Disclaimer: I do NOT own Sailormoon.

Summary: I want to talk to you about something that's bothering me. We've been together for a long time now and I watched us go from nothing to something but it seems we forgot how to love each other and I don't want to throw this thing away… this thing called us…

Note: it's sad to say that this would be the last chapter of my story. Hope you all enjoy!

Thing Called Us
promises are made to break... yes I made mistakes
but what can I say... I'm only human...
I apologies for each and every lie...
Please don't leave me all alone...
Don't think I can make it on my own...



Present Time; 22:00 8th January 2007

Little shards of light slowly crept its way through the drawn curtains of the small hospital room. And although it was meant to bring warmth and happiness, the room had never felt colder than it did at that very moment. Some rays of light, which had managed to sneak its way past the bulky curtains, even managed to land on the girl lying limply upon the bed, as the man before her watched silently with hollowed eyes.

The bed where she lay was placed in the center of the room, and with all the wires attached to her, it made him feel that much more worse about the way he had been treating her, they way he had hurt her so. The steady beeping of the heart monitor drove him insane, and although he could do nothing, he sat there and prayed. Prayed for her to come back to him, for he had finally realized just how weak he really was without her.

Why am I so weak? He thought, running a shaky hand through his dishevel hair. It seemed that the nights he had stayed by her side endlessly, were starting to take its toll on him. She had not woken up since that fateful night he'd found her lying lifelessly on the floor of their apartment. Thank god he had decided to go home, for if he didn't… he was scared of what the possibility would have been.

The bedside table, which was obviously placed besides the bed that she lay upon, showed signs of dying flowers. They seem to mark the life of which they had so shortly lived besides her. Her friends had come in the next morning when she was first admitted into hospital, and although they seemed disgusted at his appearance, in which he understand the reason why, they had still respected his time with her, and therefore left within only an hour of staying. Yet it seemed that they hadn't visited since, and he was curious as to why they no longer come.

Was it because they knew something that he simply did not? Or was it because they hated him with such a strong passion, that even the very sight of him, made them want to turn and leave? Or could it be that the symbol of the dying red roses that sat so lovingly upon her bedside table resembled them… and the love they had for her?

Her long white blonde hair was spread transversely all over the bed and pillow, and due to the white sheets that followed with the hospital, only caused her golden honey locks to look like nothing more than tarnished silver. Her skin, although still looked like they were made from the finest of silk, held the notion of an age that did not suit her, and a pain that was so deep it crushed his soul.

The days went by slowly, and the nights even longer, as he sat, unmoving, besides her. Too scared to touch her, for he feared that the hurt he had caused her would only take her further away from him. His eyes had turned bloodshot from both the lack of sleep and the endless tears that silently cascaded down his face. Every night it seemed, that he would find himself in a puddle of tears, watching, helplessly, as the woman he had loved so deeply, lay before him.

It had long turned into night, and the little warmth that the sun had given him that morning had vanished completely. The silence that filled the room during the nights was almost to the point of deafening. And though he was told repeatedly by the staff there to go home and rest, he had not moved an inch. Even the patients there felt for his pain, for they would smile sadly at him every time they walked past her room.

And yet, they would never understand… that the pain that he was going through was nothing compared to the pain he had caused her.

Countless times throughout the nights that he had been there, he had questioned his survival. Wondering, how he would be able to survive when he could barely speak? When he could barely eat? When he simply couldn't even function normally? A roar of thunder shook the room, and the darkening of the weather outside followed by the hollowing and twisted windows almost made him smile in irony. Almost.

It seemed that even the gods above were angry at him for what he had done to one of their precious angels. Yet he knew, just as he had known with the patients, nothing they would ever do, would make him feel so empty… so lifeless and so cold, as he was now. He knew that nothing they could ever do to his being would make him feel so worthless like he was right now. For he had never cried, or even had come close to crying, like he had so many nights before.

He had finally thrown his pride down the drain and had let the tears flow endlessly from his broken soul.

And because of this, it then made him wonder. How many nights had she done this for him? How many nights had she shed such tears for him, when he had been so oblivious to it? How many times had she been hurt by his pain… and yet, he was clueless to all of this… because he had become the one thing that tore his family apart. The one thing that he promised he would never be.

He would never become selfish, greedy… and unfaithful… he had become his father… the man who broke his family apart, and crushed his mother's heart.

And so he was angry. Angry at himself for just realizing this now, out of all times, that he had caused the only girl he had ever loved pain. Why hadn't he realized the small hints that she had given him. When he would be home, the look of emptiness that enveloped him whenever saw her face, or the lack of eating… why was it now that he had finally realized that something was bothering her? The pain that was erupting from his soul that was ripping itself from the centre of his being was almost causing him to double over in pain. He wanted nothing more than to crawl into a small hole and let the pain wash over him. He felt so useless, so completely and utterly useless.


We used to be as one…
We never were apart…
The sun was always shinning in my heart…
Now those days are gone and I miss the love we had…


A small movement from the bed caught his eye as he moved with such speed that it was almost naked to the eye. He was standing over her bed in an instant, watching with hope that she would open her eyes and tell him that she was alright. Her mouth moved slightly, and her eyelids began to flutter. The hope was slowly growing within him. She was coming back, she wasn't leaving him.

Slowly, ever so slowly, her eyelids fluttered open, and the shock that shook his body almost caused him to fall back onto his car. Her eyes… the one thing that made him love her just that little bit more, were almost grey in colour. They looked so hollow and empty, that he wasn't sure if this was the right girl. For he remembered that the eyes she had were blue… and were filled with love… with life…

"Mamo… chan…" she whispered hoarsely, trying to smile even though she was clearly under great pain. He held her hand, and began to rub it against his face, they felt so cold, so tiny… she had gone so thin, that the bones were clearly evident under her velvet skin. His eyes began to brim over as he watched her smile at him.

"You're… here…" she whispered again, turning her hand around so that she was cupping his face. Her bony thumb slowly, ever so slowly, caressed his cheek as the smile she gave him never left her face. And because of that, Mamoru felt even worse about the way he had treated her. Here he was, after years of infidelity and pain, and she was lying there, looking as weak as ever… yet she had a smile upon her face.

"Usko… I'm so sorry… so sorry…" he murmured, letting the tears flow freely from his face. Letting them cascade so effortless down his cheek and into her palm where she held his face so lovingly… he apologized, over and over again, wanting nothing more than to fill her hug him, to comfort him… but she couldn't… for she was strapped in bed with wires of all sorts connected to her, and he was too afraid of hurting her anymore…

She took a shuddering breath that seemed to cause her more pain than she let on, and smiled once again, "don't be sorry… Mamo-chan… I forgive you… I always will…" it was getting harder and harder for her to talk, and yet she kept going, wanting to tell him what she wanted to say for so long…

"I love you… Mamo-chan… always… and forever…"

And with those words that left her lips, the hand that held his face ever so gently slowly feel upon the bed with a soundless thud. The beeping of the heart monitor no longer annoyed him with its endless beeping, but rather it chilled him with the sound of death. He stood there, lifeless, as he watched the red straight line that ran through the screen. He watched as the colour slowly drained from her already pale skin… watched as the lips that had formed into a smile… stayed the way it was…

He had wanted to reply, wanted to tell her that he was sorry for everything he had done, wanted to say sorry for all the pain he had caused her… he had wanted to tell her that he loved her, and only her… unconditionally, uncontrollably… but it was too late… she was gone… gone forever… and he couldn't do anything about it…

He back down, holding her cooling hand against his own, and whispered words of affection to her. the notion of her gone still hadn't seemed to register into his brain, and therefore he allowed the illusion that she was merely sleeping… she was only sleeping… that she would come back… and he would be able to tell her that he loved her… loved her more than life itself…

Doctors had come in half an hour or so later, and managed to remove his grip from her hand. The sad smile that had appeared upon everyone's face caused Mamoru to feel sick in the stomach. They felt sympathy for him, felt the room gloom over with pain when a white sheet was placed over her body. She was gone… and it was because of this that caused him to become violent in a fight of rage.

He damned that the doctors do everything in their will to bring her back, he tried to bribe with money, he even tried to threaten them, and yet they were angry, nor where they scared… no… they felt nothing but pain for him… for it was hard to lose someone you love… it was harder to see the one you love die before your eyes…

She was gone… and yet he still couldn't believe it… he couldn't believe that they were not together in anymore… and so he kept holding on… holding to that one hope… that one wish… that she would come back to him…


I'm dying here…
its clear to see…
if there aint no you…
god knows, there aint no me…
don't wanna live… I wanna die…
if I can't have you in my life…




The two songs used for this particular chapter was "Why Does It Rain?" by Darin, and "The Loneliness" by Babyface. They're both beautiful song that I thought suited perfectly with this story, and therefore decided to use it at the very end of this chapter to emphasis on the emotional turmoil that Mamoru was going through. (I also used the Babyface song in the previous chapter).

Thank you for all the lovely reviews and your dedication in sticking around when I hardly updated XD I hope you enjoyed reading this for it gave me great pleasure in writing this.

I've placed the results on the poll upon my profile, and although this wasn't the winning story, I felt bad for not finishing it off at the very ending. So yes…

Besides, I'm reviewing the other story, so I thought I'll place the first chapter to that story out. The revised version to "The Highway To My Heart" is called "Music For Lovers" and you can find it here…

H t t p : / / w w w . f a n f i c t i o n . n e t / s / 4 2 9 7 2 1 4 / 1 /

(without the spaces XD)