![]() Author has written 5 stories for Sailor Moon. 7/17/12 Hey guys, is there anybody interested in following an Author's Blog, where I will update about story ideas and my progress with series that I'm currently writing? You guys can hit me up with questions too. If anybody is interested, and I get enough feedback I will post a link to an Author's Blog for you guys. Please send me a message if you're interested. Thanks. 3/24/11 Hey everyone, I found a fix to get around the error, so the final chapter of LSFT is up! I hope you guys enjoy! Please read and review! 3/24/11 Hey everyone! I've got good and bad news! The good news is that I've finished LSFT! The bad news is that I ffnet has an error of somesort and I can't upload it until they get it fixed! SO...if you guys are dying to figure out what happens to your favorite couple, send me a message and I'll email you a copy of the last chapter. Thank you so much! 8/24/08 So school started about two weeks ago. Yeah, I know, it sucks. For all of you who are also returning to school, I give you all best wishes. I know that dreaded feeling, waking up every morning to trudge to class (where a quize, a test, an essay is most likely waiting for you). Worst of all, the dang school put me into FIVE AP classes...yes...that is "five" as in the number "5". Look, I'm not putting this information out there to gloat about my "intelligence" or lack there of (because I know I'm just a lazy slob like most teenagers out there--really--you should see my cluttered desk). I'm just warning you all that this coming year will be really tough on my ability to update my stories. I really don't have much time to myself. Along with Rec. soccer and homework I don't have the leisure to even worry about my health. I'm really sorry for not updating as I've promised this past summer, but certain events in my personal life had to be seen to first. I did not expect to spend nearly my entire summer with my Grandparents in San Diego (it was SO much fun--and there is no sarcasm in that admission) and so they don't have a computer in the house (I'm serious, no computer and internet). Therefore I could not type out all my ideas. I did do a lot of bonding with my family over the summer though, and I'm really glad I got to do that. A lot of memories made, for sure. But most importantly, the reason why I was in San Diego, was because of my aunt's wedding. My aunt (who is twenty-five) means the world to us kids (by "kids" I'm referring to all her nieces and nephews--my cousins and I). She just got married this summer in July, and now has moved to Texas to live with her husband's family. As a tribute to all the wonderful things that she has taught us and done for us, we kids collaborated to create a dance piece to the megamix of Grease for her (here's the link if you want to see it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MyudJvA0bWE). And so that's what I did the whole summer...trained little kids to dance...It may not have been a productive summer (though I did get my drivers license) but it was the most fun I've had in a long time. 6/14/08 Guess what? IT'S SUMMER! Freedom! Finals are over and I'm so relieved! I'm still managing my 4.18 GPA...(sorry, not really relevent, but I've been stressing about my grades lately)...! So, now I can dedicate all my time to writing...! Well, except that I'm taking 4 AP classes next year so I have a lot of summer assignments...darns... 6/10/08 Hey Everyone! You can add me on myspace! Just click on the homepage...but it would help if you guys sent me a message first...sometimes I'm weary of the people I accept as friends. I decided to give my myspace profile so that it'd be easier for you guys to contact me if you have questions. Thanks again. 6/9/08 Hey, I'm sorry I haven't updated. It's Finals week! I've got a bunch of studying to do before the school year is over, and so be patient with me, I promise after this week (the last week of school) I'll start writing the next chapter. And as for Saving All My Love For You: yes, it's a new series I'm starting. It'll probably be much shorter than LSFT. I'm planning probably only five chapters. I hope you guys like it. I know that some people avoid the whole Sailor Moon/music industry type thing, but I can only ask that you guys look beyond that and see that this story is more than just what it seems. It's a story about whether true love and innocence exist in the society we live in today. Everyday we see negative images about our pop culture and the people that we idolize (actresses, singers, musicians) and I'm just trying to define that in the world, we alone make it what we want it to be. This story is about Serena and Darien trying to create their own world. 5/16/08 I've got great news everyone! Expect a new chapter for LSFT in about a week or two! I'm so sorry you guys, that I've kept you waiting. I'm devastated that I stayed away so long from the Sailor Moon world too. But thanks for everyone's concerns. I know how much you guys want to see this story followed through, and I'm just here to tell you not to worry. My plan is to finish LSFT this summer (hopefully). But for me, school has gotten complicated, and I'm involved in a lot of extra activities this year, so I've simply not found the time to sit down and write. Luckily, the year is winding down to an end and my AP class is over, so now my time has been freed up a little. Thanks for all of your support throughout this time, it means a lot to me. Name: Gaosheng |