tell them?" he asked Sokka.
"Yes, I did," Sokka said. "They all want to watch."
"As long as they stay out of our way," Zuko said.
"We will," Aang said.
"Okay, then," Zuko said, drawing his swords with one smooth and swift motion. "Are you ready?" he asked Sokka.
"I am," Sokka said, drawing his own sword.
"Then let's begin," Zuko said. And with that, he launched his first attack.
It quickly became evident that this match was going to be quite different from the one that had occurred the previous day. Zuko was much more confident in his movements, frequently intercepting Sokka's attacks almost before the younger boy had started them and Sokka soon found himself on the defensive most of the time. The match lasted longer than the one the day before had, since both of the participants were doing their best to win, but all too soon, Sokka found himself disarmed, with the point of one of Zuko's blades at his throat.
"I yield," the Water Tribe warrior said, panting heavily.
"Was that more like what you were expecting yesterday?" Zuko asked as he resheathed his blades.
"Yes," Sokka said as he retrieved his own sword and resheathed it. "It also makes me very glad that you stuck to bending all of the previous times we fought you. I don't think we would have stood a chance of beating you if you had used your swords."
"Well, I have had three years to master them," Zuko said. "It was one more thing that I could use to occupy my time during my banishment."
The atmosphere at dinner that evening was much more relaxed than it had been since Zuko had been accepted on probation. Instead of Zuko feeling like an intruder, the others made an effort to include him in the conversation and the joking. Well, most of the others did. Katara still was giving him the cold shoulder, complete with looks that sent a shiver down his spine with the pure hatred in them. Sensing that she had something that she wanted to say to him without the presence of the rest of the group, Zuko got to his feet.
"I'm feeling pretty tired," he told the others. "I think I'll go to bed now."
As the rest of them—except for Katara—chorused "good night", Zuko headed off to his room. When he got there, he took a seat on the bed and waited. Sure enough, it wasn't long before Katara appeared in the doorway, giving him an icy glare.
"What do you want, Katara?" Zuko asked, getting to his feet.
"You might have everyone else here buying your 'transformation'," she said venomously, "but you and I both know that you've struggled with doing the right thing in the past." As she said this, she walked toward Zuko, stopping a few feet away and leaning forward threateningly. "So let me tell you something right now. You make one step backward, one slip-up, give me one reason to think you might hurt Aang…and you won't have to worry about your destiny anymore. Because I'll make sure your destiny ends right then and there…Permanently."
As Zuko stared at her in shock, she turned and left the room, slamming the door behind her.
Everything follows canon from this point on.