Author has written 18 stories for xxxHOLiC, Naruto, and Shameless, 2011. What do you call a suicidal village leader? Who Am I? A crazy yaoi fangirl. Can you dig it? Where am I? I'm utterly beside myself. Age? *gasp* How dare you?! Sex: Yes, please. Height/Weight: Does that matter? Don't look at me! Read the fanfiction! Orientation: Currently facing West. Anime: NARUTO!! *cough* , Bleach, Death Note, XXXHOLiC, Inuyasha, Helsing and the beat goes on. Yaoi Pairings: NaruSasu, but I will read and love any well-written/drawn pairings, even if it takes me awhile to get over the initial 'WTF?' We don't care about you, you egotistical loon! What do you have to fap over? Edited: 10/12/2012 BTW!! You can find me on tumblr! At the time I write this, I don't have anything really personal there yet, but feel free to add me and chat me up. I'm new to the site, so eventually I should have more than a million reblogs. |