Reviews for Subtle Flame
Cimbie chapter 17 . 2/19/2019
Omggggggggg this is so good... I hope you will decide to continue... this is wonderful... chapter 17 . 7/22/2018
Oh my goodness yes! I love this story! And I want to read more like it! I’m going to go check out your stories, but until you update, any story suggestions?
Darkangel3214 chapter 17 . 11/25/2017
Please come back it’s so hard to find such well written stories about HaruxMori they are my absolute favorite pairing. And you did such a lovely job.
Androgynous-Heron chapter 4 . 6/9/2017
ok so maybe she did tell tamaki rejection but i hope his reaction wasn't as extreme as that, yikes.
Androgynous-Heron chapter 3 . 6/9/2017
the more i read the part about her strategy to stop her loving relationship with tamaki, it seems kind of odd i mean she would take the practical approach and tell him herself instead of shutting him off completely right? knowing tamaki personality it seems kind of a poor plan itself
MiWilliams1016 chapter 17 . 1/22/2017
Well this is amazing!
SheWolfMedjai chapter 17 . 1/20/2017
Please continue!
SheWolfMedjai chapter 13 . 1/18/2017
Haha having her pin him with that move was perfect!
LittleMissHugALot chapter 17 . 11/19/2016
This is so charming! Update soon. I want to know what happens with everyone. :-)
A Musing Brunette chapter 17 . 10/7/2016
I have liked this story up to this point. It looks like you managed to set up just about everyone except for Hikaru for a relationship. I was very much looking forward to more chapters and then I saw the last time you update was almost 2 years ago. That's a shame. I hope you return and finish up this story, it's pretty well written.

I have a feeling that Hikaru has the wrong idea about what's going on between Kaoru and Kyoya. I chuckled at the message he managed to only get a partial look at and I'm thinking it was actually a naughty one. hahaha It sounds like Kaoru hasn't managed to confide in his brother about his amorous relationship and the cliffhanger left us wondering how that was all going to play out. It sounds like it could become one humorous mess.

Then there's Tamaki and what's looking like a possible match with Ren. It would be good for him to have someone more suited for him. And Honey was matched up with Reiko which is great.

Of course the main couple, Takashi and Haruhi, it's great seeing their relationship growing. It would be interesting to find out what Katsu wants from Takashi. It irritated me that Misuzu would think that just because Haruhi had dealt with her father's personality for so long that Tamaki was the best person for her to be with. What kind of logic is that? Just because you can or are good with dealing with crazy doesn't mean that that is what you want to do for the rest of your life. That's like saying, "Well you are great at cleaning portable toilets, that's what you should do the rest of your life." Seriously, WTF?! And just because others believe you should be with a certain type of person doesn't mean that is what you want or need. I know that growing up having taken care of different family members most of my life, it's definitely not something I wanted to do in a relationship as well. Like Haruhi, I wanted to be in a relationship with a capable adult, not someone that made me feel like I was raising a child. Nor would I want to be with someone who tended to put their needs before mine, didn't listen to what I said or wanted. Ok, end rant. I can just really understand why Haruhi and Takashi are perfect for one another. They are each other's saving grace, they are each other's shelter from the storm, if you will. They can help bring out the best in each other and work on the things that are holding them back. So I really hope we get to see the rest of this story because I think you have a pretty good grasp of their characters and write quite well.
Da queen of mangos chapter 16 . 7/29/2016
Da queen of mangos chapter 6 . 7/25/2016
you are an amazing writer I like how you put so much emotion into your stories! Also, I like, in this particular story how, like, there isn't sex in the first three chapters. Thank you for sharing your amazing girl with the world!
Da queen of mangos chapter 5 . 7/24/2016
That was...amazing, sad, emotional, deep, sad, crazy, adorable, sad, and... r just really great. Keep sharing your amazing gift with the world, you actually made me put down my tablet and cry... for three min and my mom is scared for my mental health. THANK YOU FOR WRIGHTING AMAZINGLY!
Guest chapter 17 . 4/4/2016
AwesomeA101 chapter 17 . 3/29/2016
NOOOO it's been like 2 years! Please update! Love this story! Your writing style is so composed and perfect. And Mori is so awesome! Please continue don't leave us here! :(
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