I am really sorry that I haven't updated, but I have been doing finals, and things in preparation for my graduation. Sadly this is our last rendezvous so now you will find out what happens. Thank you all, I really appreciate the reviews.


"Serena! I am coming for you," screamed an excited Darien. He found himself in the park where he met her last, hoping to find the golden woman waiting for his return. Arriving at the spot where she was, Darien searched around for her, "Serena, where are you."

"Noooo," Emerald screamed, as she was transported to the very world that she hates, earth. "Diamond, how could you do this to me, I loved you!" She cried, knowing that she will never be able to see him again. Her knees buckled as her body fell to the floor in defeat. Tears slide down her face, her emerald hair hanging loosely down her back. "Its all because of her," she repeated, her mind going close to insanity.

"Serena!" Darien called, searching for the woman he so desired for.

Emerald looked up, upon hearing a faint noise. She rose her weary body, her arms swaying uselessly by her side, to find the body of the voice she heard. An evil grin formed on her face, as she spotted Darien calling for the very woman that she despised.

A new energy and excitement filled Emerald as she quickly hid behind a tree before she could be spotted. "So this is the one who Serenity loves," she growled, her hands clenched. She turned to look at the man, "I shall make you suffer as I have suffered." Calling on her power Emerald's body began to glow black, she closed her eyes as her body began to disappear, and another woman's appeared. She looked at herself to make sure there weren't any flaws, and then slowly walked from behind the tree, "Darien!" she screamed, her now blue eyes dutifully filled with tears, and her new blond hair in buns floated gracefully behind her, as she ran into the arms of the waiting Darien.

"Serena, I knew you would come," a relieved Darien whispered, his arms wrapping tightly around the woman he assumed to be Serena. The tiny blond before him graciously accepted his hug, her eyes flashing a dark emerald for a second.

"What!" whispered a shocked Diamond, he had just brought her to her bedroom and was thinking back of what just happened, "Don't you mean Diamond," he questioned the sleeping woman. "This will not do," he growled. He looked down at her "You are mine, and mine alone." He lovingly stroked her cheek, his gloved hand barely touching her soft skin, as soft sigh escaped her lips, as she mumbled something. Diamond sat beside her, "What was that my love?" he whispered as he leaned down to eyelevel with her.

"Darien, I'm cold." She mumbled again, she slightly opened her eyes, not really focusing. She slide over so she could rest her head on Diamond's lap, "Promise me you won't ever leave me again, Darien." She whispered as she took hold of Diamond's hand.

Diamond grudgingly grasped her hand, "Don't you mean Diamond?" he questioned, as he played with Serena's hair, stroking each strand.

"Yes, I do Diamond," she whispered, she fully was awake now, she slowly rose up to sit next to Diamond, she slipped a slender arm around his waist.

"I am glad my queen, for a moment there I thought you forgot me," he chuckled, returning Serena's embrace by pulling her into his lap. She leaned against him, gazing into his violet eyes. "Serenity, I love you." She in return reached up and placed her lips on him, he pulled his arms tighter around her forcing her to kiss his even harder.

Darien pulled the woman he was hugging slightly away from him to get a good look at his Serena. Emerald smiled at him, "Serena, I am so glad that you are back, there are no words to express how I feel for you." Emerald leaned forward kissing him, he returned it graciously, but something was missing. He pulled back. "Serena, what did they do to you?" he gazed into her eyes questioningly, "You seem different."

Emerald giggled seductively "Nothing silly, it's me the same old Serena." Emerald began to panic, if he figured out that she wasn't Serena her plan was foiled. She thought back on the antics of Serenity, as if a light bulb was turned on in her head she turned back to Darien, "I'm hungry lets gets some food." She burst out.

Darien laughed, not letting go," Now that sounds like my Serena," he kissed her again, "you can get whatever you want, I'm hungry myself, I haven't eaten in a while." He turned leading her out of the park.

Serena snuggled against Diamond, contented to just sit there. She thought back of what happened with Emerald, "I love you to Darien," found itself in the forefront of her mind. She grew tense as thousands of images as if released all at once flooded her mind. Diamond noticed her become stiff her looked at her questioningly, she turned to look at him her mind confused, "Diamond?"

"Yes, my love?" he lazily smiled at her.

"Who am I really?" she grimaced as those words flew out of her mouth. She pulled herself apart from him, rising from the bed she stood a little away from it staring at him determinedly.

Slightly taken aback by her question Diamond looked at her for a moment, "Why you're my queen, Serenity" He reached out trying to take her hand to lead her back into his lap, but she remained in her spot.

Serena looked at him, "Who is Darien?" she questioned, the words barely coming out of her mouth, she continued, "who was that man on the earth?" "Serena my love don't you remember me?" plagued her mind once again. "Not again!" she cried her knees buckling, as she slide to the floor. She clutched her head with her hands, confused; her hair fell to the floor as pools of golden liquid. Thoughts of two lives passed before her eyes, one with Diamond, and one with Darien. "I'm so confused!" she screamed.

Diamond could sense that she was beginning to remember her past life. He quickly rose to seat himself beside Serena, "Serenity, you are my queen," his deep voice resonated, "Serenity of the nega moon, you have always been that, now snap out of it." He gently reached out and touched her shoulder reassuringly.

As if Diamond set his own trap, Serena looked at him, her mind becoming clear, "Darien is my only true love," she whispered as if the very words would destroy her. "Diamond, it is all coming back to me, you can no longer keep me here." She looked at him determined, she rose menacing, then smiled, "I am going to my Darien, I've been away from him to long." She bent down giving him a small peck on the cheek, "I am sorry Diamond, but Darien is the only one for me, in all of my lifetimes."

Diamond reached out grabbing her hand, "That's where you are wrong" he growled, as he pulled her roughly on the floor. "You belong to me and me alone, I don't care who you claim to be your love, I am the only one you will have." He threw her onto the ground, Serena tensed up; he began to reach down to kiss her.

"Diamond, please no" she whimpered.

"I've waited long enough, I am not going to wait anymore," Diamond began to kiss her his hands resting on her stomach, trailing to her thigh. Serena struggled to get up but his body was to heavy for her to move. "It's sad that it has to come down to this, Serenity" he began to unlace her clothing.

Serena cringed, her body beginning to shake," NO DIAMOND," she screamed. She soon found herself naked, with Diamond kissing her all over. Her eyes glazed over preparing for the worst. All of a sudden her forehead began to glow, Diamond stopped kissing her and looked up, she pushed him with all of her strength forcing him to get off of her. She sat up, crying, "I just want to go home," with that she found herself floating, Diamond rose quickly trying to pull her back down, but she began to disappear, he clung to her ankle.

Darien held Emerald's hand walking contentedly out of the park. All of a sudden the sky became unnaturally bright. A naked woman appeared into the sky. Darien looked at her shocked, "Serena?" he looked at Emerald beside him, and then Serena slowly floating towards him.

"Darien!" Serena screamed, her body floating slowly towards him, white ribbons pulling and forming to her body, flapping in the wind. A beautiful white gown materialized, causing her to look like an angel coming from above, her arms outstretched. She flung herself into Darien's arm causing him to fall to the ground, her white gown covering him, her golden hair surrounding them both. She reached down and kissed him, softly at first, then with urgency.

Darien watched as the woman from above transformed into the princess he knew and loved. "Serena," he gasped falling to the ground her small body covering his, she planting his face with kisses. He wrapped his arms around her, this was the real thing, this was his Serena. "Serena." He held her in awe of the beauty she was.

Emerald watched in awe as the communion between Serena and Darien took place. Tears streamed down her face as she retransformed and became Emerald again. "I am sorry Serena, I'll never try to harm you again, I only wish that I could have the same love that you two have, with me and Diamond." She bowed her head in disgrace, tears slipping down the bridge of her nose.

Serena turned to look at Emerald, tears streaming down her own face, "I wish that you could find someone to love you to Emerald." She sat up, sitting in Darien's lap, he with his arms wrapped around her waist.

Diamond out of the shadows threw a blast of energy towards the reunited couple, "You will leave my Serenity alone," he screamed. His eyes were aglow with rage and desire. Darien stood to fight him, transforming into Prince Endymon, blocking Serena from Diamond's path.

"No Diamond, you will leave them alone." Emerald calmly announced, as she walked towards him. Her face still had tears streaming down, but her eyes showed determination, and strength. Diamond looked at her angrily. She stood before him, glancing over at where Serena and Darien were, "They have a love we will never be able to understand, we must leave Diamond, it just was never meant to be." She wrapped her arms around his upper torso, her eyes closed for a moment. She then looked over at Serena, "I am sorry my queen, we will never bother you again." Then she disappeared, taking Diamond with her.

"Thank you." Serena whispered to the empty space before her. Darien then turned to face her, a smile on his face. Serena looked at his face, she reached out a finger tracing his chin, a gentle smile forming, "I love you Darien."

Darien gazed intently into Serena's eyes; "I love you Serena" he leaned over and kissed her deeply.

Breaking apart, Serena buried her face into his chest, "please forgive me for attacking you Darien?" she pleaded.

Darien smiled, "I'll forgive you as long as you promise me not to ever leave my side again," he held her tightly, "I don't think I could live without you."

Serena giggled, "To think that I almost left you for Diamond."

Darien looked at her, "So do you want to go back to him, is he a better lover then?" he looked at her jokingly, she opened her mouth to reply, but was stopped by a kiss.

The End

So did you like it? I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!

If you have any comments as to how I can improve my writing, or any suggestions as to what I should write next please let me know. Thank you all for taking the time to read my story. Please review.
