Reviews for Heart's Desire
Inverse L. Reena chapter 18 . 6/8
Cómo has podido abandonar la historia en un momento tan impactante? Me haces sufrir, ahora que he descubierto esta historia que me gusta tanto
Salieri chapter 18 . 1/10/2019
O vamos . No puedes dejarlo asi. Es kaien. Ppr favor continualo. Ame esta historia.
Lucia Kurosaki chapter 18 . 6/14/2018
Hey! Just stumbled upon your story and the plot is great! Can't believe I didn't find it sooner! Waiting for the much anticipated update! Please update it, Kudos by the way!
Laaaaaara chapter 1 . 3/31/2018
Omfggg PLEEEEASE UPDATE OR ILL DIE. Absolutely fantastic storyI cannot find a fault and I hope you’ll find it in yourself to continue and finish it
Guest chapter 18 . 5/11/2017
This is not complete...TT...why is the world so cruel.
A well written, with good plot, humor and IC Ichigo and Rukia and the rest of the cast and it's incomplete. Damn. Ichigo and Rukia didn't even take an important step thowards each other, like getting closer emotionally nor phisycally, such a shame. Somewhere inside of me I know I will still hope for a miracle and an update to suddenly appear even if I know this will never happen. Isn't there someone that is up to adopt this fanfic and continue it? No eh? Too bad, the world needs good IchiRuki fanfic like this to be complete.
Peachberrylove chapter 18 . 4/22/2017
Guest chapter 18 . 3/9/2017
Hi LeShay, where is chapter 19?
midnightscar17 chapter 18 . 9/20/2016
Update please
midnightscar17 chapter 14 . 9/20/2016
Rukia doesnt get the hogyuoku from hat n claws does she
arsala chapter 7 . 1/6/2016
Why did you stopped posting chapters? I know probably you won't ever read this but then again I need to tell you this. I have been waiting to for you to post another ch for years. But you never did .
You went on saying that you will post and have already written the chapters but you never bothered posting it . Tell me why did you have up? Why didn't you said to us that you won't update and kept us hanging? We at least deserved a tiny little note answering our question whether to hope or you did this?
This is one of the best fanfic but you still didn't bothered. (Sights)
You owe all your fans an apology. You really do. Waiting for five years is hard as well as frustrating.
stubbornheroine chapter 18 . 12/14/2015
hope you'd continue this wonderful story.
thanks for sharing :)
arsala chapter 18 . 10/12/2015
Ur story was sooooooooo good so why did you stopped writing?
After reading 18 CHAPTERS I got nothing in the end?
meerasaney chapter 18 . 9/29/2015
Love ur fanfiction
i hope there will be jeoulousy, and heated lemon
also unexpected cliffhanger.
i have fun reading ur fanfic i read all the chapters in just 1day . i cant wait for the next chapter:)
unknown guest chapter 18 . 9/3/2015
Waaah I know its been years since last updated but plssssss update soon I really really want to knw what will happen next
This story is so good! I hope you'll still continue it . I'm really curious on what will happen next. You are a good writer
Mariagoner chapter 1 . 8/3/2015
Damn, what an explosive first chapter! And given that Ichigo is already spanking her, I can't wait for what future chapters hold for poor Rukia and her bottom. ;)
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