100 Percent by Chirella

This is yaoi themed, though it is rather tame with nothing physical in the first few chapters. Usual pairings, Tez/Fuj, Inu/Kai, Ois/Eij. Most of the story is from Fuji's point of view, but it does switch to others, like Ryoma and Inui. The Regulars go to a lake house for the weekend, hormones and humor ensue… my fics are generally lighthearted, no real angst here, but there is a bit of rivalry. ;)

Disclaimer: I don't own Prince of Tennis.


Chapter 1

With a fun filled weekend approaching on the horizon, the regular players of the Seigaku tennis team practiced in a buzz of excitement. The three day holiday weekend had sparked an idea and Momo's family had been kind enough to lend their lake cabin to the boys. A lot could happen in three days, or so one hoped.

Fuji wiped his face with a towel after he finished his match with Momoshiro and noticed Inui scribbling into his notepad behind the fence. The tall data collector appeared to be watching Oishi. While Inui's tennis data collection habit was normal, the fact that he was watching Oishi at that very moment was odd.

Oishi wasn't playing. Instead, he was chatting with Eiji while watching Kaidoh and Echizen play. Ah, the little Ryoma, Fuji mused, no doubt giving Kaidoh a stress complex.

Intrigued, Fuji watched Inui watch Oishi behind low lidded eyes and a faint smile. When the match ended, Oishi traded with Ryoma to practice against Kaidoh while Eiji scurried over to Inui.

How interesting indeed, Fuji thought.

"Did you get the data?" Eiji whispered, leaning in close to Inui's shoulder.

"Hmm, it's almost complete."

"Hoi! Tell me." Eiji's whisper graduated to a low exclamation.

"I can only tell you what I have based on my current data samples—"

"Hoi, hoi! Just tell me." Eiji bounced. Had it been anyone else, the bouncing and excited energy would have drawn attention, but since it was Eiji's natural state of being, no one even bothered to glance over.

"The probability that Oishi likes Eiji, zero percent," Inui said.

Deflated, Eiji slumped into a pitiful, wobbling pile of goo, ready to let out a wail of despair.

"However, the probability that Oishi loves Eiji…one hundred percent."

The playful redhead bounced so far off the ground, Inui made note of the height on his data sheet for future reference.

"Ya hoi!" Eiji cheered, smiles and giggles overflowing as he landed. "You tried to trick me, nya? You had me going there for a minute."

"There's more."

The twinkling stars in Eiji's eyes beckoned Inui to continue.

"Oishi's desire to kiss Eiji, one hundred percent. His desire to date Eiji, one hundred percent. Success rate of first kiss happening on the weekend retreat, ninety-eight percent."

"Ninety-eight?" Eiji whined. "Why not a hundred?"

"The probability of not being alone with Oishi, two percent," Inui stated as though the answer were obvious.

"I'll make that two percent turn into zero percent, you wait and see." Eiji nearly hugged Inui.

After a barrage of thanks and squeals, Eiji cartwheeled off into the direction of Oishi's match.

Inui turned his nose back to his notebook and jotted something down, lost in his thoughts.

"A hundred percent chance they will end up together, that's an interesting statistic."

Inui whipped around to see that Fuji had snuck up behind him. The prodigy remained elusive to Inui's tennis data, but that hadn't stopped him from compiling other data on the soft spoken boy.

"It's accurate data. Given Eiji's data, we'll all know they are together approximately nineteen days after they hook up. That's the maximum time he can keep a secret. Though if it were Oishi's choice, we'd only find out when we received an invite to their wedding in Hawaii." Inui pushed his sliding glasses up the bridge of his nose.

"Ah. But men can't marry each other in America," Fuji said thoughtfully.

"By 2014 it will be legalized in one state. Though I've yet to determine if California, Hawaii, or New York will be the lucky pioneer." Inui flipped back a few pages in his notebook. "Oh yes, here it is…I believe it will be Hawaii."

"2014? Hmm, that's a bold prediction." Fuji smiled. He moved a bit closer to Inui and lowered his voice. "About your love prediction data…"

A smirk appeared on Inui's face. "Though I can't read your data in tennis, I can read it in your love life. You don't hide yourself as well as you think."

Fuji said nothing, but continued to smile.

"Probability that Fuji is infatuated with someone, ninety percent. Probability that that person is Tezuka, ninety percent."

Fuji opened his eyes. "What is the probability that Inui can collect data on Tezuka for me?"

Inui scribbled a few numbers, scratched his head then met Fuji's magnetic blue eyes. "Give me two days."

Fuji nodded. Closing his eyes, he turned to walk away.

"Oh and Fuji…make sure you stand with him, talk to him, and practice with him if possible while I collect the data."

"I look forward to the results." Fuji bowed slightly before heading back to the main courts.

Inui furiously wrote down all the data he had received from his conversation with Fuji. Looking up across the courts, he saw his fellow regulars gallivanting about and decided on a new course of action. They did have a prime opportunity this weekend, no use letting it go to waste. "Perhaps it's time to collect love data on everyone."


Fuji gets his data in Chapter 2