As/N : Co-written ficlet by burnein and me. Beware the… lack of… coherency. ^_^

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Kikumaru froze, one finger in the air, one finger in the air, eyes wide in shock and disbelief. "You… You're not Momo." He then lowered his finger very very slowly and inched away.

"Erh… No." Momo stared, three meters away, his squabble with Echizen forgotten. "Certainly not…" He fought a valiant battle to keep a straight face, gave up not much later, and commenced giggling like a loon.

Echizen stared from one senpai to another, and then he tugged the brim of his hat lower. "Mada mada dane," he quipped, and wandered off to either laugh in private or… who knew.

Oishi blinked. Twenty rounds. No. Thirty. At least. Glancing quickly from Eiji to… that, he quelled the urge to pull his doubles partner to safety. Preferably to America. Or Turkmenistan. The moon would be good.

Kaidoh let out a series of hisses that could be translated as either a Hawaiian tribal song, or a stifled laugh. He glanced at his doubles partner, who was of course, scribbling into his book.

"Very… interesting… data…" Came the voice from behind the notebook. "Never… knew… he…" And Inui melted into a smoldering pile of black residue at the other's hard stare. Or not. "Ahah." Glasses glinted. "Can I try it too?"

Kawamura rubbed the back of his head. "Ano… I…" Someone passed a tennis racquet into his hand, and all doubts flew away. "OH MY GOD! I DON'T BELIEVE THIS!!!"

"Mmm." Fuji's smile widened. "That look's fun… Very… fun indeed…" He moved towards Kikumaru amidst the shocked silence and nudged his classmate. "Go on," he prodded. "Do it again."

Tezuka stood very still and then put one foot in front of the other. The whole team visibly drew back, with the exception of Fuji, who looked ready to do the job himself, if Kikumaru refused. Ignoring them, he walked out of the clubroom.

Everyone stared after their buchou. "Nya…" Kikumaru broke the tense silence. "Who would've known Tezuka was the ticklish type?"


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Completed : 21st November 2003

As/N : Burnein : The O Levels are over!!

Hoshi : *Squeehee!* Gay!Chicken! lol. Don't ask. ^________^

Both : and yes. Be sucked into the vortex of our insanity. *_*