Hello my faithful readers and friends. The story has been revised and is now Grade A quality. If you read it again you'll notice the difference. The vocabulary et, if you choose not to re-read that's just dandy cause I got a new chapter and you can just jump to that. ENJOY.


If you're already in love or seeking love … It's not hard to let yourself fall into its all consuming fire.

The difficult part is our capability to express and trust and seek love's timeless wisdom … This is what makes and breaks the fragile strings that bind people together.

This is the story of Darien McKinnon and his wife Serena Lewis. What is he to do when his marriage is falling apart and it's entirely his fault? This story highlights the quest Darien has set for himself after he realizes just how much he truly loves Serena as he strives to prove this to her and save their marriage. Darien has a lot of work to do and changes to make to win her back. He's prepared to go to any lengths to prove this and make her happy.

Darien discovers loving is the easy part, expressing it another matter altogether. After everything they've been through … can he succeed in winning her heart?


I guess you could say; if there's one thing I'm not, it's incapable of loving somebody. As a matter of fact, quite the contrary. I feel love well enough, but my major problem is my incapability to adequately express my feelings for the one person who matters most in my life. To put it bluntly; I don't know how to convey my feelings for her.

My name is Darien McKinnon. I'm thirty one years of age and married to the most beautiful woman in the world, at least in my world. Alas, my lovely wife Serena has decided she wants a trial separation. Before I continue my story; I want to get this off my chest ... What the hell is a trial separation anyway? Either she wants to stay with me, or she doesn't. How can you put your life on trial like that? It's as if we were engaging in a theatrical farce and playing our marriage as if on stage. It's like trial parenthood. You're free to try it for seven days, and then if you want out, you simply take advantage of the cooling off period if you lose interest. You don't have to worry about the responsibility attached to keeping and caring for the child. No, of course not and why would you when you can hand it to somebody else, because you find it difficult to handle. It was only a trial, right?

Well to get to the point; she wants her trial separation in order to decide if living without me would make her happier. I hadn't considered the possibility that someone who claimed to love you would rip out your heart and walk away until she uttered those simple words that shattered my life. I had considered that perhaps there was something seriously wrong with my health, such as a problem with my heart. I was so close to seeing a god-damn doctor to get a prescription for a powerful sedative as the pain was so unbearable.

Just the thought can still make me shudder as memories of those sharp painful spasms were all too real. Unlike Serena, I never doubted my love for her, not for one moment. I was perfectly content waking up to see her sweet face every morning and before closing my eyes each night.

I loved her with all my heart. I was very afraid. Yes, I was afraid. Come on, who wouldn't be when your wife decides she wants a temporary hiatus, for such things could lead to divorce, and divorce meant failure. Essentially, Serena was telling me I'd failed her somehow, but I was clueless. Okay, maybe I'm not as ignorant as I would have you believe. Perhaps I saw it coming; I know you're probably wondering what really happened the night she told me she needed time out from our marriage.

I will go back to the point where it all started. I'll never forget the day I first set eyes on the sweet and lively Serena, and the way she stole my heart. I always laugh whenever I look back as these were the happiest days of my existence. The sad truth is; I know she treasures them as much as I despite our so-called, 'trial separation.'