Author has written 3 stories for Sailor Moon. Hi, I am Alexandria18 as you can see Update: 6/08 Yes, I've finally decided to return to my stories. It isn't that I've been away from , but that I've been converted to Naruto fics. I will try to be more dedicated to my stories, and hope that you who read them enjoy what I've written and will write. Name~ Well only a close few know that hehe Likes ~ Reading, Cooking, Drawing, Driving Motorcyles, Anime, and a new found liking towards Writing. I'll read anything, it doesn't matter what, although I do have an affinity toward fantasy and sci~fi. I have too many favorite books, and shows, and games to name them. I'm a fan of all kinds of music, I like both metal and classical, but I'm not a fan of most country and rap songs, although I do like a few I don't mind if anyone wants to pm me or anything, I rather enjoy talking to others, and am always up for ideas! I love to read books, and came accross this site from a friend (on Gaia) who wrote a lovely story and I just had to read more. I am not really a great writer or anything but I always have imagined different story lines on all the shows and books that I have seen and read. So all of this are from the mind of me, whatever comes out I can't help. I am rather random so beware. ~Muwahahahahahahahahaha~ ~falls over~ I think that I just scared myself Constructive Critisism is wanted, and welcome, I love reviews, and desire your comments! |