Sapporo in the Moonlight

Disclaimer: SkipBeat: don't own it, probably couldn't afford it, really like it, 'nuf said

LME Hits a Landmark 25th Anniversary. To celebrate, Lory leases an entire resort in Sapporo and sponsors a company vacation for the holidays. With Kyoko turning eighteen, will Ren finally make his move? And why do mysterious things keep happening?

Chapter 1 - Lory the Magnificent

It began as a typical lunch hour at LME, if anything about LME could be considered typical. Perhaps it would be better to say that it began as an uneventful lunch hour… well, however you want to say it; the facts were that L.A. Hearts, LME's spacious dining room, was packed, the food was good, and everyone was basically content. And then the trumpets blazed and the vaulted ceiling erupted in tiny explosions that showered tinsel down upon the seated diners. While they scrambled to cover their food, a marching band began playing "Oh when the Saints come marching in." Everyone looked over toward the sound and saw LME President Takarada Lory, dressed as a bandmaster, waving his marching baton as he led a fifty-person marching band into the entrance of the dining room.

At his signal the band ended with a flourish and became silent. Lory gazed at the stunned diners who were hunched over the tables in a vain attempt to protect their food from the falling tinsel. He smiled, completely undisturbed by the many scowls and signs of irritation manifested throughout the room. "Ladies and Gentleman of LME, I want to thank you for being here today on this most auspicious occasion." His silent, ever-present assistant emerged from the shadows and extended a tray which held a scroll. With great dignity, Lory took the scroll and unrolled it. He cleared his voice loudly and then began to read with his deep, rich voice,

"Know ye all present that on this day, twenty-five years ago, Lory and Jun Takarada fulfilled their dream by establishing the talent agency thereafter known as Lory's Majestic Entertainment. Be it further known that said couple contributed blood, sweat, and many tears to see said company rise out of obscurity to become the most well-known and successful talent agency within the Japanese entertainment industry…" Lory's voice faltered for a minute and there was a suspicious trace of moisture in the corners of his eyes, "Although Jun could not be here today, be assured that she would be proud of what LME has become and what her "children" have accomplished."

As Lory said these words, a small, pink-suited young lady with orangish-blond hair stood up from her seat to face him. With perfect posture and grace she clasped her hands in front of her and bowed to honor the memory of a woman she had never been privileged to meet. Her action was repeated almost immediately by another pink-suited girl, and then another, and then a very tall, handsome man, another with glasses, and finally every individual in the room.

In the silence that followed Lory smiled fondly, transferred to top half of the scroll to his other hand so that he could wipe his eyes, re-opened the document, and then continued reading, "In celebration of this most auspicious occasion, our twenty-fifth anniversary, LME has leased a ski resort entirely and exclusively for the use of LME and special guests of our association. The Takaradas, grandfather and granddaughter, invite you all to come to Sapparo for an all-expense paid ski vacation, to begin on Saturday and to last for one full week during the Christmas holiday."

Everyone was still standing as they absorbed the news. Then, as the realization finally sunk in, everyone began cheering. Lory watched the celebration with a mixture of fondness and sadness as he remembered his wonderful mate. She loved each and every talent who signed with LME as if they were her own children. He was startled from his reverie when became aware of a slender pink figure standing in front of him, touching his hand. He looked down into Kyoko's tender expression as she said, "I never knew your wife, Mr. President, but everyone says that she was wonderful."

As he had many times in the past, Lory marveled at this interesting young lady who claimed to despise love, and who still knew how to show love in so freely and in so many different ways. He placed the scroll back on the tray and raised one large hand to ruffle Kyoko's hair. "I have no regrets, Mogami-san. Jun and I loved each other as deeply and truly as a man and woman can love. I wanted to grow old with her, but it wasn't meant to be. I will always cherish every moment that she and I shared." He looked fondly into Kyoko's sincere golden eyes, "I only hope that you will find a love who will allow you to experience what I experienced with Jun."

Kyoko's eyes lost their luster and Lory's heart ached as the life that usually animated her faded. Her mouth twisted slightly in rebuttal, but Lory stopped her reply with a finger on her lips, "Don't say it, Kyoko. I know that you have been hurt terribly in the past, but you are a person who deserves an epic love, and there is a man out there, right now, who is your destined mate. Don't allow the mistakes and the pains of the past to destroy your future."

Kyoko's rebellious expression faded to mere sadness and she nodded, though her face clearly showed that she didn't believe his words. Then she bowed and walked back over to join her two pink-suited partners. Lory scanned the room to find the tallest man. As he suspected, he saw Ren standing aloof, watching Kyoko's progress with an undisguised look of adoration. Ren, you'd be a fool not to take advantage of this vacation to put your seal on that girl's heart. I can only hope that you will finally stop playing the coward and tell her how you feel. He sighed, Jun, I could really use your help with those two.

Three days later, after much scrambling on the part of the managers to clear schedules, LME descended on the airport en masse. Kyoko arrived in Ren's car, along with Yashiro. Ren had suprised her on the set of her new drama during lunch on the previous day. "Kyoko, I wanted to remind you that I'll be swinging by to pick you up tomorrow promptly at 7 a.m."

Kyoko had begun to protest that she could take a taxi, but Ren gave her one of his gentlemanly smiles, "Are you saying that you don't want a ride from me?"

"No! It's not that, Tsuruga-sempai… I just didn't want to incon…"

"Good; then it's settled. 7 a.m. sharp. Please be ready. Do you have everything you need for a winter vacation, Mogami-san?"

Kyoko acknowledged defeat on the issue of the ride and simply nodded, "Hai, sempai. I believe so." Her face was showing a mixture of resignation and pleasure which captivated Ren for a moment, leaving him speechless. Kyoko, not understanding his expression, and slightly unnerved, asked, "I-is there anything else, Tsuruga-san?"

Ren, suddenly aware that he had been staring, straightened up and looked quickly away. Only then did he realize that they had an audience. Almost the entire cast and crew of Sakura Dreams was standing in the studio watching them. Alarmed lest he cause Kyoko any problems, he promptly said, "No, that was it. I'll see you in the morning."

Kyoko's co-stars watched Japan's Most Eligible Bachelor leave the set with awe. Almost immediately, as soon as he was out of the door, they began moving towards Kyoko to ask her questions. Thankfully Hagino Nozomi, Kyoko's temporary manager, got there first and quickly shepherded her young charge to a private area. "Kyoko, dear, I'm glad that Tsuruga-san enjoys your company, but… it would probably be better if you asked him not to come to the set. Rumors will start before either of you are ready for any public announcement."

Kyoko looked at her middle-aged manager with a look of incomprehension, until finally understanding dawned… albeit false-understanding. "Oh, you're saying that people will think that Tsuruga-san…" She raised her hand to her mouth in consternation, "That would be bad for him! Imagine them thinking that someone like Tsuruga-san would actually be interested in someone like me! Oh, the poor man!"

Nozomi quickly stepped forward before her young charge could collapse on the floor, "Kyoko, get yourself together. The shooting will resume in ten minutes and you need to go and get your makeup retouched." She rolled her eyes heavenward as Kyoko rushed to the makeup trailer. The president had warned her about the young lady's obtusiveness when it came to matters of love, but Nozomi could hardly believe it. How could anybody not tell that she has that man wrapped around her little finger? The "Great" Tsuruga Ren looks at her like she's the one who tells the stars to shine in the sky at night.

On the following morning Nozomi was standing at the loading/unloading area as Ren pulled his sports car up to the valet parking. She moved forward to take Kyoko's luggage, but settled for handing Kyoko her ticket when Ren took firm possession of the girl's single suitcase. The other two LoveMe girls were standing at the check-in line when Kyoko saw them. Kanae tensed as she heard the siren-song she dreaded. "MOKO-SAN!" Kyoko was ready to hurl herself at her raven-haired best friend, but Kanae quickly placed a laughing Amamiya Chiori between herself and her attacker. "Mo, Kyoko, if you don't stop it you'll have airport security down on us. Now try to act normal for once and stop making a fuss."

Kyoko looked so teary-eyed and dejected that Kanae relented. She stepped around Chiori and stood with her arms out in front of her. Kyoko, seeing the gesture, quickly stepped forward and hugged her friend. Nozomi cleared her throat and gestured her head meaningfully at the line which had already moved ten feet forward. Chastened, the three girls closed the gap. Then the other two LoveMe girls turned and greeted Ren and Yashiro.

Not for the first time, Yashiro Yukihito noticed how beautiful Kotonami Kanae looked. She was dressed simply for travelling, in form fitting blue jeans and a soft, light blue sweater, yet she still looked stunning. As Ren talked with Kyoko and Yashiro tried to converse with Kanae, Chiori moved over to Nozomi and said, "Which of those guys do you think will declare their love first?"

The temporary manager shook her head, "I don't know. I feel sorry for both of them. One wouldn't recognize true love if it jumped up and bit her, while the other wants to put love on-hold for the next thirty years while she focuses on her career."

Chiori smiled conspiratorially, "Then maybe we'll just have to help them all along. It'll make this trip that much more interesting, wouldn't you say?" She regretted that her co-conspirator wouldn't be going along. Nozomi was a mother who had been forced to return to the work force due to divorce, and she couldn't afford to leave her children for so long. She was only acting as a manager temporarily until an office position became available.


For those of you who are worried about it, I am currently writing the play for The Shadow's Heart. This story is just something that came to me while I was taking a breather. I will continue to work on the play, but I won't be submitting anything until the entire work is done, lest I get half-way an discover that I need to go back and change something.