Author has written 48 stories for Fruits Basket, Inuyasha, Rurouni Kenshin, Card Captor Sakura, Yu-Gi-Oh, Sailor Moon, Yu Yu Hakusho, Anime X-overs, Naruto, Chrono Crusade, and Bleach. Photo was put together (after much effort and pixel staring) in Photoshop by me. Original image sources prior to photo manipulation was taken from the Inane colored manga scans. Please do not take and put up this image on your own site without permission from me first. =p oOoDecember 30, 2006 And I've been really busy this past half-year with classes, two jobs, much traveling due to one of those jobs, and having a life outside of fandom that I've hardly had time to catch my breath much less find the time to write anything for fun. Though things at work have slowed down due to the holidays, writing-wise I doubt things will be better for me next year as things at work revert to what's been busy passing as a hectic normalcy for me lately. My apologies, but updates to current fics will most likely be a long time coming. It can't be helped but I do want to finish my unfinished fics so all I can ask is that readers continue being patient with me. Thanks so much for everyone's reviews and emails supporting my fics and the events in my life this year. I hope everyone's had a wonderful Christmas and will have a terrific New Year's too! oOoL I N K S F A N A R T: This is the way to any drawing-challenged fandom lover's heart. And since it pleased me so to know that my little tales can sometimes inspire fanartist's to pick up their drawing tools, I thought I'd share. Though there's only the lone one, fanart for this couple is hard to come by - but I'm sure glad this one came by! Inspired by A Smart Woman D I S C L A I M E R: Thought I'd put it here instead of having to insert it into every fic. Anyways, series on which fanfiction listed below is based, whether it be anime, manga, or otherwise, do not belong to me. They're owned by their creators, the mangaka, production companies, etc. and I claim absolutely no property rights to any of it. Although I wish I could! - Reviews are nice. Constructive criticism even better. Sincere thanks in advance to anyone who does either. |