![]() Author has written 6 stories for Prince of Tennis. From the Caribbean originally, now living in the USA that is all... ...ooo I'm a girl too lol Video from YouTube: Dear Yes on 8 Supporters My absolute number one Anime: Tennis no Oujisama / Prince of Tennis aka PoT Eternal tezufujitezu fans = Unrivaled Glory journal:///tezukafuji Traditional Seishun Gakuen parings: 1) TEZUKA KUNIMITSU & FUJI SYUUSUKE (Perfect Pair) FOREVER!! I also like Dream Pair -Fuji/Eiji- too but hey nothing tops tezufuji and Golden Pair ne? Other Schools: Hyotei Gakuen: 1) Atobe/Jiroh: they are made for each other.. the great Ore-Sama praising himself and Jiroh falling alseep during his speech lol Rikkaidai Fuzoku: 1) Yukimura/Sanada Of course like any true anime fan I love Naruto!! ooo and Sailor Moon.. cant forget her at all lol which means of course that i love: Serena/Darien-Usagi/Mamoru pair.. I mean they just perfect.. Not a huge fan of Seiya being more than a friend though.. Diamond(Demando) -w/e u wanna call him- I can tolerate.. he is cute after all And as for the other scouts.. I love all the Outter Scouts: Amara/Michelle are just too cute and -grins- the Mina/Kunzite(Malachite) pair is really eye catching too along with Lita/Nephrite.. BUT I have a thing against Rei (well at least how she is portrayed in fanfictions sometimes) always putting Serena down so not to huge on her sry I'm suprised Sere has any self-esteem left to be honest.. but if I find a good fic where her criticism is plausible and not just bashing then I'm all for her!! I understand that sometimes it's necessary to make her out to be the bad guy after all... well, if there no how Beryl can be it. Plus it is part of her character to be blunt with Serena at times but she isnt as mean as some people make her out to be. Naruto:.. Hetero: Naturally I love Naruto/Hinata pair I think they would do each other justice and I CANNOT stand Sakura..in the anime and fanfictions.. the girl just irritates me.. I can admit that in the anime she gets on my nerves.. but its a necessary evil.. -maybe its a yaoi fangirl thing?- ALSO when it comes to fanfictions I absolutely hate it when people make her out to be this oh so calm, caring and considerate person.. THAT IS NOT HER. she uses her fists and raised voices to get her point across for pete's sake!! admittedly she does care, but softening her up to be a non-stuttering version of Hinata is just insult to who she is.. Also love.. Shikamaru/Temari, Chouji/Ino, Lee/Sakura and can tolerate Sai/Sakura and Sai/Ino -if plot good- Yaoi: Always and forever Sasuke/Naruto/Sasuke but if I have to get yaoi fangirl on your a-- then it has to be Sasuke/Naruto/Sasuke..lol.. Gaara/Naruto/Gaara too.. call me a sucker but I love Gaara..even before he fought Naruto sigh I know, I know, weird considering he was a ruthless killer but come on! who wouldn't be without THAT much sleep.. caffeine can only do so much I also like Shikamaru/Naruto/Shikamaru too or Neji/Naruto/Neji they jus seem hot.. Shino/Kiba and Kiba/Naruto/Kiba ooo also hot... oo and Sai/Naruto/Sai well as long as the plots good I'll read Itachi/Naruto or even Itachi/Sasuke with an amazing plot.. thats hot But if it's ever a love triangle kind of thing.. then i'll almost always vote SasuNaru.. unless Sasuke being a jack... Animes I also love: Tenchi Muyo Avatar: The Last Air Bender: pairings are-- Zuko/Aang, Soka/Suki, Soka/Toph The song my story 'What if' was inspired by this video On a side note When I was searching for a story inspire16 helped me find it and I say thanks again for that but tonieboo0013 helped me to locate a Sailor Moon fic search forum called FIND THAT FIC @ http://www.fanfiction.ws/forum/Find_that_fic/6209/ it’s annoying when ppl post fic searches in story communities and I ended up doing that so I’m spreading the word about this fic search forum!! USE IT, IT HELPS!! Enjoy Non-Anime: - Oct, 2008: I just became a fan of Harry Potter fan fictions and right now focusing on Snape/Harry pairing - March, 2010 is the birth of my Star Trek fan fictions craze over Spock/Kirk Sulu/Chekov - September, 2010 is the rise of my House/Chase admiration from the show House MD.. love it!!! O you SHUD TOTALLY CHECK OUT MY FAVS.. check out my favs!! these ppl shud totally be published!! because I read very little crap.. and most definately wont fav it grrr as long as there's enough drama but not overly so with my fav charcters.. then I'll prob love the Universe these lovely aurthors create everything from angst and fluff to Mpreg and genderbending sigh THEY ARE WONDERFUL!! so skillful To: Everybody! ALL THE FABULOUS WRITERS AND REVIEWERS/SUPPORTERS! KEEP ON KEEPING ON!! You make life Sweet... |