Reviews for The Duty
Guest chapter 36 . 7/15
Hey, just wanted to say that I love this story so much and I hope your doing well
sakurailoveyou chapter 5 . 6/30
Okaaaaay. So this is like the nth time I'm reading this and I'm wondering if you'll write a separate fic for ShikaSaku backstory? Coz we reaaaaaallllyyy need it Anyways, I super love your fic and I just keep coming back for the fluff ️
deltamu chapter 36 . 6/20
Aww i so hope you continue writing this even if its yrs already. Thanks again!
deltamu chapter 33 . 6/20
Oh my lord! I laughed like crazy with this chapter! I am thoroughly enjoying this and sad at the same time that i'm nearing the end. Thank you for sharing this! You are making my week!
St.Alessia chapter 36 . 6/18
It’s coming up on 7 years now... I seriously miss this story
Guest chapter 11 . 5/18
Mm I was wondering when Sasuke would come up. I think you did a really nice job of keeping Sakura in-character when she said she used to love him, but doesn’t love the person he’s become now.
Guest chapter 7 . 5/18
Ahhh that’s so friggin cute omgosh
Guest chapter 36 . 4/25
Love the story, don't know if you still writing the story but if yes please post next chapter soon
sakurailoveyou chapter 28 . 3/28
Oh my god. I looove this so much! This is like the 3rd time I read this and it gives me too much fluffI would look forward to a spinoff of Sakura and Shukamaru's relationship. Its just too cute to not ship those two!
Bellatrix chapter 36 . 11/26/2019
When me and my friend were still in college, we were so excited every time you post a new chapter. Now that we are both in medical school, makes the two of us sad because it has been so long since you have updated. I hope you’re doing fine and may you find your passion again in writing! We will still be looking forward for your next update!
Akatsuki's Kyuubi chapter 36 . 11/11/2019
I died of a mix between cuteness and love of fluff. Please continue!
FairyLetters chapter 36 . 11/9/2019
It may be her character in this story but god, if I don't hate the way Sakura's 'Oh Stars!' exclamation. Its grating on nerves and more annoying than how easily she got taken down in the fights. Other than that, I love how the relationships between kazekage and his personal medic is building. Just an opinion, but the sexual innuendo that everyone keeps throwing in regards of their relationship doesn't quite make sense. It feels like everyone is more focused on their relationship than the war itself.

But regardless of its shortcomings (and mistakes such as - but not limited to - mentioning chiyo being dead in the conversation between sasori and sakura but in next scene, chiyo communicating with kankuro) I loved the whole war setting, but if it would have been dark considering the situation.

I loved the sand cat the most. Mr. Fluffykins/Mun/Munchkins is unquestionably the best element of this story.
RansomeNote chapter 16 . 9/7/2019
It's hard to believe that I haven't read this story before now. Fantastic writing and plot, I truly commend you for them. I can't wait to read on!
Constantinest chapter 36 . 3/27/2019
authorr... this story really beautiful... im really love that and how you describe about their relationship... please author continued your story many fans still waiting your story...
ai12love chapter 36 . 1/14/2019
This was a beautifully written well paced section of greatness. It’s been so many years and it’s still great. Even if it only got 1-2 more chapters to end it at gaaras birthday. It was just enough of the same as the anime to do well and just enough different to have the fan base to lock on to. I think we were one chapter shy of them taking another step in their relationship but at the same time I understand life happens and you lose motivation. Hopefully you can give it new life if you see a new desire in the fandom, I know I have after a similarly lengthy break.

Best wishes and contact me if you ever need a beta.
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