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![]() Author has written 6 stories for Naruto, and Twilight. Ello... Welcome to my page... profile... something? You know what it is :3 My Name? Eh... It's really not that important really. My Age? Ohhh, you would like to know wouldn't you XD Sex? Why no thank you, but thanks for... oh... you mean sex as in gender... Riiiight. (Sorry. I just couldn't resist making that joke, and I blame that on our generation and it's many downfalls. :P) Then I'm a girl ;D The More Interesting Stuff! I'm still in school (It's your job to figure out which level XD) and I can drive without a licensed adult ;D (Does that help any? XD) I'm extremely lazy even though I do a sport. I hate reading but I love writing... Actually scratch that. I read anything that's on a computer, but I hate reading acutal books. Make sense? Yea, it doesn't to me either. XD I'm in love with smileys so I tend to use them. A lot. I hate giving speeches or presentations, and I'm in love with cake and cupcakes :) Pairings! The loved, the hated, and the ones somewhere in between, but mostly just the loved. XD NARUsasu (I don't have a burning hate for SasuNaru but I just prefer Naruto as the seme. I can't help it, Sasuke just makes such a cute uke! Plus, Sasuke-seme is usually only protrayed one way while Naruto-seme is protrayed in so many ways the list is practically endless.) ShinichiRan (Sorry ConanAi fans. It's really nothing against this pairing, I just don't like Ai as a character in general.) YoruRan (They are just sooo cute! Sukisho is arguatively ((is that even a real word?)) my very first yaoi/BL and so hold a very special place in my heart :D) SoraNao (Even cuter! XD) MinKaka (It's too hot not to be a pairing XD) ZeroYuki (I'm sorry but Kaname has issues... Serious issues. Plus they're cousins! ((No matter how distant.)) Yuki and Kaname act more like sibblings than anything else!) TakanariHaine (They're just adorable together.) SenriUshio (~Insert That Fangirl Squeal~ These two are just too absolutely adorably cute together! The final chapter was too cute for words!) ZeroKaname (For this pairing I don't really care whose seme and whose uke, though I will admit I do find the idea of Kaname as the uke a little more appealing. I think I just have a thing for dark haired ukes. I wonder what that says about me as a person..?) NegiAsuna (Asuna is like my all-time favorite character. Plus Negi is such an adorable little magi.) UsagiMisaki (Junjo Romantica is like the most awesome anime/manga ever! Anyone whose even the slightest into yaoi should totally check it out. Seriously!) NowakiHiro (They are the cutest thing ever. They're like the dysfunctional stepchild who everyone loves reguardless. XD) MiyagiShinobu (A little taboo (okay way taboo. A 17 year age difference... Okay it sounds bad when it's said out loud...) But Shinobu is so cute!) TooruYuujiou (Seriously. Princess Princess is like one of the best animes ever. You should watch it especially if you like pretty boys dressing up.) GohTaki (The manga's art isn't the best. But these two are just amazing. So if you're not one of those people that can only read a manga with gorgous art, then I totally recommend it.) HarryDraco (They're rivalry is totally just a cover-up for all the sexual tension between them XD Or maybe that's just hopeful wishing on my part XD) EdwardBella (Hey they have to spend eternity together. They must like something about each other. XD) JacobEdward (I dunno why I prefer Jacob as top. But I just do, so I don't question it. XD) TonyZiva (Words cannot even express how much I love this pairing. I mean come on! The sexual tension between these two is soooo thick it's practically leaking out of the TV and staining my carpet!!) WyattChris (What? It's a guilty pleasure. ;_; We're all entitled to them.) SebastianKathryn (Manipulative, whore-like bitch + Rich, womanizing asshole = True love) IchigoRukia (Rukia is my absolute second favorite character in Bleach, and it is so obvious that Rukia and Ichigo were meant for each other. So if Ichigo ends up with Orihime... Satan will have a new follower... Just kidding! XD But seriously, if it does happen, then my parents are going to need a new TV. O.O) HitsugayaMatsumoto (Hitsugaya is my absolute favorite character in Bleach. He's such an adorable cutie. And Matsumoto... Well, she's just plain amazing. :) Now if only Momo and Gin would get eaten by hollows. That would be lovely. :D) IchigoHitsugaya (I just recently stumbled across this pairing and I must say: I'm pretty darn addicted to it! XD It's the cutest thing evar!!! Yea. I meant to spell it that way. :P) GrimmjowIshida (Strangest pairing ever. I know. But what can I say, O.O don't knock til you try it. XD) So that's really all I can remember right now. So I'll just play the "add-them-as-I-remember-them" game. :D And we've finally reached the bottom! Yay! I know. "Gah this girl can ramble". Sorry it's a thing that happens when I start talking... Or typing... I'm not really sure which yet. Anyways. We've reached the end and I would sing you a song, but thankfully, for your ears, we're internet-fied. Soooo! If you have any questions just email! Don't be shy. ;) xoxo |