I don't own Sukisho so don't rub it in!a\n:
This is kinda AU but it's actually kinda close to the manga when I think about it…-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Who is calling.
Flashing before me like old movie. A young boy. Blue spiky hair. Big blue eyes. And a smile. As big as it was beautiful. Who could you be?
I flopped out of bed in shock. Jeez! What was that all about!?! I'm laying here trying to get some sleep and look! Still wrapped and mangled in my sheets I glare at the person who woke me up. And there he stood. Matsuri towered over me, arms crossed with that god forsaking camera of his, complete with that happy-go-lucky smile on his face.
"GOOOD morning, Princess Nao!"
"Call me that again and you'll be the next person in the obituary."
"Oh C'mon! It's so much cuter than Prince! And it is your proper title."
"Well I don't care!! Give that name to someone in without any dignity as guy!"
"Ah…You're a real sourpuss Nao-chan. If I were you I'd get ready for class before Minato-sensei's session starts."
Oh yeah! Today is Saturday…which means we have Minato the whole day. Crappity, Crappity Crap! This day hasn't even started and it's sucking (1).
"I'm up!"
I exclaimed as I rush into the bathroom with a uniform about to speed dress. And like a runway model I was out with my teeth and long mid-calf length hair brushed, tied back and all. Minato, come hell and high water, always found ways to cause 3 hours of hell for everyone on Saturdays. And arriving late was a death wish! Oh dearest Kami-sama! If you have a shred of pity left (which is unlikely cause it's passed 7:30) (2) let me be not be late! The only time I'll see him nice is when he is off duty.
I grabbed my books, supplies and what ever else I would need and bolting for my room with Matsuri close behind. And at that moment I realized…Something happened, or rather yet something that didn't happen that happened only once in a blue moon. This was the first sign that hell was going to break loose. Almost regretting my actions I start.
"Matsuri what going on?"
"Why do you ask Nao-chan."
Matsuri replied with his 'I'm-an-innocent-bystander' face. The second omen! Kami-sama let me be wrong!
"This is the first time you haven't taken a picture of me or anything in the morning since 4th grade when I accidentally stepped on your camera and it needed to go in for repair or when…."
Realization is such a bitch. Kami-sama apparently run out of pity… I shake in a mixture of regret and fear.
"T-there isn't anything like that going on right, Matsuri!?!"
Matsuri only smiled.
This was a smile everyone in school knew all too well as the 'pack-bags-and-run-like-hell smile'. It was the smile that always that sent chills up and down my spine. He was planning something and it meant hell for me because 11 out of 10 times I'm part the scandal.
The reason why I couldn't run like hell as would most people in my position was because one…he would catch me. He ran so fast that track teams made him the unofficial captain and are fighting to get him as the official. He just won't leave student council for crap!
And two and this is in fact depressing, It's my job...both as the part of the school's 'do-it-all' team and…
"Princess Nao-Chan!(3)"
Yep. Just what the dudes with the banners, and crap for me said. I'm the one of the school's high-ranking princess. Why in the flaming hell would a guy in an all-boys boarding school would be forced into such a degrading roll. Simple. The principal is a crack patient who gets his sick kicks out of people misery and likes to act out his LSD induced dreams. But his cover up is what he calls the 'Monarchy System'.
The school picks a bunch of boys that are oh how do they put it…oh 'More beautiful than most' to liven up the school. But I heard news that there is another school that does the same thing but with only three or four princesses…
Wait… dudes with banners and crap for me!
"Princess Nao! Good morning!"
I pretended not to hear them but to no avail. They started to chase and I in turn sprinted in the direction of the school. That's when heard the loud speaker.
"All students and staff except for the following must report to the auditorium 2nd period. Shinichirou Minato, Matsuri Honjou, Sunao Fujimori, Ran Fujimori, Hiromu Sakura, Gaku Ichikawa, Ren Shiina and all three elective princesses please report to the respective student council room. ."
My heart sunk as I heard the announcers words…Maybe I didn't hear right…
"I repeat: students report to auditorium 2nd period. Main representatives and all princesses report to council room."
Crap it's worse!! Didn't I pay that announcer to 'forget' to call my when it came to things like this!! Minato must have been with him that! Damn coward! So what if he'd die! He made good money!
"Well, Nao-chan! Let's go to work!"
"…You don't mean that pit stop in hell, do you?"
"I hate you right now."
"I know!"
He said in that sickeningly sweet, happy voice. I swear I'll hit him for this…
Alright if anyone has heard of Princess-Princess, than know this is a very similar plot but I'm cramming a lot of stuff with it. Sunao reminded me of a yaoi version of the guy with pink hair in Princess-Princess so I just had to do it! So cute!
The day hasn't started until Matsuri has taken the first picture of the day!(2)
Anyone who has Minato for the day tries to beat the prayer rush hour in order to avoid getting detention that day because there is usually 500 people praying at once and everyone wants to be answered!